Hong long!

The huge waves bypass the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, surrounded by all directions and slammed Reverend Huang Shi directly.

Reverend Huang Shi A heart, in this moment, it is cold and thorough.

He is Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, the expert elite in Rank 8, and finally realized it at this moment.

“The original Fang Yuan and the others, actually can use the rivers of this rivers?!”

His heart was shocked.

This means that the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey was trapped in the Sword River, which is obviously a trap. And he himself plunged into the trap, he was kept in the drums before the battle, and he did not know it when he fell into the calculation!

This is an insult to Reverend Huang Shi!

“But how is it possible? Fang Yuan can manipulate a period of time, he inherits Hei Fan True Inheritance, but it is not so! This is the result of Ziwei’s calculation.”

The shocked emotions eased a little, and Reverend Huang Shi’s heart was filled with doubts.

In the process of the giant wave, the thoughts in his mind can be described as thousands of turns.

“This is probably the power of Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.”

“There are only people like Red Lotus Demon Venerable who have the means to control a section of River of Time.”

Seeing the waves and the sky, I was already in front of me, and Reverend Huang Shi’s face showed a strong color.

“fine !”

“Let you see my Reverend Huang Shi really amazing!”

“Ah!” Reverend Huang Shi suddenly snarled in the sky, and for a time, countless Gu insects spewed out, a path of yellow halo, constantly shining on his body.

His bald head is shining and sparkling.

The boulder boulder over the top of the head suddenly expanded and became like a hill, suppressing the gloomy river.

His breath became unpredictable, a pair of eyes gazing at the place, the waves of the waves have returned to their original state.

At the same time, from his body jumping out of countless Time Spot 斓, have drifted to Bai Ningbing and the others, speed seeks like slow but actually fast!

Reverend Huang Shi hearted and angry, and in Danger Realm, broke out of ten percent battle strength!

“It’s amazing! For a moment, I used at least four Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves.” Fang Yuan saw such a scene and also involuntarily jumped.

Reverend Huang Shi, who can get the trust of Fairy Ziwei, was sent to the River of Time alone, slamming Fang Yuan, naturally has his strength.

At this moment, he broke out all the battle strength, immediately resisted the waves, maintained his own safety, and also applied a hot hand to attack Bai Ningbing and the others.

Bai Ningbing and the others are all discolored, they are trapped in the yellow dust and can’t get out.

Even the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey has intensified its struggles, and the roar has revealed panic.

The power of this Time Spot is very random, but its terrifying is well known. Even Feng Jiuge can’t easily touch, let alone Bai Ningbing and the others?

“He is trying to force me to show up.” Fang Yuan whispered in his mouth and his eyes turned to the side of Gloomy Soul.

He used Bai Ningbing as a bait. If he sacrificed at this time, it would be a huge loss for him.

However, Ying Wuxie, which is mixed with Gloomy Soul Soul Fragment, Fang Yuan deliberately arranged, naturally it is afraid that Gloomy Soul will have other ideas.

Gloomy Soul will laughed heartily: “Don’t worry, Fang Yuan, this Stone Lotus Island was built by Red Lotus Demon Venerable. Reverend Huang Shi is able to withstand the raging waves of water, but it contains Sword and Blade Daos. The peerless ultimate move.”

“You see, this move is the strongest offensive ultimate move of Dao Jiulang, called the trailing edge of the ninety-nine reincarnation. Once it is displayed, it is endless, life is endless, Blade Light is destroyed, and there is another layer. A total of 9-Layer Blade Light, every layer can kill the ghosts. After the Blade Light squats, it will loop back and forth, attack again, a layer of Blade Light will attack a total of nine, 9-Layer Blade Light together is 9 x 9 = Under 81, this move is extremely powerful. Dao Jiulang has only played three times in his life. Every time he performs it, he will spend his hundred years of life essence! At this time, the trick I am swaying is exactly when he and Xi Yuan are playing. Come out, the most outstanding masterpiece of life!”

With the interpretation of Gloomy Soul’s will, Fang Yuan saw the time and waves that had been suppressed, and he shot 9-Layer Blade Light.

Blade Light is so smashing, like the sun’s debris, even if it is seen by Fang Yuan, it is involuntarily squinting and the eyes are stinging.

He is outside the battlefield, and this is already the case, not to mention the celestial beings in the battlefield.

Seeing this layer of Blade Light, Reverend Huang Shi looks mad and horrified.

In this 9-Layer Blade Light, he is sensed with a strong life threat. This is not a joke. If Dao Jiulang is a Central Continent Ten Great Sects, he can definitely enter Heavenly Court.

He used to be the leader of the Western Desert, the leader of the Rainbow 8 influential figure, standing proudly peak, and the Blade Dao Legendary.

The hit he showed was the battle peak masterpiece of his life, the ultimate move to be with Xi Yuan.

Reverend Huang Shi was shocked and no longer cares about water waves, Immemorial Zodiac Monkey or Bai Ningbing.

He tried his best to make a trump card and fight defense.

Hōng hōng hōng ……

The loud noise continued, and the layered Blade Light continued to bombard him. The glaring Blade Light, one after another, is endless, continually strangled around the poor Reverend Huang Shi, intertwined into a large group of white light.

At the very center of the light group, Reverend Huang Shi indented into the yellow-brown boulders at the top of his head, desperately resisting.

The bombardment of Blade Light lasted for a while and gradually dissipated.

The boulder around Reverend Huang Shi has completely disappeared. His whole person is unbearable, his face is bloodless, his face is white, and his body has huge wounds, all over his chest and back.

There was no bleeding at the wound, but this was a bad performance, because the wound was full of Dao Marks of Blade Dao, and Blade Qi was constantly erupting, eroding the internal organs of Reverend Huang Shi.

“Hahaha, look, he can’t do it anymore.” Gloomy Soul will laugh.

“Then come again!” Gloomy Soul will raise his eyebrows and dance, “This is the ace of Xi Yuan, haha, don’t believe you are not dead!”

As said, in the time and waves that gradually dissipated, a strong Sword Qi rises.

This Sword Qi is like a mountain, deep and unmeasurable, with unparalleled power, can bury everything in the world!

Reverend Huang Shi The pupil is reduced to the size of the needle tip, only have one thought in the mind to escape!

But a moment later, he found himself locked by this Sword Qi and suspended to move a single step in midair.

“This, this is the objective move of Xi Yuan that year! Oops, terrible!!”

Reverend Huang Shi has a heart beat, already lose one’s head out of fear.

He resisted the blade edge of the ninety-nine reincarnation and had exhausted his means. At this moment, his state was in a downturn and his defensive power fell to the bottom.

“don’t tell me I am going to fall here today?” Reverend Huang Shi pre-felt the breath of death.

At this time, on Stone Lotus Island, Gloomy Soul’s will came out: “Oh, Stone Lotus Island can’t support it. If we insist on killing Reverend Huang Shi, this Stone Lotus Island background will be drained. If you let Huang Shi drop, you can still exist for several years.”

“Kill him.” Fang Yuan looked faint, unhesitatingly spit out these three words.

“Understood!” Gloomy Soul will respond and not speak.

Reverend Huang Shi struggled hard but never got rid of Sword Qi’s restraint.

His face was terrifying and his heart was constantly embarrassing.

“I didn’t expect my diignified Huang Shi to die here.”

“I didn’t matter if I sacrificed, but it was the failure of Heavenly Court’s plan to let Fang Yuan, the Demon from Beyond The Heavens, continue to be happy.”

“I am not willing… ah! I am not willing…”

Reverend Huang Shi roared again and again, and suddenly the sound stopped.

Then, his vitality disappeared completely, and the Sword Qi seemed to be a rare beast in the dark, swallowing all his vitality.

Rank 8 Time Dao, Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, Reverend Huang Shi killed!

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