
The words of the grandeur, in fact, is the brief remark, directly dry.

But this time, the dry frame is different from the Demonic Path. The Demonic Path is fighting and killing. Righteous Path Gu Immortal, is often a big family business, what is it for you to fight for nothing? You can get a high score.

This is also the deliberate delay of Fang Yuan, which made the decision of Broad Cold Peak delay, so Xia Family and Gu Immortals decided to speak with their fists.

In fact, even on Earth, after a close talk, a strong country will drive the army.

The essence is the same.

Xia Feikuai’s words are also very interesting. He represents Xia Family and Wu Yihai as Wu Family glory. It is said that this discussion is not only between you and me, but also between Xia Family and Wu Family. Duel.

In one sentence, Fang Yuan was forced into a dead end. If Fang Yuan avoids the war, it will definitely damage the reputation of Wu Family. In the case of Righteous Path, it is also a gesture that is ignored and looked down upon.

Xia Family did not know that Fang Yuan was not Wu Yihai at all, and he did not care what Wu Family’s glory was.

But then again, he is now playing Wu Yihai, but also wants to mix into the Super Gu Formation, this challenge Fang Yuan is not good.

He was silent and said: “If it is a discussion, the two Fellow Immortal will join me and I will be a multitude of people. I am bound to lose more and win less.”

Xia Feikuai suddenly complexion changed.

It’s not good to say this!

In fact, he himself has come forward to discuss and is already passive. If this defeat is lost, it is called self-inflicted. If Xia Family and Gu Immortals both play and win, it is indeed more bullying and less ugly, not good to promote.

In fact, Xia Feikuai never thought about joining forces with Xia Zhuomo. He said directly: “I only take one action, Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal can rest assured.”

Fang Yuan’s face was too strong and he said: “If you want to learn from each other, it’s so urgent. It’s not good to don’t agree under it. But since it’s a discussion, there’s always a deadline. It’s always impossible to hit the dark. ”

“What is the charter for Fellow Immortal?” Xia Feikuai asked directly.

It is natural to have a regulation of learning, which is definitely different from life and death.

Fang Yuan said: “You attack me, as long as you can break my defense within ten strokes, I will lose.”

Xia Feikuai eyelid jumped, said solemnly: “Good.”

Xia Zhuomo frowns, I feel a little wrong. But since Xia Feikuai has promised it, it’s a good idea. He has confidence in Xia Feikuai.

Broad Cold Peak is not a place for both sides to compete. It is not beautiful to break.

The two sides flew out and chose a valley of ridiculous people.

Fang Yuan and Xia Feikuai are relatively fixed.

“Get started.” Xia Feikuai can’t wait, he wants to learn about Stopped Fang Yuan.

Among the Southern Border’s Rank 7 Gu Immortal, he is a famous expert. Throughout Wu Family, Wu Yong is Rank 8 Gu Immortal forget about it, Wu Family Rank 7 is the strongest Gu Immortal Wu Yubo, and he is better than him. Now that Wu Yubo is dead, what is his fear of Xia Feikuai?

I have to say that Inflammation Desolate Immortal defeated Wu Yubo and had a beautiful summer.

In fact, Inflammation Desolate Immortal is not Wu Yubo’s opponent, but Xia Family is to discern Wu Yubo’s signature ultimate move.

Wu Yubo was targeted, Immortal Realm Ultimate Move was forced to suffer a heavy backlash, which allowed Inflammation Desolate Immortal to win.

“And slow.” Fang Yuan waved his hand.

Xia Feikuai was eager to move, Fang Yuan stopped, and suddenly made him very uncomfortable, involuntarily yelled: “Wu Yihai, what do you want?”

“I almost forgot, since it is a discussion, can’t you just like this?” Fang Yuan said with a smile.

Xia Feikuai thought: “How can I feel free? Lessons are the most important meaning of this battle!”

He thought here, but he couldn’t say that.

Gu Immortal has a variety of means to record the current situation. Just as some time ago, Inflammation Desolate Immortal challenged Wu Yubo, which was recorded by Xia Family Gu Immortal Xia Qingcang. Today, the image is widely circulated in Southern Border Gu Immortal World.

Xia Feikuai had to hold Fire Qi: “What do you want?”

“It’s very simple. If Fellow Immortal loses, this Broad Cold Peak belongs to us. If I am lucky enough to win, then the thing of Broad Cold Peak will remain the same.” Fang Yuan said.

“How is it possible?!” Xia Zhuomo, who was watching the battle, was in a hurry. He finally rushed out before Xia Feikuai.

The Xia Family was in trouble and controlled the bloodline descendants of Zhang Three Peaks, which had a great advantage and made the Wu Family very passive. If you agree to this request, you are completely voluntarily losing your own advantages, not by wise people.

Xia Feikuai curl one’s lip, said: “I am not a fool.”

At the same time, the mouth directly refused: “This is not a problem.”

“If this is the case, then you can’t take action under the forgiveness. This discussion will be free.” Fang Yuan waved his hand and turned directly back.

Xia Feikuai saw this scene and almost screamed.

We left Broad Cold Peak and ran here. We worked hard, grinded and carefully selected a valley, and we could learn from it. As a result, if you say no, you can’t fight?

Are you playing with us?

His face suddenly gloomy like water: “Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal is not going to fight, is this the Wu Family’s courage and glory?”

Fang Yuan stopped at the footsteps.

Xia Feikuai sneered.

Fang Yuan turned and turned to Xia Feikuai, but her face was serious and flawless: “You can say this wrong. I never evade, but you don’t agree with my little requirements. We are It doesn’t mean that I can’t talk about it. You see, I have chosen this place for discussion.”

“Aiya, I am going!” These words made the face of Xia Zhuomo’s face angry.

Xia Feikuai eyes wide staring angrily, just angered and rushed to the crown.

He is screaming at Fang Yuan, how does Wu Family have such a sinister character, and Wu Family’s Gu Immortals is not a brief remark, is it straightforward? What is the name of your Wu Family? What is the consciousness of your Wu Family? Where have you been!

But soon, Xia Feikuai thought of Fang Yuan’s birth.

Yes, Wu Yihai is not the orthodox Wu Family Gu Immortal, he is the Eastern Sea’s hidden cultivator.

This damn hidden cultivator!

Fang Yuan’s face showed more smiles: “Since we can’t make a difference, we can chat slowly, he he fragrant tea. I have to say that your four season tea is really good tea, and it’s endless.”

“What kind of tea do you drink? What day!” Xia Feikuai’s heart suddenly rose to a strong, wanting to directly kill Fang Yuan’s impulse, and Fire Qi burned in the chest.

Xia Zhuomo was a little bit sorrowful looking towards Xia Feikuai, and said: “It’s not an adult. When you meet, you have a lot of tea.”

Fang Yuan suddenly said: “It’s better to do this. If I win and win, within five years, I will not be able to entangle the Broad Cold Peak. How?”

“This…” Xia Zhuomo began to ponder.

The condition that Fang Yuan suddenly raised was much looser than before, and it seems that it is not so unacceptable.

“But Wu Yihai suddenly throws this condition and has the possibility of deliberate design.” Xia Zhuomo is still thinking.

Xia Feikuai has already said: “Okay, I promise you.”

Xia Zhuomo is dumbfounded, sound transmission: “Xia Feikuai adults you…”

“don’t tell me, let him continue to delay the time of this bitch? The result, I am committed to it, it doesn’t matter to you! My time can’t afford it, for this broken thing, and this guy is waiting The shorter the time, the better.” Xia Feikuai immediately refused and was very determined.

Xia Zhuomo smiles bitterly.

“If this is a failure, even if you Xia Feikuai is committed, don’t tell me, can I escape the responsibility? The family sent me to assist you, is not to persuade you? Oh!”

He was deeply sighed in his heart, reluctantly sound transmission past: “then I wish you an triumph in this battle, and you will be successful!”

“Are you sure?” Fang Yuan asked again.

His condition, for Wu Family, only delayed the problem and did not really solve the problem.

However, once the five-year period has passed, the things that Fang Yuan should do should have already been completed. At that time, who is still waiting for Wu Family?

“Definite.” This time, Xia Feikuai did not speak, Xia Zhuomo spoke.

“Good.” Fang Yuan slowly flew back, and his tone was quite flat. “In fact, I don’t want to learn from it. In any case, it hurts. But Xia Feikuai, since I insisted on it, look at the four season tea you just gave. On the basis of this, I promised to discuss this.”

“Don’t mention the tea, come fight.” Xia Feikuai loudly roared, both eyes began to congest.

His voice has not yet fallen, Fang Yuan is in the dark, and incarnation becomes the Eight-Trigram Turtle in an instant.

Xia Feikuai A glimpse, before Fang Yuan grinds, it is quite dry now. This surprised him a bit.

“Eight-Trigram Turtle!” Xia Zhuomo frowned.

I saw the Eight-Trigram Turtle, which is huge in size and four feet like a giant pillar. It steadily stepped on the valley and filled the valley directly.

The entire Eight-Trigram Turtle is deep and secluded. There are thousands of tracks on the shell, and it is particularly eye-catching. Xia Zhuomo stared at it for a while, and suddenly he was dazzled. He quickly closed his eyes.

Xia Feikuai didn’t expect Fang Yuan to use Immortal Realm Ultimate Move at once.

Generally speaking, Gu Immortal has a process of temptation. Fang Yuan directly saved it and offered the trump card.

“Looking at the strong turtle shell, you can imagine the defense power of the Eight-Trigram Turtle. No wonder he proposed such a way of learning.” Think of this, Xia Zhuomo’s brow wrinkled deeper.

“What should I do?” Xia Feikuai hesitated. He didn’t know what Wu Yihai was good at, but Fang Yuan knew what he was good at.

Xia Feikuai’s hesitation is very short, and almost instantly, he takes action.

The first move.

He suddenly rose his hands and clenched his fists, and the man was at high altitude, pointing straight at the Eight-Trigram Turtle in the valley.

Rays of light on the fist, glaring. The pure white glory left Xia Feikuai’s fist in an instant and turned into a steel-sized ball of light, which went straight.

Immortal Gu breath, mortal gu breath each other in a tangle together.

This is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dark Green Primordial Strike.

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