The trade fair is going on.

As the tractor of this fair, Miao Mingshen was originally the tallest and brightest in the last stage.

However, because of the introduction of the new person Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan became the last one.

Leading Miao Mingshen to the second place, the stage trade.

This point is in Fang Yuan’s view, but I can see Miao Mingshen’s communicative wrist.

The trade fair is of course the most important place in front of Gu Immortal. Miao Mingshen took the initiative to be in the last place, showing all Gu Immortal.

But he did not arrange Fang Yuan in front of him.

This is because of regulation.

The newcomer must be the last one.

If you violate this regulation, it will be offensive. This transaction is hosted by Miao Mingshen, then next time?

The so-called communicative wrist, speaking, there is nothing, is to grasp the measurement of the relationship with people.

Miao Mingshen just took this measure and put it in place so that everyone who gets along with him can produce a good impression.

However, now Fang Yuan’s mind is not on Miao Mingshen himself, but on the eyes of Miao Mingshen on the palm of the hand, Immortal Gu

Rank 7, Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell 蛊!

Fang Yuan is so excited.


Because Fang Yuan’s means, it can’t be easily exposed. For example, Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation, such as Adverse Current Protection Seal. Once these means are used, unless Fang Yuan kills people in time, it will reveal more information, and even let Gu Immortals chase him more secrets, and finally let him have nowhere to go.

Speaking, it’s a bit embarras

Fang Yuan’s strength is constantly growing, but his troubles are getting bigger and bigger.

Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court, Longevity Heaven …… 瞧瞧 his opponents, enemies, which one is not a giant power?

Recently, this period of time, he also provoked Old Ancestor Xuehu. That is Northern Plains Rank 8 number one person !

Therefore, Fang Yuan’s pressure is also great, he has not grown to Rank 9.

Only cultivation to Rank 9, Fang Yuan can be declared in an imposing manner, the world is unstoppable.

Prior to Rank 9, even if Fang Yuan had a career with Rank 8, Heavenly Court, Longevity Heaven, etc., he had the ability to find Fang Yuan’s trouble.

So far, this is the Fang Yuan of the Rank 7 cultivation base. It also needs to be low-key, disguise the image, quickly cultivation, and continue to build up strength.

“I pretend to be Wu Yihai, there is also a weakness. Or, a flaw…”

Fang Yuan can’t take action in public when pretend to be Wu Yihai.

Because he is not really Wu Yihai!

Through Soul Search Wu Yihai, Fang Yuan knows that Wu Yihai has three Transformation Ultimate Moves. One is a coral form, one is a seagull change, and the third is a turtle.

In the past, when Boundary Wall played against, Wu Yihai changed into a turtle shape and defended.

Fang Yuan remembers clearly, it is Horned Divine Turtle. Far Ancient Desolate Beast, a hard shell, ranks among the top ten in the Eastern Sea’s Far Ancient Desolate Beast.

In fact, this is also evident from Wu Yihai’s Immortal Aperture Blessed Land.

Wu Yihai’s Immortal Aperture Blessed Land is a vast ocean. The most is the three types of life, the first is the coral, the Silent Coral group with the Far Ancient Desolate Plant. The second is the seagull, which has Desolate Beast White Faith Blue Feather Gull. The third is the tortoise, which has the Far Ancient Desolate Beast Horned Divine Turtle.

As a Transformation Dao’s Gu Immortal, you will often support some of your own life-related changes.

First, these lives can be considered resources and can be adapted to Transformation Dao’s cultivation. For example, Wu Yihai’s Horned Divine Turtle, he changed the cultivation, and what Immortal Gu is needed in the future, can completely slaughter these Horned Divine Turtle and refining it out.

Second, Transformation Dao Gu Immortal wants to improve the battle strength, and it is necessary to have a clear and in-depth understanding of the life he has changed. Keeping them in their own Immortal Aperture, you can always observe and simulate, and after the final change, the battle strength is enhanced.

As for Fang Yuan, this is exactly the case of each and every one.

Fang Yuan’s Transformation Dao Realm was quickly pulled up through dreams and transcends tribulation.

As soon as Realm improves, it affects all aspects of cultivation, including this.

Therefore, Fang Yuan has saved the boring and time-consuming observation and practice.

“If there is such an Immortal Gu, for me, the moment is useful.”

The more Fang Yuan is pondering, the more heart-felt.

This Eight-Trigram Turtle is a Wisdom Dao Far Ancient Desolate Beast with a capability that is inherently predictable. Many Gu Immortal want to capture this Far Ancient Desolate Beast, and it is very difficult to calculate its position by Wisdom Dao.

If Fang Yuan is changed to Eight-Trigram Turtle, it will be very helpful for you to travel.

To sum up, this Immortal Gu is two words practical for Fang Yuan.

If you add a few more words, it is too practical!

For others, the Rank 7 Eight-Trigram Turtle Immortal Gu may be just a chicken rib. After all, use it to protect your body and only protect your back. If it is an added advantage of fancy, it can prevent others from extrapolating, and it may not be effective, but it is not as good as other means.

So the scope of application is not wide. Besides, Gu Immortal, who has nothing to do to calculate you? You are everyone like Liu Guanyi!

Fang Yuan is not the same.

Fang Yuan tall trees attract the wind, notoriously proclaiming Five Regions, even the disguised identity, all the same.

Another point is that Fang Yuan can be transformed into a complete Eight-Trigram Turtle, a rely on Transformation Dao mark, and a Thus, which is Immortal Realm Ultimate Move. The power to guard against the calculations of others is naturally much stronger than the single Eight-Trigram Turtle Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan glanced around the group of people and asked him to be more reassured that it seems that these people are not very interested in this Immortal Gu.

The trading of Immortal Gu has always been changed.

This is because Immortal Gu is the only one, the value is difficult to determine. Immortal Gu For individuals, it is entirely up to the specific situation. With one Immortal Gu, some people would rather give up and feel that it is a drag. After all, feeding Immortal Gu is costly. Some people are trying their best to pursue, tossing and turning, and swearing not to give up. Once they succeed, they will be treasured.

“Immortal Gu.”

“I didn’t expect the first round, there was the Immortal Gu exchange.”

Gu Immortals was sighed and whispered, but he sat comfortably in his seat and did not move.

Miao Mingshen smiled.

In this case, he actually expected it.

The presence of Gu Immortals, the Transformation Dao genre is very small, it seems that only Chu Ying alone. But even if there is, Chu Ying may not like this Immortal Gu.

Transformation Dao Gu Immortal is often specialized in two or three changes, bite off more than one can chew. Unless you are one of the Transformation Dao’s essence Shape Transformation Immortal Gu, you can change the shape arbitrarily.

However, Miao Mingshen’s move has his own intentions.

This trade fair, after all is he led. In the first round, the Immortal Gu trade appeared. This news will be spread out, and it will add to the style of the trade fair. In the future, it will attract more Gu Immortal with more background strength.

“I would like to change this Immortal Gu.” Fang Yuan slowly got up from his seat.

For a time, All immortals were sideways, looking at Fang Yuan, revealing a slightly surprised expression.

Miao Mingshen glimpsed a little, and immediately reacted, his face was more smiling.

“I don’t know what Miao Mingshen Fellow Immortal wants to change?” Fang Yuan asked.

Miao Mingshen hehe smiled: “Chu Ying Fellow Immortal is the first time to attend the fair, and it is good for me. So… I don’t really need this Immortal Gu, I can change anything.”

This time it was the turn of Fang Yuan. He didn’t expect that the conditions given by Miao Mingshen were so loose.

Even so, the Immortal Gu trade has always been able to trade Immortal Gu for Immortal Gu, with other things, it is impossible.

Fang Yuan thought for a moment: “I have Strength of Flying Bear Immortal Gu…”

“Changed.” Fang Yuan has not finished talking, Miao Mingshen is unhesitatingly.

Fang Yuan involuntarily once again looked at Miao Mingshen, thinking that this person is no wonder at Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World, mixed to get rich. It is obviously a rogue cultivator, but there are several Gu Immortals around, and he is loyal to him!

However, there are some words, Fang Yuan must also make it clear.

There was a smile on his face: “Fellow Immortal’s heart, I feel it. But my words, I haven’t finished yet, my Strength of Flying Bear Immortal Gu, only Rank 6 that’s all.”

Miao Mingshen expression changed.

The group of immortals in the seat, their faces also sinking, some look at Fang Yuan’s eyes, with some gloomy.

Strength of Flying Bear is Strength Dao Immortal Gu. Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu, but belongs to Transformation Dao.

Strength Dao is small, and Transformation Dao is prosperous. Between the two, it is the Strength of Flying Bear, which is weaker than the Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu.

Now, the Strength of Flying Bear is just Rank 6.

How can Rank 6 Immortal Gu and Rank 7 Immortal Gu , mention on equal terms ?

The value is completely different.

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