The sky gloomy, drizzling.

Fang Yuan flies in the air, surrounded by clouds.

“Arrived.” He thought of a move, lowered the height, and the clouds disappeared in the field of vision, revealing the vast land.

Southern Border Mountainous, the land at the foot of Fang Yuan is also a cluster of mountains, a lush number, a dark green.

In this dark green ocean, Broad Cold Peak it is unique, white and straight, in sharp contrast to the surrounding.

Broad Cold Peak 巅, standing on a Mortal Gu Home, Gu Home entrance, Xia Family two Gu Immortals Xia Feikuai, Xia Zhuomo has sensed Fang Yuan’s trail.

Fang Yuan This trip is to negotiate and negotiate, naturally it will not deliberately disappear.

Xia Family Two Gu Immortals were able to find him immediately, very normal.

“It’s finally here. This Wu Yihai is really ok, two or three days away, so he walked for more than half a month.” Xia Feikuai frowns.

“It’s good to come, let’s meet up.” Xia Zhuomo said with a smile.

Two sides meet in midair.

Both sides are smiling and handsome, after all, this time represents the two super forces.

Xia Family Two Gu Immortals looked at Wu Yihai and said: “Sure enough, Wu Duxiu looks a lot like it.”

Fang Yuan is also looking at the two Gu Immortals, and Xia Feikuai is Rank 7, which is clearly the leader of the Xia Family on the negotiations.

According to the information provided by Wu Family, Xia Feikuai is as famous as his name, eager to make decisions, and has strong battle strength. Xia Zhuomo is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, and his mind is changeable and he likes to think.

Xia Zhuomo’s temperament, related to his childhood experiences, makes him subconsciously thinking about opportunities and constantly refining every important thing he encounters.

The character of Xia Feikuai is that he cultivated an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, resulting in a repercussion.

Both sides were the first to meet, and in the conversation, Xia Family Gu Immortal led Fang Yuan to the Broad Cold Peak.

“Fellow Immortal invites, please drink tea.” These two Gu Immortals look like a master, seemingly announced the ownership of Broad Cold Peak, the confrontation has begun, but Fang Yuan is quiet, as if not aware.

He sat down with a smile and began to taste.

“Tea right.” After a sip, he exclaimed.

Xia Zhuomo said with a slight smile : “This is my Xia Family’s four season tea, which is my family’s Revered Great Elder personally refining. Drinking a bite, there are four different tastes, it seems to come to Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter Four seasons. So it is called season tea.”

Xia Family Revered Great Elder is Time Dao Great Expert, her refining four season tea, highlighting the depth of his time Dao.

Xia Family Gu Immortal took the tea, but after Fang Yuan drank, he smiled.

“It’s really good tea. I don’t know if the two Xia Family Fellow Immortal can have spare parts. Would you like to have a few cheeks underneath?” Fang Yuan smiled.

Xia Family Two Gu Immortals look at each other.

Xia Zhuomo thought: This Wu Yihai can really speak. However, although the two sides are opponents, the Roundeous Path demeanor is still necessary. And the political situation is changeable. Now everyone is going to attack Wu Family. Maybe after Xi Ming, Xia Family will cooperate with Wu Family.

Xia Zhuomo thought about it, and was about to speak. Xia Feikuai had already replied: “Hey! What is there, we have a lot of tea in this season, Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal, if you want, take it.”

He said that he sent out more than a dozen seasonal teas.

“Then I was disrespectful.” Fang Yuan laughed, took the tea.

Xia Feikuai added: “Let’s talk about Broad Cold Peak.”

Fang Yuan slowly picked up the cup and took a sip, then slowly let go, “Xia Feikuai Fellow Immortal.”

Xia Feikuai immediately opened, the mouth unceasingly opens and closes: “This thing will be long after you say it. Since everyone understands the original, I will go straight to the topic, Xiao Zhang, come out.”

As soon as the voice fell, I opened the door from inside Gu Home and walked out of a Rank 5 Gu Master.

“Zhang Kaizui, a descendant of Zhang Three Peaks, has seen three immortals.” This Gu Masters was white-haired and saluted to three Gu Immortals, but it was not humble.

“This little bloodline is authentic, such as a fake replacement. Come here, Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal, please take action to verify it.” Xia Feikuai left the seat directly, walked to Zhang Kaizui, holding his arm He will be in front of Fang Yuan and can’t wait.

Zhang Three Peaks is the former rogue cultivator Gu Immortal, owner of Broad Cold Peak.

Of course, Zhang Three Peaks is not his real name, but a title. Because he is sitting on three peaks, Broad Cold Peak is one of them.

As for his real name, it cannot be verified, because he has never exposed his full name since he debuted, only to say that he is surnamed Zhang. So the world called him Zhang Three Peaks. Even his bloodline descendants do not know the full name of the grandfather’s full name.

Fang Yuan knows these things well, and Wu Family’s intelligence is quite comprehensive.

But at this moment, he deliberately waved his hand and pretended to be confused: “Slow, who is this Gu Masters?”

Xia Feikuai stunned.

Zhang Kaizui is about to speak, and Xia Feikuai has already said: “Zhang Kaizui, just he introduced himself, we all heard.”

“I know it is Zhang Kaizui.” Fang Yuan nodded.

Then he paused and took a sip of tea and continued: “But what does this mortal Gu Master have to do with Broad Cold Peak?”

“It’s like this, his ancestor Zhang Three Peaks used to…” Xia Feikuai answered immediately.

“And slow.” Fang Yuan waved again. “Who is Three Three Peaks?”

Xia Feikuai stunned again: “Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal, for a long time, you don’t know who is Zhang Three Peaks?”

Fang Yuan is embarrassed to laughed: “Let me negotiate and protect Broad Cold Peak, but I am in a hurry and have not been informed of this. Please don’t be surprised.”

Xia Feikuai thought: “You are still in a hurry, dilly-dallying for more than half a month before you come here. Are you rushing?”

I think so in my heart, but I am still polite in my mouth: “Then I will tell you why.”

“Be careful under the ear.”

Xia Feikuai’s lips quickly moved, almost afterimage, and the speed of speech was very fast, which made the whole history a reason.

Fang Yuan took a sip of tea, un’ed.

Xia Feikuai: “This Fellow Immortal knows the truth?”

Fang Yuan then put down the cup in his hand and stood up from his seat, giving Xia Feikuai a gift.

Xia Feikuai didn’t understand why Fang Yuan bowed to him and felt unfathomable mystery, but as a Roundeous Path, the demeanor was to be told, no matter what, he also returned.

Then he saw that Fang Yuan was embarrassed to laughed.

Fang Yuan said: “I’m tired of Fellow Immortal, but just Fellow Immortal said too fast, only one is heard in the next, and some others have not heard it. Please let Fellow Immortal say it again.”

“Do you say it again?” Xia Zhuomo, who was on the side, frowned.

Xia Feikuai snorted, but did not really repeat it, but said: “Wu Yihai Fellow Immortal, I can’t hear it, let me explain.”

The tone has become a bit unpleasant.

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