Rumor has it that there is a river on this World called River of Time!

It originated from the past, passed through the present, and rushed to the future.

Everything in the world is like a fish in the river, and the river is in a hurry. Almost all the fish can only go down the trend.

Without this River of Time, World will be completely still and become a picture. With this river, everything can change, and World can be vivid, or attenuated or prosperous.

“Going back to the River of Time again.” Fang Yuan was very impressed.

He looked around and saw that the river was vast and vast. Although it was called the River of Time, it was as wide as the sea.

In the dark air, a wide river, flowing and rushing.

The river itself is pale white, but the waves of the billions of trillions will splatter with colorful colors as they collide.

Ambilight, beautiful, reflected in Fang Yuan’s face.

Fang Yuan was slightly disappointed and immediately woke up.

He opens the Immortal Aperture Portal and releases the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

“Slag residue.” This behemoth is very excited to return to home again.


It fell into the river and suddenly set off the waves of the sky.

Fang Yuan also became a Far Ancient monkey, much smaller than the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, suspended in the air, he is not the authentic Zodiac Beast. Although at this moment, Transformation Dao’s Dao Marks has all been transformed into Time Dao’s Dao Marks, allowing him to adapt to the environment. But for the gloomy river water, it is good to not stain or not.

“Depart.” Fang Yuan gave an order and the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey drove.

It was previously painful that it was stopped, and now it is a benefit of saw, much more obedient than Superior Heavenly Eagle.

However, although relying on the one hundred and eighty alternative move, it is quite reluctant to control the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey because of the fall of Fang Yuan itself.

“Now it is just a normal period, there is a feeling of hardship and hardship. If you are in the fight, order Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, I am afraid that I am powerless.”

Fang Yuan is secretly vigilant.

This is a flaw, but there is no way, Fang Yuan has achieved the ultimate in his ability.

Go all the way.

Huā huā huā ……

The sound of the waves is endless.

For the first time, Fang Yuan entered the place in the form of flesh.

The first few times were on on Spring and Autumn Cicada, moving a will to the past. Because of the influence of Will of Heaven, he is a glimpse of the River of Time, it is difficult to see the whole picture, but now it is enough to see, it is an eye-opener.

The River of Time is Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm, which is widely known in the Human Ancestor Biography.

But it is really the Gu Immortal expert that Time Dao has accumulated. Fang Yuan was able to enter, and his ability was insufficient. He also supported Transformation Dao’s, and also on Purple Mountain True Monarch, Hei Fan’s lost heritage, and inheritance.

River of Time is not dead.

Fang Yuan is first saw 1~2 only wild Year Gu, chasing each other and diving into the river.

Then, he witnessed a group of Time Dao Wild Gu worms, flying in the sky, and more like a group.

“Well?” 5~6 only wild Year Gu, took the initiative to fly to Fang Yuan’s, then quietly stayed in Fang Yuan’s body, no longer moving.

“so that’s how it is.” Fang Yuan turned to think, he had a clear comprehension.

He is now a Far Ancient monkey. Because of the factors such as Rank 8 Manner Gu, Meeting Past Acquaintance, etc., Wild Gu worms can’t really distinguish between true and false, and they all regard him as a wild Far Ancient monkey.

These Time Dao mortal gus are attracted by the rich and abundant Time Dao’s Dao Marks of Fang Yuan. They are considered to be suitable places to survive, so they took the initiative to rely on Fang Yuan.

This is indeed the case.

In nature, Gu insect itself is very fragile. Although the Wild Gu worm can take advantage of the natural and peaceful nature of Heaven and Earth, it is still in danger.

Therefore, parasitic on a strong life, it becomes the survival of these Wild Gu worms.

Fang Yuan has 5 minutes and has hundreds of wild mortal gus.

The greater part is Day Gu, Month Gu, and there is no wild Year Gu.

As for the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey under Fang Yuan, you will get more.

The wild mortal gu of the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey itself was in battle and was destroyed by Fang Yuan and the others with few remnants.

Right now, it is a large number of supplements.

Immemorial Zodiac Monkey is more popular than Fang Yuan. It is favored by Time Dao wild mortal gu. It is full of water, surrounded by a group of wild Time Dao Gu insects, like a thin black mist. .

However, this situation, after a while, quickly slowed down.

Just like the wild beast occupying the territory, when the Fang Yuan and the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey are parasitic with a large number of wild mortal gus, other wild donkeys may feel that the space for survival is small, so they no longer stop to stop.

Fang Yuan thought about it and didn’t start with these wild mortal gus on his body.

Depending on his current ability, it is natural to refined these wild Time Dao mortal gu.

However, this is contrary to the original intention of Fang Yuan.

Furthermore, these wild Time Dao mortal gus are no different. Except for Immortal Gu, the vast majority of mortal gus are not very attractive to Fang Yuan.


On the way, a Far Ancient tiger jumped out of the water and then evacuated without going back to the distance.

In this case, Fang Yuan has seen it many times.

With the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey escort, it’s convenient, it’s just a giant pass.

In fact, in addition to Zodiac Beast, there are Month Beast and Day Beast. Similar to Zodiac Beast, these Month Beast and Day Beast feed on Month Gu and Day Gu respectively.

A total of one hour passed, and the River of Time was still a river, and the surrounding darkness was deep.

The scenery has not changed, almost the illusion that people have stopped in place and never traveled.

An Immemorial Zodiac Monkey, half a body, sinks into the river, drowning in the water, like a hill floating on the river.

Fang Yuan became a Far Ancient monkey, suspended in the river and quietly drifting.

Fang Yuan has a lot of heart, because he has the lost heritage of Purple Mountain True Monarch, the feeling is more intense. Just follow this sensor and go straight ahead to find the Red Lotus’ True Inheritance that Demon Venerable Gloomy Soul controls.

What hindered him, apart from the danger of the River of Time, was Heavenly Court’s ambush and chase.

Hong long!

Suddenly, a roaring, raging River of Time suddenly shot a torrent.

The location of the rapids is not far from the front left of Fang Yuan’s.

“Slag.” Immemorial Zodiac Monkey snorted, until now casually on the face, revealing a dignified feeling.

“This is Dashing Spring.” Fang Yuan is also a slight dip in the pupil.

River of Time, not safe, some rivers are very dangerous and have different changes.

Dashing Spring is one of them.

Traveling in this section of the river, always beware of the sudden outbreak of the river, forming Dashing Spring. Once Dashing Spring is concentrated, Massive’s Time Dao’s Dao Marks are engraved, not dead or hurt, and even more likely to cut life span.

Fang Yuan carefully moved over the head of Immemorial Zodiac Monkey. He lacked the means to fight Dashing Spring and could only use the reverse skin and thick flesh of Immemorial Zodiac Beast.

This section of the river must pass, and is the only way to Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

Just before Fang Yuan mentioned the exciting consciousness, while crossing the river, near the Western Desert’s tributary, came three Gu Immortals.

One Rank 7 Gu Immortal, handsome, two Rank 8 Gu Immortal, Yuan Yulu.

It is Feng Jiuge and Heavenly Court’s two Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Fairy Ziwei’s plan is to use Fang Yuan to bring out Red Lotus’ True Inheritance.

Now that Fang Yuan enters the River of Time, he wants to take Red Lotus’ True Inheritance. At this time, it is natural to send heavy troops to collect.

“I don’t want this Demon from Beyond The Heavens, it’s really amazing, and actually and the virtuous brother.”

“I have two people to help, even if he is only high, he can’t go down.”

It wasn’t long before the two leaders, XIX X Gu Immortal and Feng Jiuge, met Feng Jiuge, who was not the person who visited the face, and directly provided the information of the rising of Fang Yuan battle strength to the two Gu Immortals.

“I have to join forces and should be able to kill Fang Yuan.” Feng Jiuge slightly nod.

Fang Yuan’s battle strength, similar to him. Facing a Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it has been reluctant to face two, and it is naturally more difficult.

Especially now, Feng Jiuge’s drums the impulse move, and the improvement of Fairy Ziwei has become a means of dealing with Fang Yuan’s ace.

“Well? This is a dream!” After a while, Feng Jiuge and other three people had to stop, helplessly look towards the defense line composed of dreams.

“It seems that we only have to wait.”

“Dream continues to flow on its own, and soon there will be gaps in the defense line, let us enter.”

“In addition to me, River of Time also has Reverend Huang Shi. He has been the best person in the River of Time for nearly 10,000 years! Fang Yuan will not be his opponent.”

Three immortals negotiated and decided to stay behind and wait for the emergence of opportunity in battle.

River of Time is in the middle.

“Slag residue.”

Immemorial Zodiac Monkey screamed and hurt.

Fang Yuan turned his head and looked at the river behind him.

“Fortunately, Immemorial Zodiac Monkey escorted me. Otherwise, how could it be so easy to get through this piece of life?”

Dashing Spring is very powerful, at least the Rank 7 ultimate move is great, the greater part is Rank 8 level, Fang Yuan and even saw a Dashing Spring that is comparable to the Rank 9 method.

This Dashing Spring suddenly broke out and it was a huge waterfall that was against the sky.

Fortunately, it broke out, far from Fang Yuan, and there was no danger.

“Immemorial Zodiac Monkey is not a bad injury, but unfortunately I have limited means and can’t treat it at all.” Fang Yuan inquired and sighed in his heart.

The treatments of other genres have been suppressed here. Time Dao’s treatment, Fang Yuan only has Resetting Person Immortal Gu. Unfortunately, this Immortal Gu is only good for Human Race.

Fang Yuan can only restore the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

“Would you like to stop temporarily and take a break? Let the Immemorial Zodiac Monkey recover completely?”

Fang Yuan can’t hesitate.

To go to the Red Lotus’ True Inheritance, the Dashing Spring section is just the first test nothing more, then Fang Yuan will face the Zhi Yin Spider, the One Finger Drifting Shark group, and a more special sword section.

These three levels are much more dangerous than the Dashing Spring section.

“Dashing Spring?” Reverend Huang Shi looked at the river and his brow wrinkled.

“Following the guidance of Ziwei, Fang Yuan and the others are in front.” Immediately, Reverend Huang Shi flashed a glimpse of his eyes, and then he firmly flew into the Dashing Spring. (~^~)

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