Fáng Anlei had a purple tongue, and it was hard as a stone, motionless, and his face quickly burst into a strange purple.

The purple tongue penetrated her body, and she was very smart, turning direction, bending her body and killing Fang Yuan.

But Fáng Yun and Fáng Leng had already reacted, and they quickly spurred Immortal Gu Home, suddenly magnificent ray, and suppressed the purple tongue, and the action slowed down.

The vines stretched around Fáng Anlei, and the rich floral fragrance scented, the luxuriant flowers appeared in the color, the petals clung to the skin, and a stream of light flowed down the vines into the body of Fáng Anlei for emergency treatment.

Fang Yuan has a dignified color, and the eyes are hidden in apathy, and the thoughts in his mind continue to fluctuate.

The Fáng Family reinforcements came to the scene, three Immortal Gu Homes, a Fallen Flower Hall, a Chicken Coop & Dog House, and an Enquirer Dock. The three Immortal Gu Homes form the Battlefield Ultimate Move Peach Blossom Bewitching Forest, which is incredibly powerful.

Fang Yuan Five hundred years of previous life, this move is in the Five Regions chaotic war period, great glory, deterrent. The information recorded in Shadow Sect True Inheritance also highlights this point and is alarming.

Fighting for a long time, Fang Yuan has seen that this Bean God Palace is weird.

Just Qing Qiu slammed the palace gate and tried his best to let him know some truth.

Driving this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home seems to be an Immemorial Soul Beast! And it will only be rampant and unable to play the mysterious power of Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home.

Immortal Gu Home is a most direct and time-saving method. However, Immortal Gu Home also has its own magical effects, such as Fallen Flower Hall, which has the objective move means of mirror flower, short-lived, and You Lan. And the Hei Family’s Black Prison Immortal Gu Home has a means of storing the slave ancient Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

The Northern Plains Hei Family is weak and weak, and naturally cannot be associated with one of the Western Desert’s top forces, Fáng Family.

It can be seen that between Immortal Gu Home, there are also high and low points. Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home If you can’t use your own means, you can’t rely on the rampage, it is certainly not the opponent of Fáng Family’s three Immortal Gu Home.

But if Fáng Family wins, suppresses this Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, and even conquers it, what good can Fang Yuan have?

According to their covenant, Fang Yuan is only a Rank 6 Immortal Gu, and there are many immortal materials that’s all.

Even more likely, after being convinced by the Fáng Family, the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, together with the four Immortal Gu Home, forced the Fang Yuan to set some covenants!

Moreover, at this time, Immortal Gu Home is close at hand, how can Fang Yuan have no idea of ​​fish in troubled waters?

To fish in troubled waters, it is necessary to balance the strength of both sides, Fang Yuan will have a heart, and the on the sword will weaken the Fáng Family power, first deal with Fáng Anlei.

Originally, according to the Covenant, between Fang Yuan and Fáng Family, how can they count each other?

But in fact, the content of the Covenant is quite general about this, but it is quite loose.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has framed Fáng Anlei this time.

Fáng Anlei don’t tell me Don’t know about this flaw?

of course not!

Speaking of it, there is still a wrong attempt at Fáng Family.

That is, Fáng Anlei used to use Fang Yuan’s mind, such as the collection of impermanence stone, that is, using Fang Yuan, calculating Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Fáng Anlei has long been counted first, if she banned each other in their covenant, it is to deal with herself first!

Therefore, Fáng Anlei deliberately and broadly talked about it. In this respect, there was no restriction. In addition, the situation was extremely urgent at the time. Fang Yuan even found out that she could use this to express her dissent.

Fang Yuan certainly found out!

However, as black as he is, he also raised his mind, pressed the table, pretending to be confused.

With the rapid development of the fierce battle, Fáng Anlei did not count Fang Yuan, but was calculated by Fang Yuan.

“Be bold!”

“evil creature, kill!!”

Fáng Family Gus’s roar of Fáng Family Gu Immortal was heard in Fáng Family’s two Immortal Gu Homes, and they were immediately known.

Chicken Coop & Dog House and Enquirer Dock are like a meteor to catch up with the moon and go straight into the battlefield.

But before they even started, Bean God Palace put a lot of rays of light.

Qing Qiu tried his best and did not kill Fang Yuan. It suddenly became weak and was suppressed by Bean God Palace.

Bean God Palace runs on its own, the Green Mang spreads the battlefield, between the throughput, the fainted Withered Troop Old Ghost, the pale-faced Hawk Consort, and the rest of Soul Beast, all plunged into the palace, and then flew away.

It turned out to be a direct withdrawal!

This scene is almost unexpected.

Even Fang Yuan was a bit surprised, which is contrary to the consistent performance of the other side.

Bean God Palace flying Very fast, Fáng Family Gu Immortal hesitated, Chicken Coop & Dog House Immortal Gu Home stayed, Enquirer Dock cut through the sky and chase Bean God Palace.

This Chicken Coop & Dog House Immortal Gu Home has a strange shape and is built side by side with two pavilions. The house on the left is bright yellow, and there is a disc-shaped cymbal under the arm. The door has only one uppercase “chicken”, the right one is Zhu Hong, and the disc has a “dog” on the threshold.

The pavilion opened in the cave, flew out a Fáng Family Gu Immortal, and ran into the Fallen Flower Hall. He looked worried and said: “Anlei, Anlei!”

But Fáng Anlei was covered with Purple Qi and was unconscious.

Fáng Yun and Fáng Leng were tired and sad, and the latter bowed their faces and said: “We are dereliction of duty, and we have not had time to react.”

The Fáng Family Gu Immortal gave them a glance: “You are guilty!”

Subsequently, his face suddenly changed, and when he investigated Fáng Anlei, he was going to die and shouted: “Anlei, Anlei, you hold on!!”

He used treatment, but it had no effect at all.

Just then, an orange Profound Light was sent from the Chicken Coop & Dog House, between the Fáng Anlei eyebrows.

The Pur Qi on Fáng Anlei’s face was relieved, and his life insurance was saved, but he was still unconscious and barely saved his life.

“This ultimate move is very good. The root is Soul Dao ultimate move, but it has the effect of Poison Dao. She is poisoned. The old man only temporarily stabilizes her injury. If she wants to solve it, she can’t help it!” Walk in one Gu Immortal old man, white hair, a yellow robe, and a solemn face.

“I have seen 3rd Revered Elder.” Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun have been saluting.

“Fáng Family 3rd Revered Elder Fáng Huasheng ……” Fang Yuan quickly flashed a series of information about him.

“It’s you! It’s you who hid in the Fallen Flower Hall, brought the offensive, and my family Anlei was in the middle of the other means, all this is yours!!” Fáng Family Gu Immortal holding the Fáng Anlei, suddenly Roaring to Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan coldly stared at him, arrogant, coldly snorted: “Who are you?”

“I am Fáng Chen…” Gu Immortal spoke.

But he hasn’t finished yet, Fang Yuan is another leader: “I care who you are. If you don’t accept it, you can make a debut, whether it is fighting or fighting, I will continue. If you want to mobilize the Fáng Family forces. Looking for the trouble of Suan Bu Jin, hehe, I also picked it up.”

Said, Fang Yuan’s eyes are cold and glamorous, sweeping all around, his eyes are pressing, and his momentum is rampant.

“Not good.” Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun are all sinking. Fang Yuan is not retreating. He is quite strong. The two of them suddenly worried, lest the two sides have a conflict.

Fang Yuan ducked into the Fallen Flower Hall, which was no problem for both of them.

After all, it is human nature to have the weapon of Immortal Gu Home. What’s more, is the Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal?

Fang Yuan is the savior of both of them. Fáng Yun thinks that Fang Yuan is his noble person. The most important thing is that Fang Yuan also had great effort in the previous battle. If he did not suppress the Immemorial Soul Beast flying spider, then the Fallen Flower Hall had already dispersed.

As for Fang Yuan’s introduction of the offensive, it is certain that he did not expect Fáng Anlei.

In fact, even Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun expected that Fáng Anlei could not dodge. Because of this, they did not respond to the second talent.

“Fáng Chen, Hugh has a lot to say. Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal is a Fáng Family ally, has set a covenant, before the battle is more powerful, let you smash?” Fáng Huasheng complexion changed, to Fáng Chen.

Later, he shifted his gaze, his expression eased, and he sincerely looked towards Fang Yuan: “This Fáng Chen is the husband of Fáng Anlei, worried about his wife’s life, just offended, not the intention, but also Suan Bu Jin Fellow Immortal Haihan Haihan.”

Fáng Chen is the husband of Fáng Anlei, who is also a surname?

Fang Yuan immediately understood that this Fáng Chen must be the Fáng Family 赘婿, the loose immortal recruited from the outside, first-class, after entering the Fáng Family, even his own name was changed to the house.

Fáng Chen was reprimanded by Fáng Huasheng, and he did not dare to attack Fang Yuan. He bowed his head and kept an eye on Fáng Anlei. Even if the treatment in his hands was invalid, he never stopped.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are bright glow flashes, and the heart: “Fáng Leng, Fáng Yun worry, Fáng Huasheng Wily old fox, Fáng Chen is not simple, as Fáng Family, I am afraid that it is not the feelings that stunned the mind, but If a wife is fainted, she must make a look. It’s a pity that I have no fear.”

Fang Yuan has no fear, but also lies in the covenant.

Fáng Anlei set the covenant on behalf of the Fáng Family, and it is also the deepest between himself and Fang Yuan.

Fáng Family If it is against the covenant, I am afraid that Fáng Anlei will suffer Information Dao backlash. In this situation, where can she still suffer?

Even a trace of backlash is the end of the dead!

This is exactly what Fang Yuan wants to see.

Of course, the Covenant also has a means of violating it, but there are always some costs to these means, not completely stable.

Even if the Fáng Family has such a means, the current status of Fáng Anlei will cause them to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

It can be said that Fáng Anlei, who passed out in the past, is a protector of Fang Yuan’s.

Fang Yuan has no fear, immediately sneer: “Fáng Huasheng Fellow Immortal, you Fáng Family have to give me an account. Otherwise, my Suan Bu Jin will not give up!”

“Well?” Fáng Leng, Fáng Yun look at each other in dismay, how does Suan Bu Jin Senior want to attack Fáng Family?

Even Fáng Chen, who bowed his head, also involuntarily looked up at Fang Yuan. His eyes were “How do you know this person?” I haven’t continued to marry you, you have won an inch, want a foot, and it’s hard to us. ?”the meaning of.

Fáng Huasheng has just the right doubts and chills on his face: “Fellow Immortal What do you mean? don’t tell me We Fáng Family owe Fellow Immortal?”

Ps: Today, I am not satisfied with the plot. I need to adjust the outline slightly. (~^~)

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