One of the Immortal Gu names is the rare Information Dao Rank 7 Immortal Gu, but it makes Fang Yuan quite heart-warming.

After all, he is really a weakness in Information Dao, which has greatly restricted his development.

The effect of the famous Immortal Gu is also very strange.

Once mobilized, it can be turned into a rein, straining any Desolate Beast, Desolate Plant, and even Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Desolate Plant.

That’s right, it’s Information Dao Immortal Gu, but it’s the effect of Enslave Dao.

Very special and wonderful.

What makes Fang Yuan most motivated is that the power of the name Immortal Gu varies with Gu Immortal’s own fame.

This is very suitable for Fang Yuan.

Whether it is the name of Fang Yuan itself or the fake identity of Liu Guanyi, it is famous for the Five Regions and is widely circulated. Who is the loudest in this period of time? Besides Fang Yuan, who else can I have!


“My Information Dao Realm is very common, even if I changed this name to Immortal Gu, what is the use?”

“Slavery Far Ancient Desolate Beast, Desolate Plant, is of little use to me. Unless Immemorial Desolate Beast is enslaved.”

“But one of the Rank 7 names, Immortal Gu, is to enslave Immemorial Desolate Beast. The only possibility is to create Immortal Realm Ultimate Move with this as the core.”

“In this case, it is even more distant. After all, my Enslave Dao and Information Dao Realm are not Grandmaster. Regarding Immemorial Desolate Beasts and Plants, the Grandmaster Realm is very embarrassing.”

Fang Yuan thought about it and eventually did not exchange it. He still retained Vajra Thought Immortal Gu.

This choice made Wu Yong a bit surprised.

“This time, I am returning to the Eastern Sea, and I will gain something. In the future, the Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation will reflect my Wisdom Dao. It will be my major.” Fang Yuan explained.

This is also for him to continue to use Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation, to lay the groundwork.

Wu Yong nodded: “Calling the brothers come, in addition to this, there is a task.”

Fang Yuan expression Calm: “Brothers please speak.”

Wu Yong smiled and said: “The Broad Cold Peak controlled by my family is eye-catching by Xia Family. There are some historical reasons in this information Dao mortal gu. I hope that the brothers will go out and protect the Broad Cold Peak for my family.”

“I want to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind for my elder brother.” After Fang Yuan directly agreed, he took over the Information Dao mortal gu and looked at it.

Fang Yuan’s attitude made Wu Yong very satisfied.

Fang Yuan took a look at the content of Information Dao Gu insect and immediately learned about the incident.

It turned out that after Inflammation Desolate Immortal defeated Wu Yubo, Xia Family won the Worshipping Moon Bowl Valley and became the biggest beneficiary. Subsequently, some super forces also have trouble finding Wu Family. Xia Family tasted After seeing the sweetness, I want to continue taking action and calculate Wu Family for my own benefit.

This time, they are eyeing Broad Cold Peak.

Broad Cold Peak originally is not a Wu Family asset, but belongs to a rogue cultivator Gu Immortal.

A long time ago, the loose immortal turned to Wu Family, Wu Family took a fancy to his site, but loose immortal was reluctant to give up.

After a difficult negotiation, loose immortal loaned the land to Wu Family for hundreds of years.

More than a hundred years later, the loose immortal fallen under Disaster and Tribulation, the Broad Cold Peak became the Wu Family, with a large amount of output every year.

Xia Family can make trouble, it is the sought who was the descendant of this loose immortal.

The loose immortal later asked Wu Family to return Broad Cold Peak, which was perfectly reasonable and there was no regrettable evidence at the time.

Xia Family is behind the scenes, screaming at the flag, trying to make it clear that they want to plot Broad Cold Peak.

“Loose immortal is a Gu Master, and I dare to call Wu Family.”

“There are a lot of Wisdom Dao in Xia Family Gu Immortal, which is really a calculation.”

“But I have to protect Broad Cold Peak this time. This is a good opportunity for me to show my strength. Wu Yong is not willing to transfer me to Super Gu Formation. It is nothing more than worrying about my lack of strength and can not suppress it. The scene on the side.”

Fang Yuan received the task but did not rush to leave.

He secretly said: Although his own strength is strong, but many means can not see. Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation has more defense and less attack. Fortunately, with Vajra Thought Immortal Gu, I have to improve the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move first.

So for the next ten days, Fang Yuan was shrinking into his own mountain, and he tried to improve Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

This is not calm for most of the month.

Xia Family sees Wu Family for a long time without any movement, repeatedly urging, all around.

Wu Family is under great pressure, and Wu Yong also urged Fang Yuan to be blocked by Fang Yuan.

“Not in a hurry.”

“We don’t show up, and Xia Family doesn’t openly annex Broad Cold Peak.”

“Xia Family is shouting around? Nothing, let him change, I don’t move.”

“Be steady. This is the truth of life when I am in the Eastern Sea hidden cultivator.”

“Be slow. Work slowly.”

Fang Yuan’s has a lot of truth, and he has to turn his head back.

In the end, Wu Yong was a little anxious. Wu Yihai was not very stressed, but he was the helm of Wu Family, but the pressure was heavier day by day.

“The family thing is my business.”

“Since I have handed this over to me, I will be able to do it well and will not disappoint your brother’s entrustment and expectations.”

Fang Yuan is still bent on his own way.

Wu Yong has nothing to do with this. He has no Gu Immortal in his hands.

It was not until Fang Yuan completely improved the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move and tried it several times. After a proper success, he took the opportunity to go to Broad Cold Peak.

Wu Yong suddenly sighed in relief.

Xia Family has long been watching Wu Family, Fang Yuan has left, and they are obtained on the other side.

On the Broad Cold Peak.

“Wu Family this time is dispatched by Wu Yihai.” Rank 6 Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Xia Zhuomo started talking.

“This Broad Cold Peak is comparable to the Worshipping Moon Bowl, Wu Family didn’t actually have Wu Yubo or Wu Zhen coming in? It’s a stun.” Rank 7 Gu Immortal Xia Feikuai is unbelievable.

Xia Zhuomo pondered then said : “Wu Family is no one can be dispatched. Wu Yubo is arrogant and lost to Inflammation Desolate Immortal, unless he can kill Inflammation Desolate Immortal, the ability to shame before breaking the dead. As for Wu Zhen, how can he leave the top of the phoenix? This period of time is the time for all kinds of phoenix birds to go to the top of the phoenix to breed eggs.”

“haha. Wu Yong forced him to send Wu Yihai with helplessness. What about this person’s battle strength?” Xia Feikuai asked.

Xia Zhuomo pondered and replied: “Battle strength is unknown. He has been in the Eastern Sea hidden cultivator. He has been able to escape the recovery and successfully return to Wu Family. He has the power to protect himself. The most recent take action is to save. Under Wu Yubo. He used the Eight-Trigram Turtle Transformation, but it was beaten up, letting Xia Qingcang’s Chaotic Mind ultimate move come back.”

Spoke until here, he smiled a bit: “Eight-Trigram Turtle is a natural defense against Wisdom Dao, against him, I am afraid I can’t make much effort. Everything depends on you.”

Xia Zhuomo is Rank 6 Wisdom Dao and Xia Feikuai is Rank 7 Light Dao.

The latter laughed: “I watched this Wu Yihai, and it took so long to leave. It is obvious that he is not confident. This time, I take action, suppress this person, occupy Broad Cold Peak, open for my Xia Family. Expanding the land and making another contribution!”

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