A few days later.

The tides rise and fall, hitting the rocks and inspiring thousands of waves.

In the words of bad words, the unnamed sea island can be described as barren mountains and unruly rivers. First of all, the area of ​​the entire sea island is not large, and then it is the trench petroleum. It is because of the abundance of petroleum in the trenches that caused the cultivation resources of other genres to be suppressed and the products to wither.

Human desires are endless, so Human Dao is not enough to make up for it, the weak are prey to the strong. Heavenly Dao is not enough to make up for the balance of everything.

Because of the existence of immortal materials such as petroleum, the other resources of the unnamed sea island are very ruined. The scale of small fishing villages has been the same for hundreds of years, and the development is slow. The Gu Master that can be raised only has single digits, and few are few. .

At this moment, Fang Yuan is playing against a middle-aged Rank 2 Gu Master in the village center of the small fishing village.

Pēng pēng pēng.

After a few bursts of fire, the water splashed, and the middle-aged Rank 2 Gu Master was drenched into a broth and softened on the ground.

Fang Yuan stood in the same place as Chu Ying’s face, holding his hands, his mouth and his mouth smiling.

From the beginning to the end of this discussion, Fang Yuan stood in the same place and did not move at all.

The middle-aged Rank 2 Gu Master struggled to stand up and bowed his hand: “The Great Master of Chu is extraordinary, and he is served, thank you for the guidance of Chu Great Master.”

He is really convinced.

A few days ago, Fang Yuan deliberately pretend to be Rank 4 Gu Master, and entered the small fishing village, and began to contact the Gu Master here.

At that time, his appearance caused a sensation. There are very few outsiders in small fishing villages, especially ones who are alone.

Fang Yuan is the Gu Master’s identity, which is involved in this small fishing village. Undoubtedly, his arrival disrupted the quiet life of the small fishing village.

Even mortals, without Gu Master cultivation, understand that their village has a powerful Gu Master.

Yunyou Gu Master.

This kind of Gu Master travels around, has no fixed place, and is often single, but there are also two or three partners.

The Gu Master Gu Master is often powerful and has few weak points.

This is very obvious.

The outside environment is not safe, and Yun Gu Master can travel around, of course, it must have a good ability. This skill does not simply refer to the battle strength, but also includes living, eating, hiking, feeding Gu insect and so on.

Without strong strength, it is not a Gu Master’s.

Therefore, when Fang Yuan appeared, it caused the only few Gu Masters in the small fishing village to be highly vigilant.

Fang Yuan Rank 4 Gu Master’s breath makes them very jealous.

The first time I met, Fang Yuan claimed that her Gu insect needed to be fed and asked the old village chief for a coffin.

The old village chief is the only Rank 3 Gu Master in the small fishing village, and the one who was searched by Fang Yuan. He did not dare to refuse Fang Yuan’s request and had to promise it.

The discussion ended, and the middle-aged Rank 2 Gu Master found the old village chief.

Closing the house, releasing Gu insects, the two began to talk.

Middle-aged Gu Master does not speak, looks bitter and sad. The old village chief said with a smile : “Now do you know that the Great Master is strong?”

Middle-aged Gu Master has nodded: “The strength of Chu Great Master is deep and unmeasurable, and even if we fight together, it is definitely not his opponent!”

After that, he was very reluctant to look at the village chief: “But let us ask him to ask for a coffin? His Gu insect is hungry, that is his business, why should it be spread over our heads? The most critical Yes, the treasury of our village has accumulated for generations, and it has been almost emptied by him in just a few days!”

The old village chief was silent for a while, which meant a long time – ly said: “The Gu Master Gu Master has this practice. When going to a place, he exchanges coffins and feeds his own Gu insect. Such Gu Master is often powerful. Therefore, local forces usually do not refuse to go out, they will actively cooperate and make a good relationship. This time, we should be a good relationship.”

Middle-aged Gu Master can’t help but raise your brow, and the angry intent in the tone is more and more vigorous: “The village chief said that you exchanged it yourself! But the Chu Great Master is asking for it directly, not at all. What to pay for.”

“What do you say? What can we do?” The old village chief looked at the middle-aged Gu Master.

The middle-aged Gu Master suddenly stopped, and after a few breaths of silence, his anger dissipated, his straight back collapsed, his face was bitter, painful and deeply helpless.

“The fire is almost the same.” On the other side, Fang Yuan smiled slightly.

The words of the middle-aged Gu Master and the old village chief are all monitored by Fang Yuan’s. Even the entire small fishing village’s every move, he is clear.

A few days ago, he entered the deep sea and wanted to collect the trench petroleum. But later, his mind flashed and changed his mind.

Fang Yuan suddenly clear comprehension to: “It is nothing to charge petroleum, the real focus is Paradise True Inheritance! Let’s try it out.”

Therefore, Fang Yuan changed the way to rely on Yun Gu Master’s identity to face the small fishing village.

The next day.

The old village chief looks at Fang Yuan who came to the door and took the initiative. He was so bitter in his heart that he smiled on the surface and bowed his back. – said: “Chu Great Master is there any coffin missing?”

Fang Yuan lightly smiled : “Old man, many thanks for your hospitality, I am leaving.”

The old village chief glanced, and immediately rose to the infinite joy, but he restrained, full of horror and bitterness, and saved: “Chu Great Master is so anxious to go? Why not stay a few more days, let us do more Some landlord friendship.”

Fang Yuan shook his head, intentionally said: “Old Zhang, this severe days is too much trouble for you, and then stay, I am afraid they are not coming to me to discuss, is to find me desperate.”

The old village chief was shocked and immediately smiled: “The Great Master knew it.”

Fang Yuan sounds calm: “I have been walking outside for so many years, how can I not know your thoughts? But this person is not a bullying person. So before I leave, I will leave something for you.”

The old village chief was overjoyed, and some of them were suspicious, but their hands were swaying again and again: “Great Master, you don’t have to be like this, you are so polite.”

“Go and call all the Gu Masters.” Fang Yuan puts a smile, indifferently said.

After a while, almost all of the Gu Masters in the house of the old village chief came to the scene. What was missing was the middle-aged Gu Master who studied yesterday.

“It is unfortunate that he went deep into the seabed to collect the petroleum, I am afraid that today is to be missed.” The old village chief on behalf of the leave.

Fang Yuan glanced at him deeply, laughed: “The old village chief is more concerned. Everyone please see, this one Gu Insect.”

Fang Yuan stretched out his hands and slowly unfolded to reveal a Rank 2 mortal gu.

This Gu insect is white and blue in color, shaped like a shell, as big as a jade bracelet.

Fang Yuan continued: “This is the Water Shell Gu, which forms a water shell on the Gu Master, which greatly resists the force of seawater pressure. With this Gu Insect alone, it can be deep in the sea.”

The Gu Master in the house suddenly banged.

“Rank 2 Gu Insect, can you get the sea six miles away?”

“Water Shell Gu, why haven’t I heard it?”

Fang Yuan smiled: “You may wish to try.”

After trying it out, Gu Masters was pleasantly surprised. They found that this Gu Insect there is still one. The great advantage is that the primeval essence consumed is quite rare.

“This is a rare Rank 2 uncommon gu!” Someone was excited to have a vibrato.

“Unfortunately there is only one…” Someone pouted.

The speaker was immediately glanced at by the old village chief.

Fang Yuan laughed: “You can rest assured that everyone has it.” He said, he took out a number of Water Shell Gu, and it really is everyone’s share.

Nearly ten Water Shell Gus were scattered on the spot, but only one remained in Fang Yuan’s hand. Fang Yuan handed it to the old village chief: “You can only transfer it on your behalf.”

The old village chief was very moved, and he choked and apologized: “It is the fault of the old man, Chu Great Master, you are a generous person!”

Fang Yuan called the old village chief to call the Gu Master of the whole village. The old village chief was afraid that this would be done if Fang Yuan wanted to kill them all. What should I do?

Not without this possibility.

Knowing people knows what to do, and this person has only been together for two or three days.

Therefore, the old village chief will be the most promising replacement of his middle-aged Gu Master, secretly resetting him, is afraid of Fang Yuan human face!

Fang Yuan gave Water Shell Gu a move, so that the old village chief was pleasantly surprised.

But Fang Yuan has only just begun.

“This is the Water Formula Gu’s Gu Formula, and it is given to everyone.” Fang Yuan nearly ten copies of Gu Formula, also sent to all Gu Masters present.

Gu Masters is coming!

Sending Gu insect and sending Gu Formula is totally two concepts!

“Chu Great Master, how does this make it?” When the old village chief took over Gu Formula, his hands were shaking.

“Nothing, everyone can look at this Gu Formula with the body.” Fang Yuan waved.

Everyone quickly looked at it, and soon someone exclaimed: “Oh my God, the Core Gu of the Water Shell Gu is actually a threaded shell on the beach on the west side of the island?!”

“All the coffins in this Gu Formula are all the products of the island!!” Immediately, someone exclaimed.

Fang Yuan nodded: “I have a little bit of experience on the refining gu. These days, I will learn about your life and cultivation with some Gu Masters, and on the other side of the sea island to see if there is any suitable 蛊The material can be used. I created this Gu Formula, it is for you, so you have to collect it.”

Just after the words, Fang Yuan heard a plop, and looked at it, the old village chief kneels down on the ground.

The old village chief went to Fang Yuan to worship: “The old man has no eyes and no eyes. I don’t know how the Great Master has such a great refining gu! The old man is even more embarrassed and misunderstood the great Master’s good heart…”

When the old village chief had not finished speaking, he was forcibly lifted by Fang Yuan. Then he saw Fang Yuan smile and said to him: “Old man, where is the word. I this person has always been dripping with water, and the spring is reporting. I am in the old man. The coffin obtained here also solves my big problem. We meet each other and are fate, we must cherish it.”

“But this Water Shell Gu is my start-up, really use it, how effective it is, I am not too clear. You may wish to pick a few people today, go to the sea with me, collect some petroleum, and see the actual effect, how? ”

“Don’t be killed!”

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