The sea god sacrifice, the crowd in the holy city is like the sea.

There was a lot of discussion around the audience, and the voice was noisy.

Fang Yuan In the crowd, carefully observe these alternate saintess, his eyes are faint.

In his plan, he will choose one of them and support her to become the saintess of this generation.


“Supporting saintess in the upper position?”

“right, this time cold wave tribe Patriarch cost great effort, to support the autumn frost girl.”

Xie Hanmo’s blue-scale and red-scale guards, after hearing the solid information, looked at each other and saw each other’s worries.

In the hall, Fang Yuan sat aside, secretly gnashing his teeth, and his face was not good-looking.

Before Xie Hanmo resisted Supervision Envoy and saved Fang Yuan, the rumors were fermented more and more, which eventually led to the re-convening of the sea gods and the selection of saintess.

“This is a trick. The other side is to look at the saintess adult Xinci, and will not give up on me, thus creating this situation.” Fang Yuan look up to sky and heave a deep sigh, feeling that he dragged Xie Hanmo.

Xie Hanmo swept him aside, said with a slight smile: “Fang Yuan, you don’t have to blame yourself. If we gave up on you, then there would be rumors and rumors that I am ruthless, still fighting against my prestige.”

“Saintess adults, at this time, you don’t have to comfort me.” Fang Yuan smiled bitterly. “The rumors of these two natures are fundamentally different in severity. My time is not too short. I don’t know the doorway.” ?”

Xie Hanmo laughed: “Okay, let’s not say this, saying that these are not good for the situation.”

Fang Yuan, the blue scales, and the red scale guards have complexion changed, actively adjusting their mentality.

Xie Hanmo continued: “Saintess is really not a good place to sit. I just started to check for corruption. Some people want to tear me down from the position. This shows that the old corrupt family in the Holy Court is serious! Everyone It doesn’t have to be too pessimistic. Although it is a re-convening of the Poseidon Festival, I have not lost my qualifications. Isn’t that so? It is not so easy to support a saintess.”

Where there is someone, there is Jiang Hu.

This sentence is also especially useful for Merpeople.

There are also intrigues between Merpeople, and there are disputes about interests.

The saintess is highly weighted. If the internal forces of Merpeople can support a saintess, they will be subject to policy tilt and care for the next period of time.

Generally speaking, the Merpeople girls who can compete with saintess often have a deep background or stand behind them with 1~2.


Seabed Holy City, the melodious singing gradually stopped, and the fierce drums rang.

In the square, only the last few Merpeople girls were left, and they danced tirelessly, each showing the ambition of competing saintess.

Fang Yuan stood outside the square and looked around. The seven Merpeople girls are all beautiful, some charming, some youthful, some human and some dignified.

In the middle of the square is a huge essence spring, known as the sea god, the spring water spewing, holding up an old Merpeople old granny, she is the Grand Elder in this Merpeople group.

Grand Elder glanced at the seven Merpeople girls, slightly nod, said solemnly: “saintess first test, petroleumy fishing golden needle.”

Bone barely fell, immediately there are more than a dozen Strength Dao Gu Master, carrying a huge water tank, step into the square.

Dōng dōng dōng ……

In a series of heavy muffled sounds, seven water tanks were placed in front of the seven Merpeople girls. The huge water tanks are several times higher than they are, and the Merpeople girls can only see the water tank if they float up.

The tank is filled with a deep and deep petroleum. The test of the first test is to remove a golden-sized golden needle from the petroleum within the specified time.

“I asked my followers to play.” White Scale Merpeople Su Yi looked at the huge water tank in front of her eyes and looked calm.

“Request for approval.” Grand Elder looked at Su Yi deeply.

“Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous.” Xia Lin kept cheering for herself in the bottom of her heart and hurriedly walked up the square.

“What happened? Dignified Su Yi Eldest Young Lady, actually invited a Rank 2 Gu Master as a follower?”

“don’t be impatient, Su Yi can choose this way, it shows that this little Merwoman must have been extraordinary.”

People around are constantly talking.

“Is she?” Fang Yuan saw Xia Lin, can’t help but brows slightly, and did not expect this woman to become the most popular follower of the saintess.

Oil 蛊!

Xia Lin floats in front of the tank and motivates the Rank 5 Gu Insect.

In an instant, the petroleum in the tank had a change, was extracted by Xia Lin, and merged into the palm of her palm, and disappeared.

The crowd was sensational.

“This is the breath of Rank 5 Gu!”

“Is it just a Rank 2 Gu Master, can actually drive the Gu insect of Rank 5? I am not mistaken?”

“I understand that this should be the Rank 5 that has been maddening recently.”

“It turned out that this little Merwoman mastered such a good Gu insect, no wonder she would be recruited by Su Yi to become her follower!”

The effect of oil production is not covered. After a while, the water tank is empty, and a golden needle is placed at the bottom of the tank.

The audience was sensational.

Countless hot eyes are concentrated on Xia Lin.

Xia Lin is more nervous, full of blushing, a cute and unpredictable look.

Su Yi looked at her, her mouth was smiling, secretly said in heart: “I will recruit her, and it is true.”

In the first test, Su Yi relied on the amazing performance of Xia Lin and there was no limelight.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are like deep pools. As the crowds of the field gradually leave the square: “The first test, the seven candidates were promoted to a full six, seeing their performances are well prepared. Obviously this test is premature The title.”


The flame of the tragic green burned in front of Xie Hanmo, forming a fire.

The same is the white scale Merwoman’s autumn frost, has calmly walked over, standing on the other side of the fire, play at the bottom of Xie Hanmo: “Previous saintess adults, see you.”

“Damn! This kinder fire specializes in burning souls and needs to use a specific Gu insect to compete. We have prepared very well, but I didn’t expect this first test to be so partial!”

“What’s even worse is that the autumn frost is actually equipped with Gu insect, which can counter the nether fire. This is Luck Qi?hmph! I am afraid I have known it in advance. This is the conspiracy of the cold wave tribe, which is bare and bare. Personal malpractice!”

The blue scales and the red scales were filled with indignation.

“Let me come.” Fang Yuan walked to Xie Hanmo in frowns.

“You?” Xie Hanmo looked at the water and looked at Fang Yuan.

“Believe me once, I have the confidence.” Fang Yuan blinked in his eyes and looked directly at Xie Hanmo.

The two looked at each other for a while and finally Xie Hanmo shifted his gaze.

“absolutely be careful, this kinder fire is not easy… if it can’t support it, it will be retreat in the middle.” Xie Hanmo said.

Fang Yuan laughed, suddenly turned and took a big step and walked into the nether fire.


The ultimate pain, bursting from the depths of the soul, hits Fang Yuan all over the body.

Fang Yuan trembled and struggled step by step.

He bite his teeth and bite the bleeding.

He glared at his eyes and his eyes cracked open.

His soul was baked in the flame, melting, but fortunately he has two generations of accumulation, and is the identity of Demon from Beyond The Heavens, the effect of the nether fire is slightly weaker than ordinary people.

He will never give up halfway because he knows, but instead of Xie Hanmo take action, it means that once he fails, Xie Hanmo fails.

When he finally took the road of the nether fire, the audience was sensational, and countless shocked eyes focused on him.

Countless Merpeople moving.

Fang Yuan tried her best to make a hard laugh, but after a moment later, he completely passed out.

But just as he was about to fall to the ground, Xie Hanmo came in time and held him in his arms.

“You can rest assured that I will not live up to your efforts.” Xie Hanmo looked at Fang Yuan deeply and looked up towards autumn frost. In her gentle, watery eyes, the first time there was a cold light.

Thanks to Fang Yuan’s desperate struggle, Xie Hanmo has crossed a well-designed trap.

The second test, the third test, the fourth test…

She triumphed all the way, and soon made other competitors eclipsed, only Merwoman autumn cream has a fight.

“It seems that Xie Hanmo’s position to retain saintess should be promising.” Off the court, Fang Yuan’s face was still pale, sitting weakly and looking happy.

“This is still thanks to you, Fang Yuan, without your performance in the first test, we will not go to the present.”

“Hahaha, your kid has successfully walked the fire, everyone is almost stupid. After a few days, you wake up again, you don’t know the news that you are still alive, and stunned the number of Merpeople in the Holy City!”

The blue scales and the red scales were laughing.

Fang Yuan has converged with a happy color: “Be careful, the situation today is very beneficial to us, but the other party will never give up.”

Fang Yuan expected the cold wave Patriarch to take action, but did not expect it to be in this insidious way.

In the house, the red-scale guards squatted on the ground, and they were flushed: “Saintess adults, please approve me to play, wash their jealousy and grievances against me. How can I bully a widow?!”

Xie Hanmo sighed: “When you get up, of course I know that you are a human being, but at this time it is obviously the other party’s tricks. If you so impulsively rush out, it will inevitably make the design people conspiring.”

The blue-scale guards looked sad: “This widow is not an ordinary widow. It is Bu Sulian, the widow of the predecessor of the Holy Trinity. The other party is too ruthless, I am afraid that the Supervision Envoy will come soon, detain the red scales. Interrogation. As a result, the red scale can not participate in the next test, our strength will be greatly damaged!”

Fang Yuan continued: “Bu Sulian, the widow of the predecessor of the three tribes, is willing to abandon his reputation and slay the red scale guards. She and the cold wave Patriarch must be deeply involved, and the corruption must be very serious. Otherwise, it will never be so shirtless. Since the other party can set this plan, it must be fully prepared. If we want to clarify the truth, we will fall into the rhythm of the other party. Only if we make a mistake, we will have a turn.”

“How can I make a mistake?”

“It’s very simple, let me sin.” Fang Yuan indifferently said.

Blue scales, red scales and big eyes, stupidly looking at Fang Yuan.

“No.” Xie Hanmo vetoed categorically.

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