“Superior Heavenly Eagle actually escaped. How could this happen?” In Heavenly Court, Fairy Ziwei relied on Constellation Chessboard and soon discovered the situation in White Heaven | daytime.

She wrinkled a good-looking pair of eyebrows, and a flash of sharp light flashed through her eyes.

“Is Luck Dao?”

A guess came to her heart.

She is thought of 88 Floors True Yang Building. The real murder of this building is Fang Yuan. How much is the possibility of Fang Yuan inherited from Ju Yang True Inheritance?

“Unfortunately, my investigation of the move move, can only mark the location of Fang Yuan and the others, can not see their situation at this time.”

Fairy Ziwei sighed and spurred Constellation Chessboard.

a moment later, Constellation Chessboard has changed the scene of River of Time.

Feng Jiuge and Reverend Huang Shi have already flew to a nearby tributary.

“The tributary of this place is not small enough for you to come in and out.” Reverend Huang Shi laughed, pointing his finger forward, “I will motivate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move when I will, send you out, don’t resist.”

Feng Jiuge nodded, elegant gift: “I am bothered.”

Reverend Huang Shi is about to speak, suddenly expression changed.

“Is the tiger phantom Immemorial Zodiac Beast chasing it again?” Feng Jiuge also changed slightly.

“No!” Reverend Huang Shi looked intently to the distance, where there was a thick mist on the gloomy river.

“Weird. When will the fog be in the River of Time?” Feng Jiuge frowned.

Reverend Huang Shi is obviously excited and has a huge expectation in his eyes: “This big fog, don’t tell me?”

At this moment, the two saw a sudden shadow in the dense fog.

The shadow is faintly discernible, covered by dense fog, very unclear.

Reverend Huang Shi is more excited, but Feng Jiuge is still confused.

Soon, the fog of the waves fluctuated, opening a corner of the huge shadow in the thick fog. This allowed Feng Jiuge to see the shadows.

“It seems to be a stone island?”

“Yes, that’s Stone Lotus Island! Legend has it that Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is!” Reverend Huang Shi’s tone was a little trembling.

Although Red Lotus Demon Venerable and Heavenly Court are inconsistent, he is the ultimate peak of Time Dao, no one can match. As a Reverend Huang Shi specializing in Time Dao, Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is unbeatable for him!

“You stay here, I will come when I go.” Reverend Huang Shi dropped the sentence and immediately rushed away, and the speed was incredible.

However, the entire dense fog seems to have spirituality, and the closer Reverend Huang Shi is, the more the fog will recede.

After trying hard a long time, Reverend Huang Shi not only did not shorten the distance between him and the thick fog, but was even more alienated.

After a while, the entire dense fog dissipated, and the stone island in the mysterious fog disappeared.

Reverend Huang Shi returned with a sorrowful look, and his look was not good.

Even the Heavenly Court, Fairy Ziwei, who is concerned about this scene, is also disappointed.

But soon, she frowned again.

She fell into meditation: “Why did Stone Lotus Island suddenly appear? Is it because Fang Yuan detonated a tributary? But Reverend Huang Shi and Feng Jiuge’s position, ready to get out of there. There are more key questions about how to enter Stone Lotus Island ?don’t tell me Must have the key to Spring and Autumn Cicada?”

Southern Border, Wu Family headquarters.

A Super Gu Formation has been built.

Wu Yong stood in front of the gu formation, and after a long inspection, he slowly nodded, showing a satisfactory expression.

He said to a Wu Family Revered Elder next to him: “Wu Bei Elder has worked hard.”

“To serve the family, it is the next part, it can’t be hard work.” Wu Bei Elder is respectful and modest.

In Gu Family’s Gu Immortal, he specializes in Formation Dao.

Not long ago, he replaced Fang Yuan and guarded the Super Gu Formation.

Adverse Current River After World War I, Fang Yuan returned from Northern Plains and used the plan to squeeze out Wu Bei and remixed himself into the Super Gu Formation.

Wu Bei Revered Elder, therefore, escaped and did not participate in the dream battle.

In this battle, Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal lost a lot of money, and even the Immortal Gu, which once collapsed to build the Super Gu Formation, was swept away by Heavenly Court.

However, not long ago, Wu Yong failed to chase and kill Fang Yuan, but he reached a secret agreement with Heavenly Court.

Wu Yong let go of Feng Jiuge, and Heavenly Court, the Immortal Gu that was taken away, was handed over directly to Wu Yong.

Wu Yong returns to the front of the Southern Border Righteous Path, leaving none of these Immortal Gus.

This move directly pushes his reputation to the peak of the Southern Border Righteous Path!

Southern Border’s Great Clan feels Wu Yong’s benevolence and righteousness, not only can negotiate with Heavenly Court, but after the negotiation, Immortal Gu is not greedy at all, and all of them return to the original owner, let them admire them.

In addition, Wu Yong exposed the Clear Xade Dripping Wind Little Bamboo House, the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home, and showed his powerful battle strength in the Purple Blood Creates River Formation, making the Southern Border super powers Very taboo.

So, although the Shadow Sect remnant was not killed, the situation of Wu Family has changed dramatically.

The Great Clan, which previously encroached on the Wu Family resources, took the initiative to evacuate the land they had occupied and even compensated for something.

Qiao Family, as the vassal force of Wu Family, they were squandered by Ba Family and Xia Family, and they also took the initiative of Wu Family.

Of course, Wu Yong is not satisfied with such a result. On these days, he is presiding over the overall situation and negotiating with the major super forces to try to let them spit out more benefits.

At present, the two sides are still in the stage of wrangling, Wu Family is quite strong, but the other families are not muddy, but also defend their own interests.

Wu Family This loss is really big.

Before and after, Wu Family’s Gu Immortal fell a lot, and was later abducted by Fang Yuan for a full six Immortal Gus, and 100,000 blocks immortal essence stones.

For this kind of thing, Wu Family can only be rotten in the stomach, and can’t blatantly find Fang Yuan to settle accounts.

Wu Yong is going to make up for his losses in other super powers, and he will never forget Fang Yuan, the Demonic Path thief!

In front of this Super Gu Formation, Wu Yong personally told me not only to make Wu Bei Revered Elder fully responsible, but even invited Chi Family’s Gu Immortal to help lay.

“Yes, let’s do it.” Wu Yong’s eyes severed in a flash of light, in a dull tone, to Wu Bei.

Wu Bei is a tremor in his heart, he sensed Wu Yong’s calm intent and hatred under the calm appearance.

“absolutely did not think that Wu Yihai was actually pretending to be someone else. Hey, it’s daring, dare to deceive Wu Family! Now, let you know that there are many people in this world that you can’t offend!” Wu Bei heart Coldly snorted, starting to motivate the entire gu formation.

Based on Earth Arteries, Fang Im’s Life Tablet Gu and Soul Lantern Gu are clues. The Immortal Formation is built using nearly ten Immortal Gus and countless mortal gu.

Its power utility is a dilemma with Fang Yuan. Whenever gu formation is motivated, it can explode invisible and inferior forces, directly across the Southern Border, acting on Fang Yuan’s body.

The power of this Immortal Formation is very powerful. Before far surpasses Wu Yong, it was against the Yuan Yuan’s ultimate move.

At the same time, it is still very long lasting.

This is an advantage of gu formation.

Once the gu formation is established, it is convenient to push and stop. Unlike the extreme move, each time, there must be a complicated process, and each step must be correct. If it is not correct, it is likely to fail and suffer from backlash.

Gu formation is not the same, after laying it, unless it is destroyed, it is not worried about the possibility of backlash.

“Use half of the power first.” Wu Yong also ordered.

Wu Bei nodded.

Wu Yong is naturally not a house-hearted person, but is negotiating with Fang Yuan for convenience.

Don’t forget, Wu Family’s Immortal Gu is still in Fang Yuan’s hand.

Wu Yong certainly wants to get it back.

Even if Fang Yuan ran to the Western Desert, Wu Yong had not given up on this.

“Fang Yuan, the Adverse Current Protection Seal is powerful, it can reverse all the offensive, but unfortunately! This is too much involved inconsciousness, and the immortal essence is quite intense. How can Fang Yuan always be motivated all the time?”

“With this gu formation, we want to attack and attack, and we want to stop and stop, completely occupying the initiative.”

“First let him taste the pain and then negotiate with him.”

Wu Yong thought in the heart of the good strategy.

Gu formation slowly urged, shortly to launch power, but at this moment, suddenly the whole earth trembled fiercely.

Hong long long !

The entire Wu Ceremonial Mountain was violently shocked.

“what happened?”

“How could there be an earthquake? Is Gu Immortals in transcends tribulation?”

“Not transcends tribulation, it’s Earth Arteries jitter, affecting the entire Southern Border, which is hundreds of times more serious than transcends tribulation!”

“Oops, Wu Bei Family Elder !!”

The onlookers Wu Family Gu Immortals exclaimed, thought of not good.


Immortal Formation suddenly self-exploding, Wu Bei vomited blood, screamed screamingly, fell to the sky, and passed out on the spot.

Northern Plains, Langya Blessed Land.

Sixth Hair is sweating, sweat has completely wet his hair, condensed into a piece, not awkward.

“The last step!” Sixth Hair both eyes are red and full of bloodshot eyes.

Langya Earth Spirit hearing that, immediately handed the ready-processed immortal materials to Sixth Hair.

Although he is a Revered Great Elder, since Fang Yuan has already requested it, the regulation of sect is his own for Langya Earth Spirit, and he must abide by it.

So, to give Sixth Hair a shot, he doesn’t mind, at most, he is quite awkward about Fang Yuan.


A long, crisp sound is heard from the ice.

It is like the sound of the wind blowing the silver dollar.

Soon, the sound dissipated, and the flaming Ice Flame went out, revealing the most central spherical ice.

Sixth Hair gasped with a sigh of relief and whispered in his mouth: “Come out, Rank 7 Immortal Gu Self Respect.”

Kā chā 嚓.

The surface of Xuanbing appeared with cracks, and Xuan Bing collapsed and flew out of One Immortal Gu.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu Self Respect is finally refining! (~^~)

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