Fang Zheng Blessed Land.

Space Dao and Time Dao’s resources are beyond normal, this is Higher Rank Blessed Land.

The landforms in Blessed Land are dominated by plains, but at some distance, several hills stand abruptly.

Fang Zheng’s attention at this moment is in a valley.

The valley is a strange stone, and there is a blood red color inside. Going deeper will reveal that a large number of blood trees have been planted in the valley.

There are tens of thousands of trees in this tree. Unlike ordinary trees, it is the result of flowering. The fruit is as big as a baby, full and round. Flowering is only a matter of moments, the whole shell will burst open and burst into a huge red and white alternating flower. The flower is white, but with the center of the flower, there will be a splash of blood. The color and shape of each blood flower are different.

In Central Continent, there was a time when a large number of Gu Masters supported this kind of blood tree, which was a grand scene when the flowers bloomed. At that time, there was even a large celebration to attract the Gu Master who came to see it. Just later on, Blood Dao pioneered, poisonous world, blood tree as the basic coffin in Blood Dao, was gradually banned from planting.

These blood trees in Fang Zheng’s hands are of course provided by Immortal Crane Sect. More precisely, it is provided by Fan Xiliu’s personal name.

This is the trick of Righteous Path, and Fang Zheng is now eccentric and accustomed to it.

In today’s Five Regions, Blood Dao is banned by the major Rightse Path, but the irony is that these really narrowly sneak into the Blood Dao.

“These blood trees are all common level coffins, but as long as the number exceeds a certain size, they can be stacked and compared with immortal materials. This is the most unique advantage of Blood Dao!”

“The blood trees I have mastered can also be regarded as an immortal materials.”

“Just now, I already have Rank 6 Blood Dao Immortal Gu Cold Blood and blood enmity, and I need the common level Blood Gu support to form Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.”

Fang Zheng understands that his next cultivation focus is on refining Blood Dao mortal gu, and then through the teaching of Fan Xiliu, practicing Blood Dao’s Immortal Rank ultimate move.

There is also a motivational immortal. Soon, there is a big difference between the aperture and the Immortal Aperture, which takes time to adapt.

After a while, Fang Zheng took his heart back and returned to reality.

The faint achievements and gratifying feelings of browsing my own Immortal Aperture suddenly disappeared, and the unsettled repression was in my heart.

“Fang Yuan…” As soon as he returned to reality, Fang Zheng inevitably remembered his big brother.

These days, he is not just promoted immortal, but also received Fang Yuan’s intelligence from Fan Xiliu. This information is much more detailed than the outside world, and the source comes from Heavenly Court.

Fang Zheng learned of the recent situation of Fang Yuan’s. As for the fact that Fang Yuan did not die, he learned it after he was rescued from Central Continent. It is very strange that when he learned this fact, there was no swindled anger in his heart.

Instead, as he became more and more aware of it recently, his heart became more and more sad.

“It turned out that I never really understood you…Fang Yuan.”

“Demon from Beyond The Heavens … Spring and Autumn Cicada … Rank 8 cultivation base ……”

The more profound I understand, Fang Zheng feels more and more small, and really feels Fang Yuan’s terrifying and powerful!

Thinking of his future must face such an enemy, his heart naturally suppressed, and even a trace of despair.

He is looking at the despair in his heart.

He never denied it and did not escape.

It is often said that the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. When you are young, you are afraid of nothing in Heaven or Earth. But when a person experiences enough, they will find their fear. It turns out that the tiger can eat people. The tiger’s claws can easily break the cowhide. It turns out that his own Strength Qi and his own horns are not as strong as they think.

Imagination is good. Only after a full collision with reality can you feel the pain and clearly understand this world and yourself from the pain.

“When I was a Rank 5 Gu Master, I was in Langya Blessed Land, mixed with the disputes in the three countries of Hairyman.”

“Now I am Gu Immortal, and I am sandwiched between Fang Yuan and Heavenly Court and become Heavenly Court’s chess piece. Before my strength became far surpasses, it was a pity that the situation was even more involuntarily, the crisis was bigger, and it was a little unpleasant. It will be body dies and Dao disappears.”

After thinking to this point , Fang Zheng can’t help but

Until now, he doesn’t know what value he has, and he can be valued by Heavenly Court.

Soon, he thought of Zhao Lianyun again.

After he promoted immortal, he received some gifts. This is a custom that exists in Five Regions. Whenever one Gu Master succeeds in promoting immortal, his or her friends and relatives, good influence, etc. will send a gift.

Fang Zheng’s gifts, mostly from Immortal Crane Sect, so this one of Zhao Lianyun is quite unique.

From the information channel of Immortal Crane Sect, Fang Zheng has a comprehensive understanding of Zhao Lianyun.

“You are also Demon from Beyond The Heavens, but it’s not complete.”

“You are so motivated to contact, I want to join forces with me to deal with Fang Yuan…”

Zhao Lianyun’s gift was mixed with a letter that released Zhao Lianyun’s goodwill, but did not say much. Fang Zheng tasted the meaning of Zhao Lianyun.

Zhao Lianyun’s gift is a bloody cultivation method that is extremely suitable for Fang Zheng. In her letter, she explained her experience with Gu Immortal cultivation. There was a passage that Fang Zheng was very concerned about.

“Gu Immortal cultivation, fighting is hegemony, operating Immortal Aperture is king, the two complement each other, indispensable. The lack of strength, no hegemony, Immortal Aperture operating well, will only be insulted, hard earned The spoils of war of others. On the contrary, the strength of the battle is strong, the Immortal Aperture background is not enough, it seems to be a burning bonfire, can only be strong, until the firewood is burned, it is a fireworks nothing more.”

Fang Zheng slightly nod, secretly said to himself: “In addition to this passage, there is a narrative about Disaster and Tribulation. It is obvious that Zhao Lianyun is really sincere. Unfortunately, I wanted to meet with him once. But Immortal Crane Sect doesn’t allow it, it’s a pity! You said this is not the case, Fang Yuan?”

Spoke until here, Fang Zheng looks slightly stagnation.

In the early years of cultivation, he was accompanied by Master Reverend Heavenly Crane, and when he was in Langya Blessed Land, he and Fang Yuan False Intent. It was not until I was rescued from Central Continent that I was alone.

Unconsciously, Fang Zheng has become accustomed to being accompanied.

“Without you, it’s a bit uncomfortable…” Fang Zheng shook his head and smiled, an indescribable loneliness that permeated his heart.

Heavenly Court.

Fairy Ziwei smiled happily: “Fang Zheng has become Gu Immortal, but you need to upgrade the cultivation base to make a bigger contribution to Fang Yuan.”

Zhao Lianyun’s mind, Fairy Ziwei is also well aware. After all, Ma Hongyun died, but his soul was still in the hands of Fang Yuan.

Fairy Ziwei brow micro-lock: “The real trouble is also in Fang Yuan itself.”

Since Fang Yuan broke through the River of Time, it has disappeared and has not appeared publicly.

Fairy Ziwei would rather rob him and search for resources. As a result , the more clues Fang Yuan left, the more she can figure out what is valuable, and even break through Fang Yuan’s own Wisdom Dao defense.

In Fairy Ziwei’s opinion, Fang Yuan’s is indeed a strong battle strength, but even more frightening is his business skills. Whenever he has been forbearing for a while, the strengths shown will often be advanced by leaps and bounds, and the degree of progress is often astounding.

This is the effect of his good business.

Only a strong foundation can support his powerful terrifying battle strength.

“Today, Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul has gradually become unsustainable, and Soul Search has more and more intelligence and more core.”

“In the River of Time, Time Dao Immortal Gu Home has been fixed, reaching four again. The previous Time Dao grand formation needs improvement.”

“At the same time, it is impossible to make Fang Yuan too comfortable. I should contact Wu Yong.”

A few days later.

The wind swelled.

Fang Yuan took the palm of his hand and the powerful ultimate move went down the open portal to the Blessed Land.

The Disaster and Tribulation that Hei Loulan faced suddenly collapsed and collapsed.

Hei Loulan eyelid trembled, and his face calmed down. She stood in her own Immortal Aperture and thanked Fang Yuan outside the door.

“You’re welcome.” Fang Yuan glanced at Loulan Blessed Land, Loulan Blessed Land was rather barren, and could not be compared with Paragon Immortal Aperture. Hei Loulan’s natural talent is high, but until now has not managed the Immortal Aperture well.

But this is exactly what Fang Yuan wants.

The cultivation resources he can provide to Hei Loulan, Hei Loulan relies on him in this respect, and is also a kind of control over Hei Loulan itself.

In fact, the situation of Ying Wuxie, Bai Ningbing and the others is about the same.

“Get out of here, my Wisdom Dao approach can only be prepared for a while, and every time transcends tribulation will greatly affect my approach.” Fang Yuan urged.

“Yeah.” Hei Loulan nodded, dare not care, quickly picked up Blessed Land and got into the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan took advantage of Fixed Immortal Travel and immediately evacuated Wu Yong and the others who had come all out.

“Damn! Let him escape again.”

“This remnant breath is someone transcends tribulation…”

Southern Border Gu Immortals has a poor face, some anger, some silence, and some have a hint of fear.

“This is already the fourth time… It is clear that Fang Yuan is helping his running dogs to carry out transcends tribulation and quickly grow the cultivation base. If he wants to go on like this, it would be bad.”

Wu Yong looks like iron, and a flash glow in his eyes, he said slowly: “Fang Yuan has Fixed Immortal Travel, and escaped very fast. We only have Fire Beacon Tower, and we work together in Treasure Yellow Heaven to contain him. Business, weaken his income. Over time, you can accumulate advantages.”

Qi Sea Celestial Grotto has a flash of light, and Fang Yuan appears out of thin air.

“Temporarily safe.”

“Starting to completely curb my business from Treasure Yellow Heaven…” Fang Yuan sneered.

He is indeed sensed pressure, but he recently embezzled Five Phases Public Celestial Grotto, and Qi Sea Celestial Grotto, got a lot of resources, even if it was suppressed, it did not hurt the overall situation.

However, this is obviously the result of the cooperation between Heavenly Court and the Southern Border Alliance. After a long time, Fang Yuan could not bear it.

He has many of the cultivation resources from the Southern Border Gu Immortal captives, but the Southern Border Righteous Path is also aware of this, so the greater part of the trade is counted with a fairly precise block.

“It seems that I have to think of a way.” Fang Yuan’s eyes flashed in thought.

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