Southern Border.

Ten Thousand Flood Dragon !

The dragon roar sounded, and the entire Immortal Dao battlefield was completely washed away. The silver scales were like the sea, and Fang Yuan came out.

As soon as he got out of trouble, he received a lot of help.

“What? Langya Blessed Land was attacked by Heavenly Court? Or was Feng Jiuge led?” Fang Yuan was shocked.

He encountered Lu Weiyin and was temporarily trapped. At the same time, Langya Blessed Land was attacked by Heavenly Court. If there is no connection between the two, the ghost does not believe it!

“Oh? Has it been defeated? Central Continent Gu Immortal Most of them are killed, only Feng Jiuge is still alive?” Fang Yuan looked at the news from Langya Earth Spirit and turned to look at the letter from Sixth Hair.

Sixth Hair is the spy of Shadow Sect at Langya School. It is the person of Fang Yuan and his message is the most credible.

From the letter of Sixth Hair, Fang Yuan quickly learned the whole process.

“It turned out that Feng Jiuge saw that the situation was wrong and took the initiative to withdraw…”

Fang Yuan’s eyes are so bright, but this is not the place to calm down. The Rank 8 Gu Immortal in the Southern Border Righteous Path is on the way.

Fang Yuan quickly evacuated, and on the way, he directly urged the reserved means to detonate Soul Shaking Mountain!

“Hehe, Heavenly Court raided Langya Blessed Land, obviously premeditated. Picking Mountain’s means are not common, and Feng Jiuge is directly taking Soul Shaking Mountain away. This is deliberate and bad to me. Unfortunately… …my Soul Shaking Mountain is so easy to snatch?”

Fang Yuan put Soul Shaking Mountain on Langya Blessed Land, on the one hand to show the sincerity of cooperation, let Langya School contribute, run Audacity Gu business, save his energy, on the other hand, Fang Yuan left behind, not afraid of Langya School Or other Gu Immortal privately engulfed Soul Shaking Mountain.

On the way to the flight, Fang Yuan put his heart into his own Immortal Aperture.

Resetting Rivers and Mountains !

He motivated the Rank 6 Immortal Gu to aim at a large piece of rock that had been preserved for a long time.

This rock is from Soul Shaking Mountain and is the part that Fang Yuan has cut.

At this time, the body of Soul Shaking Mountain has been self-exploding. This rock is the largest surviving Soul Shaking Mountain stone in the world.

In the case of Fang Yuan using the Resetting Rivers and Mountains Immortal Gu, the rock immediately expanded and gradually grew and began to move towards the full Soul Shaking Mountain’s.

“Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm is like Immortal Gu. It is the only one. Soul Shaking Mountain was originally transformed by Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable. This Soul Shaking Mountain stone will be able to restore the complete Soul Shaking under the light of Resetting Rivers and Mountains Gu. Mountain is coming.”

Fang Yuan is full of confidence.

Although Soul Shaking Mountain was taken away, he did not lose. In time, Soul Shaking Mountain will return to his hands.

However, this process will be a bit long.

Resetting Rivers and Mountains Gu After all, only Rank 6, while Soul Shaking Mountain is analogous to Rank 9 Immortal Gu’s Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, Fang Yuan’s Soul Shaking Mountain stone, which is far smaller than the entire Soul Shaking Mountain.

Heavenly Court has been planning for a long time, and Feng Jiuge has taken the action himself. The loss of Fang Yuan is still a lot.

First, Superior Heavenly Eagle didn’t take it back, followed by Soul Shaking Mountain, and it took a while to reproduce Soul Shaking Mountain. It took a while and a lot of immortal essence was needed. Finally, Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng was taken away, Fang Yuan’s Blood God The Child cultivation plan was frustrated.

Fortunately, Wisdom Gu was not taken away and was not destroyed.

The scene at the time was actually very dangerous.

Feng Jiuge If it is determined to destroy Wisdom Gu, it is difficult to have the hope of survival by Wisdom Gu alone.

However, Feng Jiuge did not end up with a killer.

This point, let Fang Yuan rejoice, but also understand the next hit of White Heaven | daytime court, will be continuous. Feng Jiuge’s active retreat also shows that Heavenly Court will have the next offense!

But when is the attack? The next time I attack Langya Blessed Land, who will Heavenly Court send? What is the way?

These are all problems.

Fang Yuan fell into a valley of commons.

At this moment, he has been completely away from the battlefield. He is more cautious along the way, and should be safe for the time being.

Fang Yuan grabs the shape and grabs the warning of the age gu formation. Then the eyes closed and sits on the calculation.

After a moment, he opened his eyes and thought that the whole event was in the heart, as if he had experienced the battle of Langya School and Feng Jiuge group of people.

“You can be sure that Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu is in the hands of Heavenly Court’s and seems to have been promoted to Rank 7. There is also a matching Immortal Realm Ultimate Move…”

Any mutation in Langya Blessed Land can’t escape the insights of Langya Earth Spirit. Feng Jiuge group of people The scene that suddenly appeared has long been remembered by Langya Earth Spirit. These similar clues are sent to Fang Yuan’s hand.

With sufficient clues, plus the background of Fang Yuan Wisdom Dao, Fang Yuan immediately understood how Feng Jiuge raided inside the Langya Blessed Land.

“In order to prevent Fixed Immortal Travel Immortal Gu, I have already falsified Soul Shaking Mountain’s face, and Feng Jiuge’s trip appeared on the three continents. The leak of information in this area is probably related to the missing Hairyman Gu Immortal.”

“It takes a lot of effort to change the topography of the three continents. Even if you do this, I am afraid I will not be able to stop Heavenly Court from continuing to invade.”

“If I didn’t expect it, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal didn’t succeed in setting up Immortal Dao gu formation. Just looking at Feng Jiuge so easily, it must have left behind in Langya Blessed Land.”

All kinds of thoughts flashed quickly in Fang Yuan’s mind.

Heavenly Court do not act, a take action on Shi Potian! If it was not during this period of time, Fang Yuan also made some preventive measures for this situation in advance, and lost the Langya Blessed Land of Refining Furnace. At this time, I am afraid that it has been conquered by Feng Jiuge.

Fang Yuan has done enough, but Heavenly Court’s background is too deep. Just like this time, with the legacy of Time Dao Great Expert Liang Liang, let Feng Jiuge and the others come in.

Heavenly Court This kind of opponent is precisely the most difficult to resist. Because I don’t know how many trump cards it has!

Fang Yuan sighed and started to contact Langya Earth Spirit.

He told Langya Earth Spirit about his own experience and said his own guess, Lu Weiyin is probably a descendant of Paradise Immortal Venerable.

Although Langya Earth Spirit also has grievances, Fang Yuan did not appear at the crucial moment to defend Langya Blessed Land, but Fang Yuan said that it is true, and Langya Earth Spirit is not good at what to pursue.

“This time Heavenly Court attack, did not succeed, and found Wisdom Gu, will definitely come again. Fang Yuan You are the Revered Elder of Langya School, Langya School needs your battle strength, come back to guard.” Langya Earth Spirit Road.

Fang Yuan laughed.

This is certainly impossible!

Langya Blessed Land did help Fang Yuan a lot, and it can be regarded as Fang Yuan’s nest, but it is impossible for Fang Yuan to be restrained.

At the moment Heavenly Court is in full swing, as long as the Fate Immortal Gu is repaired, it will be invincible.

Fang Yuan If you are guarded in Langya Blessed Land, Heavenly Court’s side must be laughed. This is exactly what they want to see.

Fang Yuan guards Langya Blessed Land. There is no way out. He must go out and search for cultivation resources to grow up.

Growing to a certain level, Fang Yuan will take out Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. No matter how much True Inheritance can help him, he will destroy Heavenly Court’s plan to repair Fate Gu within ten years.

Only by doing so will he not be defeated, and this is the only way out.

Otherwise, when Fate Gu is repaired, Gu Immortal will be almost fattened all over the world. How many Demon from Beyond The Heavens like Fang Yuan? Heavenly Court will re-enter peak and Fang Yuan will never be its opponent.

“Even if Langya Blessed Land was broken and Wisdom Gu was destroyed, I would not disturb my cultivation plan because of Langya Blessed Land.”

Fang Yuan flashed a cold light in his eyes.

Of course, he will never speak to the Langya Earth Spirit.

At this time, Fang Yuan, the covenant on his body has been restraint and can’t live with him. Since this period of time, the Immortal Formation has not been looked at.

“We also talk about the issue of compensation.” Fang Yuan gave a few words and said to Langya Earth Spirit.

“Eh!” Langya Earth Spirit suddenly fell into disrepair. At the time, he and Fang Yuan had agreed that the assets of Soul Shaking Mountain and Wisdom Gu would be compensated for ten times if they were lost.

Wisdom Gu was not destroyed, which made Langya Earth Spirit sighed in relief, but Soul Shaking Mountain…

At least it is now lost!

“You know, if Heavenly Court gets Soul Shaking Mountain and has an endless supply of Audacity Gu, what kind of help will they be.” Fang Yuan sees the silence of Langya Earth Spirit and puts pressure on him.

“You, don’t say this. I will compensate you all, you can rest assured.” Langya Earth Spirit replied.

“I believe you, how can Revered Great Elder be an unbelievable Littleman?” Fang Yuan hehe smiled.

“What kind of compensation do you want?” asked Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan looks at the line 1, he wants more! (~^~)

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