Rank 7 Self Respect Immortal Gu !

In Fang Yuan’s hand Holding this Immortal Gu, my heart is happy.

It doesn’t cost him to almost exhaust the soul background that has been painingtaking cultivation, and is finally the result of the outcome.

Luck Dao is a genre that can achieve Gu Immortal and reach the Rank 9 level.

“I own Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu, and Connecting Luck has Ye Fan, Hong Yi, Han Li three strong luck people. Plus the burning Soul Burst shipped twice, the moment Luck Dao is probably reachable like never before. degree.”

“So, it’s not surprising to make a Self Respect Immortal Gu.”

After the Self Respect Immortal Gu, which was made by Sixth Hair, it passed through Treasure Yellow Heaven, handed over to Fang Yuan.

Treasure Yellow Heaven naturally caused a small sensation.

But the scale of the sensation has been reduced.

After all, the use of Treasure Yellow Heaven to deliver Immortal Gu has happened many times and no longer seems so strange. Especially recently, Wu Yong sent a wave of Gu insect through Treasure Yellow Heaven. And Old Ancestor Qian Bian sells Zodiac Beast, the sensation is bigger, the impact has not subsided.

“This is Self Respect Immortal Gu?” Bai Ningbing asked.

Not waiting for Fang Yuan to answer, Ying Wuxie screamed: “Of course! This Immortal Gu is coming too soon. With this Immortal Gu, we can make Immortal Realm Ultimate Move clean and self-contained, no longer afraid of detecting anult move. !Ahahaha !”

Ying Wuxie said, with his hands on his hips, he smiled.

He is now wearing the body of Fairy Cui Bo, his chest is full of heroes, his face is good, but he is a big mouth, haha ​​smirk, the look of a bloody teenager, quite happy.

Seeing that Bai Ningbing shook her head, she had some sympathy with Ying Wuxie. Now this sympathy has finally turned into nothing at this moment.

“right, this Immortal Gu Self Respect is the core of the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. This trick allows Gu Immortal to clean up Dao Marks, wash away the bad Dao Marks, and leave the good Dao Marks. Whether it is detective ultimate Move, or a covenant, as long as it is harmful to us, it can be brushed away.” Fang Yuan explained in detail.

Hei Loulan suddenly bright flashes in secret eyes, secretly said in heart: “So, the ultimate move formed by this Immortal Gu, can unlock the restraint of my Shadow Sect covenant?”

She saw a glimmer of hope.

She was reluctant to join Shadow Sect, and of course she thought about leaving, just no way to nothing more.

Self Respect Immortal Gu has a unique image, not a worm-like appearance, but like a scorpion scorpion with a surface of a green scorpion leaf with a grayish white line.

But in fact it is not the case.

As long as you look closely, you can see that the leaves on the surface are actually integrated with the inner lining. The gray-white line is just the flash mark of Self Respect Immortal Gu, and these flashing light marks, after a few breaths in a certain part, will change position.

Hei Loulan impressed the look of the Self Respect Immortal Gu in his heart.

Fang Yuan rubbed the surface of Self Respect Immortal Gu with his fingers, resolutely-ly said: “First shift, then use ultimate move to unlock the detective ultimate move.”

A few Gu Immortals chose a direction, then shifted to 100,000 and it was on the back of a huge dune.

Fang Yuan began to try to push the ultimate move, while Ying Wuxie and the others were scattered around and guarded Fang Yuan.

The first is to motivate Self Respect Immortal Gu.

This Rank 7 Immortal Gu, in the Fang Yuan’s Paragon Immortal Aperture, floats slowly in the air, without the rays of light scattering, but radiates a sweet and refreshing scent to all around.

Engulfed by these odors, a large number of mortal gus were also mobilized around the Self Respect Immortal Gu to form a river of Gu insects.

This is the first step that motivates the ultimate move to cleanse itself.

Obviously, there must be a Self Respect Immortal Gu to motivate the first step.

Fang Yuan was stuck here before, and I have to say that even if Imortal Realm Ultimate Move with mass, there is no core Immortal Gu.

Subsequently, Fang Yuan began to mobilize some key support Gu insects.

These Gu insects, without exception, are Immortal Gu.

Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu, obtained from the lost heritage of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

Most of them are the level of Rank 7.

The difficulty with this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is that each blend of a Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu is a violent shock to the original Gu insect river.

This skill can only be accomplished with skillful skills and Transcendent’s manipulates capabilities.

A Wisdom Dao Rank 6 Immortal Gu, cautiously fell.

The river of Gu insect oscillated out of the crowd, but the hanging was suspended.

Fang Yuan’s heart sinks, this is just a Rank 6 Immortal Gu, it’s so difficult. If you drop the Rank 7 Immortal Gu, I am afraid the result will be very bad.

The second Immortal Gu is the Rank 7 Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan has been brewing for a long time, and after profoundly understanding the experience of the uncommon, this is the second Immortal Gu.

So slowly, when it came to third Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan suffered.

The entire Gu insect’s river collapse, Fang Yuan from the mouth of the mouth spurt blood.

Resetting Person !

This Immortal Gu came out and the injury suddenly disappeared.

But the ultimate move failed and needs to leave.

Fang Yuan and the others packed up and evacuated.

You can’t stay in one place for too long, and you have to keep moving in the moment, so that Heavenly Court and Will of Heaven can’t handle it.

On the way to the evacuation, Fang Yuan savored the gains and losses and summed up the experience.

It can be said that the entire team is counting on his ultimate move. This is the key to changing their status quo. Although this ultimate move, there is no attack power.

Try to motivate the ultimate move, transfer after failure, sum up the gains and losses in the transfer path, so infinite cycle, until the fourth time, Fang Yuan finally successfully promoted this Rank 7 Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Clean Respect.

Not easy!

A gentle stream of water, pouring from the top of Fang Yuan’s head, flows into his body and heart.

At first, this water-like radiance was very clear, but when it fell to the feet of Fang Yuan’s, it became a muddy color like Sand Desert.

“How?” The ultimate move was over, and Ying Wuxie asked quickly.

The rest of Gu Immortal also cast a concern.

Fang Yuan mobilized Dao Suits Dao Immortal Gu for self-inspection.

The results obtained are not as he wished.

“Some troubles.” His face was dull.

Southern Border.

Super Gu Formation has been cleaned up and was ruined by Wu Bei Revered Elder, who is also being actively treated.

Wu Yong looked at the huge pit and looked blue.

“How can I die and die, will I encounter the vibration of Earth Arteries?”

“This Super Gu Formation is based on Earth Arteries. Earth Arteries is rare for tens of thousands of years, and it will happen at this festival.”

“But fortunately, I saved Fang Yuan’s Life Tablet Gu and Soul Lantern Gu at a critical moment. Even so, I abandoned a Rank 6 Immortal Gu.”

Wu Yong looked deep, and after this, he added another point to Fang Yuan’s hatred.

“Sir Wu Yong, the situation is a bit wrong.” At this time, Wu Fa came over and whispered, “Not only did we have a shock here, but Tie Family, Yi Family, Chai Family, Chi Family, etc. earthquake.”

Wu Yong’s eyebrows pick: “You mean, the vibration of this Earth Arteries has affected the entire Southern Border?”

“I am afraid this is the case.” Wu Fa brows deep.

Earth Arteries is not the same, the vibration of such a huge Large Scale is unprecedented in Southern Border history!

This change is no small matter.

“Well?!” Wu Yong suddenly turned his gaze to his palm. The two mortal gus he held suddenly cracked, and then collapsed and completely destroyed.

Wu Yong was shocked: “Fang Yuan’s Life Tablet Gu, Soul Lantern Gu actually ruined? What is the method used by Fang Yuan?”

Remarks: At present, all the lists are in the midst of tight statistics. Because of the heavy workload, I almost got busy all night last night. Still ask the books of the Alliance Lord, Grandmaster, Sect Master, and Elder books of this book, who are interested in getting postcards, and actively contact the group owner through the VIP group 250906315. The starting point id, personal address, name, and postal code are also required. There is also a screenshot of the starting point account, which is to prove their identity. Contact us, we have all written down.

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