Xia Feikuai Sees Fang Yuan Since Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is used, he also has to use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to deal with it.

The pure white ball of light is not fast, and there is no quick advantage of the Light Dao genre.

But when it flies in the air, it squeezes out the air and makes a humming sound.


The steel-sized ball of light squats on the turtle shell of the Eight-Trigram Turtle, and it has the mountain-like weight, and the whole Eight-Trigram Turtle that changed Fang Yuan has been plunged into the mountains.

The huge Eight-Trigram Turtle sinks into the body and falls into the ground.

Xia Feikuai’s move is really powerful. Light Dao has always been known for its rapidity, but Xia Feikuai’s Dark Green Primordial Strike is the opposite. It is like a heavy punch. As long as it is bombarded, the huge Strength Dao often makes the enemy unable to guard against it.

However, Fang Yuan’s Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell is intact.

“Well?” After a blow, Xia Feikuai checked the results and saw that the eyes were round.

Not to mention the deep pit, the entire Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell is intact, not even a little dent.

Of course it is like this.

Xia Feikuai’s trick is to use the Light Dao to simulate Strength Dao, which is a trick.

The Fang Yuan’s Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation is the Rank 7 Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, centered on the Shape Transformation Immortal Gu and the Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu. Especially the latter, Fang Yuan simply motivated it to have a turtle shell that is not weaker than the Far Ancient Desolate Beast Eight-Trigram Turtle.

Now it’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, with so many support Gu insects, the defense power on the turtle shell is only weaker than the real Far Ancient Desolate Beast Eight-Trigram Turtle.

Far Ancient Desolate Beast has always been a rough skin and thick flesh, and the turtle is one of the hardest of all species.

Xia Feikuai This trick Dark Green Primordial Strike, no effect, not surprising.

But for the parties, this is a bit exaggerated.

“Dark Green Primordial Strike is ineffective, hard shell!” Xia Zhuomo was amazed.

Xia Feikuai stopped directly, and he felt a long-lost emotion, that is, a headache.

Looking at such a thick turtle shell, he has a headache, it is difficult to start.

In fact, he played Fang Yuan’s other places, that is, that’s all, but chose the hardest turtle shell. Of course, this also has his idea of ​​deliberately testing the strength of Fang Yuan.

“What should I do?” Xia Feikuai thought quickly.

Although he is impatient, he can calm down again.

But this time, Fang Yuan also ignited the second Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

All kinds of Gu insect breath out, there are Immortal Gu also mortal gu, Fang Yuan open mouth, spit out countless small turtle shells.

The shape of the small tortoise shell is very similar to that of the Eight-Trigram Turtle. If you remove the head and tail of the Eight-Trigram Turtle and then reduce the countless times, it is almost a small turtle shell.

A large number of small tortoise shells float in midair, spinning themselves and being fast.

“What is this?” Xia Feikuai stopped thinking, and cautiously, he flew backwards and pulled away from Fang Yuan.


He slammed his fist and still was Dark Green Primordial Strike.

But this time, the heavy ball of light of the size of the tank, did not touch the Eight-Trigram Turtle.

The fist-sized small tortoise shells are like smelling flies, and it seems to be a bee group, hū lā for a while, aiming at the Dark Green Primordial Strike and directly surrounding them.

Pēng pēng pēng ……

The small tortoise shell seems to be very hard, and in the collision, hundreds of directly disappeared.

But the Dark Green Primordial Strike was also consumed nearly exhausted, and eventually turned into a radiant fragment, reluctantly dissipated in the air.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Just back!

This is the improvement of Fang Yuan from the previous Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, combined with the changes of its own Eight-Trigram Turtle, debuted on the Southern Border, and even in the Five Regions.

The core of this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is of course the Rank 6 Immortal Gu Vajra Thought.

However, the addition of Rank 7 perseverance Immortal Gu, as well as a large number of mortal gu support.

Formidable power has naturally risen a lot, and there is no such thing as energy and thought.

“Ah! This looks like a tortoise shell. In fact, essentially, it is a thought.” Xia Zhuomo’s eyes shot a strange light and broke the secret.

He is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal and is sensitive to all kinds of thoughts. This is where he is good at.

As for Xia Feikuai cultivation, Light Dao, not Wisdom Dao, even the Rank 7 cultivation base, but also the reminder of the enclosed Xia Zhuomo, can understand.

“Xia Zhuomo Fellow Immortal is a good idea, so it’s a good match.” Eight-Trigram Turtle speaks eloquently.

In fact, Fang Yuan did not want to deliberately cover up. Just after combining Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation, the original golden glittering thoughts turned into dark and swarthy little turtle shells.

“Little grind, I will break his turtle shell in this battle.” Xia Feikuai opened.

Xia Zhuomo un’ed, no longer speak. Ironically by Fang Yuan, it made him look a little unsightly.

Xia Feikuai closed his eyes.

He began to brew.

The atmosphere of various Gu insects continued to rise, and they continued to spread.

Red Jujube Immortal Essence is consumed violently.

At the same time, he stretched his arms straight, slowly raised, and finally put his head together.

The radiance of the body rushed like water, and they all flowed into the center of his palm.

Still brewing.

Glorious and restrained, strong atmosphere, but it is constantly expanding and becoming more and more dangerous.

Fang Yuan lowered the head of the turtle. The limbs steadily stepped on the ground like a silent Black Mountain. But at the same time, his various small turtle shells are constantly flying out, and the number is extremely fast.

Originally only nearly 10,000, and then break through 20,000, 30,000, 40,000…

The rate of growth is extremely fast.

Rank 6 Vajra Thought Immortal Gu, alone, can have thousands of Vajra Thought heads.

Now it is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the effect is even better.

The most important thing is that Fang Yuan is now Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks.

In fact, there are not many Fang Yuan’s Wisdom Dao’s Dao Marks, but he has a Transformation Dao mark. His Transformation Dao has a lot of marks!

Because he killed a lot of Transformation Dao Gu Immortal, they did their Dao Marks accumulation. The most important harvest was the killing of the three Gu Immortals, including Wu Yihai, in the Boundary Wall. In just the battle, Fang Yuan got nearly 50,000 Transformation Dao marks.

One thousand Dao Marks is doubled.

Ten thousand Dao Marks is a tenfold increase.

50,000 Dao Marks is a 50-fold increase.

What is this concept? !

The usual Rank 7 Gu Immortal, who majored in Dao Marks, is between 10,000 and 30,000.

Xia Feikuai is a Rank 7 expert and Light Dao’s Dao Marks is over 30,000.

But how can you compare with Fang Yuan?

Thus, Xia Feikuai and Xia Zhuomo, two Gu Immortals, stunned to see that a large number of small turtle shells spread rapidly, and soon they overflowed the entire valley, spreading out, black-pressed, densely packed, like locusts, and ants.

Xia Feikuai looked calm.

The number of these small tortoise shells has become so much at once, bringing considerable psychological pressure to others.

However, Xia Feikuai skillfully used the environment of learning and learning. According to the regulation determined by the discussion, Fang Yuan can only defend and can not take the initiative, so Fang Yuan can not manuallyulate the small tortoise shell and actively attack Xia Feikuai.

Xia Feikuai stabilized the mood and successfully promoted this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Light Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move Saw wheel light!

Holding up the palms of the head, suddenly squatting.

A glaring light wheel flew out of the palms of Xia Feikuai.

The light wheel rises when it sees the wind and rapidly expands into the size of the ship.

The light wheel rotates continuously and the surrounding sawtooth is densely covered.

“Good!” Xia Zhuomo sees this, can’t help but secretly cheers, “The turtle shell is strong, but with this trick it is able to cut the saw, and the thick turtle shell can also be cut open.”

However a moment later.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh ……

Countless small turtle shells flew up.

Pā pā pā 啪……

The saw wheel light flew a short distance under the cofferdam of the numerous murderous nature of the small tortoise shell, and it completely collapsed.

Xia Zhuomo: “…”

Xia Feikuai: “…”

Fang Yuan praised: “A very powerful ultimate move, this trick is not a trivial matter, actually abolished my thoughts of more than 6,000.”

This is like a slap in the face of Xia Zhuomo and Xia Feikuai.

Xia Feikuai is brewing this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and it takes a lot of time.

Generally speaking, the process of brewing Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is as short as possible, because it is dangerous and easy to be interrupted by attacks. Once interrupted, urging the ultimate move fails, under the backlash, Gu Immortal tends to be seriously injured.

Xia Feikuai took full advantage of the regulation of the study and safely spurred the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.


When he was urging, Fang Yuan was also urging the ultimate move.

Xia Feikuai rushed a saw wheel light.

At the same time, Fang Yuan can evoke the idea of ​​a small tortoise shell of thirty or forty thousand.

Then, when I saw the saw wheel light, I was surrounded by more than 6,000 small turtle shells and collapsed.

This account, the fool can be considered clear.

Xia Feikuai’s means of high hopes, so the result…

So good!

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