Time passed by, and it took another half a month.

On this day, Fang Yuan silhouette came out of the Cloud City. Covering the entire Immantal Formation of the Langya Blessed Land, theudlyly Rank 1, it brought out a golden light and covered Fang Yuan.

The golden light was fleeting, and Fang Yuan disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already far away from a wasteland in beyond a thousand miles.

Over the years, Fang Yuan has improved the Super Immortal Formation to give it the power to move things away.

This is because before, Feng Jiuge relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers, the hairdressing Hairyman, Langya Earth Spirit heartache, but nothing.

Langya Earth Spirit then remembered this tearful lesson, and after refining Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, looked towards Fang Yuan proposed this suggestion to improve Immortal Formation.

The Fang dynasty was Fang Yuan refining Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu. At the expense of Long Haired refining gu Immortal Formation, Fang Yuan naturally wanted to reinforce the Immortal Formation.

Fang Yuan’s Formation Dao Realm, already well-intentioned, coupled with the help of Wisdom Halo, was inferred to improve the Immortal Formation a few days ago.

Coming to this open space, Fang Yuan took a deep breath and began to practice the ultimate move.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Yama Emperor !

In an instant, he turned to Shape Transformation, tall and mighty, wearing a crown, faceted, deep and unmeasurable. The ghosts embroidered on the emperor’s robe are no longer the number before, but are inflated a lot, surpassing a thousand dollars.

This is the result of the Fang Yuan this period of time retreat cultivation.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Soul Burst!

Fang Yuan handed a finger, and immediately painted a black Qi stream, suddenly spurted out, wherever he went, nothing to fry. But under the Immortal Formation escort, the Silver Light on the Cloud Cover Continent surface was so strong that it resisted the power of Soul Burst.

Even so, the extreme move of the Rank 7 peak is not protected by the silver light.

In a series of roars, the surface around Fang Yuan has been blown up, and numerous Cloud Soils have been splashed, and a large number of potholes have been scattered around the square.

Black Qi dissipated, Soul Burst ended, above Fang Yuan’s robe, a ghost of Yama’s Child slowly disappeared, after a few breaths, disappeared without a trace, as if there had not existed before.

This is the price of the Soul Burst.

Fang Yuan is not a heartache, but after a slight perception, the eyes are bright glow flashes.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Battle of the Jurassic!


The wind swells and Heaven and Earth change.

Three blinks of time, a thousand miles away, were covered by the Fang Yuan’s Immortal Dao battlefield, isolated inside and outside, and achieved a Danger Realm!

In this Battlefield Ultimate Move, there is a tragic green and yellowish color with blurred vision and fog. The wind blew, making a sincere voice, bleak and cold.

Fang Yuan released Yama’s Child, these ghosts jié jié laughed, flying freely in the battlefield of the Jurassic, getting an increase, like a duck.

After the audition for a while, Fang Yuan took back Yama’s Child and stopped pushing the battlefield. Heaven and Earth reappeared and he returned to Langya Blessed Land.

The battlefield of the Jurassic is the most important result of the retreat of Fang Yuan this period of time!

Fang Yuan had already figured out that the battlefield of Immortal Dao was built by Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, which was left over by Purple Mountain True Monarch. Fang Yuan killed You Chan and Qin Baihe.

However, the advantage of the Immortal Dao battlefield is that it hides itself and isolates internal and external communication is very strict. The downside is that the layout takes time, so it is often necessary to prepare in advance. Gu Immortal was not a fool on the spot during the battle. When he was successful, he slipped away.

In the battlefield of the Jurassic, the Fang Yuan reference summarizes many of the Battlefield Ultimate Moves in Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, and then combines with their own specific circumstances to create.

In the battlefield of the Jurassic, it is better to hide the battlefield from the internal and external exchanges. Its advantage is that the laying time is quite short, with only three blinks of time.

This period of time, although Fang Yuan can’t move, but it has the possibility of being used in actual combat.

In the blink of an eye, as long as Fang Yuan can grasp the opportunity in battle, Gu Immortal can hardly escape this calculation.

After being covered by the battlefield, Fang Yuan’s advantage is much greater.

“Now, in the face of most of the Rank 6, Rank 7 Gu Immortal, there is also the ability to leave each other and take life!” Fang Yuan sighed.

Gu Immortal can be defeated, but it is easy to catch and kill.

As a result, the methods of escape are ridiculous and numerous. Gu Immortal is difficult to multi-cultivation. In the face of other genres, some means of escape can easily work. Secondly, Fang Yuan is a lonely man, and suffers from Longnessy Path, Heavenly Court and other Rightse Path, which determines that he must be quick and quick.

So before, Fang Yuan was very cautious in picking opponents. If Meng Tu has a similar approach to the Immortal Dao battlefield, you can trap yourself and your enemies in the Fallen Blade Plain. Fang Yuan doesn’t want to choose such an enemy.

The formation of the battlefield of the Miluo, Fang Yuan first thought of his other means – Ghostly Great Thief Hand!

His Stealing Dao Realm is the Great Grandmaster. Based on the Great Plunder Immortal Gu and Unknown to Ghosts Ultimate Move, Ghostly Great Thief Hand ultimate move, which can steal the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, is inferred.

This move has been improved by Fang Yuan’s and has become more sharp. The only two take action, one stealing the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast, one time stealing the Rank 7 Immortal Gu knife wing, causing the battle to change instantly, Meng Tu quickly lost, can be described as a record.

“Before Ghostly Great Thief Hand couldn’t be used too much, it was easy to reveal identity. The news spread out, it will be more alert, scrambling to crack Ghostly Great Thief Hand, and even more threatening my layout in Azure Ghost Desert.”

“But now that there is a battlefield in the Jurassic, it is entirely possible to ban the circle of people and continue to steal Immortal Gu with Ghostly Great Thief Hand. The enemy wants to run, but the chances are not great, let me kill and kill, and quickly accumulate cultivation resources! ”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are stunned, killing intent.

With the battlefield of the Jurassic, a bloody rise of “killing and banditling, then swallowing Dao Marks” is presented to Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yu has no psychological burden and no conscience condemnation.

Fang Yuan licked his lips and shook his head slowly: “It’s a pity… now, it’s not the time.”

If Langya Blessed Land is not exposed and there is no pressure from Heavenly Court’s, Fang Yuan will go straight and kill everywhere! But now the top priority is to protect Langya Blessed Land.

At the current stage, Langya School has survived, far more than Fang Yuan stealing Immortal Gu, and helping Fang Yuan’s bigger!

There is no doubt about this.

Over time, the pressure in Fang Yuan’s heart is getting bigger and bigger.

Heavenly Court will never give up. Once it comes back and invades Langya Blessed Land again, Langya Blessed Land may not be able to protect it even if it is fully prepared.

This is because the trump card and secrets of Langya School were all exposed in the last battle. Heavenly Court is background deep and unmeasurable, slightly for the situation of Langya School, enabling some trump card means, or any subtle calculations, can make Langya Blessed Land in danger!

In the best case, Langya Blessed Land was moved before the second attack on Heavenly Court.

But when you migrate, Heavenly Court must have an ambush, most likely Crown Prince Feng Xian! This point, Fang Yuan has been calculated clearly and clearly.

In dealing with Rank 8, Fang Yuan has more defenses and less attack. The situation is quite embarrassing.

Right now, there are two main roads in front of him.

One is to use the Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm to form the Rank 8 offensive ultimate move. The other is to use the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, also to create an offensive means.

In Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, Unrestrained Valley is the best choice and almost the only choice.

Fang Yuan also had the inspiration for the Unrestrained Seal, but unfortunately, these days have made little progress. Wisdom Halo, is also like so, called Fang Yuan is not bored.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan also has four, namely attitude, Huijian, Years Flow Like Water, Controlling Soul Beast.

Manner Gu is the core Immortal Gu of Meeting Past Acquaintance, and Years Flow Like Water is the production of Year Gu, which is not in itself. Controlling Soul Beast is currently used in the Yama Emperor ultimate move and is also unsuitable.

Counting the number, only the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu.

Speaking of this, this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Formula source has been available for some time. In order to be able to raise it, Fang Yuan has spent a lot of energy and resources. It is a pity that it has not been used all the time.

To motivate Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu, I need my own Rank 8 immortal essence. This is the original Immortal Gu designed for Bo Qing by Purple Mountain True Monarch. Unfortunately, Fang Yuan currently only has Rank 7 Red Jujube Immortal Essence.

This is a rigid rule, and accommodation is not allowed.

In fact, most of the Rank 8 Immortal Gu, need Rank 8 immortal essence. The other three in Fang Yuan’s hand are special cases.

Manner Gu is consuming and can be used. Years Flow Like Water Gu Any immortal essence can be motivated, but it can only be used, but it will also go up and down. Controlling Soul Beast is a consuming soul background. In this respect alone, these three Immortal Gus are the best of Rank 8!

Think about it, Fang Yuan Although the Immortal Gu is numerous, there are countless inheritance, but to have the Rank 8 offensive ultimate move, you have to start from the Unrestrained Valley.

“I could have imagined the Adverse Current Protection Seal, mainly because Water Dao Realm reached the Grandmaster level.”

“This time the Unrestrained Seal, Soul Dao Realm is only Great Master, so it’s a big hindrance!”

Fang Yuan’s Many genres Realm, all have Grandmaster class, Stealing Dao, Refining Dao is Great Grandmaster, Quasi Supreme, and how to give these Realm to Soul Dao.

Soul Dao Realm is always the Great Master.

“But fortunately, I have Wisdom Halo. Although the progress has been minimal, there is still progress. If we continue to develop, we can forcibly figure it out.”

“The biggest drawback of this method is time, I hope it will come… um?!”

At this moment, suddenly Heaven and Earth oscillated, a huge black dark vortex vortex, produced out of thin air.

“Not good!” Fang Yuan has changed dramatically.

He recognized that the chief culprit of the black dark vortex vortex was the Dao Marks left by Feng Jiuge.

This Dao Marks stayed and Fang Yuan already did a thorough investigation. Before him, the Langya Earth Spirit was also like so. But both believe that this is a way of marking the position, it is extremely troublesome to clean up. But now that Langya Blessed Land is isolated from the outside world, these Dao Marks stay here and are not threatening.

But absolutely did not expect that in the absence of anyone to host, instilling immortal essence, these Dao Marks actually flowed around themselves, forming a black dark vortex vortex.

“Crush it up!” Fang Yuan yelled, almost at the same time, Langya Earth Spirit was also issuing similar orders.

Fang Yuan’s improved defense formation, immediately launched.

But when it was too late, four starlights were ejected from the black dark vortex vortex.

Red Lotus screams, black dark vortex vortex annihilation.

The starlight dissipates, revealing the four Gu Immortals.

Feng Jiuge, Chen Yi, and Thunder Ghost True Monarch are on the list. Headed by a female immortal, her beautiful eyes glanced at the week, set on Fang Yuan, said with a slight smile: “Fang Yuan, I finally caught you.”

It is the current Heavenly Court leader, the first Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal – Fairy Ziwei!

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