Fang Yuan was temporarily trapped in the Embryo Earth Labyrinth ultimate move, and the battle suddenly stabilized.

In the eyes of Tie Mianshen, the bright glow flashes disappeared and flew directly to Lu Weiyin. In front of him, he asked: “This Senior, then how do we get rid of Fang Yuan?”

Lu Weiyin smiles, the tone is moderated – ly said: “There is a good life in heaven, even if this Fang Yuan is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, it is also a creature, can you swear by his life?”

At the glance of Tie Mianshen, Yi Family’s two Gu Immortals also flew over, and Yi Nanmen hurriedly said: “Senior, how can you appease the rape, this demon sin, disturbing the world’s order, this is the best time to remove him, how can you blindly Kindness?”

Yi Yu also persuaded: “Senior, today does not remove this demon head, in the future he will harm the world, killing thousands of creatures, is it worse? Removing him is a blessing in the world.”

But Lu Weiyin shook his head: “Everyone’s words are reasonable, but they are also biased. There are no wicked people born in the world, nor congenital murderers. Otherwise, why should we learn all kinds of means of killing and fighting? People have good and evil. There is no pure evil, no pure good. The Fang Yuan, although Demonic Path Gu Immortal, is hand-stained with blood and acts evilly, but it is not born to be a wicked person.”

“The hateful people must have pity, and the world’s affairs are also cause and effect. The Fang Yuan, which caused today, is the cause of yesterday’s brewing. Since Fang Yuan can gradually become today’s wicked generation, why? Will not be transformed into a good person in the future?”

“He is strong and powerful, and if he is used in the Righteous Path to benefit the world, isn’t it not to save thousands of absolutely mortals, are they more beneficial to the world?”

Lu Weiyin said, Tie Mianshen, Yi Nanmen, Yi Yu all stayed!

The mysterious Rank 8 Gu Immortal is actually trying to influence Fang Yuan’s idea!

“It seems that Senior is a good idea, then Junior has to wait for Senior good news.” Tie Mianshen sighed.

Yi Family Two Gu Immortals looked at each other and saw the extremely helpless look from each other’s eyes.

The three of them alone, in any case, are not Fang Yuan’s opponents, so to remove Fang Yuan can only rely on the mysterious Rank 8 Gu Immortal Lu Weiyin.

Lu Weiyin’s method is superb, and although it appears quite suddenly, the Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move is arranged in advance, and there are early attempts, but there are indications that he seems to be able to remove Fang Yuan.

Unexpectedly, Lu Weiyin had such an incredible plan to influence Fang Yuan and transform this stunning demon into a good fairy who would benefit the world.

“I am afraid that this Rank 8 Gu Immortal has some means to change Fang Yuan’s mind?” Yi Yu guessed.

Yi Nanmen directly started talking: “Thanks to Senior for saving, please also open the battlefield for Senior, let me wait for the family.”

Yi Family Gu Immortal came here. Originally, I wanted to be unfavorable to Tie Family, Shang Family, and Hou Family. As a result, things developed too quickly and suddenly. When Fang Yuan’s appeared, it directly made the whole thing beyond the control of these two Gu Immortals.

The two Yi Family Gu Immortal are also bad luck, experienced Fang Yuan, and encountered Lu Weiyin. Their own plots have failed completely.

In this case, of course, they are not willing to stay here for a long time, and it is human nature to want to leave.

Tie Mianshen looked at the two Yi Family Gu Immortal, his eyes flashing a few times, but there was no opening.

Lu Weiyin slowly shook his head: “everyone Fellow Immortal and don’t be impatient, I will never be bad for everyone, but at this time it is not a good opportunity to open the battlefield. If everyone is out of this battlefield, I am afraid that immediately want to report to the family. I invite the helper to deal with Fang Yuan. This is against my plan, so I haven’t been waiting for a moment.”

“This…” Three Gu Immortals You look at me and I look at you, I have to promise.

In this battlefield of Immortal Dao, they were unable to communicate with the outside world. They were both Fang Yuan and Lu Weiyin. Although they were unwilling, they could only listen to the latter.

“Master, can Fang Yuan really turn into Righteous Path?” Ye Fan asked behind him, puzzled.

Lu Weiyin turned and touched Ye Fan’s head: “Everything is possible, isn’t that so? I am willing to give him a chance to let him get lost. If he can turn back, I believe It must be a great blessing on earth, and it is a good story in the history books.”

“Really… is it okay?” Shang Xinci also asked, hesitating, but with a hint of hope in his eyes.

She is the Righteous Path Gu Master, from small to large, of course, unwilling to be in love with Fang Yuan, take the Demonic Path this no return.

And at this moment, in Shang Xinci’s view, Fang Yuan has been trapped, the Lu Weiyin means is very powerful, and Fang Yuan has a life worry. At this time, if Fang Yuan is rehabilitated, it is not only a major event, but also for Fang Yuan himself.

“Of course it is ok. People will change. If they can change from good to bad, nature can be bad. Shang Xinci, do you think Fang Yuan’s essence will be a bad person?” Lu Weiyin asked with a smile.

Shang Xinci immediately shook his head and resolutely said: “I don’t know Senior, I always think that Fang Yuan is not a natural wicked person. I feel his indifference, and under his indifference, there is endless sorrow.”

Lu Weiyin nodded: “You know him better. It’s rare, rare. I already know that he helped you. Then you know, now, he needs your help?”

Shang Xinci immediately asked, “I would like to ask Senior, how can I help him?”

Lu Weiyin said with a smile : “It’s very simple. I just said it. You only need to persuade him. I hope that he can change his mind and change his mind. My ultimate move, known as Embryo Earth Labyrinth, can make people experience three. In the third generation, people can read the red dust, realize life and death, appreciate the vicissitudes of Human Dao, and gradually forget Evil Thought in their hearts, thus changing their evil spirits.”

“Everyone has an innate temperament, but the acquired experience is also extremely important. Shang Xinci, your heart is projected into the Embryo Earth Labyrinth, and you will definitely let Fang Yuan feel obeyed and let him know the world. Good, re-introducing the goodness and light in his heart.”

“I understand, thank you for your advice!” Shang Xinci looked blank and his eyes fixed. From her body, she has a will, and like everyone else, it is projected into the Embryo Earth Labyrinth.

Seeing this scene, Lu Weiyin suddenly sighed slightly in relief, Dark Dao: “With Shang Xinci’s Qi Luck, we will not be completely suppressed by Fang Yuan’s in Luck Dao. Next, look at the other side. action.”

Immemorial White Heaven, Chen Yi figure Like the electricity, galloping in the clouds.

There are still injuries on his body. These injuries are from the Fáng Family Revered Great Elder and the Legendary Immemorial Soul Beast Qing Qiu. The wounds are full of Strength Dao and Soul Dao’s Dao Marks.

Chen Yi Even though the treatment is outstanding, these injuries are not recovered in a moment.

Compared with his injuries, his depression is even heavier.

“this time, I actually failed!”

“Not only did Bean God Palace not take back the hands, but it also lost and lost, even Qing Qiu did not remove. Oh! I am greedy and overtaken by others, it is my fault, it is my fault!”

Chen Yi is very self-blaming.

Part of it is difficult to tell Fairy Ziwei back, and more is his Revered Great Elder, who is a Sky Lotus School. He didn’t take back the Immortal Ancestor, and he was ashamed.

“This time goes back, I will take the initiative to resign from the Sky Lotus School Revered Great Elder, sneak out of cultivation! After the completion, go to the Western Desert to recapture the Bean God Palace!!”

Chen Yi made up his mind, he needs shame, otherwise he is upset.

He has been flying for many days, and Central Continent is already far away, but at this moment, three Rank 7 Gu Immortal are coming from the sky.

“Chen Yi is very slow and we have waited you for a long time.” The three Rank 7 Gu Immortal are coming together.

Chen Yi has a glimpse of acquaintances and is one of the Reevered Elders of Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects.

“You are this…” Chen Yi is puzzled.

One of the three Rank 7s was handed over to Chen Yi an Information Dao mortal gu.

Chen Yi explored the mind, a glimpse, this is the letter that Fairy Ziwei left for him.

In the letter, Fairy Ziwei asked Chen Yi to make up for it and go to Immemorial White Heaven over Northern Plains.

“Fairy Ziwei adults, it is Wisdom Dao Great Expert!” Chen Yi looks at the eyes, the eyes are flashing, nodded, and feelings.

“Also ask Chen Yi to express me, etc.” asked the three Rank 7 Gu Immortal. What they received was to hand over this Information Dao mortal gu to Chen Yi’s mission, and they didn’t know about the next arrangement and plan.

Chen Yi looked at the three of them: “Heavenly Court has taken action on Fang Yuan. You follow me!”

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