Langya Blessed Land, Cloud Cover Continent.

Fang Yuan is alone, in the vast expanse of Cloud Soil.

Taking a deep breath, he calmed down and then started, slowly stimulating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

“Burning Thought Flying Stone.” Fang Yuan secretly said in heart.

His eyes suddenly began to flash the purple light of the glass, and then the thoughts in his mind rushed, and the surface of the body suddenly emerged one after another.

These pebbles seem to be burnt red, but there is no trace of heat.

“Go.” Fang Yuan thought, and the small stones floating on his body surface suddenly flew out.

The stone flies in midair, pierces the atmosphere, but it is quiet.

At the same time, the small stone volume expanded rapidly and became bigger and bigger. At first, it was only the size of the finger, and the blink of an eye became a basin.

Then, it expanded into a carriage size.

The pebbles become boulder, and at the same time, the surface of the stone is also attached with a burning red flame.

The boulder stones are thousands of times. For a time, the half of the sky is dyed red.

Then, the boulder blazes on the surface of the Cloud Soil, picking up the red flames of the sky, but there is no enthusiasm, even the sound of bombing.

This is not a real flame boulder. It is so superficial on the surface.

This is one of the main offensives of Purple Mountain True Monarch, Burning Thought Flying Stone, which can burn the target’s thoughts.

It also has a combo called One Thought To Create A Flower.

After the flame boulder bombed a circle, Fang Yuan extended his right hand and pointed his finger.

Suddenly, the fire demon was extinguished. From the crater holes that were thrown out, suddenly a hundred flowers bloom, countless bright flowers, climbing up and vying for each other.

The flowers are fascinating, and in a moment, the area of ​​a hundred acres is transformed into a multi-colored wide flower field.

“Unfortunately, the object is not Gu Immortal, but Cloud Soil, which has no thoughts. These flowers are just good-looking, and there is no utility power.” Fang Yuan thought, and in a flash, the luxuriant flowers filled with his vision disappeared.

Fang Yuan’s body swayed gently.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – One Thought Myriad Transformations!

Suddenly, around him, the phantom reborn.

At first, there were only dozens of purple light phantoms, but after a few breaths, the number of these purple light phantoms has grown to the terrifying scale of 100,000!

While Fang Yuan’s is true, it hides it. If there is no powerful detective move, it can’t be found.

This move is actually like a tactic before Fang Yuan.

It is Fang Yuan who first casts Ten Thousand Me, then uses Meeting Past Acquaintance to become one of the Strength Dao phantoms, which hides the real body and makes people unable to tell.

Purple Mountain True Monarch The advantage of this move is that it is just a simple trick, the effect is worthy of the two strokes of Fang Yuan “Ten Thousand Me” and “Meeting Past Acquaintance”. Therefore, the immortal essence consumed is less.

There is still one advantage, the amount of phantom growth, far surpasses Strength Dao phantom.

However, the weakness is that these purple light phantoms do not have the power to attack, but simply disguise and confuse. Not as good as Strength Dao phantom, and it has its own ability to attack.

Fang Yuan eliminated One Thought Myriad Transformations and pushed the palms directly to launch a large cloud.

This is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Confusing Fog, which can make Gu Immortal lose its sense of direction.

Next, Fang Yuan tried to provoke a sneak peek, and read a slogan, all of which were skilled and successfully motivated.

He focused on the end.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Zi Niandong knows the smart star glow!

This trick is the most cumbersome, but the effect is quite wonderful and powerful.

It can collect the discover mystery of the other Immortal Realm Ultimate Move with each hit, and feed back the intermittent information to Fang Yuan.

Once the intelligence was collected to a certain extent, Fang Yuan was able to use the Wisdom Dao method to immediately study how to deal with the other’s ultimate move in battle.

Then, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move will be able to rush out and crack the enemy’s means to lay the victory.

Fang Yuan tried to push.

It is indeed a cumbersome step for Zi Nian to know the smart star glow. Fang Yuan tried three times in this respect, and finally succeeded.

In the process, I was also hurt a little.

There is Resetting Person Immortal Gu, and Fang Yuan is certainly not afraid of this little injury.

“These days of uninterrupted practice, almost all of the methods of the Purple Mountain True Monarch have been mastered.” Fang Yuan assessed.

At this point, Xue’er took the initiative to find the door, it has been more than half a month.

These days, Fang Yuan is mainly cultivation Soul Dao, enhancing the soul background. Today, he already has a million-level Human Soul.

Immortal Aperture operates on a step-by-step basis.

In addition to this, you are practicing the ultimate move.

The ultimate move is a practice. Because the ultimate move each time is motivated, there is a risk. If it is a failure to trigger, it will harm itself.

Fang Yuan has a myriad inheritance and has a massive ultimate move.

However, the cornerstone of the ultimate move is Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan first finalized the Wisdom Dao ultimate move to practice Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is the purple in the first generation Soul Fragment, which is able to compete with Duke Long and is naturally very outstanding.

Moreover, he was before the death, and he handed over all the Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu left in his home to Fang Yuan.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has such a foundation and urges the use of Purple Mountain True Monarch’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Of course, the Purple Mountain True Monarch’s Immortal Gu is not comprehensive, and there are still many flaws. For Fang Yuan, it doesn’t matter. With Wisdom Dao Grandmaster Realm, the key is that Wisdom Halo can rely on it, so that Fang Yuan can quickly improve the ultimate move.

Most of the Wisdom Dao ultimate move that he is urging today has been improved to some extent.

This time After the practice, Fang Yuan came to the location of Wisdom Gu.

He sat next to Wisdom Gu, bathed under Wisdom Halo, and began to think about and summarize the experience of this time practice.

After each exercise, he will summarize and improve the ultimate move according to his practice.

The creation of many ultimate moves includes Gu Immortal’s own experience, habits, temperament and many other elements.

These ultimate moves are just other people’s ultimate move, far less friendly and easy than Fang Yuan’s own Ten Thousand Me and Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal. Therefore, Fang Yuan is constantly improving.

After a few moments, Fang Yuan thought about it and didn’t change anything about the Purple Mountain True Monarch’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

“In the past few days, I have been practicing constantly, constantly fine-tuning the ultimate move, and finally I have no way to change it. Only in the future, there will be great progress in Wisdom Dao before we can continue to improve.”

Understand this, Fang Yuan does not insist.

The focus of his calculation today is not in this respect, but to complete the calculation of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Eating Strength.

Originally, Fang Yuan has one Immortal Gu Eating Strength, which can consume immortal essence, motivate Immortal Gu, and grow its own Strength Dao’s Dao Marks. Unfortunately, the best Immortal Gu has been destroyed.

But it doesn’t matter, Grand Dao is three thousand, different routes to the same destination. In Fang Yuan’s hand With so many Immortal Gus and Wisdom Halo support me, I can quickly figure out Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Eating Strength.

With such Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, you can completely replace the role of Eating Strength Immortal Gu.

“The calculation is successful!” After about the effort of tea, Fang Yuan left the Wisdom Gu with satisfactory results.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Eating Strength was started six days ago and has finally been completely successful today.

This is the Rank 6 Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, centered on the Snack Immortal Gu, and the other Strength Dao Immortal Gu is support, helping Gu Immortal add its own Strength Dao’s Dao Marks by consuming pure Strength Dao immortal materials.

The effect of a cultivation is better than the Rank 6 Immortal Gu Eating Strength. However, there are many immortal essences consumed, because it involves too many Gu insects, and it is not as convenient as simply pushing an Eating Strength Immortal Gu.

Overall, there are advantages and disadvantages.

In the days that followed, in addition to practicing the consolidation of Purple Mountain True Monarch’s Wisdom Dao ultimate move, Fang Yuan repeatedly urged the Eating Strength ultimate move to help him grow Strength Dao’s Dao Marks.

The Dao Marks, which he has the most, is the Transformation Dao mark, which is nearly 50,000. Followed by Ice and Snow Dao marks, Luck Dao, Qi Dao, Sound Dao, there are more than 10,000.

Strength Dao is really rare. Fang Yuan didn’t specialize in Stress and Tribulation in Strength Dao. The annexed Immortal Aperture did not specialize in the Strength Dao genre.

This time, he focused on this aspect.

The reason why choosing Strong Dao is also considered by Fang Yuan.

The strongest means in his hands are the Adverse Current Protection Seal and the Ten Thousand Flood Dragon. The former is the main defense and the latter is the main attack. Both are related to Strength Dao, so the growth of Strength Dao’s Dao Marks will increase the upper limit of Fang Yuan battle strength.

As for the practice of the Purple Mountain True Monarch’s Wisdom Dao ultimate move, mainly to enrich the Fang Yuan’s hand segment, the real limit of the Fang Yuan battle strength is also the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Fang Yuan is diligent and hardworking, and squeezes his time to the extreme. Every minute and every second must be fully utilized.

This safe environment is quite rare.

Since reborn, Fang Yuan has finally had such a good opportunity to fully develop his own strength and accumulate his own background.

Immortal Aperture management, ultimate move practice, Soul Dao cultivation, etc., almost every day, Fang Yuan has a new look.

His speed of progress is appalling, even the Langya Earth Spirit is a shock.

This is exactly what Heavenly Court estimates: After the Obeded Shadow Sect inheritance, Fang Yuan’s background is so incredible that it suddenly bursts out and forms a blowout in strength!

Xue’er has been quite hard and well-behaved since he came into contact with Shadow Sect members. Although she does not have the strength of her own, she has a hand in the investigation, and cooperates with other Shadow Sect members to explore the Grand Mound for Fang Yuan and hunt a lot of souls.

Fang Yuan’s cold treatment of the marriage has caused contradictions within the Snowman family. Xue’er’s grandmother, Bing Yuan, advocates perseverance, and even sends a bride price to express her sincerity. However, some Snowman Gu Immortal, led by the ice wind, disagreed. This party believes that the price of marriage with Fang Yuan is too great, and it is better to continue to endure the bullying of the Stoneman family.

Because of the contributions of Shadow Sect members, the progress of Langya School’s exploration of Grand Mound has become very fast, which makes Langya Earth Spirit happy, and the more you look at Fang Yuan, the more pleasing.

On this day, Fang Yuan was sitting on the eyes closed and doing the construction in the Immortal Aperture. Suddenly he received a message asking for help, slowly opening both of his eyes.

At the same time, the Langya Earth Spirit also teleported and appeared in front of Fang Yuan’s.

“Elder Fang Yuan, you are going to help. Grand Mound over there, Immemorial Desolate Beast, surrounded by My Sect Gu Immortals!” Langya Earth Spirit expression nervous, tone of eagerness.

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