Just then, a strong atmosphere rose outside the Super Gu Formation.

It was quickly discovered by the Ridgee Path Gu Immortals, who was hosted by gu formation.

“There is a strong breath in front!”

“The breath is soaring, well, really strong! Is Rank 8 Gu Immortal?”

Righteous Path Gu Immortals was amazed.

“Is it a Purple Mountain True Monarch?” Fang Yuan, who was huddled in the great hall, looked stunned.

“No, not Gu Immortal, it’s an Immemorial Desolate Beast… ah, it turned out to be?!”

This sentence has not been finished yet, bang -!

The entire Super Gu Formation suffered the most fierce peace strike ever.

The entire gu formation was trembled and violently shaken, and the halls that condensed inside the gu formation collapsed and fell apart.

For a time, the sky fell, as if the end of the day.

The entire gu formation was smashed with huge gaps, but the casualties of Righteous Path Gu Immortal were not too heavy.

This is the difference between gu formation and ultimate move.

Although gu formation is the ultimate move in the Formation Dao genre, the gu formation is laid out, paying more attention to the environment’s roots and Gu insect’s own operation. Gu formation suffered damage and Gu Immortal suffered little backlash damage.

Of course, Far Ancient Battle Formation does not include it. Once the Far Ancient Battle Formation is destroyed, Gu Immortals will suffer a fairly serious backlash. Especially Gu Immortal of main formation.

“Cough cough cough.”

Fang Yuan is in the great hall, which has been completely broken. The mortal gu is constantly being restored at the edge. Gu insect is dead like a rain.

The Super Gu Formation was torn open with a huge mouth, and all the originally wrap up, obscured by the stern dreams.

Many Righteous Path Gu Immortal, standing at the gap, stupidly looking into the distance.

There, a huge silhouette, across the Heaven and Earth.

It is a humanoid Immemorial Desolate Beast, standing on two feet, with two huge monster claws, with a shawl and black body.

“Gu Immortal, a lot of Gu Immortal, I want to eat, eat you! After eating you, I can get closer to people.” This humanoid Immemorial Desolate Beast made a deep snoring, very excited. .

“It, it is…” A Righteous Path Gu Immortal fingered the Immemorial Desolate Beast, his face stunned and stuttered.

“Zuo Ye Hui!” Fang Yuan subconsciously grit his teeth, sensed tremendous pressure.

At the moment of seeing this Immemorial Desolate Beast, Fang Yuan almost thought that he had dreamed, but the Gu Immortal mournfully wails in the ear, the broken wreck of the great hall, the Super Gu Formation still in disintegration, Remind him that this is not a dream.

Fang Yuan absolutely did not expect that there would be Zuo Ye Hui go on stage!

This Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast brings too much suffering and death to Southern Border. Southern Border’s These Righteous Path Gu Immortal, none of them don’t know.

The appearance of Zuo Ye Hui immediately caused the Righteous Path to vibrate and the morale instantly fell to the bottom.

This is stronger than the usual Rank 8 Gu Immortal. Especially when the Super Gu Formation is destroyed, the Righteous Path is only Rank 7 and Rank 6 Gu Immortal. What do you want to resist?

The flesh and blood body?

The big Five Regions can counter the existence of Rank 7 with the Rank 8 cultivation base, and the two people in Feng Jiuge and Liu Guanyi are nothing more.

“Stuck! Don’t panic, our gu formation actually has four layers! Just got the fourth layer nothing more. It’s all moving, going to the next layer of gu formation.” At the crucial moment, Chi Gui stepped forward.

He is the leader of Chi Family, the Super Gu Formation is arranged by Chi Family Revered Great Elder Chi Quyou, and Chi Gui naturally knows some secrets that others don’t know.

Sure enough, the next gu formation changed for a while. The disintegration of the gu formation ceased, and the peripheral gu formation was directly discarded, recreating a tight defense inside.

The third layer gu formation is displayed in front of Zuo Ye Hui.

Although it does not cover the entire dream, the dream is exposed, but most of the dreams are still covered by gu formation.

Numerous Roundeous Path Gu Immortal quickly indented into the gu formation.

Fang Yuan is no exception.

Only now, Wu Yihai’s true identity, Shadow Sect should not know, other, has the Shadow Sect’s side of Wisdom Dao Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and will not only send a Miss White Rabbit to assassinate Fang Yuan.

The enemy is dark, this is a clear advantage. At the same time, Fang Yuan there is still one advantage, that is Immortal Gu Home.

Wu Family’s Immortal Gu Home is on the way.

Most gu formations can’t be mobility, but Immortal Gu Home can!

And the power of Immortal Gu Home can be improved with the immortal essence and quality, and can resist the attack of Rank 8.

With the Immortal Gu Home, Fang Yuan’s hope of fleeing here has greatly improved.

“Just before, Wu Family’s Immortal Gu Home was delayed in the middle of the accident because of the unexpected situation. Is this the Shadow Sect giving the action?” Fang Yuan thought of it, and his heart was involuntarily cast a shadow.

“Cut, it’s really troublesome.” Bai Ningbing looked at the defensive third layer gu formation, his brow slightly picked up.

“It’s hard to get started,” Hei Loulan said.

At this time, Ying Wuxie’s sneer, passed into their ears: “No, avoid and that’s it.”

Fairy Euphony, Bai Ningbing, and Hei Loulan suddenly fell into a shivered and quickly evacuated.


a moment later, Zuo Ye Hui open mouth roaring, making a loud noise like a thunder.

The sound of the snoring sounds the clouds, picking up a huge wave of sound, and arranging the air, and picking up the trees and rocks around Zuo Ye Hui, as if it is a storm.

Subsequently, Zuo Ye Hui took a deep breath, and the belly and gangs were suddenly bulging.

His entire body is directly doubled!

Then, it suddenly opened the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, from the sharp teeth of the sharp, a huge beam of light, suddenly sprayed out.

The light column is dark gray, and the speed is extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it slams into the gu formation of the third layer.

Everything is strange and quiet.

The third layer gu formation was hit by a dark gray light column and quickly stained with a layer of gray.

Previously, Zuo Ye Hui also attacked Super Gu Formation. The first few times, just a small test, calibration. Last time, it was also ultimate move night ash, with Hei Loulan, Bai Ningbing, Fairy Euphony, and immediately destroyed the fourth layer gu formation.

These attacks, most of the Righteous Path Gu Immortal, did not see clearly.

But this time, they all witnessed and witnessed the terrifying of Zuo Ye Hui!

Heaven and Earth seem to be still, the boundless grayness is coming in, and the time seems to be slow.

It just lasted a breath of effort.


Once again, the Thunder screamed and rang through Heaven and Earth, almost breaking the group of eardrums.

Heaven and Earth oscillated, the third layer gu formation was torn and bombarded, seemingly to reproduce the previous scene.

Righteous Path Gu Immortals are pale and desperately instilling immortal essence into the gu formation.

After the shock, the third layer gu formation is only half destroyed, still exists!

The massively assembled Immontal Gu, massive mortal gu, which was built by Rank 8 Gu Immortal Chi Quyou and combined with the Southern Border Righteous Path, has finally begun to show its power.

Resist the signature hit of Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast Zuo Ye Hui!

Righteous Path Gu Immortal has no casualties.

“I am still alive!” Someone almost cried.

“This is the signature means of Zuo Ye Hui, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move – night ash! We actually defended!!” Someone cheered loudly.

Chi Gui full head, cold sweat, started talking: “This is the Super Gu Formation that my family, Revered Great Elder personally arranged. How can it be resisted? If it was not before, it might be possible to keep the fourth layer gu formation.”

“Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Night Grey, unlike my experience in dreams, has it changed shape? Over the years, the night move has also been improved. Is Zuo Ye Hui improving itself? Or is there another helper? This helper Will it be Shadow Sect? Strange! If there is Zus Ye Hui this chess piece, when the Shadow Sect is in refining Paragon Immortal Fetus Gu’s, why not? Is it because of insufficient control? Or because of the addition of Rank 8 Gu Immortal What changes have you brought?” Fang Yuan fell into meditation.

Fairy Euphony, Bai Ningbing, and Hei Loulan, once again came to Super Gu Formation.

They saw the semi-residue third layer Super Gu Formation, not surprised, not discouraged.

Because they come back this time, not only them, but also Ying Wuxie, and a large number of Demonic Path Gu Immortal, some rogue cultivator.

Shadow Sect lacks hands, but there is no shortage of resources.

And often Demonic Path Gu Immortal, rogue cultivator first-class, are lack of cultivation resources, life cultivation, are struggling to pursue.

Purple Mountain True Monarch does not hesitate to spend a lot of resources, it is a collection of Demonic Path Gu Immortal, and loose immortal.

Human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, money is touching.

Of course, these Southern Border Gu Immortal are not stupid. After Zuo Ye Hui appeared and launched the night move, they followed Ying Wuxie and appeared.

On the other hand, it also proves that Shadow Sect has a proper grasp of people’s mind and timing.

In these Demonic Path and Lose immortal, the party has not only the Purple Mountain True Monarch, the Wisdom Dao Rank 8 Great Expert, but also the Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast like Zuo Ye Hui. The battle has been decided, they must be victorious. One party.

“Everything is as expected by Purple Mountain True Monarch, aiming at the gaps in these gu formations and splitting the attack. Who can kill the enemy and expand the gap, you can get several times the reward!” Ying Wuxie shouted, Shadow Sect’s side yelled The Super Gu Formation launched a storm.

The Righteous Path’s side quickly responded.

“Fast, withstood those gaps.”

“Can’t let these guys come in.”

“I need time to motivate the second layer gu formation and give me time.” Chi Gui yelled.

“Zuo Ye Hui has used the ultimate move night ash twice, which has reached its limit. It must be breathing for a while, it is time to give these Demonic Path scorpions blood lessons!!” Ba De whispered.

Fang Yuan’s eyes picked up slightly. He had already looked at Zuo Ye Hui. He also saw that Zuo Ye Hui issued an extreme move night ash, and he was in a state of wilting. Gasping for breath, staying in place, not moving.

This made Fang Yuan feel a little relieved.

The presence of Southern Border Gu Immortal is so much that many people are familiar with history and have a good understanding of Zuo Ye Hui. After all, when Zuo Ye Hui is born, the Southern Border is often combined with the Southern Border Righteous Path Gu Immortal to fight and fight together.

Southern Border’s These Righteous Path superfamilies have a clear history and detailed intelligence collection for Zuo Ye Hui.

Ps: fourth.

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