Southern Border, Wu Family.

In the great hall, there are not only Fang Yuan, Wu Yong, but also another Gu Immortal.

He is very tall, with a black and white coat, his beard is soft and he hangs down to his chest. a pair of eyes slender, the divine contains the divine light, and the whole body is surrounded by the slight water vapor.

Wu Family Gu Immortal Wu Yubo, arrogant, Rank 7 cultivation base, peak battle strength, is only slightly worse than Tree Weng Ba De.

“Gu Immortal is a challenge to Yu Bo, but actually Xia Family wants to plot Worshipping Moon Bowl. This place is rich in Moon Dao Gu insect, which is one of the most important production areas of my family, and it must not be lost.” Wu Yong started talking.

“With me out, Great Elder doesn’t have to worry. I can beat him for the third time by defeating the wilderness twice.” Wu Yubo said coldly.

The Worshipping Moon Bowl is not a big bowl, but a valley.

It’s just this valley, the shape is very strange, it is very similar to a giant bowl, which is also rich in Moon Dao Gu insect, so the world calls it Worshipping Moon Bowl.

In the Worshipping Moon Bowl, there is originally a village.

At the time of Wu Family’s expansion, in order to embezzle the Worshipping Moon Bowl, the village was wiped out. In the family of village, there is one Gu Immortal, known as Inflammation Desolate Immortal.

Wu Family dispatched Wu Yubo to defeat him. Inflammation Desolate Immortal was not as good as people, but he had to escape with tears and abandoned his former home.

Wu Family, as the Righteous Path, was the reason for the Worshipping Moon Bowl, but it could not directly kill the Inflammation Desolate Immortal.

This is the game regulation of Righteous Path.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal went with hate, in order to revenge, hatetaking cultivation ultimate move, the result was still in the hands of Wu Yubo for the second time.

Wu Family knew his whereabouts and knew that he must be incompatible with his family. He gathered Gu Immortal and secretly pursued Inflammation Desolate Immortal.

At the crucial moment, Inflammation Desolate Immortal was taken by unidentified forces to take action.

Wu Family was about to pursue it. At that time, Wu Duxiu fell and Wu Family made a mess. Wu Yong was in the upper position and the political situation was turbulent. I gave Inflammation Desolate Immortal a breather.

Results until now, a few days ago, Inflammation Desolate Immortal took the initiative to challenge the challenge, asked Worshipping Moon Bowl as a bargaining chip to challenge Wu Yubo. Whoever wins, who is Worshipping Moon Bowl.

Wu Family is the first super power of Southern Border.

But what worries Wu Yong is that this time Inflammation Desolate Immortal is not a former homeless man, but a super-power Xia Family.

As a result, before the help of Inflammation Desolate Immortal’s Mysterious Organization, it is clear that it must be Xia Family.

On the surface, this test is the Inflammation Desolate Immortal challenge Wu Yubo. But inside, it is significant, about the wrestling of two super forces.

The news has been circulated, immediately attracting the attention of Southern Border forces and Gu Immortal expert.

After Wu Duxiu’s death, Wu Family has the reputation of the first force, but the power is greatly reduced. Xia Family is undoubtedly the first person to challenge the authority of Wu Family. If this is the case, Wu Family’s defeat will surely allow its Yu Family to peek into the weakness of Wu Family. At that time, the hearts of the people will float, and the actions against Wu Family will surely follow.

This is where Wu Yong is worried.

The Inflammation Desolate Immortal challenge was the first time that Wu Yong had been in charge of authority.

“Yu Bo can’t care. You know that this is a very important thing for the family.” Wu Yong sighed. “The madness relies on Xia Family. With super-power funding, this time takes the initiative to challenge, and the newcomer is not good. “”

“Great Elder just listened to the news.” Wu Yubo still looked indifferent. He glanced at Fang Yuan and said again, “According to me, there is no need for others to watch this battle. The district is desolate, and it must be very easy.”

“It’s still a little safe. My brother is proficient in three kinds of changes, it is the Rank 7 expert. I have a keep watch, and I am relieved,” Wu Yong responded.

The Wu Family booth is too big, but the Wu Family Gu Immortal is distributed, but it is not enough.

Originally, Wu Yong planned to transfer Fang Yuan to the Super Gu Formation.

But now that this accident happened, Wu Yong dispatched Fang Yuan to keep watch for Wu Yubo. After all, this time, Inflammation Desolate Immortal is not alone, alongside Xia Family Gu Immortal Xia Qingcang.

Fang Yuan joined Wu Family, although the matter can be shirked, but if it is involved, it will not hurt, Fang Yuan will agree.

This is a bad thing. He only needs keep watch. After the event, the family will give him a credit.

Wu Yubo, though not convinced, but Wu Yong perseverance, he is not good to object.

The matter was settled, and a few days later, Wu Yubo and Fang Yuan came to the appointed place.

There, Xia Qingcang, Inflammation Desolate Immortal already waited a long time.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal is a middle-aged Gu Immortal, with a vicissitudes of life and a common look. After seeing Wu Yubo, the expression is changed immediately, and the eyes are wide, as if they were to be fired.

And that Xia Qingcang, but the state of out of the ordinary, the body is like a mountain like a tall and tall towering. His face is quaint Fang Zheng, and his hair is white. Especially the beard, the hard as a needle, the eyes are fascinating, it is unsightly.

“Wu Yubo, you ruin my village, kill my offspring, I will give you all the shame today!” Inflammation Desolate Immortal whispered.

Wu Yubo sneered: “The blood is squirting! The reason why I did this is to verify that there is a trail of Blood Dao, to help justice, to kill the people. You are not standing right, you are good, damn!!”

The two people re-remarked, and they started directly.

Fang Yuan and Xia Qingcang each stood on both sides of the battlefield and kept watch for their respective Gu Immortal.

Nothing to say, the real reason is well known, but Righteous Path does things, naturally put on a layer of good-looking skin.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal is actually a fire, earth multi-cultivation, a hand of flame, rising like a dragon, hot and swaying. One hand, Earth Dao, the rolling stone is turbulent and the momentum is strong.

Wu Yubo specializes in Water Dao, and the action room, like the leaves falling, the big cockroach flying with the air, has a beautiful beauty. The water around him was heavy, and the drizzle was like a cow. However, the flame and rolling stones of Inflammation Desolate Immortal can be disintegrated and disintegrated.

Obviously, Wu Yubo has the upper hand.

However, the battle has only just begun, the two sides are only the trial stage, Immortal Gu and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move are not used.

Fang Yuan is generally watching the battle, while investigating all around, focusing on the opposite of Xia Qingcang to prevent him from doing small moves.

Xia Qingcang is like a leisurely, from time to time looked towards Fang Yuan, sometimes seeing Fang Yuan also look towards him, he is active nodded smile.

This scene makes Fang Yuan produce a subtle feeling.

Xia Qingcang is Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. In the Southern Border, it is quite famous and is a heavyweight.

The battle continues.

Both sides have used Immortal Gu and Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal has been at a disadvantage and has been pressed by Wu Yubo, whose advantage has become increasingly apparent.

The winners and losers will be divided, and Fang Yuan will not dare to care. If he keeps his job and returns to his family, he will be punished.

“Inflammation, go to hell. You can die under my signature ultimate move, and it is your pleasure!” Wu Yubo killing intent is thick, a pair of slender eyelids deep, sparkling with chilling light.

He spurred Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, immediately raining, clouded, mournfully wails, and the three merged to form a spherical cage that enveloped Inflammation Desolate Immortal.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal is trapped in it, not allowed to come out, trapped in Danger Realm, shortly will fall.

Fang Yuan stared at Xia Qingcang and guarded him for his action.

But Xia Qingcang is smiling and watching, and there seems to be no idea to do it.

At this time, Inflammation Desolate Immortal suddenly laughed heartily, and there were countless Gu insects in the body, and the radiant glow escaped from his body.

All of a sudden, it will trap his spherical cage and completely resolve it.

“How come?!” Wu Yubo turn pale with fright, under the circumstance, the signature ultimate move was broken and immediately hit hard.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal The hot magma under the feet, intertwined, quickly formed a battlefield.

This is Immortal Dao Battlefield Ultimate Move.

Wu Yubo looked pale and bloodless and was trapped in the battlefield.

The situation reversed and Wu Yubo was in crisis.

The situation is abrupt, Fang Yuan is trying to take action, but Xia Qingcang is flying, and a warning is issued: “Wu Yihai, Hugh is shameful for Wu Family!”

Fang Yuan hehe smiled: “I Wu Family is shameful or not, is it in the mouth of your outsider?”

Tough barely fell, he changed to do Eight-Trigram Turtle, and slammed into the lava battlefield.

Xia Qingcang gave a tribute to Fang Yuan’s, and the action was not slow: “That’s the case, try my ultimate move Chaotic Mind!”

Wisdom Dao Immortal Rank ultimate move.

Xia Qingcang a take action, is his signature ultimate move, a powerful means!

In this case, Gu Immortal will immediately chaos Chaotic Mind, all kinds of thoughts come and go, greatly affecting the strength of the battle, and even if it is not good, he will fall into chaos, and he is not allowed to extricate himself.

Fang Yuan laughed, regardless of the fact, still slammed into the Battlefield Ultimate Move.

“Stupid!” Xia Qingcang cold summer.

a moment later, his Chaotic Mind hit Fang Yuan, but the result was his own distraction, and Fang Yuan was safe and sound.

Xia Qingcang’s sneer, solidified on the face.

“How come? This, this is…Eight-Trigram Turtle?” Xia Qingcang finally recognized the origins of Fang Yuan’s change and suddenly looked bitter.

The Eight-Trigram Turtle is the Wisdom Dao Far Ancient Desolate Beast, especially against Wisdom Dao Gu Immortal. His Wisdom Dao ultimate move, which was born out of the concept of calculation, was directly restrained by Eight-Trigram Turtle.

There was a loud bang.

Battlefield Ultimate Move was smashed by Fang Yuan, and Eight-Trigram Turtle entered it and immediately saved Wu Yubo, who was in danger.

Xia Qingcang is about to take action, but Fang Yuan has said: “This battle is my Wu Family defeat, the end of the battle, Worshipping Moon Bowl is here!”

With this sentence, Xia Qingcang suddenly stopped.

Inflammation Desolate Immortal also wants to take action and the result is actively blocked by Xia Qingcang.

The former had to hate, and the sights at his own enemies fled safely.

“Why should you let him go?” Inflammation Desolate Immortal roared.

Xia Qingcang coldly glanced at him: “We have won the Worshipping Moon Bowl and the purpose of this battle has been reached. You have to kill Wu Yubo, the time is not yet. Don’t forget, you are already my Xia Family’s surname, Reved Elder, everything. Give priority to the interests of my family!”

This time, Xia Family has been cheap, and if it is a strong force, it will definitely cause Wu Family’s trouble.

Xia Family didn’t want to be the target of Wu Family, and ended up in a disastrous defeat, letting the rest of the super forces enjoy their success.

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