Qi Family Gu Immortals is united in anxious, panic, and courageous, fighting desperately against Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan frowned, and he found that his will could not be infused indefinitely, but after reaching a certain limit, he could not be instilled.

And after the infusion of their own will, the ontology can only stand by and let the will fight independently. Therefore, the massive Wisdom Dao means are useless here.

Heavenly Image ultimate move Up to Rank 9, Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao, up to just Rank 8. Even if there is a threat to Heavenly Image ultimate move, Fang Yuan is not willing to use it, because once the attack of Heavenly Image ultimate move is triggered, it is bad. Even if there is no counterattack, destroying Heavenly Image ultimate move, then the biggest gain of his trip will be gone.

Qi Family Gu Immortal needs Heavenly Image ultimate move to deal with Fang Yuan and protect himself. Fang Yuan is also eager to get Heavenly Image ultimate move because he needs a surge in strength to cross the obstacles of Heavenly Court in the River of Time.

Therefore, two sides fighting competition can only rely on the most basic will to fight.

In this regard, Fang Yuan’s has a solid foundation. As early as he had suffered a blood loss on the Mo Yao False Intent, he worked hard and not only made up for this weak point, but now he has become an advantage.

Qi Family Gu Immortal is not a rival of Fang Yuan’s, but their advantage lies in the fact that there are many people, and there is much more willingness. Fang Yuan is only surrounded by Bai Ningbing.

As time passed, Fang Yuan took advantage of it, but he could not turn his advantage into a victory. Blocking his Qi Family Gu Immortal is stalking and playing too long.

In fact, Fang Yuan’s heart is there is still one concern, that is Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing once had a bad time, this is an uncertain factor.

Fortunately, the top-level Will of Heaven fortress has always been strong and untouched, and the Qi Family Gu Immortal will be washed away, and there are no signs of shaking.

Fang Yuan’s mind is getting heavy. According to this trend, even if he breaks through the interception and even completely destroys the will of Qi Family to stay here, I am afraid that it is also an arrow at the end of its flight. There is no room for dealing with the Will of Heaven in the center. .

Once again, Qi Family will be defeated. Fang Yuan’s will be like Flood Dragon, dragon body is around, Dragon Head is surrounded, and a large number of Qi Family will be wrap up.

Qi Family was shocked. If Fang Yuan eliminated the will of being wrap up, his situation would definitely worsen and he could no longer stop Fang Yuan’s breakthrough.

As a result, the will that had just collapsed quickly and integrated, and flew to Fang Yuan.

“Bai Ningbing, stop them.” Fang Yuan quickly ordered.

Bai Ningbing’s will is like a city wall that is built in the ice, but it is inserted obliquely, but in order to resist the Qi Family will, it suddenly turned over and attacked Fang Yuan!

Qi Family was shocked, and at the crucial moment, Bai Ningbing turned against the water.

Fang Yuan’s will was stunned by Bai Ningbing and was very angry.

Qi Family will observe it and surprise him. He will attack Fang Yuan from one direction.

Fang Yuan’s will quickly diminished and had to spit out the Qi Family will swallowed.

“Bai Ningbing, you are a traitor, I will not spare you!” Fang Yuan’s will roar, but the defeat has been completed, only to lead the defeated soldiers, fleeing below.

“Fang Yuan, by your temper, after you get Heavenly Image ultimate move, will you be against me? I am a descendant of White Phase, Heavenly Image ultimate move is my chance. Hahaha!” Bai Ningbing will laugh, “This What a great opportunity, defeating you here will definitely make my life shine.”

Bai Ningbing will not want to let go of Fang Yuan’s will, killing more than just.

Fang Yuan’s will have to escape all the way.

“What are you looking at? You can’t help!” Bai Ningbing will be willing to Qi Family.

Qi Family’s will is also very crippled. Qi Fa’s will thinks about it and shouts: “Don’t move, to prevent fraud, let them bite the dog.”

Fang Yuan’s will be attacked by Bai Ningbing, which is too miserable and far less than the will of Bai Ningbing. Eventually surrounded by her will, the conflict did not come out, and the Vietnam War was less, until it was completely destroyed.

“I didn’t expect this time, it was Fang Yuan. This devil was the first to lose!”

“Daily defense night defense, the family thief is difficult to prevent.”

“Hahaha, this is a godsend when my Qi Family rises. We can’t keep Bai Ningbing’s will!”

Qi Family will once again rush, Bai Ningbing will resist stubbornly, but the two fists are hard to beat four hands, and eventually a bright light is eliminated.

“We have succeeded!”

“Heavenly Image is ours!!”

Qi Family will be immersed in ecstasy, and in the absence of enemies, they will come together and make a final impact on the Will of Heaven.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the Will of Heaven fortress, and a large number of Will of Heaven spewed out like a ferocious beast that slammed the Qi Family.

Until now, this final Will of Heaven is a passive defense, Qi Family will be paralysis, forgetting that it has the ability to act freely.

Will of Heaven took the initiative to counterattack, Qi Family will not be able to defend, and suddenly suffered heavy losses.

“How come there are so many Will of Heaven?”

“This is impossible!”

“Will of Heaven is blackmail, but the enemy is weak. I am not willing!”

“Come on, we must not fail!”

Qi Family Gu Immortal has become a city, smashing the boat, from hard resistance, to gradually calming the situation, equalizing the situation, and finally they have the upper hand, Will of Heaven is left, the center is exposed, only to the new owner.

“Finally won!” After a moment, Qi Family will almost burst into tears. They have only a handful of squats, and Will of Heaven has almost dissipated nearly exhausted.

“I’m afraid not necessarily.” Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s will flooded in again.

Qi Family will stay on the spot and then growl.

“You, have you not been eliminated?”

“This is impossible! Your share has been used up. According to common sense, only after another thousand years, you can use the will to wash.”

“don’t tell me You cracked this Rank 9 ultimate move? No, no, this is the Rank 9 ultimate move, from Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable !”

Fang Yuan’s will ridicule, but does not explain, directly rushed.

Qi Family is like a Xiaobai rabbit. It is eaten by Fang Yuan’s will, and it can no longer resist. It is easily eliminated.

Subsequently, Fang Yuan’s will replaced Will of Heaven and was in the center.

He became the ultimate winner!

Opening his eyes, Fang Yuan saw the back of Qi Family Five Gu Immortals.

Fang Yuan did not take action to stop it. The Immortal Gu Home, as well as the public Blessed Land, is the layout left by Five Phases, and once he takes action, the Five Phases seal will definitely stop him.

Bai Ningbing stood next to Fang Yuan’s, motionless, without the slightest escape.

Everything before it was Fang Yuan’s crafty plots and machinations.

He deliberately arranged Bai Ningbing to fight against the water and directed a good show. He is not going to lie to Qi Family Gu Immortal, but Will of Heaven.

Fang Yuan’s experience with Will of Heaven’s is much richer than Qi Family Gu Immortal. He calculated that the battle strength retained by Will of Heaven was very strong. Even if he defeated the will of Qi Family Gu Immortal, he would not be the Will of Heaven’s opponent.

Therefore, he deliberately withdrew and secretly pulled back part of his will.

Of course, the will of Bai Ningbing is truly destroyed. The advantage of this, in addition to being able to deceive the Qi Family will, at the last minute, put an end to this instability factor for Fang Yuan.

Qi Family Gu Immortal will be weakened by Fang Yuan, and it will be under great pressure. It has not seen Fang Yuan’s tricks.

This is indeed quite difficult.

Because the will thinks on its own, it consumes itself. The less will you have, the less your ability to think. At the same time, Qi Family Gu Immortal will save itself to deal with the final Will of Heaven.

In the final battle, as Fang Yuan expected, he became the ultimate winner.

Heavenly Image has been controlled by Fang Yuan. At this moment, he did not go forward to look at it, but looked at Bai Ningbing meaningfully.

“Bai Ningbing… can you really escape?” Fang Yuan’s eyes are full of killing intents.

The value of Bai Ningbing has been squeezed out. Unlike other Shadow Sect members, she has never been controlled by Fang Yuan.

Since Heavenly Image Fang Yuan has already succeeded, it is time to solve this trouble.

As the atmosphere gradually solidified, Fang Yuan’s killing intent became more and more popular.

The battle between the two sides is on the verge of exploding.

Obviously, today’s Fang Yuan is by no means a match for Bai Ningbing. Although the White Phase Ultimate Move is amazing and has been brought to the entire Southern Border Gu Immortal World terrifying, Bai Ningbing’s cultivation base is a bit low, and her background is far less than Fang Yuan.

If it is a war, Bai Ningbing will die!

Ps: According to the agreement, the end is added. There will be a bookmate activity next month. Maybe the first episode of the traditional publication will come out. I will send out some books in the form of lottery and return the support of everyone. With the the body, please see the next notice.

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