
“Give me a rush!”

“Block them and fight for time.”

“Don’t be afraid, even if Zuo Ye Hui can do anything, gu formation is still there, we will be able to stick to the family’s reinforcements.”

Shadow Sect’s side storms, Southern Border the Righteous Path’s side fights defense.

The third layer gu formation has been half-destroyed, the gap is everywhere, and the help for Righteous Path Gu Immortal is minimal, and a melee is unfolding.

Hong long long ……

The endless explosions, the collision of the wind and fire mines, the fireworks are generally embarrassing.

There are no four, and Immortal Gu, and even Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, have been used from the beginning, resulting in a white-hot situation on the entire front.

“You can’t keep it.” Fairy Euphony looks lithe and graceful, smiles and floats slowly in the air.

In front of her, it is Qiao Siliu.

Qiao Family The fairy is silent, the situation turns too fast, and the Righteous Path is just in an advantage, but now it is a disadvantage. Even if Super Gu Formation is not fake, it can only passively defend and lose initiative. For Righteous Path Gu Immortal, their only way out is to stay on the sidelines.

“Who are you? You can mobilize Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast Zuo Ye Hui.” Qiao Siliu asked.

Fairy Euphony smiles: “The person who wants you.”

Her killing intent suddenly skyrocketed, and a pair of powdery moonlight appeared in her eyes.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – Got the moon!

This is the sighting technique. The key is that the breath is completely converged. Once it is launched, people have no reaction time and can’t prevent it.

Qiao Siliu immediately made a move.

However, immediately, her dress and the surface of the skin have a layer of green brilliance. In the faint glory, one after another, the slender willow branches are condensed and shaped, like a root dance belt, surrounded by her body, floating like a fairy.

Shuā shuā shuā.

The green wicker is not just a defensive, they quickly fly to Fairy Euphony, and they are very smart.

Fairy Euphony glimpsed and flew back.

She dodge all the willow branches, but it does not prevent the shadow under the willow branches. One of the shadows suddenly appeared from the ground, like a poisonous snake, and was slammed on Fairy Euphony.

“This is… with a trick?” Fairy Euphony’s beautiful face is hard to hide the expression of surprise.

The appends are similar to combo, demolition, and change. It is also a special technique that Gu Immortal motivates the ultimate move. It is difficult for ordinary people to master.

What is the attached trick?

Usually, it refers to two different Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves, one master and one pair. For example, Qiao Siliu’s wicker attack launched at this time is the main trick. The shadow under the wicker is the deputy, relying on the main trick.

When the main move is launched, the deputy will have a certain chance, and it will be followed up, and the power will break out.

Fairy Euphony didn’t expect that Qiao Siliu would have mastered the difficult skills of the trick, and he was blinded by the shadow of the wicker.

A slender mouth gradually emerged, plunging a drop of bright red blood from it.

On the face of Fairy Euphony’s beautiful and alluring beauty, it is exceptionally obvious.

Qiao Siliu laughed out loud: “Aiya, don’t pay attention, let Euphony elder sister break your face. If you fight, you can’t be with me.”

Fairy Euphony coldly snorted.

Qiao Siliu took the initiative and smashed the green wicker. These rootless wickers are the ultimate move. They are so flexible that they are like dozens of long whip and are drawn to Fairy Euphony.

The attack frequency is very high, it is like a green storm.

Fairy Euphony is shrouded in it, not only to defend against the wicker, but also to focus on the shadows on the ground.

Maybe there is a sudden explosion, and sneak attack on Fairy Euphony.

Pā pā pā ……

The crisp sound is endless, and although Fairy Euphony supports the protection, it still avoids the clothes being smashed by the wicker.

Fairy Euphony flew back and covered his willows with his hands.

After a while, she was ragged, revealing a large piece of white skin, spring sighs, fascinating, called the male bloodline spray.

Qiao Siliu pursues all the way.

The good times didn’t last long, and her opponent suddenly tenderly shouted, condensing another pair of slender arms from behind.

Fairy Euphony as if has four hands.

The four hands were protected and immediately let Fairy Euphony stabilize the heel, guarding against the wicker attack.

Qiao Siliu can’t help but secretly sighed in my heart.

This is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – the wonderful hand, Fairy Euphony’s signature ultimate move, which is clear about Qiao Siliu.

The reason why she rushed to attack was to make Fairy Euphony a completely unprepared, always oppressive, making her difficult to rhythm.

But the result was that Qiao Siliu’s tactics failed, and finally, Fairy Euphony showed this trick.

Fairy Euphony Despite the strong external oppression, she is not like Zhao Lianyun. Fairy Euphony has not made mistakes, withstood the pressure and finally successfully displayed her ultimate move.

This was a success, and suddenly changed the situation.

Qiao Siliu slowly drifted backwards and stopped the attack directly. Instead, she slowly retreated, relying on the semi-discrete gu formation, and planned to fight a long-term battle.

She had chased Fairy Euphony before and was far from Super Gu Formation. It is wise to return now.

“Now I am coming, Siliu younger sister has to bear it.” Fairy Euphony smiled, but his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Four hands began to move their fingers.

The white fingers are swaying with dazzling light and shadow.

Dīng dīng dāng dāng ……


With the finger swaying, each time the collision of the fingers can make a sweet and crisp sound.

The crisp sounds swelled around and sparkled a small, translucent sound wave visible to the naked eye.

The sound waves quickly flooded, centered on Fairy Euphony, and quickly spread to a few hundred steps.

The semi-residue third layer gu formation, under the smashing of the small sound waves, the speed of the collapse quickly rose, suddenly aggravated several times.

The sound wave appeared quickly and suddenly dissipated.

Qiao Siliu reveals the dignified color, tightens the protection, and the willow branches one after another, hovering around her body.

The fighting between the two sides has been deadlocked.

And in another gap.

Shang Family Gu Immortal Shang Guaili, with arms around, blocked the gap and looked at Hei Loulan.

He is arrogant and disdainful: “Ran 6 Gu Immortal, also dare to attack, really act recklessly. Fine, kill you first, then support other fellows.”

Said, he disappeared directly in place.

a moment later, he appears behind Hei Loulan’s.

Then, he extended his right hand, and the right hand suddenly became a white bone monster claw, and he grabbed it on Hei Loulan’s back.

Pū chī.

a light sound.

White bone monster claw tearing open Hei Loulan’s protective means, smashing into her back, catching it, blood flying.

Hei Loulan roared and the upper body suddenly turned back.

Shang Guaili disappeared again, a moment later reappeared.

Hei Loulan missed the counterattack, his voice snorted and his face was a little distorted. Behind her, there were five deep visible bone scars.

Shang Guaili reveals a disdainful sarcasm: “With this effort, the next shot, I will have your life… How?”

Suddenly, his face changed dramatically.

On the bones of white, Hei Loulan’s flesh and blood turned into flames.

The flame was extremely strange, and the more it burned, the more it was in the blink of an eye, covering the entire right hand of Shang Guaili.

“It’s so simple to fall into the trap.” Hei Loulan laughed.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – flesh and blood!


“Dragonoid?” Middle aged Gu Immortal Chai Houxiong with a big nostril, the upper body, back of a tiger and waist of a bear, his body is red, like a charcoal fire.

He breathes at each time, and there are sparks in his nostrils.

He is bold and heroic, carefree, based on the original, obscuring the gu formation gap behind him.

“You are a bit of a knowledge.” Bai Ningbing looked dull as water, slowly stretching her right arm, 芊芊jade hand chilling, sprinkling bursts of crystal snow.


Chai Houxiong suddenly paused and screamed a loud bang, and the ground suddenly fell into the pit, and the whole person, like a shot from the general, slammed into Bai Ningbing.

“Eat me!” Chai Houxiong roared in the air, and a lot of flames sprang from his nostrils, mouth, and even pores.

In a blink of an eye, the flames burned and filled the eyes of Bai Ningbing.

Bai Ningbing’s eyes are cold, no dodging, with blinking staring at Chai Houxiong, which is getting closer.

Her mouth was slightly tilted, but she snorted with excitement: “It’s good.”

The voice did not fall, she actually rushed back!

Compared with Chai Houxiong, her figure is much smaller and she collides at the moment, like the moth flies into the flame.


A violent explosion.

The attacking power of both sides is deadlocked in midair, and this small battlefield is directly divided into two parts.

Half of the flames, half of the frost, are absolutely different and opposite each other.

The flames are lingering in the flames, and there is a tendency to burn all things, and the frost is condensed on the opposite side, freezing in the cold, and killing thousands of creatures.

The flame does not burn, the frost can’t freeze the flame, and the two won’t win or lose.

Immediately after the flame dissipated, the frost condensed, revealing two two silhouettes that were wrap up separately.

Bai Ningbing stands on the ground and sparkles with excitement and concentration in the dragon eye.

On the other hand, the original and imposing Chai Family Gu Immortal, who almost retreated, stared at Bai Ningbing incredulously: “Impossible, you are just Rank 6 Gu Immortal nothing more!”

Bai Ningbing opened his mouth and revealed the white teeth: “I just boasted that you have a lot of knowledge, it seems that you… really no exaggeration!”

When I first said “you”, Bai Ningbing began to charge. After the whole sentence, she has been charged to Chai Houxiong.

She suddenly rose into the air, and then her right arm was lifted up, like the gods in the snow that came to the world, driving the boundless wind and snow, the gods were stunned and inviolable.

Subsequently, Bai Ningbing’s right arm, like a sharp knife, sighted Chai Houxiong!


“White rabbit you slut, give me accept your coming fate!” Wu Liao screams, both eyes are full of bloodshot, full of angry intent and hatred.

Although he did not deal with Wu An in normally, they could not understand each other, but they were all Wu Family Gu Immortal.

Now the white rabbit killed Wu An, Wu Liao with hatred and saved, wants to avenge Wu An.

It is a pity that Miss White Rabbit after the temperament, no, it should be said that Black Vine, cultivation base actually broke into Rank 7, and the battle strength has risen.

Wu Liao However, Rank 6 Gu Immortal, there is no way to take Miss White Rabbit at all, but it is in jeopardy.

“Retire, Wu Liao, you are not her opponent.” Fang Yuan stopped Wu Liao, who wanted to attack again. He looked at the ice in the killing intent and blocked it in front of Miss White Rabbit.

Ps: fifth.

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