A large number of Zodiac Beast, chicken, mutton, dog, pig, rabbit, or baring fangs and brandishing claws, or roaring, flew to Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge was quickly caught in the encirclement.

However, his art expert is bold and his face has not changed. His eyes are calm and calm.

“Good to come!” He snorted and his body trembled, urging Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Dīng dīng 咚咚…

There was a burst of crisp sound on the battlefield.

It seems to be a myriad of jade bead, falling on top of bright full moon.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Jasper Song !

The Zodiac Beast inside was hit by a series of injuries, and the body was eroded by the song, which quickly turned into a piece of azure jade stone.

The vicious offensive of Zodiac Beast was suddenly contained.

But immediately, from the Zodiac Beast group, eight Far Ancient Zodiac Beast were killed.

Dragon, Snake, Tiger, Ox, from four directions, to Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge coldly snorted, the sound of the body grew rapidly, and then centered on him, the ball-like green sound waves, spread to all around.

Hōng hōng hōng !

The eight-headed Far Ancient Zodiac Beast was hit by a fierce sound wave and was bounced back.

They have not completely fallen into the original place, they have completely turned into a jasper statue, and then suddenly collapsed, turned into pieces of jade of different sizes, directly killed.

“Awesome Jasper Song!” The hidden Shadow Sect group, the looks at this scene, each showing amazement.

Fang Yuan has the same look.

He knows some intelligence.

Once, the intelligence of Qin Baisheng and Feng Jiuge, he also known through the temporary bequest of Purple Mountain True Monarch.

“Feng Jiuge’s Jasper Song is a few times stronger than before in the Unrestrained Valley. It seems that he has made great progress.”

“Jasper Song is second. Once I use it, I am afraid that half of the Zodiac Beast will be turned over and I will be enemies.”

“But, even then, hey hey!”

Fang Yuan smiled at the bottom of his heart.

In his right hand palm, a group of water spheres.

This water sphere scatters the faint dark waves, and at first glance it looks like water in a gale river.

But in fact, it is a Rank 8 Immortal Gu

Years Flow Like Water !

That’s right, this Immortal Gu, which is only available from Hei Fan True Inheritance, is always in the state of seal.

But at this moment, Fang Yuan has unti the seal and used it out.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Zodiac Beast Call.

The same name, but the Zodiac Beast Call, which was promoted by Fang Yuan, is completely different from the previous one. Because this time, the core of Fang Yuan’s use is no longer Year Gu, but Rank 8 Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water!

This aspect of Hei Fan True Inheritance is comprehensive. There are both Zodiac Beast Call with the Heart Gu as the core and Zodiac Beast Call with the Years Flow Like Water Immortal Gu as the core.

Common Zodiac Beast Call, only summon a Zodiac Beast. Now, Zodiac Beast Call, which is promoted by Fang Yuan, is a Legion made up of a Zodiac Beast!

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Sure enough, in the next battle, Feng Jiuge made this extremely effective ultimate move.

The audience was silent.

The song can’t be heard with the ear, it sounds directly in every Gu Immortals, in the heart of every Zodiac Beast.

Zodiac Beast Legion suddenly fell into chaos.

Because many Zodiac Beast, fell to Feng Jiuge, directly killed with the former comrades.

The songs cover the four aspects of Wisdom Dao, Enslave Dao, Sound Dao, and Soul Dao, which affect people’s hearts. It was Feng Jiuge and Qin Baisheng, inspired by 5 Finger Boxing Heart Sword.

Many Desolate Rank Zodiac Beast and Far Ancient Zodiac Beast have changed their camps and are now taking orders from Feng Jiuge.

The war suddenly changed a lot.

Fairy Euphony and Miss White Rabbit watched each other in unison.

However, Fang Yuan is still very quiet.

He is still continually urging the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Zodiac Beast Call.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water, even the Rank 6 Gu Immortal can be used. And this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Zodiac Beast Call, Fang Yuan is not only the previous experience, but also tried to contact in the past cultivation. For one day, he had to use Years Flow Like Water to fight!

People without thought, he must worry about.

Fang Yuan’s cautious temperament, preparation in advance, finally let him gain a lot at this moment, his face is always calm and calm.

“Zodiac Beast Call, will continue to call Zodiac Beast, I want to see your song, how much can be controlled.”

“After a certain period, even Immemorial Zodiac Beast will respond to the call and be attracted.”

Zodiac Beast Call is the Time Dao means to achieve the effect of Enslave Dao.

The best thing about Enslave Dao is the war of attrition.

Feng Jiuge is still an enemy. Fang Yuan never expected to solve him in a short time. What’s more, Feng Jiuge’s is behind Heavenly Court, and maybe there are other Rank 8 Gu Immortal hidden in the corner.

For these two reasons, Fang Yuan took the invisible disappearance and used the Zodiac Beast offensive tactics.

The steady stream of Zodiac Beast, rushing out of the tributary of the time, was attacked by Feng Yuan of the Fang Yuan ultimate move.

Soon, the Zodiac Beast on the battlefield broke through the 100 mark.

Most of the Zodiac Beast is surrounded by a circle that encloses the inner Feng Jiuge.

Feng Jiuge relies on singing songs and constantly controls Zodiac Beast to build a ball defense line in the encirclement.

The two sides are in a stalemate.

This scene is clearly in the eyes of Fairy Ziwei.

She is at the Central Continent Heavenly Court, but relies on the investigation of the move move and the Constellation Chessboard to gain a clear insight into the battlefield.

Fairy Ziwei’s eyes sparkled with indulgence.

Excluding Fang Yuan, capturing or destroying Red Lotus’ True Inheritance is her most important task.

She has already done the layout, and Feng Jiuge is just one of the links that’s all.

Although the battle was deadlocked, Fairy Ziwei knew that Feng Jiuge had not made any effort. Even if he uses his own means, he can still have a Rank 8 Immortal Gu borrowed by Heavenly Court!

“At the moment, everything is under my control.” Fairy Ziwei thought, and the constellation Chessboard staged a picture that turned into another place battle.

Two Heavenly Court Gu Immortal are fighting against Superior Heavenly Eagle.

This Superior Heavenly Eagle naturally escapes the one that Fang Yuan controls and flies away.

Superior Heavenly Eagle has been screaming and has been hurt.

It doesn’t have Immortal Gu, although Immemorial Desolate Beast, but it’s too reluctant to deal with the two Rank 8 Heavenly Court Gu Immortal.

The war situation is quite unfavorable to it.

“This Superior Heavenly Eagle has been planted by Fang Yuan. As long as you hold it, you can reverse the position of Fang Yuan’s.”

“Of course, now Fang Yuan and the others have the detective ultimate move that I planted. The main purpose of holding the Superior Heavenly Eagle is to prevent Fang Yuan from regaining control of the Immemorial Desolate Beast in the future.”

Fairy Ziwei is thinking about it.

Fang Yuan is the complete Demon from Beyond The Heavens, which is no longer a fate, but the biggest variable between Heaven and Earth.

Nowadays, Ju Yang True Inheritance, Demon from Beyond The Heavens and Luck Dao are added, and the variables are superimposed on each other.

After Gloomy Soul’s main body was captured, Fang Yuan was definitely the biggest threat to Heavenly Court’s.

But Heavenly Court can’t take all the power to deal with Fang Yuan.

In the end, Fang Yuan was born with a strong luck condition, and too many people went to find him trouble, but he would be blessed by his misfortune. Only those who use the same strong luck can not let Fang Yuan’s Luck Dao take advantage.

This is one of the reasons why Fairy Ziwei has specially arranged Feng Jiuge to deal with Fang Yuan’s.

Secondly, Heavenly Court also needs to exhibit.

Grand Era is coming, and the Five Regions Boundary Wall will be melted and the Five Regions will be integrated. Without geographical obstacles, Gu Immortals can interact with each other and will certainly lead to war.

Heavenly Court’s position is very embarrassing in this unprecedented chaos.

Because it is surrounded by Southern Border, Northern Plains, Eastern Sea, and Western Desert’s, Central Continent is a place of four wars, bordering the other four domains.

Once the war broke out, Central Continent faced a lot of pressure, and it would be quite troublesome if it didn’t work.

Therefore, Heavenly Court must conserve strength and store up energy.

At the same time, the star Will of Heaven also smashed Duke Long and Fairy Ziwei, and in the future she needs more Rank 8 Gu Immortal to sleep.

Although Fairy Ziwei didn’t know the purpose of this arrangement, she believed in the star of Will of Heaven and believed Duke Long.

“Ziwei adults, a big happy event!” At this time, a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal sent a message Gu to Fairy Ziwei.

Fairy Ziwei, this person is just recently recruited, originally Revered Elder, Yuan Qiongdu in 10 Great Ancient Sects.

Since the dream battle, Fairy Ziwei has promoted several of the 10 Great Ancient Sects’ Gu Immortal on the spot and was promoted to a member of Heavenly Court.

The two 叮嘱Feng Jiuge, and the Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, who intercepted Superior Heavenly Eagle, are also the same.

As for the Yuan Qiongdu, because it is specialized in Refining Dao, Fairy Ziwei will fix the major task of Fate Gu and hand it over to him.

“What a happy event?” asked Fairy Ziwei.

“After not long ago, Treasure Yellow Heaven acquired a large number of Zodiac Beast. The sellers may not know it. These Zodiac Beasts are very different from the common Zodiac Beast, which is full of Will of Heaven. I can use these Zodiac Beast as immortal materials. , repair Fate Immortal Gu. Not only save time, but also on the Will of Heaven, speed up the effect of each time repair.” Yuan Qiongdu excitedly said.

“Very good.” Fairy Ziwei also can’t help but his eyes are bright, “Continue to work hard.”

“Yes, Ziwei adults.”

This is indeed a huge piece of good news.

Fairy Ziwei is quite happy in her heart.

“as a result, Fate Gu will be able to recover until the injury is all gone.”

“Plus Gloomy Soul’s main body was captured and suppressed. Once these news came out, it must have sensationalized the world and shocked the Quartet.”

Thinking of this, Fairy Ziwei respects Duke Long.

It was Duke Long’s wise decision and attack that formed the tremendous advantage of Heavenly Court today.

If the Five Regions start a chaotic battle, the Central Continent must be able to take the lead in the initial stage.

However, the only decision is that the final outcome of this chaos is only one key.

That is Great Dream Immortal Venerable!

Western Desert.

Fang Yuan is at a critical moment.

Immortal Gu is being mobilized, surrounded by a large number of support Gu insects.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave !

The ultimate move spurred success, and Fang Yuan’s eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, looking to the many Zodiac Beast in front of him.

One by one Strength Dao Giant Hand Seal flies out and beats these Zodiac Beast.

The defeated Zodiac Beast quickly ceased to escape. Under the influence of Defeated In Fight and Became A Slave, he became a servant of Fang Yuan’s, surrounded by Fang Yuan.

Ps: Someone said that the beginning of the private letter can not be the author, I am also drunk. Then ask the Alliance Lord, Sect Master, and Elder book friends to add the “Daoist Gu” vip group first.

25o9o6315. After adding the group, please take a screenshot (the id diagram of your starting point background, mainly to identify the identity), and then privately talk to the owner Daoist Gu. Then report the address and id. The event was held for the first time. I did not expect that there would be this restriction, which caused trouble for everyone. I am very sorry!

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