Under the effect of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave, any life can be defeated by Fang Yuan, and there is great possibility that acknowledgment allegiance is in Fang Yuan and is enslaved by Fang Yuan.

At the heart of this move is the Tank 7 Immortal Gu fight that Fang Yuan has just succeeded. After receiving the support of various Wisdom Dao Gu insects, the Law Dao Immortal Gu began to show its unique value.

Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave was created by Immortal Zombie Da Li.

Da Li Immortal Zombie is one of the second generation Soul Fragments of Gloomy Soul’s main body, known as Heavenly King Wu Dou. He is a fellow initiate of Strength Dao and Wisdom Dao and is Vigorous True Martial Physique.

After the first generation Soul Fragment Purple Mountain True Monarch became a purple stone, he inherited the position of the Shadow Sect leader.

However, later, he was brought to the door by a mysterious Gu Immortal with a red lotus mark. In a fierce battle, he eventually defeated and was suppressed by the Immortal Gu Home Graceful Battle Stage.

This is the source of Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave ultimate move, an excellent ultimate move with Strength Dao and Wisdom Dao Profound Truth.

After Fang Yuan inherited the lost heritage of Purple Mountain True Monarch, he learned about the contents of this ultimate move.

Of course, he is not familiar with the Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave, and it is only used for the first time.

However, unlike other tricks, this trick only requires Fang Yuan to be motivated in advance, and it is very difficult to maintain the ultimate move.

Most Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Fang Yuan can’t be used in combat, because it is very unskilled. Once it is wrong, it is to lift a rock and lick its own feet.

But at this time, Fang Yuan took the initiative and set up the Heavenly Court chaser. So he had enough time to prepare in advance, and after several failures, he successfully launched the ultimate move Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave.

Subsequently, Fang Yuan maintained Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave while distracting him and urging the ultimate move Zodiac Beast Call. In this tributary, summon had a large group of Zodiac Beast Legion.

However, the number of Zodiac Beast is huge, but the drawbacks of Zodiac Beast Call still exist.

That is the Zodiac Beast called, and will not kill Fang Yuan. Once the injury is serious, or the enemy is strong, they will take the initiative to retreat.

This is different from the Soul Beast call.

The Soul Beast created by Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable is called, and any Soul Beast can fight for Gu Immortal, dashing on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

Zodiac Beast Call after all is Hei Fan, although Hei Fan is Time Dao Rank 8 Great Expert, but compared with Gloomy Soul Demonic Venerable, it is dwarfed.

Of course, despite this, you must not obliterate the power of Zodiac Beast Call.

Overall, this trick is still very practical.

At the core of Rank 8 Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water, Gu Immortal can directly summon a Zodiac Beast Legion. Faced with enemies, you can often form a strong siege, unless you encounter a special Rank 7 expert like Feng Jiuge or Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

But in Gu Immortal World, how many characters like Rank 8 Great Expert and Feng Jiuge can be?

Pā pā pā.

The Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal flew around and turned the retracted Zodiac Beast to the ground.

These Zodiac Beasts were used by Zodiac Beast Call to fight Feng Jiuge. However, after suffering in the hands of Feng Jiuge, he retired and wanted to leave here again through the tributaries of the time.

However, Fang Yuan had long been stuck in their retreat, picking up the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal and shooting the Zodiac Beast of one by one on the ground.

Most of these Zodiac Beasts were conquered by Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave and became Fang Yuan’s slave.

But there are also some that still resist.

For these rebellious diehards, Fang Yuan’s response is to continue with the Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal.

Pā pā pā.

With a few consecutive slaps, there are very few Zodiac Beasts that are not acknowledgment allegiance. After all, these Zodiac Beasts are incomplete in their own state and have been more or less injured under Feng Jiuge’s offensive.

More and more Zodiac Beast was conquered by Fang Yuan.

He opened the Immortal Aperture Portal and took these Zodiac Beast one after another into Paragon Immortal Aperture.

There are also some bodies of Zodiac Beast.

These bad luck ghosts are often seriously injured, and then they encounter the Fang Yuan’s Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal and can’t take up the power and are directly shot.

Despite the death, these are the immortal materials of Rank 6 and Rank 7.

Fang Yuan has not let go!

On the battlefield, Zodiac Beast was almost killed by Feng Jiuge, Fang Yuan once again urged Zodiac Beast Call, and summon went out to fight another Zodiac Beast.

Then he stayed under the shadow of the gu formation, rely on Feng Jiuge’s power, and put these Zodiac Beast in the bag.

A moment later, Zodiac Beast in Fang Yuan Immortal Aperture has as many as 70~80 heads.

The greater part is the Desert Leg Zodiac Beast and the smaller part is the Far Ancient Zodiac Beast.

“If I continue this way, I am afraid I can save hundreds of Zodiac Beast.” Fang Yuan rejoiced.

Although he did not buy the Zodiac Beast in Treasure Yellow Heaven, he was self-reliant and captured a lot.

“But… according to my soul background, I am afraid I can only enslave more than a hundred Zodiac Beast.” Fang Yuan estimated it again.

His soul background is powerful, but don’t forget, there are a lot of eagle beasts before, which is included in his control.

“Maybe I should sell these eagle beasts?” When Fang Yuan was hesitating, suddenly the scalp was numb and the whole body was tight.

A strong vicissitudes of breath, rising from the tributaries behind him.

“Immemorial Zodiac Beast! It was attracted by my Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu.” Fang Yuan was in a hurry.

Fang Yuan did not put the Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu into the Paragon Immortal Aperture, so the Immemorial Zodiac Beast was directly attracted by the atmosphere of Immortal Gu, ready to come here through the tributaries of the time.

Perceived the atmosphere of the Immemorial Zodiac Beast, the Zodiac Beast on the battlefield violently, and suddenly became very brave.

Feng Jiuge’s pressure has increased dramatically, especially the Zodiac Beast, which he temporarily controlled through Submit Song. The difficulty of slavery has risen sharply.

Hong long!

A Giant Tiger Claw suddenly swelled from the tributary of the time.

Picking up the sky and the water, the tiger claw hit the Fang Yuan directly.

Fang Yuan was well prepared, and he brought Zodiac Beast and Shadow Sect to his own Immortal Aperture. The tiger claw came and he had already flew out.

Giant Tiger Claw, like a small mountain, Fang Yuan carefully arranged the Small Formation, directly destroyed by tiger claw easily.


Tiger phantom Immemorial Zodiac Beast missed a hit and felt that the amazing food of Years Flow Like Water was far away from him. It was suddenly snarling, as if a thunderous bursting sound burst, Heaven-shaking, Earth- Shattering.

Huā huā huā !

In the tributary of the time, the wave of skyrocketing, the flood of water, the tiger phantom Immemorial Desolate Beast is very reluctant, trying to follow this tributary.

But obviously, it is too big, the background is too strong, and the exit of the tributary is also narrow.

But it doesn’t matter, the tiger claw is flapping around, and the tiger phantom Immemorial Zodiac Beast struggles to broaden this tributary.

The rivers of the tributaries of the time have risen rapidly and the scale has expanded rapidly.

This excellent Time Dao Resource Point is already ruined.

Although the scale of the optical tributary has skyrocketed several times in a short period of time, it has lost its original balance. Over time, this tributary will return to the main river.

Of course, for Immemorial Zodiac Beast, this is nothing, it is not in the heart.

Feng Jiuge Sees that Fang Yuan is rushing, and the eyes are flashing, and it has already been waiting.

Fang Yuan had Feng Jiuge obstructing the path before, followed by Immemorial Zodiac Beast, which seemed to be in danger.

But in fact, he is smiling and he is in the chest.

He didn’t even push the Adverse Current Protection Seal, but once again raised the Rank 8 Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water.

“Fang Yuan also has Rank 8 Immortal Gu.” Feng Jiuge pupil of the eye has shrunk a bit.

However, he is not very surprised. Since Fang Yuan inherits Shadow Sect, it is normal to have such a legacy.

“I wanted to see Heavenly Court’s chase, but unfortunately only one Feng Jiuge. hmph!” Fang Yuan sneered, Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu began to shine in his palms.

The radiance shines all around, and the time of the original black hole is brightened.

In the light, a huge gu formation began to work.

“This is?!” Feng Jiuge discovered that he was ready to fall into the gu formation. It was just this huge gu formation that didn’t start, it was well hidden, and it blended perfectly with this environment.

Rank 8 Years Flow Like Water is the core of this gu formation. Under its gu formation, the gu formation suddenly runs.

Feng Jiuge is guarded by God, but the power of gu formation is not aimed at him.

Hong long long !

Like a dam that has been accumulating for many years, suddenly the flood discharges open, and the rivers of the tributaries of the time have become a vainly-filled river in a few breaths.

It turns out that this gu formation is really aimed at, but it is this tributary itself!

Feng Jiuge subconsciously held his breath.

At this moment, this tributary craze is rampant, as if it has become the main river of time!

The river is coming from the water, and it’s stunned by the waves!

The majestic waves directly engulf Fang Yuan and then roll to Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge naturally wants to retreat, Zodiac Beasts are numerous, but under his ethereal and fascinating body, there is no such thing as a hindrance.

However, the rushing roll of the River of Time is not the thinking of the mortal world.

“So fast!”

Feng Jiuge saw that the waves of the River of Time had covered his head.

River of Time is Time Dao’s Heaven and Earth Mystic Realm. Where it flows, there is no concept of flow rate, but only time.

The time of the river may only take a short moment to spread 10 Million Li, and it may take thousands of years to cover the surrounding area.

“I can’t wait to dodge…” Feng Jiuge instantly understood this and immediately mobilized the defense to protect himself.

Hong long!

There was a loud bang in the ear, and Feng Jiuge’s body was swept up by the waves, and it disappeared at once.

The Fang Yuan’s silhouette, however, stands out from the gloomy river water under the operation of the gu formation.

“The flood discharge is broken, broken!”

Fang Yuan broke his heart and the whole gu formation crashed.

Without the traction of the gu formation, the tributaries of the time suddenly suffered a powerful drag from the main river.

This is because of the previous flood-like outburst, the scale of this tributary has exceeded the standard, and the main river will not allow the tributaries of this scale to be divided.

This is no longer the power of gu formation, but Heaven and Earth itself, the supreme power of the River of Time itself.


In the loud noise, Feng Jiuge was swept into the main river by the flood of time. Even with the tiger phantom Immemorial Desolate Beast that you want to pick up, it is also like being hit by a huge stone hoe, blocked in the main river.

After a few breaths, the tributary disappeared slowly exhausted, leaving only a large Time Spot 散射, scattering micro-microwave light, silent.

The Zodiac Beast on the battlefield was naturally taken back to the River of Time.

“Feng Jiuge, farewell.” Fang Yuan light exhales one breath saying, will be placed outside the Gu insect to take away, even if left the place.

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