“Master…” Ye Fan whispered softly in his mouth, looking at Lu Weiyin, who was almost in front of his eyes, full of envy.

After a few days, Ye Fan saw his Master again. He was still dressed before, and he was gray and linen, very plain. He has a strong, bear-like physique, and even the wide linen can’t be covered. With a fight, he was wide and big, and the edge of the fight cast a heavy shadow on his face, covering his face. The chin is wide and thick, giving people a firm, heavy feeling.

“This is Rank 8 Gu Immortal!?” Two Yi Family Gu Immortal were forced to show up, they were hidden in the lake, but when the Immortal Dao battlefield rose, they were also arrested.

“Who is he? With the Southern Border, it’s not a member of my Righteous Path!” Tie Mianshen’s face was condensed like iron.

“Oh? It’s not easy to survive. Do you want me to stop?” Fang Yuan looked at Lu Weiyin and sneered, and his thoughts and thoughts in his mind came and went, like lightning strikes.

“This person is hypocritical! Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move is arranged in advance, and the action can be taken in time to save Shang Family and Hou Family Gu Immortals, but the timing of his choice is deliberately delayed. What does it mean to survive, let me Stop, fake kindness!”

“However, he is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and my Three Breaths From Now is clearly motivated, but I can’t warn me. In the end, this trick is still slightly lower. After the core Time Dao Immortal Gu, there is only the Rank 7 layer.”

“And the Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move he arranged is also very wonderful. I have not found all kinds of investigation methods.”

Fang Yuan thought about it.

His methods are also rich and varied, and he has a variety of uses. In the face of the vast majority of Rank 7 and Rank 6 Gu Immortal in the sky, it can be crushed, but in the face of Rank 8, it is dwarfed.

The opponent is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and himself is caught in the opponent’s Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move. Fang Yuan is quite passive.

However, he is not flustered.

Adverse Current Protection Seal is his emboldened, especially recently this period of time, after many improvements, even if Heavenly Court deduced the restraint method, it is only for the original ultimate move version, for Fang Yuan, currently It is difficult to receive results.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Ten Thousand Flood Dragon.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath and suddenly showed the strongest means of attack.

嗷roar! ! !

Countless silverscale Sword Flood Dragon, flying out, has a tendency to flood the entire Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move.

Flood Dragon screamed, murderous, and all killed Lu Weiyin.

Lu Weiyin smiles lightly and does not change.

“Fellow Immortal, please turn off the anger, the blind slaughter can not solve the problem.” He said, his body spewed out, forming an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This ultimate move is issued and immediately works.

The sky suddenly rained.

But this “rain” is not water, but sediment.

Countless sediments, like a torrential rain, are born out of thin air and are constantly falling.

Immortal Dao’s battlefield roared, making the sediment more sinking, and the entire battlefield seemed to be covered by mud and waterfall.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Mud and Sand Flow Together !

Under the cover of the sand, the Sword Flood Dragon turns into a squeaky drum sound, and the slender dragon body shrinks and shrinks, and the horrible sharp claw becomes soft.

In just a few breaths, these fierce Sword Flood Dragon army has been completely weakened and become one after another white.

“This ultimate move!” Fang Yuan’s face is fretting, something of what.

“It seems that he has correctly guessed my identity.” Lu Weiyin has been observing his words, and his heart is secretly sighed. “This person is the source of Demon from Beyond The Heavens, Heavenly Tribulation and Earthly Disaster, not only the strength of the battle, but also the fire.” What is even more worrying is that his mind is deceptive and changeable, and the brief remark is taken directly, decisively very ruthless. It is really unfortunate.”

After thinking to this point, Lu Weiyin called out loudly: “everyone Fellow Immortal, Gu Masters, As the saying goes, self-help, then Tianzhu. Now everyone has life and worry, only help each other, unite as one, A total of anti-magic heads, in order to have a lifeline. In my Battlefield Ultimate Move, if everyone has no determination to fight against this demon, I am afraid I can’t protect you. And my next move, you need more. It’s good to work together.”

“Master, what do you want us to do? You just let me know!” Ye Fan immediately responded loudly and was very positive.

Lu Weiyin looked back and smiled at him nodded: “Just your mind is firm, you can fight for this devil.”

“I understand.” Ye Fan nodded, and then glared at Fang Yuan, a fighting intent fight immediately rose from his heart, like a smoke, rising.

The Superior Heavenly Eagle also fell, and a pair of eagle owls always reflected the Fang Yuan’s silhouette, full of hate. Although Fang Yuan hatches it, anyone who deprives him of his freedom, even if he is a biological parent, is hateful!

“In this case, it may be worthwhile to cooperate.” Tie Mianshen must have, Lu Weiyin is very secretive, but for now, it should be Fang Yuan’s hostility. As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and Tie Mianshen responds to Lu Weiyin’s call.

On the other side, Yi Family and two Gu Immortals extremely fast discussed it, and they also ignited Fang Yuan’s fighting intent in their hearts.

As for the mortal Gu Master, although they want to fight with one Gu Immortal, they are very challenging their courage, but because Lu Weiyin is in front, Fang Yuan is too fierce, just to destroy them, Evil Intention is so bright, so both They have ignited their fighting spirits.

Only Shang Xinci kept shaking her head and looked sad. Fang Yuan had great grace for her. How could she take action to Fang Yuan?

“Patriarch, when the continually resists chaos. That Fang Yuan is obviously a wolf ambition, the devil’s way, you are kind and kind, he will not understand.” Even Wei Xinxin around Shang Xinci persuaded.

“Please stop saying, I will never be against the Big Brother Hei Tu, even if he kills me.” Shang Xinci shook his head, and his attitude was quite determined.

The people around her are sighing.

The rest of the Gu Master’s attitude towards Shang Xinci’s is quite vocal, but it is not good because of Shang Xinci’s status and the current situation.

Lu Weiyin saw everyone’s minds show up, and the smile on his face was even better.

“Good.” He fainted and looked forward to Fang Yuan. “Please also Fellow Immortal tasting, how about my Earth Hold Up Wall?”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Earth Hold Up Wall !

A unit of fighting intent determination, all rushing to the crowd, sucking out and quickly blending into the surrounding Heaven and Earth.

Immortal Dao battlefield roared again.

Fang Yuan is a vigilant color, but does not take care of the action, but chooses to silently watch the change.

a moment later, he saw the city wall of a path of, born out of thin air, standing beside him.

Fang Yuan sneered, constantly taking action, all kinds of means to take turns to blast these city walls.

However, the speed of the formation of the city wall is much faster and faster. The Fang Yuan’s hand is affected by the Mud and Sand Flow Together ultimate move, and the effect is rather weak.

These ochre city walls do not have the power to attack. They are spliced ​​together in sections, some of which lie in front of Fang Yuan’s, some stand on the left and right sides of Fang Yuan’s, and some are squatting over the head or feet of Fang Yuan’s.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move 6 Path Going Astray !

Lu Weiyin snorted in the mouth and showed the third ultimate move.

Fang Yuan is moving!

At this moment, Lu Weiyin’s picture is poor and sees the true chapter.

The three ultimate move Mud and Sand Flow Together, Earth Hold Up Wall, and 6 Path Going Astray simultaneously ignited and quickly merged together to form a large labyrinth, covering Fang Yuan.

The labyrinth runs across east, south, west and north, stretching up and down, left and right, as if it were a Hanging Mountain. All kinds of pathways, the city wall, are intricate, and you will be dizzy and dazzled when you look at them from afar.

Fang Yuan’s Ten Thousand Flood Dragon ultimate move is a merger of Ten Thousand Me and Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.

But Lu Weiyin’s move, Embryo Earth Labyrinth, is the merger of the three major Rank 8 ultimate moves.

Fang Yuan is here, I feel that my sense of direction is completely lost, I don’t know the front, back, left and right.

He tried to follow the passage between the city walls and completely forgot the way he walked.

He took action and directed the smashing of the city wall, but any ultimate move fell on the earthy city wall, and it weakened. Because of this turmeric city wall, the power of Mud and Sand Flow Together was merged.

“It seems that I want to break through here. It is impossible to rely on brute force. You must peek at this trick, and the flaws of this Immortal Dao battlefield, and take action!” A clear comprehension flashed in Fang Yuan’s heart.

He immediately squatted on the spot, his eyes slowly closed, and began to use various Wisdom Dao means.

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