Wu Family’s Rank 7 Gu Immortal Wu Yubo was defeated by Inflammation Desolate Immortal.

This matter, under the publicity of Xia Family, was quickly learned by the entire Southern Border Gu Immortal World, and the hearts of the people floated!

“Wu Yubo is the Rank 7 expert, the famous battle strength of Wu Family, which will be defeated by Inflammation Desolate Immortal?”

“Inflammation Desolate Immortal is also not a low strength, this time is more subsidized by Xia Family. It is not unbelievable to defeat Wu Yubo.”

“Wu Yubo proud and arrogant, this time is planted in the hands of defeated, amazing.”

“The key is that Inflammation Desolate Immortal can break Wu Yubo’s signature ultimate move, which is amazing. I’m afraid it is Xia Family’s Xia Liupei take action.”

Xia Family also has a Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, a performer of one of the very best in Southern Border Gu Immortal World.

It is Xia Liupei.

“This time, Wu Family is too shameful. Wu Yubo not only lost to Inflammation Desolate Immortal, but also lost his life. If Wu Yihai take action broke the Battlefield Ultimate Move, Wu Yubo would have to lose his life.”

“No way?”

“genuine. There have been various kinds of Gu insects circulating, and the images inside have reappeared.”

“Wu Family actually lost the Worshipping Moon Bowl, hehe, it was a big joke.”

“When the roots are traced back, the Worshipping Moon Bowl original is the Wu Family.” This time is also a crime for Wu Family!”

“haha, Wu Duxiu, Wu Family is really difficult to have the first name.”

Losing the Worshipping Moon Bowl, for the family big business, the background of the Wu Family, it is completely unspeakable.

However, Fang Yuan took the initiative to take action, broke the Battlefield Ultimate Move and rescued Wu Yubo, but it made Wu Family into a passive situation.

This is the difference between the Righteous Path and the Demonic Path.

Fang Yuan take action, rescue Wu Yubo, is absolutely contrary to the test of the agreement, so that this test is unfair, lost the face of Wu Family.

The key point is that the evidence of this matter is conclusive and cannot be denied.

For Inflammation Desolate Immortal keep watch, it is Xia Family Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal Xia Qingcang. He did not have a single drop of water can leak out, and he used the Information Dao Immortal Gu to record all the images at that time. Since it is for Wu Family, Xia Family is of course fully prepared.

Wu Family had to admit this. After Fang Yuan returned with Wu Yubo, Wu Yong ordered the punishment of Fang Yuan, because he violated the convention to intervene in fighting competition, penalizing his face and immortal essence stones.

Fang Yuan saved Wu Yubo, it was meritorious. For Wu Family, I lost my face, but saved one Rank 7 Gu Immortal, which is more important, of course, the latter is more important!

Fang Yuan has merit, but he has been punished by Wu Yong.

However, he had no resentment qi in his heart. Instead, he held his nose and confessed. After returning to Wu Family headquarters, he shrank in his mountain residence and stayed at home.

The Worshipping Moon Bowl event is still fermenting and the impact is expanding.

Wu Yubo was arrogant, and this time was lost to Inflammation Desolate Immortal. It was a shameful resentment. Shortly after the return, he immediately announced the retreat painstaking cultivation, in the hope of fighting again in the future.

Although Wu Family lost the Worshipping Moon Bowl valley, Wu Yong also punishes Fang Yuan who has broken regulation. However, Wu Family’s fame is inevitably declining because of this.

More critically, Xia Family’s move is undoubtedly an inspiration to other superpowers.

Righteous Path is different from Demonic Path.

Righteous Path has the rules of the game for Righteous Path.

Xia Family took full advantage of this game rule and made Wu Family lose its Worshipping Moon Bowl, and there is nothing to say.

Xia Family is special at Southern Border and even throughout the Five Regions. Because this super power is dominated by the Light Dao and Wisdom Dao genres. Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal is rare, but Xia Family always has Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal in 4~5, and there are many experts.

Among the Southern Border’s Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal, Xia is always the first surname, occupying a large share.

Wu Family was overcast by Xia Family, not surprising.

Its remaining power has seen the success of Xia Family, and it’s natural to move and want to follow suit.

When Wu Duxiu was alive, Wu Family was in full swing, embezzling the resources of others and expanding the territory halfway. The Worshipping Moon Bowl has many things. There are also many enemies like Yan Huang Xianren.

This is where other forces can use it to deal with Wu Family.

All kinds of information came, Wu Yong immediately felt bad, and a wind and rain flew toward Wu Family.

Sure enough, after the Worshipping Moon Bowl incident, Luo Family had a problem with Wu Family. The reason for the application was very justified, very similar to Xia Family.

Later, there were Chi Family and Chai Family, which attempted to infect Wu Family’s inspiration for the silkworm hole and the spring area.

Wu Yong to oversee the center, dispatching troops, but Wu Family is too broad and lacks manpower to temporarily maintain an undefeated situation.

Wu Family was in trouble, and Wu Yong was so bad that Wu Yong, the brother of Wu Yong, was a comfortable little day.

Among the Paragon Immortal Aperture.

“Let me go, I beg you to let me go. Ah!” Ma Hongyun’s soul screamed fiercely.

But Fang Yuan doesn’t care, and still keeps Soul Search.

The soul of Ma Hongyun is hard to bear such torture and soon becomes weak.

Audacity Gu.

Fang Yuan one Gu Insect goes on, immediately heals Ma Hongyun’s soul, and then continues Soul Search.

“You demon!!”

“Kill me, kill me…”

The severe pain directly affecting the soul makes Ma Hongyun unbearable. He constantly curses, screams and cries for mercy, but Fang Yuan has never heard of it.

After a while, he finally stopped.

Ma Hongyun’s soul has become extremely thin, as if it is a mist of water, on the edge of disappearance.

But a moment later, Fang Yuan crushed an Audacity Gu and cured Ma Hongyun’s soul.

“I finally found out the Luck Dao True Inheritance that Ma Hongyun remembered.”

“But Zhao Lianyun is not dead, the soul of Ma Hongyun, and the value of continuing to be captured and detained. He He He.”

Fang Yuan In the Adverse Current River, after Ma Hongyun was caught, his soul was received.

These days, he is in Soul Search Ma Hongyun.

I am sure that I have thoroughly searched, and Ma Hongyun has no secrets for himself.

Fang Yuan therefore won a part of All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance.

Own Luck, All Living Thing Luck, Heaven and Earth Luck are the three major True Inheritances of Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s life. Own Luck True Inheritance in Langya Blessed Land, All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance is stored in the 88 Floors True Yang Building, and Heaven and Earth Luck True Inheritance is in Longevity Heaven.

As the Royal Court Blessed Land was destroyed, the 88 Floors True Yang Building collapsed and the All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance was destroyed.

However, at the beginning, Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun were blessed by All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance, so each of them was informed of a part of True Inheritance content.

After all the way, Fang Yuan Soul Search succeeded, this part of the broken All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance, also flow in the Fang Fang Yuan’s hand.

“Fortunately, Old Ancestor Xuehu wants to refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu, so he asks for a healthy and healthy Ma Hongyun, so there is no movement on his soul.”

“Ma Hongyun was captured by Shadow Sect’s Qin Baisheng when he left the Royal Court Blessed Land. What he learned about the All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance, Shadow Sect should also be known.”

Fang Yuan analyzed that the most valuable part of this incomplete True Inheritance is Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu Formula !

Ma Hongyun just remembers this part.

This is the most essential part of All Living Thing Luck True Inheritance.

But it is not surprising to think about it.

It was because Ma Hongyun learned about the Immortal Gu Formula that Old Ancestor Xuehu was informed of the Immortal Gu Formula after purchasing him, which led to the idea of ​​Old Ancestor Xuehu produce refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu.

“Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu ……” Fang Yuan smiled.

According to the content of this Immortal Gu Formula, it cost him all the net worth, and he could not raise the 10% of Immortal Gu Formula.

Unless there is a living coffin like Ma Hongyun, it can save many precious refining gu materials, which will make Fang Yuan barely see a glimmer of hope.

Fang Yuan, what do you want to do, Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu.

This is the Rank 8 Immortal Gu!

What about the refining Rank 8 Immortal Gu? The end of Old Ancestor Xuehu is just around the corner.

The Northern Plains battle strength first Rank 8 Gu Immortal, the days must be very bad. Not only all in vain, refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu failed, but also lost Adverse Current River, Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, even beloved wife Madame Mo Shou were injured.

“I am now a big business, Paragon Immortal Aperture background is strong, comparable to the general Rank 8 Gu Immortal. But the immortal essence stones and Red Jujube Immortal Essence on hand are sparsely stocked. More importantly, there are few surplus resources. ”

This time, Fang Yuan chasing Ying Wuxie and the others, from Southern Border to Eastern Sea, to Northern Plains, immortal essence is very expensive. Not to mention Adverse Current River, comprehend Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. The Adverse Current Protection Seal is the most expensive immortal essence of all Immortal Realm Ultimate Moves.

“Paragon Immortal Aperture originally is productive, but because of the significant delays in delays, delaying the arrival of Disaster and Tribulation, the efficiency of resource output is greatly reduced.”

“Although it is still making profits, it is not very expensive. Especially for the feeding of Immortal Gu Formula, the feeding problems of Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu and Manner Immortal Gu are still unresolved and still need to continue to invest.”

Fang Yuan wants to solve the feeding problem, but also to reserve immortal essence, in case of any accident, which leads to his current situation is rather embarrassing.

Not long ago, because he violated regulation, he rescued Wu Yubo and was even fined an immortal essence stones, which was quite addictive.

“The time flow rate was delayed, causing the Time Dao resource in Immortal Aperture to be drastically reduced. As a result, we had to expand production and win by volume.”

“However, if you choose what kind of resources to expand the Large Scale, you need to think carefully. There are some resources, the market is saturated, the scale of production is expanded, and only the stone will be lifted.”

Fang Yuan was thinking about these problems, a Wu Yubo’s will, wrapped in one Immortal Gu, flew to his mountain residence.

“The grace of life, I can’t forget it. This Rank 6 Vajra Thought Immortal Gu is given to Wu Yihai, and it is a reward.” Wu Yubo’s will was sent to Fang Yuan one Immortal Gu.

Vajra Thought Immortal Gu !

Obviously, this is a Wisdom Dao Immortal Gu.

Worshipping Moon Bowl event, Fang Yuan also became a beneficiary, he actually got one Immortal Gu!

Although it is only Rank 6, Immortal Gu is the only one that is worth the price.

Remarks: Huh… Recently these days have finally perfected the outline, and tomorrow will start double! Please feel free to subscribe to the genuine, your every genuine support is a strong motivation for me to write down! Real people are thankful here! (~^~)

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