Fallen Flower Hall was not as bad as Bean God Palace, and immediately broke a large hole in the west wall.

Qing Qiu took hate and swooped down, and Bean God Palace hit again.

At the same time, the flying spider finally broke through the surface of Fallen Flower Hall, and the situation on the Fáng Family side was very critical.

At the crucial moment, Fáng Anlei screamed and shouted, showing the strongest means.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move You Lan!

The entire Immortal Gu Home actually began to shrink sharply, and a few blinks of effort were reduced to pockets, like toys.

The potholes that have just been squatted on the Sand Desert are now more like ponds and juveniles than the Fallen Flower Hall.

At the same time, the surface of Fallen Flower Hall suddenly appeared countless slender petals, forming one by one of You Lan, aroma and scent.

The Bean God Palace crashed into it, clearly that Fallen Flower Hall was in front of you, but it was a long distance.

This is still the case with the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, as well as the Hawk Consort and the black python Immemorial Soul Beast.

The space was expanded and the countless times were lengthened.

Fáng Anlei with both eyes closed tightly, sweating down the face, pale, trying to maintain the ultimate move.

“Miao Wei! I am going to deal with the flying spider.” Fang Yuan sang aloud, got out of the hole, and after bypassing one side, he came to the flying spider.

Under the empty valley You Lan, Fang Yuan is temporarily safe and does not expose the danger of the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Immortal Gu Home is different from Far Ancient Battle Formation. In Immortal Gu Home, Fang Yuan can’t play the game, it can only be a spectator. Only when you get to the outside world can you act.

“Let me see if the Rank 8 Controlling Soul Beast is amazing, or my one hundred and eighty slaves are better!”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move One hundred and eighty slaves!

Fang Yuan This is a trick of Enslave Dao, with Lower Subdues Greater. In Fang Yuan’s hand With Soul Beast army, you can enslave Immemorial Soul Beast.

But now this flying spider is subject to the manipulates of Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast.

Fang Yuan wants to enslave flying spiders. It is not intended to use the one hundred and eighty slaves and the Controlling Soul Beast.

As the trick progressed, the Immemorial Soul Beast suddenly trembled, and the moment of drilling into Immortal Gu Home became very slow.

“Great!” Fáng Yun was overjoyed.

Fáng Leng is also a fascinatingness.

Fang Yuan Immortal Qi is mad, and the one hundred and eighty slaves move to the maximum power, and instilled into the flying spider.

Flying spiders are constantly struggling, and they are vying for Fang Yuan and Withered Troop Old Ghost.

One hundred and eighty slaves move, just the Rank 7 level, not as good as Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast. But the power of this trick is not solely from Gu insect, but also depends on the number of Soul Beast.

In Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture, the Soul Beast is very large, which leads to the skyrocketing power of the one hundred and eighty slaves, reaching the level of Rank 8, which is evenly comparable to the Controlling Soul Beast.

The two sides are deadlocked!

Fallen Flower Hall is located in the deep pit of the Sand Desert, with Bean God Palace, Immemorial Soul Beast and Hawk Consort flying overhead. On the far side, there is a Soul Beast army, Withered Troop Old Ghost is hidden in Behind the two Immemorial Soul Beast.

In Fallen Flower Hall, Fáng Anlei with both eyes closed tightly, the brow condenses into a ‘character’, violently trembling and crumbling.

She spurred the empty valley You Lan, against the strong enemy of Rank 8, has been fighting for life. Immortal Gu Home Fallen Flower Hall sounded zhi zhi, one against many, overwhelmed.

“The scene is still very bad for us.” Fang Yuan’s eyes are sharp.

He didn’t play much of the battle strength at all, and a lot of means were left in his hands. If he breaks out with all his strength, there will definitely be a huge change in the situation.

However, one accidentally exposed the Adverse Current Protection Seal, and Fang Yuan exposed the identity as if, which is not in line with his plans.

“When you want to disguise your identity and ease the situation, what should you do… eh?” Suddenly, Fang Yuan expression moved.

I saw that the flying spider suddenly stopped shaking and began to accept the slavery of the one hundred and eighty slaves. The original ability to counter the power of Fang Yuan’s Controlling Soul Beast is a decline in speed.

“What happened?” Fang Yuan immediately turned his head and looked at 10 li, just to see the scene of Withered Troop Old Ghost.

The original Withered Troop Old Ghost already reached its limit and struggled to support it, just like an arrow at the end of its flight.

He used the Rank 7 cultivation base, the executives four Immemorial Soul Beast, even if it was on the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Soul Beast, it was also an incredible performance. It is finally impossible.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Controlling Soul Beast could have been as good as the one hundred and eighty, and the Withered Troop Old Ghost didn’t work, and it quickly collapsed.

Fang Yuan laughed, after dozens of breaths, he completely surrendered the flying spider and took an Immemorial Soul Beast into the bag.

“Senior is doing well!” Fáng Leng and Fáng Yun were not boosted by morale.

Fang Yuan solved the flying spiders and turned them into their own use. This kind of victory exceeded their expectations. But they don’t doubt anything.

Fang Yuan had previously demonstrated the Soul Beast army and was able to enslave Immemorial Soul Beast.

Fang Yuan got the flying spider, immediately manipulates it, rushes up, meets Bean God Palace and so on.

This Immemorial Soul Beast is certainly not the opponent of Bean God Palace, but the advantage lies in the small size, falling in the Fang Yuan’s hand, there is much to be.

However, flying spiders are equally struggling to fly.

It turns out that You Lan ultimate move Treat Everyone Equally also plays a role in the party’s Immemorial Soul Beast.

“Is this ultimate move not do as one pleases, treated separately, or Fáng Anlei has reached the end of the oil, like the Withered Troop Old Ghost?” Fang Yuan was surrounded by a layer of worry.

At this moment, he suddenly turned back and felt the two Immortal Gu Home flying in the distance!

Hawk Consort was shocked and quickly called: “Master, let’s withdraw!!”

It turned out to be a crucial moment, and Fáng Family’s support came.

“Kill, kill him!” Qing Qiu has left the anger, has no reason, just thinking about the Fang Yuan corpse, regardless of what the Hawk Consort is called, no matter what the situation.

Hawk Consort saw that the owner did not retreat, and suddenly looked sad, and felt that he would die here today.

In the far distance, I have been invisible, and I watched the Big Lotus’s Early Lotus School Revered Great Elder Chen Yi.

“Not good, not good! Fáng Family is a well-know figure in Rank 7 Immortal Gu Home, one is Chicken Coop & Dog House and the other is Enquirer Dock. If the two are combined with Fallen Flower Hall, Can form Peach Blossom Bewitching Forest Battlefield Ultimate Move. Even if I fall into Peach Blossom Bewitching Forest, I must not let go of life, defeat and hate. Not to mention that Qiing Qiu is trapped in Bean God Palace and can’t play Bean God Palace at all. Means can power.”

After thinking to this point, Chen Yi sighs, revealing helpless expression: “I can’t think of my first take action on this trip, but I don’t deal with this Qing Qiu, but I want to help him.”

As he said, he again raised his smoky smoke on his head and soon became a shape of a tree of gods.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Karma Divine Tree !

On the Karma Divine Tree, the fruit swayed, and the Bean God Palace suddenly burst out, reflecting half of the sky.

In the palace, countless green awns grow up instantly, from the size of the arrow, to the root long spear, from all directions, Qing Qiu is pierced!

Qing Qiu roared, his voice was hoarse and sad, and he was sad and angry!

“I am angry, I hate, I am not willing, I want him to die!!!”

It is in the midst of complete madness, and there is a strong momentum in the body. The various Immortal Gu breaths rise and mix together to form an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.


This ultimate move is terrifying to the extreme, bombarding it and breaking off several large columns in the Bean God Palace. Then, the violent impact of the power, the Bean God Palace’s door suddenly rose away!

Qing Qiu loudly roared, through this door, it finally sees the sky again.

It rises all over the body, struggles to stand up, the snake neck is high, and suddenly opens its mouth, the entire chin almost hits the back of the head, infiltrating terrifying.


a light sound, its purple tongue suddenly extended, like a sword, with lightning speed, stabbing Fang Yuan.

Around the Fallen Flower Hall, originally there is the vacant You Lan ultimate move guard. However, the strange purple sword, but it seems to be unsuppressed, penetrated the layer space, and turned to Fang Yuan’s forehead.

The ultimate killing intent, assaults the senses.

“I hide!” Fang Yuan flashed a sneak light in his eyes, and ran directly into the Fallen Flower Hall along the previous hole.


Purple tongue sword chasing after the battle, hit the Fallen Flower Hall, instantly piercing a transparent.

Even the remaining power is not reduced, and it is constantly extended, right in the chest of Fáng Anlei.

Fáng Leng, Fáng Yun surprised begae dazed live.

Fáng Anlei suddenly widened his eyes, stiff and slowly bowed towards his chest.

“Fáng Family Fellow Immortal !” Fang Yuan sad cry.

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