Fighting is also divided with who to fight.

Fang Yuan If anyone beats Rank 6 and Rank 7 Gu Immortal, no one would be surprised.

But the opponent is the famous Rank 8 expert Thunder Ghost True Monarch, which is not a concept.

In fact, in this battle, Fang Yuan was very embarrassed, but it was this battle. He really established the name of his world Rank 7 number one person and pressed Feng Jiuge under his feet.

It can be said that this is the battle of Fang Yuan!

In this battle alone, even those of Rank 8’s Gu Immortal should really pay attention to Fang Yuan, the Rank 7 freak.

Of course, all of this is Fang Yuan’s calculation.

Although this battle was a failure of Fang Yuan, the initiative to evacuate, but not without income.

The victory or defeat of a battle is not really important. What is important is the loss and gain represented by the victory and defeat.

Fang Yuan Although the battle was defeated, the gains were not small. The value of the three sternum is not in themselves, but in the meaning contained above.

Fang Yuan applied this spoils of war to the extreme, and the Five Regions Gu Immortal World was sensational, not to mention Chu Du’s complex emotions, Wu Yong’s iron face, Lu Weiyin’s sigh.

After the single Fang Yuan returned to Langya Blessed Land, it immediately sensed a big difference.

These nonhuman Gu Immortal, including the Langya Earth Spirit, have undergone great changes in their attitudes, and true awe.

Especially in the situation of Heavenly Court glare like a tiger watching his prey, Fang Yuan has become the backbone of this group of people.

After all, Immemorial Stone Dragon is only Immemorial Desolate Beast, Far Ancient Battle Formation Heaven Woman Shuttle Gauze, although there is Rank 8 battle strength, it is still not a Rank 8 Gu Immortal of a genuine.

Now, Fang Yuan has slammed such a Rank 8 Gu Immortal, especially the Thunder Ghost True Monarch is still recognized as an expert in Rank 8!

At this time, who still manages Fang Yuan’s Rank 7 cultivation base ?

Genuine record is in front of you!

Because of this, when Fang Yuan returned to Langya Blessed Land, these people came to meet.

Fang Yuan’s attitude was a bit cold, but he said something to Langya Earth Spirit, Bing Yuan and the others, to Xue’er nodded. Xue’er suddenly bowed his head in a shy manner, and Snowman Gu Immortals smiled.

Nonhuman Gu Immortals also proposed to set up a banquet to clean up the dust for Fang Yuan and was deduced by Fang Yuan unhesitatingly.

“The situation is not good at the moment, limelight is tight, we still have to hurry and get through this crisis, it is a matter of urgency.” Fang Yuan’s faint words, and caused nonhuman Gu Immortals to agree to the sound of reconciliation.

Fang Yuan’s status is really different.

These nonhuman Gu Immortal really treat him as Rank 8 Gu Immortal. I used to get along with Fang Yuan, but now I have some shrugs and whispers.

One is Fang Yuan battle strength valiant, who can swear Thunder Ghost True Monarch, secondly the enemy, they are also asking for Fang Yuan.

“Everyone is all gone, I want to talk privately with Great Elder.” Fang Yuan no trace of politeness, retreat.

Fang Yuan whispered to Langya Earth Spirit sound transmission: “I am the Reved Elder of Langya School first, and then the league member.”

This sentence is really sincere, immediately let the Langya Earth Spirit feel happy, I thought that Fang Yuan did not forget this, or our own people. Before because Fang Yuan forced him to convince him, asking for Refining Dao’s true feelings of depression, also involuntarily cut a lot.

The masses of nature will not be uninteresting and will disperse.

Langya Earth Spirit grabbed Fang Yuan’s arm and disappeared into place, a moment later they appeared in the first Cloud City.

“Rely on your Dao Suits Dao Immortal Gu, we found that Blessed Land really planted their means. To migrate to Langya Blessed Land, we must first remove these unfavorable Dao Marks.” Langya Earth Spirit is worried.

Fang Yuan was a bit strange: “With Reevered Great Elder, your Refining Dao rumors, refining these Dao Marks, is the best at it?”

Langya Earth Spirit is distressed: “Heavenly Court is really a Heavenly Court. This time the method is extremely special. I have almost exhausted the method, but I can’t do anything about these Dao Marks.”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes.

In terms of Heavenly Court, it is really well prepared and the background is extremely deep. Since they can plant this means, they are not worried about being discovered, and they are not worried about being cracked. Perhaps Fairy Ziwei already counts the reliability of the Langya Earth Spirit.

“I don’t know if my clean body is good move, can it be effective?” Fang Yuan is quite confident about this method. After all, the Inextinguishable Star Mark used this trick to be successfully cracked by Fang Yuan.

But at the moment, Fang Yuan didn’t want to take it out immediately.

He said to the Langya Earth Spirit: “That’s the case, then I will just say it. Please also ask Great Elder. You will take the Refining Dao for me. After I achieve the Refining Dao Quasi Supreme Grandmaster, I will be able to solve this problem.”

The Langya Earth Spirit expression suddenly changed. This Refining Dao is the treasure of his mind. Now it is necessary to take it out and hand it over to Fang Yuan, the Human Race Gu Immortal. Of course, it is awkward and extremely reluctant.

However, since he had already promised Fang Yuan before, and the grim situation was in front of him, even if he was sad, he would only have nodded at the moment.

So after a while, Fang Yuan finally saw the original meaning of Refining Dao from Old Ancestor Long Haired.

True meaning is also a kind of will, but it is very special.

Fang Yuan was also the first to witness the existence of true intentions. I saw that this true meaning is the appearance of Old Ancestor Long Haired, but it is shining, glittering and translucent, without the flesh, as if it was purely made of diamonds. .

The vast majority of the will can flow on their own, constantly consuming themselves, thinking and other activities. But the true meaning is completely static, like sculpture, motionless.

However, it is precisely because of this characteristic that this true meaning will last forever. If it is like other wills, you can circulate on your own and keep thinking. It has already consumed light.

“You… take it.” Langya Earth Spirit is so complex that I look at Long Haired for a while, and then I sighed and said to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan nodded, stepping forward, eyes stunned, and suddenly took a shot from the air, this Long Haired really attracted to his mind.

Long Haired really entered the mind of Fang Yuan and suddenly shot the brilliance of ten thousand zhang.

The diamond-like brilliance shines on Fang Yuan’s mind, forming a magnificent light.

Fang Yuan immediately sat down, tightly closed eyes, full of solemn color.

He began to mobilize many Wisdom Dao means, suddenly screaming in the sea, countless thoughts, all kinds of will, all rushed to Long Haired, constantly colliding, constantly learning, learning and comprehension.

Everything went very smoothly. After a few hours, Fang Yuan digested the fullness of this Long Haired into a self-accumulation.

These are Old Ancestor Long Haired’s understanding of Refining Dao, and now all become Fang Yuan’s cultivation.

Fang Yuan Refining Dao Realm, has always been common, but now it is a leap forward, becoming the Quasi Supreme Grandmaster!

“This is a step in the Heavens! Even if the dreams appear, the Five Regions fight, I explore the dream, there is no such effect!” Even Fang Yuan himself is full of emotions, this time his harvest is really huge!

Although it completely digested the true meaning of Refining Dao, Fang Yuan sat still on the ground, motionless, and fully realized his own improvement.

Refining Dao !

This is a special genre.

Cultivation Gu Immortal of this genre, the best thing is refining gu.

Gu Dao cultivation has ternary elements from beginning to end. That is cultivate gus, use gus, refine gus.

Now Fang Yuan is in the refining gu aspect, and is among the best in the world. In the entire Five Regions, Gu Immortal, almost no one can understand the original Fang Yuan.

“However, it is not enough to have Realm. What I lack now is the experience of refining gu, Refining Dao Immortal Gu and Refining Dao ultimate move.” Fang Yuan has a very clear self-awareness.

“But as long as I practice these things, the progress must be a thousand miles, very fast. After all, I am already Quasi Supreme Grandmaster!”

“Unexpectedly, Stealing Dao Realm was only the Great Grandmaster not long ago, and now Refining Dao came to the top and became the Quasi Supreme Grandmaster!”

Fang Yuan eyes closed Contemplation, carefully understanding the changes brought by Refining Dao Realm.

He casually flipped through any of the Gu Formulas, Mortal Gu Formula is simply at a glance, just a glance, Fang Yuan has a deep understanding of the mystery, and then Rank 1 can lift this Gu Formula to the best level.

Looking through the Immortal Gu Formula, the Immortal Gu Formula is certainly much richer than the Mortal Gu Formula, and the difficulty is skyrocketing. But it is hard to beat Fang Yuan. He found that as long as he sinks his heart and studies hard, some problems can be understood with a little thought.

Some of the more complex Rank 8 Immortal Gu Formula, Fang Yuan needs to use Wisdom Dao means to keep thinking. But because of Wisdom Dao Realm with Quasi Supreme, he never thinks about mistakes.

Sometimes, he doesn’t even need to calculate, just relying on this intuition in his heart, you can refining Immortal Gu and judge whether an Immortal Gu Formula is correct.

In the face of an Immortal Gu Formula that he understands all, he can come up with a lot of improvement programs in an instant, and the more he thinks, the more improved the program.

For the renant formula, he used to rely on the Wisdom Halo, but now it is difficult to dial the drop. Of course, he still can’t do omnipotence in this respect, and many of the renumant formula’s projections also need the genre’s Realm.

“Retire Dao in history, but also the three Supreme Grandmasters in the district. I now have Realm from Quasi Supreme, let alone today, even in the long river of history, the single refining Dao Realm is definitely the top ten. “”

Fang Yuan’s battle strength Although there is no change, the vision is very different, almost rising to the highest level of gu cultivator.

Standing at this height, Fang Yuan is simply the process of overlooking the entire gu cultivator.

There are countless clear comprehension in his heart.

“Gu Dao Cultivation, Utilization, and Refinement are actually one!”

“In the cultivation method of Gu insect, there is a refining method. There is a usage in the refining method. The usage also includes the discover mystery of the cultivation method and the refining method.”

Now Fang Yuan can completely see from this perfect Gu Formula how this Gu Insect can be maintained and what is the utility power.

Under the bypass of the analogy, he can also reverse the introduction of Gu insect from the cultivation method and usage.

“Wait a minute, I understand! In fact, any ultimate move, whether it is Mortal Realm Ultimate Move or Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, can be regarded as a refining gu remnant formula.”

Fang Yuan suddenly shocked, comprehend Refining Dao!

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