Chi Chang feels resived and humiliated.

Yes, humiliation!

Wu Yihai’s identity, now in Southern Border Gu Immortal World Who doesn’t know? Everyone knows that his cultivation is Transformation Dao. Now Fang Yuan does not take his expertise to make Chi Chang, but instead focuses on the areas where Chi Chang is best at.

This is like saying: I don’t take Transform Dao to make it difficult for you because you are better than me!

The meaning of contempt, exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

Can’t stand it!

This is completely unbearable.

Chi Chang has wide eyes and pinches Fang Yuan’s Information Dao Gu insect in his hand. He whispered himself: “I want to see what puzzles you have?”

“Hey? A little doorway…”

Soon, Chi Chang’s face showed a dignified color.

Fang Yuan’s problem is challenging for him.

But immediately, Chi Chang’s heart was relieved: “It’s no wonder that Wu Yihai is confident that he will be harassing me on Formation Dao. This is a bit difficult.”

“Is this puzzle out of him? It shouldn’t be possible! He majored in Transformation Dao, is the drawing Dao Gu Immortal behind Wu Family in take action? Hey, he is Wu Yong younger brother, Wu Family Gu How could Immortal not help him?”

Although Wu Family is not good at Formation Dao, as long as it is a super family, Formation Dao will be involved.

Because of the super-power, guarding the resources of the local, there is a need for the application of the Large Scale for the gu formation.

“However, even if you are Wu Family Gu Immortal take action, what can you do? Fighting the overall power, my Chi Family is indeed a bit worse. But with regard to Formation Dao, my Chi Family is the first of its kind!”

Chi Chang has a strong sense of family pride.

He concentrated on the problem, and he entered the problem of Fang Yuan.

The more he pondered, the more he forgot about me.

All the problems, in his analysis, were gradually broken down into dozens of difficulties.

“To solve the problem of water and fire, the ordinary means are not available.”

“The whole gu formation requirement is a circular array, and the square matrix is ​​also discarded.”

“How can this difficult problem be solved?”

“Oh… a little difficult.”

“But it’s hard to beat me!”

Chi Chang is very high-spirited, like a chicken blood. He tells himself that he must give Fang Yuan a lesson!

Let him know that he Chi Chang can’t be humiliated!

“Adult, Luo Family Gu Immortal feast your dinner, it is about to begin. We should leave.” At this time, Chi Family’s one Rank 6 Gu Immortal Chi Liu, outside the door, reminded Chi Chang.

“Don’t go, don’t go!” Chi Chang didn’t look up at all, and he turned around in his mind and refused.

“But we have promised…” Chi Liu hesitated.

“If you can’t say it, don’t go. Go away and walk away.” Chi Chang was impatiently replied.

Chi Liu had no choice but to leave.

Chi Chang took a deep breath and faced Fang Yuan’s Formula Dao problem. His eyes were beaming and he said to himself: “There is nothing good for the dinner. It is imperative to defeat him! The problem is solved. The faster the time, the more Ok, look! Dare to humiliate me!”

One night, it’s like this.

Chi Chang didn’t sleep for a night, his eyes were red, his hair was messy, and he was very tired.

Gu Immortal physique, of course, staying up all night does not matter. But Chi Chang is quite expensive. He didn’t take a break this night, and he was working hard to calculate, design, and laboriously work.

“This problem is a bit difficult. But… I have solved it. Hahaha, dare to come to me! I want you to taste my strength.”

Despite his exhaustion, Chi Chang was very excited, laughed heartily.

He can’t wait to see how Fang Yuan responded.

“I will send it over, I have to appreciate your expression!”

Chi Chang walked to the door and suddenly stopped.

“Well? No! I am now against Wu Yihai, just like the coach, how can I personally send it out and take the initiative? Too much to lose! I have to find a little pawn to run errands…”

In a short while, Chi Family’s Rank 6 Gu Immortal Chi Liu, arrived Chi Chang’s study in front of the door.

“Little Liu, this is for you, send it to Wu Yihai, haha. I want him to learn!” Chi Chang shouted.

Chi Liu is busy.

His own cultivation base is lower than Chi Chang, and Chi Chang is Chi Family’s Formation Dao. Chi Family Revered Great Elder Chi Quyou has said more than once that Chi Chang this child can inherit his legacy.

This is of great significance.

Chi Quyou is the Formation Dao Great Grandmaster, and Chi Quyou recognizes Chi Chang. He thinks that he will have a great chance in the future and become a Formation Dao Great Grandmaster.

Chi Chang also did not live up to the expectations of clansman.

Since he was a child, he has revealed the inborn talent and talents of Formation Dao. Under the intentional inclination of family resources, he has been pouring cultivation, keep going until the end, and has been emphasized by Chi Family. Nowadays, Forming Dao has been rumored. Not to be underestimated.

“Well… comfortable.” Fang Yuan slowly opened his eyes, woke up and stretched.

Although his soul has the Audacity Gu escort, it will be frustrating if it is used more.

At this point, Audacity Gu can’t solve it, but sleeping can make the soul settle down and calm down.

Sure enough, after Fang Yuan had slept, he immediately swept away the tiredness. The whole person was in great spirits and was in good shape.

Chi Chang’s Information Dao mortal gu, when he was asleep, had already been sent.

Fang Yuan took a look and the color of surprise in the eyes flashed away: “Oh? Really solved!”

“This is very fast.”

Fang Yuan felt a sigh of relief, immersed in the mind and kept on studying.

His eyes are sharp and flickering, and Chi Chang’s solution is inspiring for him.

“so that’s how it is !” Fang Yuan rubbed his chin, which was a new idea, like opening another window to Fang Yuan.

“According to this line of thinking, this answer is not very suitable for my gu formation as a whole, and can be slightly adjusted in some aspects.”

Fang Yuan thinks secretly.

He did not give the entire gu formation to Chi Chang. Just pick a small part from it and let Chi Chang answer it.

Chi Chang’s answer is correct, but it still deviates from the overall gu formation design.

However, Fang Yuan’s Realm, now Quasi Grandmaster of Formation Dao, can do a little repair on the basis of the answer.

Chi Chang is Grandmaster Realm and Fang Yuan is Quasi Grandmaster. There is little difference between the two. If there is too much difference and you want to modify it, you can’t do it.

It is as if Fang Yuan is now looking at this Super Gu Formation surrounded by dreams, which is still confused and incomprehensible.

Troubled by Fang Yuan’s puzzle, assured solution, Fang Yuan is naturally rewarding.

“Sure enough, it’s Southern Border’s Chi Family.” He whispered and admired Chi Chang’s Formation Dao.

Solving this problem, Fang Yuan’s plan to improve gu formation can continue.

His mind was calm and calm, and he began to deduct.

In a few days, it just passed.

Chi Chang can be anxious.

After he sent the answer, he waited for Fang Yuan’s response. But if you don’t come to the left, you won’t come to the right, and even eating and drinking tea is not fragrant.

“What the hell is this Wu Yihai?” Chi Chang muttered.

“Chi Chang Fellow Immortal, what did you just say?” Luo Family Gu Immortal asked inexplicably at the banquet.

Chi Chang spirit slowly recovers, only to find out that he is still attending the banquet.

The Luo Family banquet was rejected before, but after solving the Fang Yuan’s problem, he still had to go to dinner.

Must go to the banquet, or is it not to give Luo Family face?

On the side of Gu Immortal Chi Gui, he quickly went to the round: “Forgive me, Chi Chang Fellow Immortal is like this. He often goes away, sometimes thinking about a Formation Dao problem, even forgetting to eat. Or suddenly staying still, still, even When you are walking, is also like so.”

Chi Gui is the Rank 7 cultivation base, which is the head of Chi Family.

Luo Family Gu Immortal laughed: “Chi Chang Fellow Immortal’s performance, I also heard. It really is the seed of cultivation Formation Dao. Hey, my Luo Family can only get this 1~2 talent, just like Chi Chang Fellow Immortal 20-30%, I am very pleased.”

On the other hand, Fang Yuan’s brow is locked.

I have encountered difficulties again.

“It seems that improving this gu formation is beyond the limits of my ability.”

Fang Yuan came across A new puzzle, this time is more difficult than the last time!

The last time he could still try, but this time, he even tried to imitate the idea, very unreliable.

“If this is the case, then hand it to Chi Chang.” Fang Yuan laughed.

“Come on, come.” Chi Chang returned to the Chi Family station and soon received Fang Yuan’s Information Dao mortal gu.

Chi Chang is very excited and her eyes are shining.

“Is it easy?”

“I can wait for me to be impatient.”

Chi Chang sneered, his heart smug, and he was like a winner at this time, just like the spoils of war.

He poured his mind into it and learned about the content contained in Information Dao mortal gu, his eyes wide staring angrily.

“This Wu Yihai what stuff!”

“Lust actually?”

Chi Chang immediately screamed.

In the letter, Fang Yuan did not mention the previous challenge letter, but rather confessed that Chi Chang is a little capable. Of course, it may be Mongolian.

“If I can solve this problem, I will admit that you are qualified to pursue Fairy Siliu.” This is the original words in the letter.

When I mentioned Qiao Siliu, Chi Chang was even more intolerable.

“What qualifications do I have, are you saying that?”

“Wu Yihai, I missed you. You shameless guy!”

Chi Chang seems to see Fang Yuan standing in front of him, with a sneer and disdain, aloof and remote look.

There was a strong impulse in his heart, and I really wanted Fang Yuan’s face to tear directly!

“I also said what Siliu is playing in the mountains. I am alone with Siliu, I only have one time. Damn! This guy…”

Chi Chang walked around in the study, he gnashing teeth, resentful.

I used a force to crush the Information Dao mortal gu.

But he thought about it and still endured this impulse.

“If I crushed this cockroach, wouldn’t it be the wish of Wu Yihai?”

“hmph, he can’t help me, I must be afraid of me, deliberately say this.”

“Yes! If I give up, I am afraid it is exactly what he wants to see.”

“No, I will continue to win him, let him lose nothing to say, can not be denied. Let him fully realize that I am strong!”

“Of course, in order to prevent the next time he is jealous, this thing must be promoted. The more people know the better.”

Chi Chang has a long, wise mind.

Originally, this thing was jealous, Chi Chang was a little embarrassed, but now for Fang Yuan, he is going out!

Ps: Tired state, just solved the babysitter thing, now I want to give my son a year old, today is even more. I can’t refine the two.

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