
A blast, like a thunder, suddenly exploded in the ears of Hairyman Gu Immortals.

At the same time, a huge Dragon Head, like a hill, is pressed across.

Huge shadows, cast on the group of immortals, have not yet hit, the waves are flying, the fierce momentum, making people fight, it is difficult to resist.

“It’s finished!” The three Hairyman Gu Immortal were sweating, and one of them even fell to the ground.

Shortly, the three of them are going to fall here. At this moment, suddenly three Hairyman ears suddenly heard a cold voice “waste.”

So insulting, the three Hairyman Gu Immortal were overjoyed and shouted: “We are here, Fairy Ningbing, come and save us!”

At the time of the crisis, a white photo was taken, it was the dragon girl Bai Ningbing.

She coldly snorted and lifted her hands.


a moment later, the ice wall suddenly rises and is in front of the three Hairyman Gu Immortal.


Just a breathing time, the huge Dragon Head slammed into the ice wall.

The ice wall was overwhelmed and shattered.

But Bai Ningbing has pulled three Hairyman Gu Immortal, quickly retreating, pulling away the distance, while the eyes projecting ice-cold light, directly on the Dragon Head.

The sly Dragon Head quickly covered a thin layer of hoar frost, and the speed suddenly dropped a lot.

Bai Ningbing is sighed in relief.

Lightning between the Flint, she has already measured that the Dragon Head in front of her is just a matter of Rank 7. Thanks to her battle strength, she can handle it more than enough.


“Immemorial Desolate Beast Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon, with tens of thousands of Dragon Heads. I can deal with a dragon in front of me. If I let other Dragon Heads fight, there will always be no way to fight.

Bai Ningbing looked up at the sky and raised his brow.

This is not the normal Grand Mound Heaven and Earth, but a dark Formation Dao space.

Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon is the Formation Dao Immemorial Desolate Beast, which creates the Formation Dao space, just like the Superior Heavenly Eagle can enter and exit the Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, which is the inborn talent instinct of Immemorial Desolate Beast.

“You must break through here as soon as possible and return to the outside world.”

“I hope Ying Wuxie can hold back!”

At this time, Grand Mound is outside.

Hei Loulan and the others, each circling the sky, facing hundreds of long dragons standing upright on the ground, are showing their capabilities and rushing through the various offensive ultimate moves.

The scene is very spectacular.

Grand Mound The azure giant grass is as tall as a tree, and they grow densely like a jungle.

Among the giant grasses, hundreds of long dragons, or wearing gold scales, or forehead horns, or three dragon eyes, or teeth, have different forms. The body swayed, stood upright, and was highly surpassing by far giant grass.

These are the Dragon Heads of Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon. Their dragon tails are deeply stuck in the ground and the tens of thousands of dragon bodies are all in one.

And Hei Loulan and other circles in the air, like a goshawk, constantly cast a variety of ultimate move, gorgeous and dazzling, like a fireworks bloom.

The dragons are embarrassed, not passively beaten, but constantly counterattack. Most are spitting Dragon Breath, and some are either spitting out poisonous mist or dragon eye.

“Not counting the Dragon Head that Bai Ningbing went to, there are a total of three Rank 7 Dragon Heads! The rest are Rank 6.”

“There is no wild Immortal Gu found yet, but be careful.”

“Don’t get close, in case you are dragged into the Forming Dao Heaven and Earth of Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon!”

Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie and the others are constantly communicating while fighting.

Langya Earth Spirit asks Fang Yuan for help, and Fang Yuan can’t help. First, the rescue sect mission, a lot of rewards, make it heart. Secondly, this is the Revered Elder of Langya School. I can’t sit back and watch it, otherwise it will violate the covenant.

Therefore, Fang Yuan rushed in, while anxious Ying Wuxie and the others rescued and dragged the scene.

The battle is getting more intense and the time doesn’t last long, but Ying Wuxie and the others are sensed with more and more pressure.

“Not good! More and more Dragon Heads are waking up.”

“Let’s go on like this, Immemorial Dragon Head wakes up, we can’t save people, and we’ll make a life for it!”

“When is the Sect Master?”

“This is the depth of the Grand Mound and it’s a long way to go to the Immortal Formation. It takes a while to get along. Be careful!”

In the exchange room, another Rank 7 Dragon Head wakes up, breaks through the depths of the underground, slams and spits out a Silver Dragon Breath.

Hei Loulan was dangerously and dangerously dodge, Ying Wuxie pondered, and said to Miss White Rabbit and Xue’er: “You can step back and hit support.”

Xue’er is just a Rank 6 cultivation base, which has long been concussed and fought.

Although she is the Proud Daughter of Heaven of the Snowman family, she and Hei Loulan and the others are naturally unable to explain on equal terms, and she is not reluctant, and she is directly away from Miss White Rabbit.

“Is it so good to withdraw it like this?” Miss White Rabbit was very worried.

Xue’er gave her a blank look: “Let’s listen to Wuxie’s fairy, with our kind of battle strength, in the past can only give them a little more.”

The group of cents supported for a moment, and more and more Dragon Heads woke up and participated in the battle.

Thousands of dragon body swings, dragon head roar, Hei Loulan and the others are completely at a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon, the Immemorial Desolate Beast, is very strange. Once born, it can’t be mobility. Although the Dragon Head is numerous, it can only be used here and cannot be pursued.

Although that’s how it is , thousands of Dragon Head spit, the offensive is amazing, Hei Loulan and the others retreat, it is difficult to resist.

“Oops, the situation is getting worse for us.”

“Bai Ningbing hasn’t come out yet, I’m afraid it’s getting into an enemy battle and it’s hard to get out!”

Hei Loulan and the others guess that there is nothing wrong with it, Bai Ningbing is struggling in the Formation Dao space. In order to protect the lives of the three Hairyman Gu Immortal, there is a lot of scruples.

At this moment, an indescribable atmosphere spread throughout the audience.

A far-like giant head of far surpasses, slowly rising.

Immemorial Dragon Head go on stage !

It is sleepy, and the eyelid is swaying. It has not yet fully awake, but it has brought tremendous pressure to the masses.


“How is this good?”

When the group was hesitating, Ying Wuxie categorically ordered: “We withdraw.”

They are just Rank 6 and Rank 7, how can they compete against Rank 8 Gu Immortal? Can only retreat, abandon Bai Ningbing and the three Hairyman Gu Immortal.

It was late, and at that time, Immemorial Dragon Head suddenly opened his mouth and suddenly sucked.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth changed, and Ying Wuxie and the others had no ability to resist. All of them were dragged into the Formation Dao space.

“Immemorial Dragon Head !!” Bai Ningbing expression shocked, then she looked to towards Ying Wuxie and the others, frowning asked, “Fang Yuan people?”

Ying Wuxie and the others have only a bitter smile.

Fortunately, after the Immemorial Dragon Head trapped the Shadow Sect, there was no more hands-on, but the dragon shadow faded away, and a few breaths of effort disappeared into the Formation Dao space.

It’s Rank 8 battle strength. In its eyes, Rank 6 and Rank 7’s Gu Immortal are insignificant and not worth it.

It will hand over this battle to other Dragon Heads.

As a result, more than a thousand Dragon Heads appeared in the all directions of the Shadow Sect group.

Ying Wuxie and the others suddenly fell into a difficult battle.

The current situation is different from before. These Dragon Heads move forward and backward in the Formation Dao space, suddenly disappearing suddenly, and they can only be kept in place before sweeping.

After trying a round, the group found that they could not break through the Formation Dao space. They had to unite and help each other and fight hard.

In the difficult battle, the group of immortals were quickly injured. The three Hairyman Gu Immortal, Xue’er, and Miss White Rabbit are even more dangerous.

Gradually, it is difficult for Shadow Sect to balance the other weak.

A Hairyman Gu Immortal first falls.

Xue’er cried out in surprise, the retreat was not timely, surrounded by several Dragon Head groups.

“I don’t think I’m going to die here!” Xue’er couldn’t stop, only eyes closed and so on. At this moment, a black silhouette smashed her and rushed out.

“You What’s wrong? The aging mother has to come out to save the field!” The pressure of death and death, turned Miss White Rabbit into Black Vine, it was her take action, saved Xue’er.

Xue’er said: “You, you are Miss White Rabbit?”

“The old lady is not the guy who is as weak as you.” Black Vine sneered, disdainfully glanced at Xue’er.

Xue’er is speechless.

She finally understood: Fang Yuan’s of these subordinates, Shadow Sect’s members, each and every one are freaks. Compared with them, they are the weakest.

With the power of Black Vine, the scene is finally safe.

But the good times are not long, the Dragon Head is appearing more and more, Immemorial Desolate Beast Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon began to really show its terrifying battle strength.

The group can only support, there is no possibility of getting out of trouble.

They can only hope for Fang Yuan.

But when will Fang Yuan arrive?

According to the time of the battle, Fang Yuan should have arrived. But soon Shadow Sect Gu Immortal found that the Formation Dao space contained the composition of Time Dao, so there was a gap in the flow rate with the outside world. This discovery, like a huge stone, was heavily pressed in the heart of Gu Immortals.

However, gradually, Ying Wuxie and the others found that the Dragon Head in the Formation Dao space began to decrease.

Their pressure is getting smaller and they are holding back their precarious positions.

“It’s definitely Fang Yuan!” Clear comprehension This point, the morale of the group is great.

But Xue’er can’t help but worry: “I don’t know how the outside world fights. Fang Yuan has the Rank 8 battle strength, but can he contend with this Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon?”

Just thinking about this problem, suddenly the Formation Dao space broke open and everyone returned to Grand Mound Heaven and Earth.

“Ah!” In front of the scene, Xueeer couldn’t help but cred out in surprise.

I saw the blood flowing into a river on the ground, countless dragon body powerlessly planted on the ground, and the land of a hundred acres has become the Blood Sea.

The Immemorial Dragon Head is constantly miserable, without any pre-existing style.

And Fang Yuan… is everywhere.

“One Thought Myriad Transformations.” Ying Wuxie sighed in the mouth and recognized Fang Yuan, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move for Time Luck.

Fang Yuan hides the true body in the phantom of thousands of people, and the Immemorial Dragon Head has no magic method to glimpse the body of Fang Yuan.

Burning Thought Flying Stone !

Numerous flame boulders are lingering, squatting on the body of Ten Thousand Heads Coiling Dragon, and dumping a large number of Dragon Heads directly.

They are remember, but when the thoughts are born, they will burn out.

One Thought To Create A Flower !

Fang Yuan’s heart moved, and suddenly fell to the ground on the Dragon Head dragon body, full of colorful flowers.

Only feeling the power was taken away, the original powerful and fierce Dragon Head fell into weakness, and the blooming of flowers seemed to fuel, which further fueled the fire in the mind.

These offensives broke all the weights of the Dragon 6 and the Dragon 7 Dragon Head. They lie on the ground like a one after another.

Only Immemorial Dragon Head aggressive, but can not find Fang Yuan’s body, a battle strength can not be displayed.

“This is the power of the Wisdom Dao ultimate move. It can be seen that the previous Purple Mountain True Monarch is awesome.” Fang Yuan secretly said in heart.

At this time, Ying Wuxie and the others, which Immemorial Dragon Head saw, immediately had a goal and rushed to them.

The two remaining Hairyman Gu Immortal couldn’t help but scream.

Fang Yuan showed the body and blocked it in the direction of the Dragon Head.

“Be careful!” Xue’er blurted out, trembling in fear to see at the Immemorial Dragon Head and hit on Fang Yuan’s body.

The giant force surged and Fang Yuan flew out, but then it flew back.

Instead, the Immemorial Dragon Head was hit by a bloody, battered and exhausted.

The Adverse Current Protection Seal makes Heavenly Court Gu Immortal useless, and Xuanmiaowei is not a joke.

With this opportunity, the Shadow Sect group was successfully evacuated to a safe distance.

Without concern, Fang Yuan and Immemorial Dragon Head fought.

“Okay, really strong!” Xue’er looked at the heart, and she witnessed how Fang Yuan had the upper hand and eventually killed the Immemorial Dragon Head.

“This Immemorial Desolate Beast is a little weak.” At the end of the battle, Fang Yuan was condescending, overlooking the smashing Immemorial Dragon Head, and the thousands of Dragon Heads that fell to the ground, sighing in the mouth.

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