Paragon Immortal Aperture, Little Green Heaven.

A large expanse of colorful dreams, quietly suspended, slowly flowing over time.

I want to stop here, and I am in agreement with Fang Yuan, vivid and lifelike.

In my opinion, there are a small number of Red Jujube Immortal Essence and a number of Gu insects.

“This is the last attempt.” Fang Yuan, I whispered in the mouth, and then he started to work.

Red Jujube Immortal Essence was quickly consumed, while both Self Respect Immortal Gu and Love Immortal Gu were motivated. This is followed by a few support mortal gu.

Soon, a lot of my intentions surged out, so that just just the normal size of Fang Yuan, I suddenly swelled into the giant feet of the giant feet.

Stop urging Gu insect, Fang Yuan, I want to take a break.

The whole giant of my mind quickly shrank by 10%, became more solid, and looked agile.

Then, Fang Yuan, I am again urging another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This move is temporarily unknown, but Fang Yuan has been created in recent days, specifically for dreams.

Immortal Move screams like a sword, piercing into the huge dreams.

After a sip of tea, Fang Yuan stopped urging the ultimate move, and the whole giant of my mind shrank innumerable, leaving only the size of the baby. The pile of Red Jujube Immortal Essence is also consumed to the point of near dryness.

“After all, it still failed.” Fang Yuan I sighed deeply.

Dreamland battle, let Fang Yuan harvest a lot of Pure Dream Seeking True Physique. But at the time of Fang Yuan’s journey from Southern Border to Western Desert’s, he sacrificed the Pure Dream Seeking True Physique of the greater part, blocking the chase.

Then, there is not much Pure Dream Seeking True Physique left in his hands, because they are all defective products, they are all arriving at the time limit, and each disintegration becomes a dream.

In these dreams, Fang Yuan stayed in Little Green Heaven.

Fang Yuan’s Paragon Blessed Land, with the pattern of Five Regions and Nine Heavens. The vastness of space, speaking out can scare the world Gu Immortal.

However, the area of ​​the greater part is operated by Fang Yuan, which is full of vitality and resources. The only two places are the most empty, one is Little Red Heaven and the other is Little Green Heaven.

Little Red Heaven was selected by Fang Yuan not long ago and became the battlefield of his battle with Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

In Little Green Heaven, it is a dream.

These dreams are all eroded by Will of Heaven. In other words, dreams are not simple, and the crisis is full of Will of Heaven.

When Will of Heaven was in Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, Will of Heaven was able to interoperate before, even if Paragon Immortal Aperture was isolated inside and outside, even if Fang Yuan had Crossing Dark Immortal Gu, it would be spotted by Will of Heaven.

This is the truth that Fang Yuan has self-comprehened before a long time ago.

However, Fang Yuan has been in the detective ultimate move of Heavenly Court Fairy Ziwei, and the Crossing Dark Immortal Gu has disappeared. It was originally exposed, so it is no big deal to store the Will of Heaven in the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan has always been thinking about how to use Will of Heaven to extract benefits from it.

Exploring dreams, learning the true meaning of them, and improving your Realm is a good thing for Fang Yuan. Especially these dreams are carefully selected by him, which is especially suitable for him.

However, in the pursuit of killing, the dream was eroded by Will of Heaven, and all kinds of circumstances, so that Fang Yuan did not have the conditions and environment to explore.

“But if you are yourself, remove the Will of Heaven from your dreams?”

This thought rose up in Fang Yuan’s mind and never happened.

In theory, this is feasible.

Because the true meaning is hidden in the dream, so that ordinary people can explore the true meaning after the dream is successful, and directly promote the genre Realm.

And because Will of Heaven erodes dreams, since Will of Heaven can erode, it can naturally be removed.

Further, Will of Heaven can erode dreams, I don’t tell me can’t?

Fang Yuan has heard some rumors in the previous life of 500 years, saying that there is Wisdom Dao Great Expert in a certain area, and the Wisdom Dao means to use the will or emotion to invade the dream and explore.

All kinds of examples have proved that Fang Yuan’s idea is quite feasible.

However, Fang Yuan’s progress on this road is not good.

How many methods he used, and even designed Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the results are not ideal.

Not only did the corners of Will of Heaven’s not touch, but I tried to erode dreams, failing, and breaking Heaven Sand.

“It seems that my dreams are only occupying the advantages of rebirth. More on the truth, there is no deep research on Dream Dao in the past. Maybe in the future, after my Wisdom Dao Realm advanced by leaps and bounds, There will be progress in this area.”

Fang Yuan calmly, after realizing that he is not enough, will not hesitate.

He pointed to the dream and began to mobilize another Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Soon, these dreams have turned into Pure Dream Seeking True Physique!

Fang Yuan inherits the lost heritage of Purple Mountain True Monarch and naturally controls the way to turn dreams into Pure Dream Seeking True Physique. Of course, the Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, which is refining, is also a defective product. Even because of the lack of some Immortal Gu, these Pure Dream Seeking True Physique can’t match the one made by Purple Mountain True Monarch in Dreamworld.

Even so, Fang Yuan is very satisfied.

Because he wanted, he just moved these dreams out of his Paragon Immortal Aperture that’s all.

After a while, the dreams of Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture were transformed into Pure Dream Seeking True Physique, which was taken out by one after another.

Then, under the arrangement of Fang Yuan’s, these Pure Dream Seeking True Physiques were placed in the position of Already to consider Zhou Xiang.

With this, Fang Yuan makes these Pure Dream Seeking True Physique self-exploding a dream again.

These dreams are constructed into a tight line of defense that is effective against the enemy. Even if Heavenly Court’s Rank 8 Gu Immortal is coming, there is nothing to do with the defense of the dream.

After being properly arranged, Fang Yuan began to arrange Immortal Dao gu formation.

At this time, he is already in the deep underground of an unnamed Sand Desert.

There is a huge natural cave here, where Sha Shuo condenses into sand gold, forming numerous gold sand rocks, rays of light and shining.

However, the most attractive thing for Fang Yuan is the center of the cave, the tributary stream.

The scale of this tributary is not as good as the previous one, but the advantage lies in stability. Support Fang Yuan The upcoming Immortal Dao gu formation allows Fang Yuan to travel to the River of Time through this tributary.

Nothing wrong, the tributary of the time is exactly the last thing Shadow Sect has in the Western Desert.

Fang Yuan Xu Xuan arranged Immortal Dao gu formation.

His Formation Dao Realm is the Grandmaster level. In this period of time chased by Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan has the most contact with Formation Dao, whether it is time-lapse, Self Respect Immortal Dao gu formation or Immemorial Zodiac Beast. Fishing Formation, both Immortal Dao gu formation. These experiences have greatly enriched his set up formation capabilities.

Therefore, he now arranges this Immortal Rank gu formation, calm and confident.

Unsurprisingly, this Immortal Dao gu formation was successfully built by Fang Yuan after a cup of tea.

Bai Ningbing and the others, who were scattered around and patrolled around, were immediately recalled by Fang Yuan.

After putting them into their Paragon Immortal Aperture again, Fang Yuan gave the order to Ying Wuxie: “You can do it.”

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Burning Soul Burst!

Ying Wuxie once again spurred the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, because of Connecting Luck, Fang Yuan and the others had QiLuck soaring and good luck in the next period of time.

Fang Yuan also wants to use it again.

However, the burning Soul Burst event violently consumed the soul background, which was used once before Fang Yuan, and is no longer eligible for reuse.

Ying Wuxie is Gloomy Soul Soul Fragment, and has a strong background that can ignite Soul Burst to transport the ultimate move several times. However, Fang Yuan can’t let his soul background drop too much.

Because Leading Soul to Enter the Dream ultimate move, Ying Wuxie is also required to have a stronger soul background. If the soul background is not strong, it will be easier to trigger the ultimate move backlash. A bad time, Ying Wuxie wants to have Leading Soul to Enter the Dream on Rank 8. The result is backlash, which will drag him into the dream and can’t extricate himself.

Powerful always has its price.

The things in the world have always been paid, only to get.

Immortal Dao gu formation In the roaring, under its influence, the original tributary of the tributary of the tributary, suddenly set off the waves, and the more rapid.

Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture Among them, ready hoards the Ten Thousand Me of the Large Scale.

Plus the previous Soul Burst, and Immemorial Zodiac Monkey.

It can be said that Fang Yuan has made every effort to prepare.

Of course he knows that going to the River of Time is an adventure. But he has to go.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Adverse Current Protection Seal.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Far Ancient Zodiac Beast!

a moment later, he became Far Ancient Desolate Beast, and the Immortal Formation burst into violent brilliance, rushing into the tributaries of the time and tearing a huge gap.

Fang Yuan directly plunged in and suddenly put it into the gap.

Huā huā huā !

The tides are smashing, and thousands of waves are set off.

The gap behind him only lasted for a few breaths and disappeared immediately.

Fang Yuan’s eyes are all attracted by the sights.

River of Time!

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