Chi Family station, in the study.

Chi Liu got summon. After listening to Chi Chang’s meaning, it looked awkward: “Adult, how is this? Our Chi Family and Wu Family relationship… um, still right. At least Wu Family is so situational, we Chi Family have always been guarding Neutral, no take action.”

“What’s the matter? Other families can take action. Why can’t we Chi Family?” Chi Chang was a little angry.

Chi Liu secretly gritted his teeth and thought: “This Chi Chang is really the same as the rumor. What should I do?”

While thinking about it, Chi Liu said: “I know a lot about the mood of adults, but on our side, hehe, especially we have some business, we have always been working closely with Wu Family. If you turn your face…”

Chi Chang suddenly realized realize.

“I said.”

“Do you mean the dream business?”

Chi Liu nodded: “Adult is wise.”

Wu Family wants to do dream business, get gray income, how can I pass Chi Family?

The Immortal Gu in this Super Gu Formation is a Southern Border super family share, but the real gu formation is made by Chi Family’s Reved Great Elder Chi Quyou.

Although Chi Family contributes less Immortal Gu, it has a huge influence on this Super Gu Formation.

Therefore, Wu Family is doing this dream business, and must definitely put Chi Family on it. Chi Family’s Gu Immortal knows more about gu formation, and if you don’t impress them, the business can’t do it.

Chi Chang is sighed in the heart, no wonder Revered Great Elder once said that the heart is unpredictable. Hey, for personal gain, Chi Liu is my family’s Gu Immortal, actually not standing on my side.

He looks gloomy, and some don’t come to Taiwan.

He wants to open his face with Fang Yuan, but the first step is a came across setback. How to do?

For a time, Chi Chang was also very helpless.

Because he is only airborne here, Chi Family has always been mainly painstaking cultivation, rarely touched Chi Family Gu Immortal, and devoted himself to Formation Dao. The influence in Chi Family is quite small. It can be said that it is Rank 7 Gu Immortal. The smallest one.

Now he is in the Super Gu Formation, but it is also a newcomer. Now this drawback is revealed. He is deignified one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, and he can’t move a Chi Liu.

Chi Liu’s mood is also very bad, disobedient one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, especially the red man who is mainly cultivated in the family, he is naturally in a bad mood.

However, the lower person naturally has the subordinates’ way of living.

Chi Liu thought about it, started talking: “Adult, not under the unwilling to do this for you. It’s just that you are very valuable. Once you break this thing, the impact will be great. So, let me first let this happen. Something, I confess to Chi Gui. He is the leader here, we listen to him, how do you see it?”

Chi Liu’s tone is humble and polite, but it is also a secret of Chi Chang.

Chi Chang listened in the ear, very comfortable, immediately nodded: “fine, then look at how Chi Gui adults say.”

Chi Gui heard Chi Liu’s report and his brow wrinkled.

This kind of jealous thing, whoever comes to the head, no one is uncomfortable.

Chi Gui feels very embarrassed.

On the one hand, he is Chi Chang, and he does not look at the Buddha face. Chi Chang is behind the Chi Family’s Reved Great Elder.

On the other hand, if this matter is really smashed, it is not a personal matter, but a major event related to politics, which can affect the diplomacy of Wu Family and Chi Family.

This world is an expert, the personal battle strength is above the World of the organization.

Therefore, politics is also personal politics.

The identity of Chi Chang and Wu Yihai is very high-level, and there is a contradiction between them, which is the contradiction between Wu Family and Chi Family.

This is no exaggeration.

“Especially Wu Family, just like wind and rain, is plagued by all parties. If I take action at Chi Family at this time, it will damage my Chi Family’s neutral reputation, and will not stand up to the bad name of the stone. The relationship with Wu Family hurts the interests of my family.”

“But Chi Chang, I can’t help but comfort…”

Chi Gui thought about it and really came up with a way for him.

So he privately gave Chi Chang an idea: “We can’t make a big noise, it’s a big trouble, the impact will be very bad, even if our family wins, it will make people laugh. This after all is private, suggestion According to private affairs, you can tell Fairy Siliu about these situations. Wu Yihai also interested in Qiao Siliu. You asked Fairy Siliu to take the test. Wu Yihai will never be a rogue.”

Chi Chang listened to this, shot a thigh, loud shout: “Miao!”

Chi Gui smiles and is somewhat proud of it.

For Chi Gui, this thing can be handled perfectly. For Chi Chang, it has a huge appeal. Who wouldn’t want to step on the enemy in front of the beloved woman and reveal a big face?

This was handled as such, and soon Chi Chang sent the situation here to Qiao Siliu via Information Dao Gu insect.

Regardless of Fang Yuan’s side, Chi Chang immediately felt a huge pressure.

“Fairy Siliu already knows it. I said that this is a gentleman’s discussion, and he is Wu Yihai’s initiative to pick things up. Shouldn’t the fairy be disgusted?”

“I have to finish this challenge of Wu Yihai!”

“This is where I am best at, and I must not fail.”

Huge pressure has given Chi Chang tremendous power.

Calculate the problem at hand.

“Is this another part?”

“There is a slight connection with the previous gu formation part.”

“I’m afraid it’s two parts of the whole gu formation. Damn, if I know the whole gu formation, it’s much easier. Now I can only use this part to deduct it.”


Chi Chang began to use the means.

He is Formation Dao Gu Immortal, who mastered a wonderful gu formation that Revered Great Elder taught him personally.

The gu formation is dominated by Wisdom Dao Gu insect, and the support Gu insect is one Immortal Gu.

Generally speaking, whether it is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move or Immortal Dao gu formation, it is based on Immortal Gu and mortal gu is support. But this gu formation is the opposite.

The Immortal Gu used for support is a Water Dao Immortal Gu called sweat.

The gu formation, named Zhihan, was slowly urging under the immortal essence of Chi Chang.

There is no splendid light and shadow, but a wonderful smell between the scent.

The smell became more and more intense, and Chi Chang was wrap up. Gradually, the smell condensed into smoke, and Chi Chang’s face was shrouded.

For three consecutive days and three nights, Chi Chang never sleeps and continues to play.

Finally, the smog dissipated, the gu formation stopped, some mortal gu consumed death, leaving only about 10%, and Chi Chang re-integrated into the Immortal Aperture, including the sweat Immortal Gu.

Chi Chang was sweating, like a torrential rain, and his face paled.

However, his eyes are bright and scary.

Hey, he looked up and laughed: “Hahaha. Finally solved, this time, I want to see what you say, Wu Yihai!”

After a few moments, Fang Yuan will receive a reply.

“Oh, learn, and use Qiao Siliu to send me a problem?”

“Unfortunately, I am not here, this threat is useful and useful.”

Fang Yuan quickly applauded the festival.

“Interesting, interesting, this way, it really is a good way!”

“But why didn’t I think of it?”

Although Fang Yuan answered the answer, but did not linger here, but to reflect.

There are many places in Chi Chang’s answer, which Fang Yuan did not master. Formation Dao’s cultivation content is the most extensive, and the inheritance that Fang Yuan receives is only a mortal thing, and it is normal to know it.

As for Chi Family, there is no lack of Formation Dao Immortal Rank inheritance. And after generations of development, it can be based on the original solid foundation, but the first force of Southern Border Formation Dao.

“However, even if I don’t have Immortal Rank inheritance, if Realm reaches Grandmaster, it should be able to solve this problem.”

Realm is an understanding of the nature of Grand Dao.

To make an easy-to-understand analogy is like solving a math problem.

Fang Yuan To improve gu formation and achieve his goals, it is like getting a number, such as 5.

Although he has Gu insect in his hand, he doesn’t know how to get 5. At this time, Chi Chang’s answer is that 23=5.

Fang Yuan suddenly realized that it was possible to do so to achieve this goal.

If Realm is enough, even if you don’t know, you can use the feeling, touch the class, and get the answer, 23=5, or 10/2 5.

Of course, the gu formation is much more complicated, especially the more the Gu insect blends, the harder it is to arrange.

The content of gu formation is quite complicated. There are simple gu formation, composite gu formation, and Formation in Formation. According to the shape, there are also square arrays, circular arrays, etc. According to the type of urging, there are immediate arrays and delay arrays. According to the genre, there are more, there are inflammatory arrays, water arrays and so on. Some gu formations are like a treasure tower, one layer overlaid. Some gu formations are easy to improve, like a piece of clothing, and the improvement is like patching. Some gu formations don’t work, just like building blocks, changing one of them will cause the collapse of the entire gu formation. Subdividing, involving Gu insect is even more complicated. For example, some Gu insects should be unified with each other, and some Gu insects should be dispersed to affect their respective objects.

On the evening of the next day, Chi Chang obtained Fang Yuan’s, who was looking forward to it, responded again.

“This time, with Fairy Siliu testifying, I want to see how you deny it?” Chi Chang can’t wait to put his mind into the Information Dao mortal gu.

Soon, he opened his eyes and smiled.

Because Fang Yuan acknowledged his strength in the letter, he did not hesitate to praise Fairy Siliu. However, to this extent, it is not surprising that he can be made by Wu Family.

Chi Chang saw it and frowned, but he couldn’t refute anything, because Wu Family Gu Immortal did have people who could solve the problem.

At this time, he saw the end of the last.

Fang Yuan has another problem. And promised that if Chi Chang can solve this, then Fang Yuan will admit that Chi Chang is stronger than himself, even if he is in front of Fairy Siliu.

Chi Chang suddenly got angry and came again.

Just think about it, he and Wu Yihai appeared in front of Qiao Siliu at the same time, this time Wu Yihai cup one fist in the other hand said: I am not as good as you.

A love enemy in front of the fairy admits that I am not as good as you.

In this situation, Chi Chang thinks more and more.

“Wu Yihai identity nobly is my most important opponent.”

“If I can win this game, I can beat him.”

“More critically, there is Fairy Siliu sitting in the card, I am not afraid of him Wu Yihai repent!”

Ps: Both today and tomorrow are one more. If you don’t like this episode, you can skip it or choose not to read the book. Just every episode is me carefully designed to pave the way for the next **. The skipped classmates will have a little bit of interference on the reading. If you don’t see the classmates, please don’t send them. Of course, you are welcome to come back.

To say a word of truth, the author is that people are not gods, that people will have a low period of poor state, and students who do not persist can go slowly. But I will definitely perseverance, I have never supervised any work. Still, even if there is only one person to see, I will also perseverance to the end. It has nothing to do with grades or money. This is just the persistence of my book.

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