Langya Blessed Land, Cloud Cover Continent.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal !

Fang Yuan floated in the air, and the breath suddenly exploded. A huge palm, a huge palm, was shot out of the air.

In an instant, the waves rolled, and the giant palms fell like a mountain, slamming on the land of Cloud Soil.

The Cloud Cover Continent is designed by the Langya Earth Spirit, all built with the Cloud Soil pouring structure, which can be suspended in the magical land that never falls at high altitude.

This kind of Cloud Soil is not strong enough. Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal has a level of attack on the Rank 7 level. This palm can immediately shake off the Cloud Soil, which is a hundred miles away. Go below the waves.

Fang Yuan’s audition of the ultimate move, of course, is not to remove the Cloud Cover Continent, so when the Cloud Cover Continent in the giant palm shot, the entire Immatal Formation of the entire Langya Blessed Land, suddenly slammed, covered in the Cloud Cover Continent Layers of silver-like mans.

Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal was shot on the Cloud Soil. The silver awns suddenly and immediately smashed. After a muffled sound, the Cloud Soil splashed and the square li severely changed. Under the Giant Hand Seal, a handprint pit was blasted. It is about one foot deep.

Fang Yuan’s mind was moved, and the Giant Hand Seal collapsed instantly and disappeared.

Against the effect, he is satisfied with nodded.

“With Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, the Giant Hand Seal ultimate move is a lot easier!”

In the past, Fang Yuan had to display the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal, first first step, to successfully launch Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, and store thousands of Strength Dao phantom in Immortal Aperture. Then, based on these Strength Dao phantom, you can use the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal with Group Strength Gu and so on.

The whole process is very cumbersome. If you don’t stock a large number of Strength Dao phantom in the Immortal Aperture, it is difficult to use the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal in a life-and-death struggle. However, the Strength Dao phantom thing is absolutely not sustainable, and has a time limit. When the time limit is reached, it will naturally collapse.

There is a prepared battle, but fortunately, after all, you can prepare in advance. But the unprepared battle, the surprise attack, etc., the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal is quite inconvenient.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan was brilliant and cautious. He paid considerable attention to this aspect, but he did not encounter embarrassment here.

“Previously, using Ten Thousand Me ultimate move alone involved Self Strength Immortal Gu, Painful Strength Gu, Borrowed Strength Gu, Self Regeneration Gu, Refine Essence Into Spirit Gu, Multiplied Power Gu, Earth Strength Gu, and Energy Strength. Gu and so on mortal gu, but now just need to push Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu.”

“And now Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal, after my improvement, only need to take Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu as the core, add some Group Strength Gu and other mortal gu support, the total number of turns is no more than thirty, the degree of simplification, It’s a thousand zhang, from the top to the foot of the mountain.”

The previous Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal is obviously not available.

After the refinement of Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan improved the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal to form a new version, centered on Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu. The former core Self Strength Immortal Gu was abandoned by Fang Yuan.

As a result , Self Strength Immortal Gu can be used in other ways.

Of course, you can add it to the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal ultimate move to add to its power.

This depends on how Fang Yuan has improved.

“In fact, Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal has a lot of room for improvement. For example, it’s not always fast enough to add a lot of mortal gu to make up for the weakness. For example, adding Soul Dao Immortal Gu makes the Giant Hand Seal forcibly crawling. For example, Giant Hand Seal formidable power is limited to my own Strength Dao’s Dao Marks, in fact, formidable power can continue to rise. Now Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal, just Rank 7 level battle strength, not peak, all Because of my Paragon Immortal Body’s Strength Dao’s Dao Marks is not enough to withstand more powerful power.”

For the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal ultimate move, Fang Yuan is only a preliminary improvement, replacing the core Immortal Gu, and there is great potential for digging in the future.

In the past, the contents of the ultimate move were too heavy, the steps were complicated, and the thoughts and time consumed during the urging were many. If you add Gu insect, the practicality will drop a lot.

But now Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is concentrated into one Gu Insect. The steps are so simple that you can add more mortal gu and Immortal Gu to form a more powerful and excellent Giant Hand Seal.

Fang Yuan this time audition, not just the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal, but also the defensive I Super Immortal Formation.

This Immortal Formation made great contributions to the previous Feng Jiuge invasion, allowing many different race Gu Immortal to take action on the basis of life guarantee and help Langya School to survive the crisis.

Feng Jiuge used the Farewell Song several times for the Immortal Formation, but Fang Yuan had already expected his means. The Immortal Formation had multiple layers, and Feng Jiuge split the layer and had another layer, almost letting him vomit blood.

This time, the return of Fang Yuan, not only improved the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal, but also improved the Immortal Formation, enabling it to cover all corners of the Langya School.

Just after the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal was on the Cloud Cover Continent, it was because of this super Immortal Formation that the damage was greatly reduced.

After auditioning the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal, the next step is the focus.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Adverse Current Protection Seal !

This ultimate move determines the upper limit of Fang Yuan’s battle strength and is the only cost of Fang Yuan against Rank 8.

Now, the core of the ultimate move is Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm Adverse Current River, Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, perseverance Immortal Gu, Pulling Water Immortal Gu, and the remaining support mortal gu. Although much more complicated than the Ten Thousand Me Giant Hand Seal, the previous Adverse Current Protection Seal is much simpler!

After the ultimate move, the chances of success are greatly improved and become more practical.

“Before I was in the Green Ghost, I suffered a sneak attack, and the Adverse Current Protection Seal was too late to be motivated. Now it is ready to be motivated, and the time for brewing is greatly reduced. It is no longer a problem to deal with the general raid.”

“Just… I can’t disguise the Adverse Current Protection Seal now. I used to spoof Heavenly Court, lay traps, and slay Thunder Ghost True Monarch. I can only do this time.”

Fang Yuan is a pity in his heart.

Adverse Current Protection Seal ultimate move, although Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, has soared in practicality, it has also reached the current limit of improvement for Fang Yuan. Even adding some other Immortal Gu is hard.

Putting a trap like before, and then suddenly showing the new Adverse Current Protection Seal, it is no longer possible in a short time.

After the audition, Fang Yuan reopened and began to calculate other ultimate moves.

Don’t look at Fang Yuan calmly, but in fact, the heart is also stressful.

In the face of the threat of the moments of Heavenly Court, who can be without pressure?

Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu refining comes out, not just a few upgrades of ultimate move. Fang Yuan’s real purpose is the third transformation trick – Unrestrained Seal!

“I fell into Lu Weiyin’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and experienced the dreams of Sansei III. This dream, especially the third world, gave me the inspiration of Unrestrained Seal.”

“It’s just a previous calculation of the Unrestrained Seal, but it has encountered many obstacles, and there is a gap that is difficult to cross. This time is transformed into Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, just like a sudden acquisition of a bridge, can not cross the gap!”

Fang Yuan is excited and implied.

Although he was on the Thunder Ghost True Monarch, he raised his fame to a level and pressed Feng Jiuge. But Fang Yuan always has self-knowledge and knows that in many ways, it is not as good as Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge is capable of Rank 8 because of his own sound Dao’s Dao Marks, which is extremely rich and reaches the reach of 8. Even without the Sound Dao Rank 8 Immortal Gu, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, with its own Dao Marks, can also have the power of the prospective Rank 8.

Fang Yuan is able to resist Rank 8, mainly in the massive Dao Marks in the Rely on Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm Adverse Current River. Some of his own genre Dao Marks can reach the Rank 7 level, but there is still a long way to go from the Rank 8.

Even if he annexes the Immortal Aperture in the Marketplace, it is far from the Rank 8.

Compared with Feng Jiuge, Fang Yuan is not really talented.

Feng Jiuge was able to create Strong Wind Song, an unprecedented Gu Immortal that could motivate Da Tong Wind. Fang Yuan has designed Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, combine Enslavement and Strength to open a new chapter in history. The level is the same between the two.

Now Fang Yuan condenses the ultimate move, refining Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, and the level is slightly higher. Because, at this starting point, maybe you can create a brand new gu cultivator genre! Compared with the original simple move, there must be more room for development.

The gu cultivator genre is developed in this way, some through the integration of two factions, and some are divided by a single faction…

The difference between Fang Yuan and Feng Jiuge is actually time accumulation.

Fang Yuan has been cultivation for many years since he was born again? Feng Jiuge has been for hundreds of years.

Fang Yuan has not been in business for 50 years, and the achievements have been compared with Feng Jiuge. It has been very difficult. Compared with other people, it is even more perverted. The cultivation base’s advanced by leaps and bounds is shocking and difficult to evaluate with common sense. After all, the chance of Fang Yuan’s rebirth has indeed gained countless.

In fact, Fang Yuan’s accumulation in his own Dao Marks is also very important.

It’s just that today, Will of Heaven is fascinating, making his transcends tribulation the least, and getting Dao Marks rare. It is a good way to annex Immortal Aperture, but now Superior Heavenly Eagle is not found, other methods require a specific Immortal Gu, and need refining, which is more troublesome. Through Gourmet Dao means, using Snack Immortal Gu, etc., to form Advantage Strength and other ultimate move, grow Dao Marks, the program is also right, but the efficiency is low.

Far from being able to hydrolyze thirst, so naturally, Fang Yuan hit his mind to other Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm.

Fang Yuan has a lot of Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm!

Soul Shaking Mountain, Unrestrained Valley, Adverse Current River, Marketplace, Four Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm.

Among them, Adverse Current River has been utilized to form Adverse Current Protection Seal, which makes Fang Yuan capable of anti-Rank 8. The remaining Soul Shaking Mountain, now broken, is still undergoing repairs. The Marketplace is going to be used to support nonhuman, and in the case of Law Dao, Fang Yuan Realm is unbearable.

The most suitable one is Unrestrained Valley.

Fang Yuan In terms of Soul Dao, Realm is also common, but wins Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance, which is the world’s first Soul Dao inheritance. No one can deny this.

With such a foundation, coupled with the inspiration of Fang Yuan’s tempering in the dream of a dream, now there is Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu…

“I have to count Wisdom Halo again and figure out Unrestrained Seal. Should it be successful?” Fang Yuan said nothing.

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