In the face of Fang Yuan’s solid killing intent, Bai Ningbing smiled and looked at Fang Yuan calmly. He asked: “Why should I escape?”

After paused for a moment, she said again: “Qi Family Gu Immortal, although they have escaped, they are not aware of you. You and I are both Silvergrass Mountain people. According to my understanding of you, can they escape?hehe Since I can’t escape, why should I escape? I will not only escape, but on the contrary, I will join Shadow Sect.”

Fang Yuan frowned. “I also thought about it. Unfortunately, your White Phase Ultimate Move is really subtle and can almost crack all covenants.”

The beauty of the White Phase is that it transforms Gu Immortal into a very special existence, and any small piece of fragment can be reborn.

The essence of the Covenant lies in Information Dao’s Dao Marks. Bai Ningbing uses the White Phase to self-mutilate and can break the corresponding Information Dao’s Dao Marks to achieve the goal of getting rid of the Covenant.

Therefore, the White Phase Ultimate Move can also be used to heal and remove other Dao Marks left on the body.

“It’s true.” Faced with Fang Yuan’s unabashed scruples, Bai Ningbing laughed, without any concern for his safety, “but because of this, isn’t it more exciting?”

Fang Yuan coldly snorted, disgustedly said: “Don’t treat me as Bai Ningbing.”

Bai Ningbing nodded, convergence smile, the dragon eye flashes in the fine: “right, I have been pursuing my own wonderful. So I envy you, Fang Yuan. Your life is really exciting, too exciting! Your every time calculation, each time success, even every time failure, is extremely wonderful. Especially recently, you were ambushed by Heavenly Court, fleeing like a dog, haha, the most wonderful!”

“The other people of Shadow Sect are not able to feel my feelings. Some of them are trying to save Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul. Some of them are afraid of panic, some are depressed and depressed. And my feelings are excitement and joy. The more bumps, the more wind and rain, the more exciting it is, isn’t that so?”

“Others may not understand me, but I know you must know me, isn’t that so?”

Bai Ningbing stared at Fang Yuan’s eyes and his eyes brightened.

Fang Yuan is silent.

As early as Silvergrass Mountain, he judged that Bai Ningbing was a real demon. His judgment is not wrong, Bai Ningbing is like this. In order to pursue a wonderful life, she can abandon all kinds of life, even her own life. The values ​​of the public, the complicated Enssence of Passion, have nothing to do with her.

She is very different from the public. She is incompatible with World. She only walks on her own path. The inner feelings of the heart, the life and death of all things.

To put it bluntly, Bai Ningbing and Fang Yuan are very similar. They are the same kind of people, but they are not the same thing.

Fang Yuan chases Eternal Life and is able to sacrifice anything, including himself. Even if he is ultimately unsuccessful and dies halfway through the way, he will be happy and gratified. Because such a goal is such a way of living, he feels that he is alive and full of a kind of fun and vitality.

Bai Ningbing said that Fang Yuan knows her, this is absolutely true, just as she can understand Fang Yuan.

As the saying goes, heroes cherish each other, and of course there is such a feeling between the devils.

The killing intent in Fang Yuan’s eyes gradually dissipated.

This layer of killing intent, but he deliberately condensed, to be honest, there is not much killing intent in his mind.

Why kill Bai Ningbing?

Today’s Fang Yuan is far surpasses Bai Ningbing, and the latter’s threat to Fang Yuan’s is very small.

Sometimes, seeing Bai Ningbing, Fang Yuan is like seeing his own shadow. Real magic like them, too little and too little, is actually a kind of luck, a kind of gratification to witness yourself.

Because each other looks most like each other, this is essentially the same, or endorsed.

So that year, Bai Ningbing paid his life to save Fang Yuan and said something – let Fang Yuan live for her and witness the wonderful life. Essential is that Bai Ningbing feels that Fang Yuan can replace himself to some extent.

Sometimes, Fang Yuan is also thinking, if he and Bai Ningbing change their identity, will he also make the same choice as Bai Ningbing?

“Hahaha.” Bai Ningbing suddenly smiled. “I can give you the resources in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto. But Gu insect in White Phase’s True Inheritance, I have to stay on my own. I am willing Joining Shadow Sect is because it’s really good to fight against Heavenly Court! This is your wonderful and will be my wonderful.”

“as a result, there are three possibilities for the development of things.” Bai Ningbing squinted his eyes, and his eyes were filled with excitement and even a madness of the divine light.

“The first possibility, you are killed by Heavenly Court. Depending on your strength, even if you are killed, you will definitely die very well. In the dying struggle, you will shine like never before. I will witness your death. It is a wonderful experience that I have been extremely rare in my life.”

“Second Type may, Heavenly Court is defeated by you, or even destroyed. Hahaha, that’s definitely wonderful. Heavenly Court, the first force of Human Race, such a giant falling down process, like a meteor falling to the ground The spark of the Spark will be amazing in the world.”

“Third Type may, I’m looking forward to it, because this is the most exciting! That’s Heavenly Court and you are deadlocked, both sides suffer.Thus, I am waiting by your side, there is a peerless opportunity, the fisherman catches Both. Maybe I can be the ultimate winner, and both of you are my stepping stones.”

Fang Yuan quietly at poker at Bai Ningbing, looking indifferent, plain-ly said: “If I kill you now, your three possibilities are impossible.”

“Yes, yes…” Bai Ningbing frowned, his expression became a little frustrated, his eyes flickered, his tone of voice was low, “It is like this. If I die in your hands now, my counterattack will be exhausted.” Full force, but the gap between me and you is too big, and the level of excitement is simply lacking.”

“However, if this is your choice, I will accept it.” She smiled and shrugged. “Because I am too weak, I have to accept it. This kind of cruelty is also very exciting, isn’t that so? He He He.”

Death is not terrifying for Bai Ningbing.

She is a madman, sensible and calm. Such people are undoubtedly very terrifying.

And the person who is more terrifying than her is standing in front of her.

That is the Demonic Path authority Fang Yuan that makes Will of Heaven helpless and Heavenly Court.

Fang Yuan’s mouth is slightly upturned, and he laughs with his voice: “It’s very interesting.”

Bai Ningbing This person is very interesting in itself.

Now that Bai Ningbing is weak and let Fang Yuan slaughter, Bai Ningbing has persuaded him, and he has not excused himself. He even said the opposite, and he also said that he might threaten Fang Yuan’s in the future.

This is because she knows Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, such a character, has a bright heart and has long analyzed the pros and cons of killing and not killing. Once Fang Yuan made up his mind, no matter what Bai Ningbing said, it was useless.

Without Bai Ningbing, Fang Yuan knows clearly that at this moment he has to find Red Lotus’ True Inheritance in order to cross the Heavenly Court’s obstacles, and any force needs to be cherished. Bai Ningbing is obviously such a precious force. If she is given her a chance, she will betray Fang Yuan, but what about it?

A blade edge is sharp, and of course there is a danger of cutting yourself. But if you don’t use the knife and you are against the enemy, isn’t it stupid?

How to use this knife and not give her the opportunity to rebel, this is to test Fang Yuan’s ability.

“If I have insufficient ability to make Bai Ningbing rebel, I can only blame myself, isn’t that so?”

Think of it here, Fang Yuan said with a smile : “Bai Ningbing, you really appreciate me, I will not kill you for the time being. Follow me, witness my success or failure. If I finally die in your hands, also It’s really fun. But now, show your value, give me the head of the Qi Family Gu Immortal, and their…Qi Sea Celestial Grotto.”

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