Immortal Dao gu formation Among them, Fang Yuan eyes closed sitting in midair and being closed-door cultivation.

Hei Loulan and the others, along with Tang Fangming, control the Immortal Formation.

Fang Yuan summed up the gains and losses in the bottom of my heart.

“The first time I explored the Heavenly Thief dream, I got a huge harvest. I not only tested the Vanquishing Heaven Scattering Will ultimate move, I got the results of Perfection, but I also made my Stealing Dao Realm a Grandmaster level!”

“However, I have also paid a huge price for this. The soul has the 10,000,000 Human Soul level, but now it has lost the sell 1,000,000 Human Soul and it is very costly.”

“originally thought that the Dream Interpretation ultimate move would be used quite a bit, and I didn’t expect the Dream Interpretation ultimate move to bring me much help in this dream.”

From this time dream exploration, Fang Yuan understands a bit.

That is, although he holds the Dream Interpretation ultimate move, this method is not unprofitable.

“Although the Dream Interpretation ultimate move is used sparingly, the immortal essence consumes less, but the consumption of Audacity Gu has grown tremendously!”

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes and took out One by one’s Audacity Gu, which was immediately available.

“So many Audacity Gu!” Tang Fangming suddenly blinked and showed a look of envy.

He has explored dreams many times and knows the excellence of Audacity Gu. He was struggling to find Audacity Gu, always in short supply, but now he sees that Fang Yuan uses this Audacity Gu, as casual as eating beans.

“In the end, he is the seller of Audacity Gu.” Tang Fangming felt a lot of emotion.

At the same time, he focused his attention on the Heavenly Thief dream.

Heavenly Thief dreams as huge as a mountain, still emitting a blue halo, but at this moment a large piece at the foot of the mountain is suddenly disappearing.

This was before Fang Yuan, exploring the Heavenly Thief dream and succeeding in the First Act.

Tang Fangming sighed.

He explored and studied this Heavenly Thief dream, standing hundreds of times, even thousands of times, but his accumulated achievements are not comparable to the one that Fang Yuan once explored.

Tang Fangming is a recognized pioneer of Tang Family, exploring the dreams and producing many Dream Dao mortal gu. But now, compared with Fang Yuan’s merits, it’s a shame.

This makes Tang Fangming self-defeating and adds to the admiration of Fang Yuan’s.

After a moment, Fang Yuan opened his eyes at this moment.

A touch of fine mans in his dark bottom, flashing.

Audacity Gu does not count the loss of use, and Fang Yuan’s soul background rises again to the 10,000,000 Human Soul level.

Originally, he is the nine 1,000,000 Human Soul, this time has gone through the dream, the soul has risen again, and there is a feeling of more solidity.

“It seems that the dream dissolves the soul. For the soul cultivation, there is also a little support effect. But the actual study, the effect is not big, far less than the Unrestrained Valley.”

Soul Shaking Mountain and Unrestrained Valley are the soul cultivation two great holy lands that Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable has recommended, not the general stand can for in generation.

But it doesn’t matter, Fang Yuan this time comes to the Western Desert, Unrestrained Valley is on the body!

He traveled this time, first Eastern Sea, then Western Desert, considering it very well. According to the temperament of his rigorous schemes and deep foresight, how can he not be completely prepared?

“As for Soul Shaking Mountain, there is a Treasure Yellow Heaven transporting Audacity Gu anyway, with or without it.”

In fact, it is not that Fang Yuan does not want to bring.

But it is really too heavy for Heaven Qi and Earth Qi in Immortal Aperture.

Today, his Paragon Immortal Aperture includes Adverse Current River, Unrestrained Valley, and Marketplace. On average, every three days, a large number of alien Heaven Qi and Earth Qi are swallowed up to make up for their own wear and tear.

If it is not compensated in time, then Paragon Immortal Aperture will weaken the background, causing this resource to be reduced, including the universe. Serious conditions can even cause the Paragon Immortal Aperture to break and break.

“Heavenly Thief dream exploration is very difficult, First Act has been so difficult, Second Act is bound to be more difficult.” With such awareness, Fang Yuan decided to raise his soul background to a higher level, then explore the dream, so It is safer to do.

So, in this next period of time, he focused on the closed-door cultivation Soul Dao.

Because of the uninterrupted supply of Audacity Gu, Fang Yuan’s soul background has soared again.

Just in preparation for the second exploration at Fang Yuan closed-door cultivation Soul Dao.

Eastern Sea,Qingyue Zhicheng has found Reved Great Elder of the Qingyue Family for help.

“Sincere, look at you, is determined to make the Qin Baihe out.” Revered Great Elder looks at this, the bloodline of his own favorite, with a sigh of voice said.

“Yes, the boy’s mind has been set, please also Revered Great Elder take action!” Qingyue Zhicheng looks strong.

But Reved Great Elder slowly shook his head: “This thing is far from when I take action. And the truth is not clear, I don’t think the take action will bring you much help.”

Qingyue Zhicheng is very strange, because Reveded Great Elder is dignified Rank 8 Gu Immortal, how can it help little about this?

But then Revered Great Elder told him something to make him suddenly realize.

“The boy is grateful to Reevered Great Elder for pointing, so I am going to ask for help.” Qingyue Zhicheng was overjoyed.

“Go, go.” Revered Great Elder hehe smiled and waved his hand.

Qingyue Zhicheng was very popular and immediately went out of the family headquarters and flew straight to the territorial sea of ​​the Nangong family.

Originally, Reved Great Elder of the Qingyue Family pointed out to him that it is unclear whether Qin Baihe and You Chan are living or not. What they have encountered is unclear. The most important thing to do is to find a Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal to help find out. the truth. Only by knowing what happened to them can we find the murderer most accurately and do revenge.

The most suitable Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is not one of the three Wisdom Dao, one of the three Wisdom Dao, hiding in the Nangong Family’s Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Hua An. This person has a close relationship with You Chan. You Chan has an accident and he will definitely take action to help.

Qingyue Zhicheng listened to the analysis of Reved Great Elder and took it for granted. He immediately went to seek Hua An’s help.

But in the middle of the road, he encountered the one Rank 6 Gu Immortal of Nangong Family.

This Gu Immortals brought Hua An’s words: “Sincere Young Master, my family Hua An has already figured out that you are coming to him, so please come to meet you. He is not far from the front.”

Qingyue Zhicheng listened to this, and suddenly he was overjoyed, and at the same time admired the power of Hua An.

After a while, the two men face each other.

Hua An said: “Frankly, You Chan Fairy did not seek my help until recently. Unfortunately, I loved it at the time.”

Hua An and Qingyue Zhicheng exchanged information with each other. Naturally, they set the primary suspicion on Fang Yuan’s body.

Because You Chan died, Fang Yuan sold Dragon Fish, the most benefit.

Of course, they don’t have Heavenly Court’s advice. They only know the mysterious Gu Immortal, which sells Dragon Fish in Treasure Yellow Heaven. The most suspected and criminal motive, but I don’t know that this person is Fang Yuan.

“My previous severe days are constantly calculating, You Chan and Qin Baihe are two fairies, I am afraid that bode ill rather than well.” Hua An has a heavy face. “This time I am going to seek another two masters to take action, combined with three of us. Force, try again and figure out the murderer behind the scenes.”

Hua An’s words made Qingyue Zhicheng shake his head again and again.

“No, I believe that the two fairies are still alive, they are not dead! Hua An adults, you think carefully, the two fairies are all Rank 7 players, who can easily kill them?”

Hua An understands the feelings and mood of Qingyue Zhicheng, comforting nodded: “You also make sense.”

Then, with the words Rank 1, he said again: “This way, I have a plan. We may wish to spread the death of the two fairies. If they are not dead, they must know that we are looking for them and want to help them. If they are Suffering from the killing of the murderer, this rumor came out, and it can also confuse the murderer and turn the attention of the murderer to us.”

“This is great!” Qingyue Zhicheng can’t help but the eyes are blue, and the palms are admired.

Time flies, half a month has passed.

Fang Yuan here is the soul of the background, soaring to the nine 10,000,000 Human Soul level, only half a step away from the 100,000,000 Human Soul.

This period of time, he did not tempering what Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, but used the main energy and time for Soul Dao cultivation. As a result, naturally, in terms of results, it is even bigger than before.

Although Audacity Gu continues to consume, it not only does not bring huge profits to Fang Yuan, but it is depleting Fang Yuan’s capital. However, the economic situation of Fang Yuan’s is slowly improving.

The cause of this is the Dragon Fish business.

Fang Yuan slaughtered You Chan, Qin Baihe, and Heavenly Court. Even if you want to stop it, you will be powerless for a while.

In the Treasure Yellow Heaven market, Fang Yuan is already the first hegemon in the Dragon Fish business.

The Dragon Fish business has become more popular, especially the Silver Dragon Fish has caused crazy purchases, and the unit price has risen dramatically.

“It’s worth noting that the death of You Chan and Qin Baihe has been spread over the Eastern Sea. It seems that there are people who are behind the scenes.”

“I don’t care about it, the focus is on the Heavenly Thief dream.”

With nine 10,000,000 Human Soul, Fang Yuan also had considerable enthusiasm. After another day of rest, he once again dreamed of dreams and explored the Heavenly Thief dream.

Remarks: Today is even better, the state is really bad, hehe, too tired, and heartbroken.

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