Silver and white, thousands of buildings.

Cyan light flashes and Feng Jiuge appears in the Ziwei Palace.

“pay respects to Ziwei adults.” Feng Jiuge instant came back to his senses, arched.

In the vast palace, Fairy Ziwei sat on the cloud bed and saw Feng Jiuge come back, then opened his eyes.

In an instant, from her pupil of the eye, the infinite star glow shines, shining and shining through the temple.

Feng Jiuge did not speak and flew directly from an Information Dao Gu insect. Fairy Ziwei took it, and when he was refreshed, he knew the results.

“Feng Jiuge, you are worthy of the contemporary Great Dream Immortal Venerable’s Dao Protector, this time is very right.” Fairy Ziwei is not appreciated.

Feng Jiuge lightly smiled : “This is the Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng.”

Said, he opened the Immortal Aperture single-leaf door and took out the captives.

Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng with both eyes closed tightly, in the middle of Feng Jiuge’s means, fell asleep. As for the Fang Yuan’s will on him, he was also suppressed by Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge put Ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng directly on the ground and exclaimed: “I have searched this Human Soul 魄, that Fang Yuan is really a devil, cold and ruthless, actually wants to make his younger brother to Blood God Child But I am a bit puzzled. This person is only a mortal. Although he has a close relationship with Fang Yuan, why should he value him so much?”

Fairy Ziwei’s tone: “Heavenly Dao balances, yin and yang, and poisonous caves, often with detoxifying herbs. This ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng and Fang Yuan are accompanied by Heavenly Dao special intention for Fang Yuan. If you are properly cultivated, it will be useful to deal with Fang Yuan in the future.”

“so that’s how it is.” Feng Jiuge nodded.

“Unfortunately.” Fairy Ziwei while speaking, also searched Fang Zheng soul, she sighed and continued, “Fang Yuan did not refine Blood God Child, continue the previous life’s Blood Dao cultivation. Otherwise, I have long Demon Execution List, locked in Fang Yuan’s position. In my opinion, Fang Yuan has not noticed that his previous life cultivation Blood Dao is also a Will of Heaven special intention. There is no cultivation Blood Dao in this world, it should be a gas body.”

“Fate Gu has not been repaired yet, and Luck Dao’s power is magnified, often very obvious. This time you can succeed and make a smooth turn. It’s also because you are Dao Protector, Luck Qi is strong, not suppressed by Fang Yuan. “”

Feng Jiuge nodded : “What about Soul Shaking Mountain? What about Wisdom Gu in Langya Blessed Land?”

“You take it out.” Fairy Ziwei smiles.

Feng Jiuge takes a glimpse of the Soul Shaking Mountain and takes it out of the Immortal Aperture.

This pink crystal-cast mountain is very huge, but it falls into the Ziwei Palace, but it is suppressed, reduced to the size of the palm, exquisite and clear.

Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable able to move unhindered in the whole world, killing people, creating Soul Dao. Heavenly Court is the Righteous Path. When Gloomy Soul has not yet become a Venerable, he notices his threat and has been fighting Gloomy Soul.

After the death of Gloomy Soul, Soul Dao continued to show. Although the pressure of Paradise Immortal Venerable was experienced, Heavenly Court’s mastery of Soul Dao has reached a very deep level. Even Gu Immortal of cultivation Soul Dao in Heavenly Court is not a minority.

Soul Shaking Mountain is a massive Soul Dao’s Dao Marks. It is Soul Dao’s Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. Since Fairy Ziwei can give Feng Jiuge the means to charge this mountain, she naturally has a deeper approach and will take the whole Soul. Shaking Mountain is reduced to a model.

Fairy Ziwei reached out and beckoned, and Soul Shaking Mountain seemed to have no weight and floated into her hands.

“Miao Wei, Miao Wei.” Fairy Ziwei watched for a while, and was pleased with nodded. “With this mountain, Audacity Gu will continue to benefit, and Jinhuang will benefit from it, exploring a tiger that has grown wings.”

Feng Jiuge lightly smiled, can help his daughter, he is a father, naturally happy.

“As for Wisdom Gu…” Fairy Ziwei sighed. “This is a must for me. Jiuge, you are going to recuperate. This matter needs to be considered.”

If the second attack on Langya Blessed Land, the other party must be alert and fully prepared, especially Fang Yuan will probably return, which requires more detailed planning by Fairy Ziwei.

“Yes.” Feng Jiuge immediately left, exited Ziwei Palace, went to Heavenly Court, and went back to Spiritual Fate House.

Fairy Ziwei also left the Ziwei Palace, gently holding Soul Shaking Mountain in one hand, all the way slowly, and after a while, came to a dark great hall.

On the great hall plaque, there are three large characters Suppression Soul Palace.

It’s the Rock 8 Immortal Gu Home, which suppresses the Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Fairy Ziwei smiled and took Soul Shaking Mountain to Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

“Demon Venerable, what do you think is this?” Fairy Ziwei smiled and started talking.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is as silent as iron.

Fairy Ziwei nodded: “Sure enough, it’s stubborn, really devil! But… I took this mountain, and I don’t want to attack your mind. I know this mountain. You used it, it is the place where you used to be cultivation. It happens that there is such a trick in my hand that I only need to use something that is closely related to you, you can shake your mind and tuck all the relevant memories.”

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul is still dead.

The smile on Fairy Ziwei’s face faded away, and cold lightning was shot in the eyelids.

Until now, she is both stubborn and distressed by Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s, and she has made little progress in searching for the precious memories of Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul’s.

Now that she has Soul Shaking Mountain, Fairy Ziwei as if has a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough, she wants Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul first!

a moment later, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move spurred, the entire Suppression Soul Palace has a roaring sound, bursting out ten thousand zhang brilliant.

The radiance shines on Soul Shaking Mountain and also covers Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul.

Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul resisted hard, but this was great, and the memory of one scene after another related to Soul Shaking Mountain was extracted and appeared in front of Fairy Ziwei.

The young Gloomy Soul was accidentally presenting Soul Shaking Mountain for the first time, with ecstasy in shock…

After many twists and turns, Gloomy Soul finally occupied Soul Shaking Mountain, secretly cultivation days…

Gloomy Soul thought hard and finally thought of the way to relocate Soul Shaking Mountain’s, and after some twists and turns, finally got this mountain in the bag…

Gloomy Soul pioneered Soul Dao and gradually became more useful for Soul Shaking Mountain, not only as shallow as mining Audacity Gu. He pioneered the Soul Shaking grand formation and was able to take advantage of the Soul Dao’s Dao Marks on the Soul Shaking Mountain to make the Immortal Formation terrifying…

“Well? Since there is Soul Shaking Immortal Formation, why is Fang Yuan not arranged? Is it safe to use Langya Blessed Land, feel safe, or is there too much Immortal Gu for this demand?” Fairy Ziwei saw this scene and suddenly had some doubts.

But soon, her doubts were solved, and once the Soul Shaking Mountain was placed as part of the Immortal Formation, it was difficult to produce Audacity Gu.

Fairy Ziwei continues to read.

About Soul Shaking Mountain’s one scene after another, recreates the sight of the soul cultivation line. Although most of them don’t matter, there are many, and there are valuable cultivation content, even for Heavenly Court, which is an extraordinary gain.

When Gloomy Soul became become Venerable, he took Soul Shaking Mountain was put to the Marketplace. Then use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to transform Soul Shaking Mountain with Marketplace.

This recurring memory has shaken Fairy Ziwei’s heart.

“This is All Becomes Clear and Orderly, it’s awesome! The Marketplace is Law Dao Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. With the Marketplace, Soul Dao’s Dao Marks on Soul Shaking Mountain can’t resist Time Dao anymore. This is probably Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s is the source of discover mystery.”

Fairy Ziwei already figured out Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu and knew some of the unique features of this 。. After all, Fang Yuan repeatedly exposed a lot of precious clues in the battle.

She thought it was all right!

Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu can make all Dao Marks mutually exclusive, the source is in the Marketplace, in this move All Becomes Clear and Orderly.

Soul Shaking Mountain’s has made a huge price for the Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, but it’s worth it. Soul Shaking Mountain From now on, you can easily revert to the past with Time Dao’s Immortal Move.

The next memory is that Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable uses this Soul Shaking Mountain to launch many Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves.

These Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves are terrifying, but often damage the Soul Shaking Mountain body. But every once in a while, Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable uses Time Dao to restore Soul Shaking Mountain to its full state.

“These methods are wonderful, and they can make Demon Venerable’s existence, and it’s really amazing!” Fairy Ziwei’s eyes kept flowing and admired.

These Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves are quite valuable cultivation content, which is very beneficial to Heavenly Court.

Especially now, Soul Shaking Mountain is also in the hands of the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Among the many ultimate moves, there is one trick that makes Fairy Ziwei pay attention.

“This move can directly detonate Soul Shaking Mountain and form a terrifying Soul Burst. Any soul of the soul can be detonated to form Soul Burst. Soul Beast of Soul Beast is more often formidable power, and this trick Soul Shaking Mountain Soul Burst, but the limit is the limit, so that the mountains can be Soul Burst, pure use of these Soul Dao’s Dao Marks, don’t leave the hub, the mind is perfect. Eh! And so on…”

Fairy Ziwei suddenly, the pupil shrinks and realizes that it is not right!

Bang!! !

a moment later, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering exploded suddenly, and the entire Soul Shaking Mountain exploded into a powder.

Whether it is Fairy Ziwei or Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul, it is shrouded by terrifying explosion!

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