This is one of the highest pursuits of the Refining Dao genre – combining all kinds of ultimate moves into one Gu Insect!

For example, Mortal Realm Ultimate Move Self Strength.

This move is the Strength Dao ultimate move, and the Northern Plains Gu Immortal Su Xian’er was created for the daughter of Hei Loulan. Its core is Stress Dao, but it also involves Soul Dao and Qi Dao. Once it is mobilized, it can play Person Strength Phantom, and the phantom image is realistic, which is the depiction of Gu Master’s subconscious.

Moreover, this Strength Dao phantom can automatically chase the enemy and be spiritual.

The Gu insect that makes up this ultimate move has a total of 4~5.

According to Fang Yuan, Refining Dao realized at this time: any ultimate move, whether it is Mortal Dao or Immortal Dao, can be regarded as the remnant formula of refining gu.

In other words, the content of the Self Strength ultimate move can be continuously cut, added to various coffins, and continuously improved to form a Self Formula Gu’s Gu Formula.

When Gu Formula is perfect, Self Strength Gu refining out, just by urging this Gu Insect, you can issue Strength Dao phantom!

The benefits of doing so are obvious.

The ultimate move is condensed into Gu insect, and the number of Gu insects is successfully dropped to one. When the Gu Master is motivated, it is not only extremely convenient, but also very fast, and the primeval essence consumed is far less than the previous ultimate move. many.

For another example, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Me.

This is the original creation of Fang Yuan, combine Enslavement and Strength, in dragon horse consciousness, three heads six arms, plague, thunderstorm, leopard, horse step, three minds as one soul, beast shadow kill, Six-Armed Heavenly Corpse King and other ultimate move merge and improve.

The core Immortal Gu is Self Strength, Picking Mountain, Pulling Water, Cleaning Soul. Support Gu insects include Going All-Out Gu, Painful Strength Gu, Borrowed Strength Gu, Self Regeneration Gu, Refine Essence Into Spirit Gu, Multiplied Power Gu, Earth Strength Gu, Energy Strength Gu, etc., Heavenly Origin Lotus King 蛊, Concealing Soul Beast Clothes Gu, Aura Concealing Gu, Group Strength Gu, and various Soul Dao mortal gu.

Obviously, this ultimate move has a lot of content, it is very cumbersome.

It is also Fang Yuan tempering, mature, deep into the bone marrow, has been trained into a physical instinct, which is used in actual combat.

But in fact, it contains thousands and is very complicated.

If this ultimate move, improved sublimation, refined into a gu?

Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu !

Obviously, this is very convenient! Too convenient!

Fang Yuan can infuse thousands of Strength Dao phantoms by injecting immortal essence and only urging this Gu insect, which is convenient and fast.

In the past, Fang Yuan was completely unqualified, but now when he becomes Refining Dao Quasi Supreme, he is fully capable of achieving this level!

Refine all kinds of ultimate move into Gu insect!

Fang Yuan was shocked by this, but he did not lose his calmness. He was still very calm and kept thinking deeply.

“I have the ability now to sublimate all kinds of ultimate move into Gu insect.”

“However, some ultimate move can be condensed into one Gu Insect, such as Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, but some ultimate move is not able, such as Purple Blood Creates River Formation, Burning Thought Flying Stone, etc., these ultimate move to concentrate sublimation At the extreme, there will be a single Immortal Gus. In the future, I will motivate these Immortal Gus to match each other and successfully push the ultimate move.”

“But this method has advantages and disadvantages.”

“The benefits are much more convenient and faster, and the consumption of mental and consciousness is drastically reduced, but the disadvantages are also there. First, such as Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, after condensing into a Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, other Immortal Gu may be used as a coffin. In the process of refining gu, and the Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu alone, the power is not necessarily stronger than the ultimate move Ten Thousand Me.”

Ultimate move Ten Thousand Me To force that many of Immortal Gu and support mortal gu, Ten Thousand Me Gu insect has only one. If the level is only Rank 6 and Rank 7, obviously Dao Marks is limited, and the power is not enough.

“Then there is one more point. After Gu insect is single, it is easy to be targeted. Although the ultimate move is complicated, it is much more difficult to guess.”

The ultimate move can also be constantly adjusted and upgraded. For example, Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, there are changes to Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal and Adverse Current Protection Seal.

But if Ten Thousand Me Gu insect only have one, this kind of promotion will be gone.

“Of course, in general, the concentration is sublimated into one Gu Insect, and the benefits are more. Because it can be used as the core Immortal Gu, and then form the ultimate move. As a result, formidable power can be improved, and will not be easily cracked. Targeted.”

“Even if I am in the process of refining, some Immortal Gu is consumed as a coffin, I can completely refining it!”

This ability will be very big for Fang Yuan’s help.

Don’t say anything else, just mention Ten Thousand Me ultimate move, Fang Yuan’s Adverse Current Protection Seal is a variant of this trick. Until now, Fang Yuan is very troublesome to push the Adverse Current Protection Seal. It takes a while to brew the ultimate move. The steps are cumbersome and slightly wrong. If the ultimate move fails, it will hurt yourself and cause serious injuries.

But with Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan can completely improve the Adverse Current Protection Seal, which will greatly simplify the steps and quickly launch the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Thus, the improvement in battle strength has skyrocketed!

Fang Yuan has calculated that there are a lot of ultimate moves that he has mastered, but they are still used so much.

Ten Thousand Me ultimate move is a sublimation that can be concentrated and sublimated. The purple glow can be reduced to a few Immortal Gus, and the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation ultimate move can also be concentrated into one Gu Insect. Ten Thousand Me Immortal Gu and Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Immortal Gu, just two Immortal Gus, you can erupt the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move!

Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation, self-improvement ultimate move, one hundred and eighty slaves, Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave, etc., can be concentrated and sublimated.

With this in-depth exploration and thinking, Fang Yuan suddenly had a sentiment.

“Wait a minute, whether it is an extreme move or a refining gu, essentially is using the road.”

“My Adverse Current Protection Seal, isn’t that using Adverse Current River? Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s ultimate move All Becomes Clear and Orderly, isn’t that using Marketplace?”

“Marketplace, Adverse Current River These are not Gu insects. Why can they be used? It is not because they are Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm that Dao Marks is extremely abundant. Have we used it?”

Fang Yuan then looked back and thought, Gu insect Cultivation, Utilization, and Refinement, in fact, essentially.

There are too many genres of gu cultivator, Flame Dao, Water Dao, Metal Dao, Wood Dao, etc., Strength Dao, Wisdom Dao, Soul Dao, Law Dao, Poison Dao, Stealing Dao…

“These genres are all about Gu insect’s Culture, Utilization, and Refinement. It’s actually a way of saying between Heaven and Earth!”

Suddenly, the most classic words of gu cultivation world, once again flashed in Fang Yuan’s mind.

– Man is the spirit of all things, Gu are the true essences of Heaven and Earth!

There has never been such a moment, and Fang Yuan’s understanding of this sentence is so deep.

“I want to sublimate the ultimate move into a Gu insect. I want to cut off the Gu insect, add the coffin, and integrate it into one.”

“Immortal Gu is the Grand Dao’s fragment, and the coffin is accumulated by Dao Marks, and they can be replaced by each other as long as the genre is consistent.”

“Look at the Adverse Current Protection Seal, All Becomes Clear and Orderly, the reason why the ultimate move can be made is that the Adverse Current River and the Market’s Dao Marks are too rich to replace the role of Gu insect. From this point of view, these two The ultimate move is actually converted from ultimate move to Gu Formula!”

A lot of doubts are at this moment, and as Fang Yuan keeps thinking, it suddenly opens up.

Refining Dao is actually quite special. Although it is a single one, it also involves various genres. Fang Yuan’s achievement of Refining Dao Quasi Supreme is more extensive and deeper than any other genre he has achieved.

“After think about it, I am now using the Resetting Rivers and Mountains Immortal Gu to fix Soul Shaking Mountain. On the surface, this is Gu insect at work, but it can also be seen as an ultimate move Resetting Rivers and Mountains. Anything. The ultimate move can be seen as a refining gu remnant formula, so the angle is changed, which is refining gu.”

“It’s just that I’m not one Gu Insect, but a Rank 9 immortal materials – Soul Shaking Mountain!”

Fang Yuan is just a Rank 7 cultivation base, can you actually make Rank 9 immortal materials?

Don’t forget, the more important thing here is All Becomes Clear and Orderly ultimate move, which is Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable’s handiwork. In the same year, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable used the All Becomes Clear and Orderly ultimate move on Soul Shaking Mountain, which is the Rank 9 layer.

With this in mind, Fang Yuan had a lot of new ideas for fixing Soul Shaking Mountain.

“Since Soul Shaking Mountain can be repaired, it can also be used as a core to imitate Adverse Current River and form Immortal Realm Ultimate Move !”

“Oh! I understand! The highest peak of the soul cultivation in Gloomy Soul’s True Inheritance – Three Venerables, isn’t it a man-made Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm?”

“There are also Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable’s Rank 9 ultimate move Unknown to Ghosts. Countless Dao Marks are countless and work together. They don’t need immortal essence to infuse them. It’s also a man-made Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm!”

Until now, Fang Yuan doesn’t understand why Unknown to Ghosts Ultimate Move doesn’t need immortal essence, it can be constantly pushed, and it doesn’t stop.

But now he is suddenly realized.

Does Soul Shaking Mountain need immortal essence? No need.

Does Unrestrained Valley require immortal essence? Also not needed.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is resistant to Disaster and Tribulation, although it uses immortal essence to promote the ultimate move, but essentially he does not need immortal essence, but also has a strong fighting power.

But one thing is not to say that all kinds of Dao Marks can be randomly stacked together. As long as the amount is large, you can become Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, and you can become an ultimate move like Unknown to Ghosts.

There is a need to match between Dao Marks.

This kind of match is not refining gu? The coffin you need needs to be carefully selected.

Isn’t it a raise? The ingredients needed are also subject to specific criteria.

Isn’t it just use it? The cooperation between Gu insects is the cooperation of Dao Marks.

Just keep thinking, after a long time, Fang Yuan slowly opening both of his eyes.

Three days and three nights are over.

He digested the refining Dao, but for a few hours, but his own sentiment was full of three days and three nights!

Fang Yuan’s black 眸, 熠熠 ,, and deep and unmeasurable.

“You…” Seeing the look of Fang Yuan, Langya Earth Spirit was amazed.

“What happened to me?” asked Fang Yuan.

Langya Earth Spirit sighed: “The temperament of your moment, let me seem to be the same as the former Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable!”

Ju Yang Immortal Venerable, Heavenly Thief Demonic Venerable … Any Gu Venerable is the world-recognized Supreme Grandmaster.

Fang Yuan Refining Dao Quasi Supreme’s Realm has already caught the edge of their level.

Instead of looking up at the towering mountains, you can see the scenery in this level!

The peak of gu cultivator!

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