After the break was over and the preparation was full, Fang Yuan re-entered the Heavenly Thief dream.

The surrounding people are noisy and around the pond, a market is being held.

Western Desert resources are actually quite a lot, at least more than Northern Plains. Under the Sand Desert, there are a lot of resources, including Gu insect and wild beast. Only vegetation is very rare, which is the biggest weakness.

Therefore, in the market, the main business is milk, wine and other food, or animal skin, animal bones and other coffins, only three families have Gu insect sales.

The young Heavenly Thief walked in the crowd, watching the surrounding trades while moving towards the pond in the center of the tribe.

“Stop! Don’t enter here.”

“Kid, roll fast.”

The young Heavenly Thief was just close to the pond. The two guards who were here were immediately reacted and stopped by one person.

The young Heavenly Thief couldn’t, but had to pretend to be some horror, and quickly turned around and left.

He sighed in his heart: “The pond is the only source of water in the oasis, and it is strictly guarded. Even if the market is opened, the guards are tight inside and outside, and they can’t get in.”

At the same time, Sha Xiao bleak’s voice sounded in his mind: “hmph, how to mix in, you have to do everything. Don’t forget, the time limit agreed by us is only one month left. Once it is time. If you have not made any progress, that is your death.”

Young Heavenly Thief pupils shrank, in the heart of replied: “You are not superb, why not directly attack, or sneak into it. I want this low-powered person to spy on intelligence for you?”

“hmph, you need to squash the old man. How can you mang the old man? And you don’t understand anything, hey, old man will not explain to you patiently. Grandson! Snapshot grandfather said, do less, do more, You can live longer.” Sha Xiao said.

The young Heavenly Thief is subject to people, the enemy is strong, we are weak, no longer speaks, but the eyes are flickering.

Before he was in the dry well, in order to survive, the hope of leaving home was forced to surrender to Sha Xiao. But in his heart, he never really accepted his life.

“The big man can bend and stretch, and they will come a day. I will find opportunities, not only from Sha Xiao’s old Demon, but also returning the suffering I have suffered.”

“At the moment, I am temporarily patient, imagining the snake, waiting for the opportunity.”

In the next few days, the young Heavenly Thief tried his best and tried his best to get into the oasis near the pond and listen to the information.

But all kinds of attempts ended in failure.

The oasis pond is the top priority of the tribe, and the natural defense is very strict.

The strength of the young Heavenly Thief is just the promotion of Rank 1.

Just when he couldn’t find the way, a message spread widely among his peers.

“What, half a month later, the family will hold a small ratio, the winner will be able to choose Gu insect in the pond, as a reward?” Young Heavenly Thief also hit the news of the heard.

He immediately understood that the opportunity came.

And, this is his chance to complete the Sha Xiao mission most!

“I want to participate in Xiaobi, and I have to win!” Young Heavenly Thief is in the heart, to Sha Xiao.

Sha Xiao hey hey sneer: “stinky brat, don’t think that old man doesn’t know what the hell is in your heart. You want to use it to improve your strength, keep accumulating, and want to overthrow my control in the future?”

The teenager, Heavenly Thief, sneered, and said directly: “What is it? Free who doesn’t want.”

“Okay!” Sha Xiao didn’t think he was embarrassed, but he admired, “You are straightforward, haha, if you call me a grandfather, I will help you and help you win this victory.”

“You!” The young Heavenly Thief looked sullen and his eyes showed anger.

“How come you don’t want to? You have to think about it. Besides I help you, with your strength and natural talent, how can you get the advantage of this small ratio?” Sha Xiao sneered.

Junior Heavenly Thief Eyebrow Gloomy.

“I came from my noble clan, I am glory, and I want to be humble and forgive! This is the eternal forgiveness of the saga and the ruin of my Sun Family reputation.”


“If I don’t do this, I really don’t have any hope.”

“My strength is too weak, and the hope of going home is extremely good. If it is not even before the eyes, don’t mention any future.”


The young Heavenly Thief clenched his fists and fell into extreme hesitation.

Before, he called Sha Xiao “grandfather”, but that was between the matter of life and death. At this moment, he and Sha Xiao respectively, the pressure on the outside world is not so great, which makes the teenager Heavenly Thief swing in his heart, and the choice is very heavy and painful.

“grandfather…” Eventually, he chose to succumb and squeeze the words from the gap between the teeth.

“Hahaha.” Sha Xiao’s laughter immediately filled the heart of the young Heavenly Thief. “Hey grandson, since you call me a grandfather, I can’t let you lose the grandfather. This is the grandfather I gave you the winning method.” You will receive it and turn it into your own strength, and you will surely win in the small ratio.”

Sha Xiaolow barely fell, a huge amount of information suddenly appeared in the mind of the young Heavenly Thief.

The teenager Heavenly Thief suddenly whispered, his face twisted, his hands subconsciously clenched his head, huge information constantly hit his mind, making him feel extra pain, the whole head is like being blasted.

The time of the information attack was only a short nine-interest time, but in the feeling of the teenager Heavenly Thief, it was as long as a year.

He and difficulty came over, all of them were cold sweats, their faces were white, white as paper, and the whole body was trembling, extremely embarrassing.

Sha Xiao’s means are fierce, but the news that is conveyed is real and worthy.

The content, the greater part is a fist and kick, which is quite exquisite and concise. There is also a part, Gu Formula, Gu insect, and even an ultimate move.

Mortal Realm Ultimate Move – Mischievous.

This trick consists of sand pits, smoky smog, and clear water sputum. There are eight steps. Once the stimuli are successful, a white ash can be spit out.

When the ash falls into the eyes of the people, it can blind people and be covered with white ash.

The person in the middle of the stroke, but absolutely can not be cleaned with water, once cleaned, the white ash will be calorized, burn Gu Master’s eyes, and eventually become blind.

“This trick is a good life, not my style.” Teenager Heavenly Thief looked at it, suddenly sinking in his heart, his face was not happy.

He was born in the noble noble clan family before crossing, and he was well educated from childhood, and he was just right, hate evil like an enemy.

Because of this, he came through and became a poor orphan, but he adhered to good rules and maintained good character. For more than a decade, even if he had adult wisdom, he was too mixed.

“The three Gu insects needed for the extreme move are just all the flaws in my body.”

“From this point of view, this Sha Xiao has been planning for a long time, in fact, I have long wanted to enhance my strength. hmph!”

For the time being, Heavenly Thief didn’t want to practice the extreme move, but put all his energy into the fist and kick.

His previous life is also a warrior. Although he is not good at close combat, he has more or less skills. His real battles are also deep enough.

So practicing these fist and kick skills, there is no hindrance, and the smooth sailing is very good.

I practiced several days in this way, and the teenager Heavenly Thief felt that his battle strength was soaring!

“Fist and kick in this world is not simple, but a complete trick with Gu insect.”

“What kind of Gu insect is there, what kind of tricks are there.”

“I have been suffering from no one to point out, this is weak and inaction. Now I have this cheat, diligent and hard training, and the family has a small 60%.”

“Even if I don’t have to be confused, I can settle most of the opponents.”

Young Heavenly Thief is quite disgusted with this despicable trick and doesn’t want to use it.

With confidence, he soon ushered in the small to medium ratio.

The first time he reached the ring, he was not optimistic about the people around him.

There is even a teasing of his voice into the ear.

And his opponent, also a face of arrogance, pointed to his nose: “It turned out to be your waste, you obediently concede, I will not interrupt your leg.”

Juvenile Heavenly Thief squats, standing in the field, motionless.

People around laughed heartily.

“This is awkward, scared to move to a single step.”

“As far as he is, how did you pass the test of wandering before?”

“Probably Luck Qi. I heard that he was at the time of imminent peril and was rescued from the wolf by the Gu Master in the family.”

In such an atmosphere, the young Heavenly Thief’s opponent, looked towards his gaze, added a contempt.

But a moment later, the young Heavenly Thief shook his hand and felt the Strength Dao between the fingers.

“It’s my turn to be manipulates.” Fang Yuan was happy.

It turned out that the teenager Heavenly Thief stare blankly was because Fang Yuan was in control and did not respond to nothing more.

Now reacting, he immediately started.

Mortal Realm Ultimate Move – Mischievous!

With a cry, a big cloud of white ash sprayed on the face of his opponent.

The other party was caught off guard, and quickly stepped back three steps, then screamed: “Ah! I can’t see anything, what is this!”

“Give me down!” Fang Yuan made a few big steps, slammed into the opponent’s face, and then stretched out.

His opponent was directly defeated.


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