Eastern Sea.

Huā huā huā !

The water waves were rushing, hitting the reef on the isle and bursting into countless white foam.

The horrible wind, Heaven Qi gloomy.

This uninhabited isle is extremely inconspicuous in the vast Eastern Sea, but at the moment there are four Gu Immortals.

“Ren Xiuping, you bullly intolerably!” Miao Mingshen whispered, his eyes flushed, his body hurt, showing a strong anger and hatred.

He is Eastern Sea’s famous rogue cultivator, Rank 7 cultivation base, specializing in Space Dao, with the means to expand the Immortal Aperture space. He made a living and widened the Immortal Aperture space for many Eastern Sea Gu Immortal, which is very popular.

Miao Mingshen itself is not tall or short, not fat or thin, looks top, facial features are more common, only wide wide nose, which makes people feel more profound.

On a single face, this person is not outstanding. But he is very ambitious, good at treating others, can be said to be rich in personality. The three places in the Eastern Sea, the moon immortal Hua Die female immortal, the Bee General, and the Seventh Master Gui, are all headed by Miao Mingshen, and the four form a very solid small group.

However, at this moment, Seventh Master Gui is faint, and the skin under his body is full of lethal poison purple. The situation is in jeopardy.

The Bee General and Hua Die female immortal standing beside Miao Mingshen are also in a state of wolverine. It is obvious that after a big fight, they are all hurt.

“Miao Mingshen, how can this be good? Seventh Master Gui has the thorn of Ice Poison starfish. This lethal poison can’t be solved at all.” Hua Die female immortal is full of sorrow.

Not long ago, the four of them were Ren Xiuping’s plan, and he was counted.

Ren Xiuping is the Rank 7 peak cultivation base, Enslave Dao Gu Immortal, and the enslaved Ice Poison starfish wants to assassinate Miao Mingshen. At the crucial moment, Seventh Master Gui blocked this fatal blow for Miao Mingshen.

Miao Mingshen reflected, and quickly took the stunned Seventh Master Gui, as well as Bee General, Hua Die female immortal to kill, highlighting the encirclement.

Bee General looks like ice: “Ice Poison starfish’s stinger is smashed, but I heard that Su Chen and Nine Months Fairy can be cured.”

Su Chen is a member of the super-power Su Family. He is good at treatment and is well known in the Eastern Sea. He is also very kind.

Nine Months Fairy is a rogue cultivator, and her temperament is cold. She wants to take her action to save Seventh Master Gui, but it is much more expensive.

Miao Mingshen shook his head: “I don’t want to ask for these two people. Su Chen is a Su Family person, Nine Months Fairy and Ren Xiuping have a secret relationship. I don’t know, I know. I am very doubtful, Nine Months Fairy. I am afraid it is the trap that Ren Xiuping has laid out by Old Thief!”

“Ah? That…” Hua Die female immortal wants to stop.

Miao Mingshen squeezed a smile: “Have you forgotten? Ice Poison starfish poison can be washed away with Yama’s Netherworld Water.”

Bee General has a slight eye: “Yama’s Netherworld Water is Rank 8 immortal materials, even in the Eastern Sea, it’s extremely rare. Do you have it in your hand?”

Miao Mingshen shook his head: “Of course not, I am going to use the Eon Extremity root to go to Treasure Yellow Heaven.”

Bee General, Hua Die female immortal suddenly lost.

The Eon Extremity root is Time Dao Rank 8 immortal materials, which fell into the hands of Miao Mingshen long ago and has been kept for sale. This is known to Bee General and Hua Die female immortal.

Hua Die female immortal looks and feels – ly said: “Eon Extremity roots are absolutely rare in Rank 8 immortal materials. Adults are better off trading with other Rank 8 immortal materials in exchange for Yama’s Netherworld Water.”

Miao Mingshen shook her head again: “The sale of Rank 8 immortal materials is basically a matter of exchange. If I use other immortal materials for Yama’s Netherworld Water, there would be no one who happens to want my Rank 8 immortal materials, even if someone wants I don’t necessarily have Yama’s Netherworld Water in my hands with Rank 8 immortal materials.”

“But now, as you know, Heavenly Court, Southern Border Righteous Path and so on have joined forces to curb Fang Yuan, not only to block out his trading business, but also to fully acquire Time Dao immortal materials. Time Dao immortal materials is very Tight, the price is rising all the way. Heavenly Court is big and big, there must be Yama’s Netherworld Water. I use the Eon Extremity root to change, I can’t change it to Yama’s Netherworld Water.”

“Adult…” Bee General said in a soft tone. He knew very well that Miao Mingshen had almost lost the price in order to get the Eon Extremity root.

Miao Mingshen laughed, patted Bee General’s shoulder: “How can I let the old ghost die in front of me? What is the Eon Extremity root in the district?”

Bee General, Hua Die female immortal suddenly moved, thinking that they did not follow the wrong person!

Sure enough, the next situation, as Miao Mingshen expected, his Eon Extremity root appeared, he was noticed by Heavenly Court, and soon the two sides completed the transaction, Miao Mingshen obtained a large number of Yama’s Netherworld Water.

He used these Yama’s Netherworld Water to wash the entire body of Seventh Master Gui and carefully grasped it. After all, this kind of Yama’s Netherworld Water is also quite corrosive to the undefended Gu Immortal body.

After careful washing, the poison left by Ice Poison’s starfish was completely eliminated.

Soon after, Seventh Master Gui slowly opened his eyes and woke up.

After he learned that Miao Mingshen had paid such a huge price and saved himself, he himself was also involuntarily excited.

However, he rarely reveals his emotions. Now he is grateful to the heart, looked towards Miao Mingshen. “Adult, Ren Xiuping, Old Thief suddenly squats against us, the biggest possibility is the Dark Blue Dragon Whale. “”

Miao Mingshen sighed: “I think so too. Ren Xiuping, this old bastard has always wanted to work with me to enter the Dark Blue Dragon Whale and dig out the hidden Paradise True Inheritance. But the price he has opened has never been Sincerity. This time actually started to me, it really made me unable to guard. Old ghost, what do you think is straightforward.”

Seventh Master Gui nodded: “Adult, you can master the position of Dark Blue Dragon Whale. This secret has been known to outsiders. It is too difficult to keep this secret. It is better to invite the same person to explore Dark Blue Dragon. Whale. When the harvest is gained, the strength will grow up and deal with Ren Xiuping. Otherwise, with our current strength, it will be difficult to compete with Ren Xiuping. Ren Xiuping, the old bastard also has a bunch of loose immortal, and this person Wily Old fox, once his own situation is not good, I am afraid that this news will be thrown out, attracting more outsiders!”

Miao Mingshen in the eyes of the divine glow: “Instead of taking that step and let Ren Xiuping attract more outsiders, it is better for us to introduce foreign aid and take action directly. This method is the only way to be right. Unfortunately, if it is me With the cultivation base of Rank 8, you can explore it yourself.”

Seventh Master Gui said again: “Adults, we must carefully select the people we want to ask here.”

Miao Mingshen nodded, then looked toward three immortals, and asked: “I naturally understand this, do you have any good recommendations?”

Three immortals each reported some names.

Miao Mingshen is sometimes nodded, sometimes shaking his head. He has selected a batch from it, and in order to be safe, he has once again removed a batch from these selected people.

Everything is based on reliability.

But as a result, the number of people is scarce, and it is difficult for all the celestial joints to overcome the first difficulty. It is impossible to enter the body of Dark Blue Dragon Whale.

At this time, Hua Die female immortal screamed: “I have a still one candidate, I don’t know if adults can remember Chu Ying?”

“Chu Ying.” Miao Mingshen suddenly brightened her eyes. “Miao Wei. This person is Rank 7 cultivation base , cultivation Transformation Dao. More importantly, he also has a hatred with Ren Xiuping. But this person is secretly with his feet. I have been telling him more news so far…”

Spoke until here, he reveals hesitation.

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