Bai Ningbing and the others are trapped in the Sword River and can’t get out of the way. Reverend Huang Shi has seen this opportunity. How can it be easily let go?

He had been killing all the way, and he had accumulated a stomach of Fire Qi. Now he saw the prey and immediately flew to the past.

Huā huā huā !

There were bursts of waves in the River of Time.

Among them, there are countless Sword Qi, Blade Light, and the Shadow Sect.

Reverend Huang Shi is no exception, and is “cared for” by Sword Qi and Blade Light, but depending on his defenses, he can be much more comfortable than the Shadow Sect group below.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Sun and Moon.

Reverend Huang Shi is condescending, with both palms pushing, countless pointed shuttles, like a storm, tilting toward Shadow Sect and the others.

“There are enemies!” Bai Ningbing shouted loudly.

The ultimate move of the sun and the moon is amazing, the Fire Dragon is fierce, and Bai Ningbing and the others struggle to defend, and they can’t be lifted for a while.


This can annoy the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, which suddenly growled and the lower limbs force, the whole body suddenly broke away from the river and flew high.

The sun and the moon hit the body, playing the small blood hole of each and every one, but for the huge Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, it can only be considered a minor injury.

Huge monkey claws, smashing the wind, grabbed Reverend Huang Shi.

Feeling this terrifying power, Reverend Huang Shi eyelid jumped and his face showed a horrifying expression.

“This Immemorial Zodiac Monkey is actually genuine, not the change of Fang Yuan?!”

“They actually mastered the Rank 8 battle strength like Immemorial Zodiac Monkey?”

Reverend Huang Shi is not a Strength Dao, nor a Transformation Dao Gu Immortal. He is not good at progress. Even if he is Heavenly Court Rank 8, facing the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey’s attack, he has to shun.

He was very fast and he avoided it in the distance.

Here, Time Dao’s Dao Marks is quite rich and is suitable for him to fight.

Immemorial Zodiac Monkey hit the river and re-fell the river, but then it screamed again, leaping again, jumping into the air and killing Reverend Huang Shi.

Reverend Huang Shi Bright glow flashes in the eyelids.

He has a lot of damage on the saw Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, knowing that the monkey is not in a complete state. Think about it too, Fang Yuan and the others can get here, Immemorial Zodiac Monkey must be a big force, I am afraid that I have already gone to 30-40%.

“In this case!” Reverend Huang Shi’s fighting intent became more and more determined.

He took a deep breath and suddenly urged another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Suddenly, a yellowstone block appeared at the top of his head. The stones flowed slowly, driving the time around Reverend Huang Shi and becoming slower.

Subsequently, countless soots suddenly flowed out of the stone. These soots flew down like a stream of light, attached to the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

The Immemorial Zodiac Monkey is affected by the yellow-smoke dust, the flow rate of the body is decreasing rapidly, the speed is getting slower, and the process of vacating is greatly prolonged.

Reverend Huang Shi See here, spits out one mouthful of impure air.

He has confidence in his own means. The more time there is smoke, the slower the time of Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

As this goes on, the scene will be completely controlled by Reverend Huang Shi.

But it is at this time!


A majestic wave of water hit the air and went straight to Reverend Huang Shi.

River of Time In the pale waters, a strong Blade Light, glaring, is also booming.

Blade Light in the middle of Reverend Huang Shi, Reverend Huang Shi body shock, immediately spit out a small mouth of blood!

Reverend Huang Shi was traumatized, causing the entire smoke to tremble, and the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey in the smoke struggled.

Reverend Huang Shi quickly held his breath and stepped up the Immortal Move, which made the smoke more intense and covered the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

On Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, Bai Ningbing and the others are also showing their talents, playing frost, sputum, and sound waves, but unfortunately they can’t move this smoke.

In this River of Time, Time Dao’s life has been greatly enhanced. Bai Ningbing and the others have been cultivation base far from Reverend Huang Shi, and even with Time Dao’s Dao Marks, the battle strength is far from enough.

At the crucial moment, Ying Wuxie’s face is calm, and it is necessary to use the extreme move Leading Soul to Enter the Dream.

“Hmm?” But at this moment, Ying Wuxie ate a bit.

Ying Wuxie couldn’t feel the existence of Reverend Huang Shi.

“Leading Soul to Enter the Dream ultimate move is to be able to touch each other in order to perform. Otherwise, there is no object, it will not be able to display. This Reverend Huang Shi has the means to shield my Soul Dao perception?”

“Oh? Ziwei’s defensive ultimate move has been launched…hehe.” Reverend Huang Shi sneered in his heart.

When Ying Wuxie wanted to launch Leading Soul to Enter the Dream, he felt something here.

Leading Soul to Enter the Dream ultimate move is indeed very powerful, but it also has flaws, not a perfect ultimate move.

This time, Fairy Ziwei Since I am sending Reverend Huang Shi alone, I am going to chase Fang Yuan and the others, naturally I have to guard against the ultimate move of Leading Soul to Enter the Dream. After all, Heavenly Court, but suffered a lot of pain in this ultimate move.

The so-called eating a long one, not to mention Heavenly Court’s Fairy Ziwei.

Reverend Huang Shi is well prepared, and Leading Soul to Enter the Dream can’t be used.

“Oops!” Ying Wuxie and the others are all discolored, and the pressure is born from the heart.

It is difficult for them to recover the defeat. At this time, they can only rely on Fang Yuan.

But where is Fang Yuan?

Reverend Huang Shi is thinking about this.

He originally thought that this Immemorial Zodiac Beast was a change of Fang Yuan’s, which made it bluff, but after the contact, it was known that it was the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey of genuine.

Since the war, Fang Yuan has not yet appeared. With the Adverse Current Protection Seal, now the battle strength is similar to Feng Jiuge’s Fang Yuan, which is undoubtedly the most in need of alert in the heart of Reverend Huang Shi.

The more Fang Yuan does not appear, the more cautious he is in his heart.

“Fang Yuan, you still can’t come out? If you don’t come out, hehe…hey?” Reverend Huang Shi was wrong.

At this moment, the huge waves of the River of Time were brought up directly to him.

“Come back?!” Reverend Huang Shi couldn’t help but be bored.

This huge wave does not slam the huge Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, but it is repeated, to find him trouble.

This Luck Qi is too bad!

Hong long!

The huge waves hit Reverend Huang Shi, and Reverend Huang Shi once again spit a mouthful of blood.

He is too late to dodge. Not only because of this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, but also when the waves are coming, the time is slowing down, even if he is dodging the water waves, the Sword Qi and Blade Light that are shot inside are very fast and difficult. Dodge.

Reverend Huang Shi chooses hard resistance, fights for opportunity in battle, and uses it to capture Immemorial Zodiac Monkey and Bai Ningbing and the others.

“It’s me who has the upper hand now, I don’t believe you Fang Yuan can go on again!” Reverend Huang Shi was worried.

Hey, hey, hua!

Three loud noises, three waves of water, went straight to Reverend Huang Shi.

“What? Come to me?!” For a moment, Reverend Huang Shi’s eyes widened, and the heart of her mother was there.

According to common sense, the huge Immemorial Zodiac Monkey is more likely to be hit by huge waves. But since the start of the war, only Reverend Huang Shi has been repeatedly beaten.

“Their Luck Qi is also very good? No water waves to shoot them?”

“Wait a minute.” Reverend Huang Shi suddenly felt a glimpse of his heart. “Don’t tell me is the means of Fang Yuan’s Luck Dao?”

He thought of a possibility.

“hmph! Even so… District Luck Dao, it’s hard to change the big picture.”

“Luck Dao is here, and it has been suppressed. Fang Yuan wants to implement all the huge waves here. It’s impossible with Luck Dao, only Time Dao’s supreme means.”

“I still have the advantage of a favorable location here!”

Reverend Huang Shi stabilized his mind and continued to suppress Immemorial Zodiac Monkey and Bai Ningbing and the others, forcing Fang Yuan to show up.

“Reverend Huang Shi fall into trap.”

“As Sect Master expects… we continue to bombard, don’t expose flaws.”

Bai Ningbing and the others have a heavy expression, but actually communicate with each other in the dark.

At the same time, on the island at the bottom of the river.

In front of Fang Yuan’s, the image is tumbling, and the battle scene of Reverend Huang Shi and Immemorial Zodiac Monkey is being played.

Here is the place where Red Lotus’ True Inheritance was once held by Stone Lotus Island and Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable. Fang Yuan has arrived in advance!

Fang Yuan’s body, Fairy Ziwei’s investigation ultimate move has been lifted. Bai Ningbing and the others, although there is a self-contained Immortal Dao gu formation, is far too late in time.

With them, Fang Yuan’s whereabouts is exposed. Even if it is stuffed in the Paragon Immortal Aperture, it will be extrapolated.

Just like the original, Fang Yuan relied on the Qi Luck Sense ultimate move to figure out the position of Ying Wuxie and the others. Even if they drilled into the Immortal Aperture, they would be counted by Fang Yuan.

Immortal Aperture is a small world, isolated inside and out. But if there is obvious clue in Immortal Aperture, it will be calculated.

Fang Yuan can do it, Fairy Ziwei can of course. Will of Heaven is OK too.

As long as there is a Will of Heaven in the Immortal Aperture, the Will of Heaven in the Five Regions and Two Heavens will be aware of the Fang Yuan’s position.

This information, Fang Yuan has long been a long time ago, personally explored.

Although this is a weakness, in Fang Yuan’s view, there are also places that can be used.

Rely on Ying Wuxie and the others, a little paralysis of Fairy Ziwei, let Reverend Huang Shi miscalculate Fang Yuan’s itinerary. Although this error is trivial, after the Fang Yuan relies on Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, this small advantage is quickly amplified.


Red Lotus’ True Inheritance has the power to manage the nearby rivers.

Even this sword river area was deliberately planned by Red Lotus Demon Venerable.

Just to launch this power will cost the roots of Stone Lotus Island. Now, after World War I, this original and ruined Stone Lotus Island will be completely annihilated.

“Gloomy Soul will, I will help you.” Fang Yuan looked at Gloomy Soul around him and saw him in a thin form. The manipulates were tough and he extended the hand.

Suddenly, a large will rushed out and merged into the within the body of Gloomy Soul.

Gloomy Soul will be able to help, immediately low roaring sound.

At the same time, on the battlefield, suddenly, a huge wave of people was set off.

“This is this!” Reverend Huang Shi saw the eyes be pulled out.

The scale of this huge wave is unprecedented, and the Blade Light and Sword Qi contained in it have not yet erupted, which makes Reverend Huang Shi feel a strong threat to life.

Reverend Huang Shi is gnashing his teeth. The huge waves of this scale, although he will shoot himself, will undoubtedly also affect Immemorial Zodiac Monkey and even force Fang Yuan.

“I want to continue to consume with you!” Reverend Huang Shi thought about it, and then saw the huge waves separating a gap, directly letting Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, and then rushing to him.


Reverend Huang Shi almost screamed.

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