The faint water waves rippled in front of you, and in the extreme silence, a group of Gu Master gradually went deep into the seabed.

The light on the top of the head is gradually reduced, and the sea of ​​all directions brings more and more water pressure.

Someone started to drive Water Shell Gu.

The Water Shell Gu, created by Fang Yuan, is naturally effective!

Almost at the moment of opening, the Gu Masters of the small fishing village felt the pressure drop suddenly, and it was easy to remove the burden of a hundred pounds.

Gu Masters’ faces were filled with surprises, even if they were ready to test the Water Shell Gu in the village chief’s house.

But at this moment, suddenly someone signaled the police.

A large group of weaving Sea Spiders rushed to them.

This Sea Spider snorkeling is very fast, and it rises out. Once it meets the prey, it will be scatteredly scattered. From the inside of the body, a path of tenacious will be spit out, and the prey will be bundled until it is slaughtered.

Seeing such a large group of Sea Spider, the Gu Masters of the small fishing village turned pale, and even the old village chief, the Rank 3 Gu Master, was full of horror and could not calm down.

The size of the Sea Spider is very large, and the best thing about this kind of thing is to hit it with less and weaker. Many ferocious beasts in the sea will be forcibly entangled in them and eventually die.

Even with the Rank 3 Gu Master, entanglement is not their opponent.

The danger of seabed is too much. On the surface, the ocean is calm and calm, but in reality it is undercurrent, killing intent four cloth.

“No problem.” Fang Yuan sound transmission, he waved his hand at the crucial moment.

a moment later, Gu Masters of Xiaoyu Village almost lost their eyes!

I saw a huge stream of water, which was instantly formed, slammed into the Sea Spider group, and then turned into a huge whirlpool, as if a tornado had all the Sea Spiders involved.

“Come on, I can’t support it for a long time.” Fang Yuan said deliberately.

Gu Masters in the small fishing village woke up in a dream and continued to sink.

After reaching a safe distance, Gu Masters looked back and the huge swirl of water began to dissipate slowly. The Sea Spider was turned into a sequel, and their intelligence was extremely low. They followed the instinctive action and did not have the prey in front of them. After they rejoined, they continued to move forward.

The stone of Gu Masters is laid down, and the look at towards Fang Yuan’s eyes are full of worship and awe.

Many Gu Masters who played against Fang Yuan discovered that the original cushion strength of Chu Ying Great Master was so powerful! The most important thing is that the way he handles is also very sensible.

If you kill in the sea, bloody will cause more trouble.

Only such a sleepy and not killing, the party is old and hot.

The team continues to move forward and has Fang Yuan escort. These Gu Masters are not at all risky.

Sea Spider is just one of the dangers of seabed lurking. There are no fewer than one hundred kinds of ferocious beasts that Gu Master faces. Sometimes, when encountering special currents, they only follow the tide and are weak.

The next journey, although there is still some trouble, but it is no longer a disaster like Sea Spider.

The tour stopped and stopped, and it was hard work. Finally, everyone dive into the ditch.

It doesn’t need to go deep into the ditch, because the petroleum resources here are quite rich, and until now there is no flaw in the existence of Immortal Rank.

The trench is full of pitch-black oil, and there are countless strands of spilling out. These shares of petroleum, at first glance, are like the feet of one by one of the huge octopus, and they are like the kelp of the city wall, intertwined and messy.

The Gu Masters of the small fishing village have spurred Gu insects, cautiously close to these spilled petroleum.

They started collecting petroleum as if they were one by one hard bee.

Fang Yuan didn’t do it, but stopped quietly to observe it.

These collections of petroleum special Gu insect, almost all are oil Gu Master’s Core Gu, Life-Bound Gu. Fang Yuan did not ask about this in the previous contact exchanges. This is a taboo. But with his eyes now, just look at it a little, and you know it.

Refining Dao Quasi Supreme Grandmaster Realm, this is not a joke!

“The first resource around this unnamed little sea island is only petroleum. I will use these petroleum as materials to make Gu insects and deliver them to them in order to make their oil production efficiency soar.”

Just thinking, suddenly a large group of Shell-fanged Shark rushed over.

These sharks open the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, full of white shells, serving as their teeth.

Shell-fanged Shark is unique.

They are born without teeth, and in the process of growing, they choose shells in the seabed sand, contained in the mouth. Over time, these shells use their gums as the soil of life and survive in them. The longer the year, the whiter and harder it is.

Shell-fanged Shark uses these shells as their teeth, and the biting prey is far more powerful than the common shark.

This wonderful symbiotic relationship made the young Shell-fanged Shark battle strength weak, but it also made the adult-shelled Shell-fanged Shark become the overlord of the shark.

Right now, this group of sharks, both individual and quantitative, are even stronger than the previous woven Sea Spider. However, Gu Masters in the small fishing village is not surprised.

They shuttle between the spilling belts of the stock, making it very flexible. At times, the collected petroleum will be sprayed out and the obstacles will be placed.

Shell-fanged Shark chasing these Gu Masters, they are huge and it is very inconvenient to swim between the petroleum belts. Once stuck to the body by the petroleum, the speed will drop sharply, and even stick to the petroleum, and you will not be able to get out of it.

The Gu Masters of the small fishing village used the favorite location and quickly fed the shell-fanged Shark as food to the trenches of the trench.

These Shell-fanged Shark struggled without Strength Qi and were slowly covered by the petroleum until they were completely swallowed up.

In general, petroleum will digest for a long time to completely erode these Shell-fanged Sharks, and each inch of flesh and bone will eventually turn into a new petroleum.

Petroleum is immortal materials, it owns Gourmet Dao’s Dao Marks, it is not safe, and the trench filled with petroleum is itself a dangerous place.

Fang Yuan looks at this scene, the heart is secretly emotional.

He can’t help but recall the five hundred years of previous life, the first time I saw the petroleum devour the prey. From that day on, he had a nightmare for several nights, dreaming that he was stuck by the petroleum, slowly swallowed, and no one was saved.

Generally speaking, the Gu Master is going to go hand in hand, that is, in the process of collecting, Gu Master is stuck by the petroleum and finally lost his life.

However, the Gu Masters in a small fishing village will not be too hordes, and it is easy to cause disputes. It is very easy for the second to encounter danger.

It is a special case that the Gu Master in the small fishing village is almost in the nest.

“I suggest that you pull out the thoughts of Shell-fanged Shark, who just got stuck. These are also coffins and can be used for me.” Fang Yuan said with sound transmission.

“Chu Great Master, these Shell-fanged Sharks have all been contaminated by petroleum.” The old village chief hesitantly said.

“Reassured, I have a way to extract these petroleums. Believe me, these Shell-fanged Shark will be very helpful to you.” Fang Yuan smiled.

He just imagined a Gu Formula, which can be used as a main material coffin.

If there is no Water Shell Gu, Gu Masters of these small fishing villages will not believe it, but since Fang Yuan has shown such strength, the old village chief has no hesitation, but ordered: “You are also heard, not ready to do? But absolutely Be careful, we can’t get the petroleum ourselves. If it’s stained, it can be too much trouble to handle.”

Not only trouble, but also costly!

After all, these petroleums are immortal materials. Once they are stained, Gourmet Dao’s Dao Marks is engraved on Gu Master. The effect of mutual exclusion of Dao Marks is fatal, not to mention the fact that Gu Master is not able to withstand the erosion of petroleum.

“You can rest assured that if you are contaminated with petroleum, I can lift it for you 100%.” ​​Fang Yuan spoke.

His words made Gu Masters overjoyed, but even though he had a ticket, these Gu Masters were still cautious and solemn, fearing that they would be contaminated with the petroleum that they loved and hated.

One by one’s Shell-fanged Shark was taken out.

Most of them are not dead, and there is still life.

Falling into the petroleum, it will not die in a short time because of suffocation.

At this time, a small accident happened.

“See what I found? I was trapped by a Merpeople.” One Gu Master pulled out the body of a Merpeople.

She is all viscous petroleum, has been able to distinguish the appearance, only vaguely seen from the body is a woman.

“She seems to have some breath…” It was a surprise to rescue Merpeople’s Gu Master.

“Let me come.” Fang Yuan took the action.

Gu Masters was shocked because they saw the petroleum as an obedient child, separated from Merpeople, and eventually obediently gathered in front of Fang Yuan’s to form a huge black ball.

“Chu Great Master is really deep and unmeasurable!”

“How much, how many petrols can be collected each time!”

Gu Masters envy the desire and respect the Fang Yuan.

“So you can rest assured that if you are there, you will be safe and sound.” Fang Yuan’s move was purely for the relief of these people, but a moment later, the smile of his mouth suddenly stagnate.

His eyes stopped on Merpeople’s face and he was rarely lost.


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