Fang Yuan needs light.

The first is Aurora, who introduced a large number of Dazzling Light Gus to grow the aurora in the Immortal Aperture. The more intense the aurora, the more concentrated and concentrated. The attitude of Rank 8 Immortal Gu is to feed on it.

Illuminating Mushroom This kind of Desolate Plant, the light that can be provided, is not a multi-colored, colorful aurora.

However, this is not the final conclusion.

People are the most spiritual and know the most about Flexible Transformation. In this world, there are also methods for planting and grafting.

Wood Dao Gu Immortal is best at this.

Each genre has its own specialties, and Wood Dao Gu Immortal is often very good at running the Immortal Aperture.

Therefore, if Fang Yuan introduces Illuminating Mushroom, it may be modified by Wood Dao to form a new Illuminating Mushroom, and it is not possible.

In addition to Manner Immortal Gu, there is the Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu.

Feeding the ingredients of Intelligent Sword Immortal Gu is Gourgeous Overlord Flower.

To grow Gourgeous Overlord Flower for Large Scale, three conditions are required. One is light, the second is sweet, and the third is pearl soil.

The latter two can be easily reached, but the light is a bit harder.

Fang Yuan’s Immortal Aperture itself, Light Dao’s Dao Marks, although it has swallowed Light Dao Blessed Land some time ago, but there is still a certain gap from the Fang Yuan’s standard.

With Illuminating Mushroom, the Gourgeous Overlord Flower’s Large Scale implant problem can be solved.

However, there is also a bit of doubt in this regard.

That is the growth environment of Illuminating Mushroom, which is in the deep sea. If you change to another environment, can you stay alive?

“This should not be a problem. After all, Illuminating Mushroom is the Desolate Plant.”

“Aurora is no problem. Before I ransacked the Liu Family’s light pit, there are a lot of supplements. The distance standard, although a little worse, is similar.”

“But Gourgeous Overlord Flower is different, and there is still a big gap with the standard. After all, my Light Dao’s Dao Marks, not many, and not all Light Dao’s Dao Marks, are concentrated in the Gourgeous Overlord Flower. Other life needs light.”

“Oh, yes, I have the Transformation Dao mark, the key moment, you can convert it into Light Dao’s Dao Marks to complement it.”

Fang Yuan thought, Tong Hua continued started talking: “I would like to use this Desolate Plant Illuminating Mushroom in exchange for three Multi-Storied Water Elephant.”

One of these words came out, one of them, Gu Immortal, replied: “Multi-Storied Water Elephant… I have it in my hands. I don’t know how many Multi-Storied Water Elephants Tong Hua Fellow Immortal will exchange for?”

This Multi-Storied Water Elephant is the unique wild beast of the Eastern Sea. It is full of size and white leather. The water statue of a heavy building is shaped like a boat with a layer of blue jade bones on the back, forming a look like a building. Two Multi-Storied Water Elephant, which is bigger and has two layers of blue jade bones on the back.

And so on, the six Multi-Storied Water Elephant, with a wide back, is like a building, it is a Desolate Beast. Seven Multi-Storied Water Elephant, Far Ancient Desolate Beast. Eight Multi-Storied Water Elephant, the Immemorial Desolate Beast, is extremely rare. Nine Multi-Storied Water Elephant does not exist.

No matter whether it is a beast, a plant, or even a nonhuman, there has never been a presence of Rank 9. Except for Human Race, ten Rank 9 Gu Venerables have emerged one after another. It is unique among all things.

Tong Hua showed the scale of the Illuminating Mushroom in his hand and told Gu Immortal of the stage that he was willing to exchange for the three-headed Multi-Storied Water Elephant.

This price is not expensive, but it is very fair.

Then Gu Immortal frowned. “But in my hands, there is only one Multi-Storied Water Elephant nothing more. Illuminating Mushroom should be dismantled, Tong Hua Fellow Immortal can exchange?”

Tong Hua hesitated.

What the other party said is not necessarily true.

Thinking for a moment, Tong Hua nodded: “Then trade.”

So the first transaction was reached and the two sides handed over on the spot, very fast.

“I want some Illuminating Mushroom, but I don’t have Multi-Storied Water Elephant in my hands. I wonder if Fellow Immortal can accept immortal essence stones?” Fang Yuan asked.

Tong Hua shook his head, but did not completely reject Fang Yuan: “Multi-Storied Water Elephant does not, then forget it. However, my Illuminating Mushroom will be sold in Treasure Yellow Heaven in the future. This Fellow Immortal will buy it from time to time. Yes.”

In fact, the Eastern Sea is mostly Water Dao Gu Immortal.

And Illuminating Mushroom, very suitable for Eastern Sea Gu Immortal. Like Wu Yihai, his entire Immortal Aperture is a vast ocean.

Tong Hua just take this fresh stuff first, try the water and see if there are any opportunities to get more benefits.

As for the sale of immortal essence stones, Tong Hua still does not want to do it.

Because she doesn’t know much about the market.

This new thing, the first time it was put on the market, Tong Hua didn’t know how much it could be worth.

However, she has strong expectations for this.

Therefore refused Fang Yuan, without the slightest hesitation. In the case of Treasure Yellow Heaven, the Illuminating Mushroom is so popular, isn’t it the price she is selling now?

But if the price is high, the other party will definitely not trade. It is better to be directly Treasure Yellow Heaven.

Since Tong Hua does not sell, Fang Yuan is also very helpless.

But he can understand.

A brand new Desolate Plant that can be completely on the way to stir up prices.

This world Although the economy is not developed, Gu Immortals also has a savvy place to know how to raise prices.

Especially this Illuminating Mushroom, the world is currently in the hands of Tong Hua.

In the case of Fang Yuan’s, he will also take advantage of the initial yellow gold timing to open the price and make a fortune.

After all, Illuminating Mushroom, just the Rank 6 Desolate Plant, has flowed out more. After a long time, someone will look for it or study it and interrupt Tong Hua’s monopoly.

After all, the Eastern Sea is so big that Illuminating Mushroom will never grow in one place.

Gu Immortals can refer to the Illuminating Mushroom in his hand, and he can completely develop a means to explore it. Thus will lead to the discovery of Illuminating Mushroom.

Seeing that no one continues to trade with himself, Tong Hua takes the initiative to go on.

Immediately, there was a second place Gu Immortal who took over her position and stepped onto the high platform.

This is the regular regulation of the trade fair.

In each round, Gu Immortals will come to power in a certain order. Each time exchanged resources can only be of the same kind.

Thus, it seems more fair.

As for Fang Yuan, the newcomer who just joined in, also has the opportunity to participate in the transaction and take the initiative to trade, but he can only be ranked last.

“This is the core stone, Rank 7 immortal materials, I want to exchange for a thousand years of driftwood.” Gu Immortal, who came to the stage, said in a concise manner, and cleaned up his intentions in one sentence.

Bone barely fell, he first showed his own goods in public.

This medullary stone is dark and has no surface similar to the common seaside reef. But in fact, as long as it is close to its bone-bearing life, it will be absorbed into the stone.

Therefore, the suction stone is also called the magic stone.

This name of the magic stone comes from Merpeople.

Merpeople is one of nonhuman, the vast majority of Merpeople in the world, living in the Eastern Sea.

Merpeople lives in seabed, can breathe freely, and encounters the marrow stone, and has tasted the bitterness, so he is afraid, called the magic stone.

In the history of Eastern Sea’s, some Merpeople tribes also worship the magic stone as a god.

But for Gu Immortal, this jewel is just an immortal material.

The transaction was equally successful.

Although the Millennium driftwood is rare in the market, Gu Immortal, who participated in the fair, is deeply rooted, or else it will not gather in one place.

It is natural that Gu Immortal, who is able to get along with Miao Mingshen, is a group of people.

It can be said that this small trade fair is a rare expert gathering in Eastern Sea Gu Immortal World.

After the second place Gu Immortal stepped down, Tu Toutuo went to the high platform.

“I have a Far Ancient Desolate Beast, which can be used to order Rank 6 and its giants. If it is properly cultivated, it can also breed Enslave Dao Immortal Gu. Can you be interested?”

Enslave Dao’s Dao Marks, a mother-in-law, is very honest.

But Tu Toutuo’s deal ended in failure.

The fourth came to power: “I am looking for clues about Qi Sea. Who knows how to find Qi Sea and enter it? I am willing to open a high price to acquire relevant valuable information.”

Intelligence is also one of the contents of the transaction, but unfortunately, Gu Immortal is silent.

The deal also ended in failure.

Qi Sea is a very special, mysterious Sea Territory in the Eastern Sea.

Maybe Gu Immortals is not clear, maybe someone knows, but doesn’t want to trade.

Gu Immortals, in turn, took turns.

The first round is coming to an end.

Fang Yuan is the last one.

Miao Mingshen is in the second place.

He went to the stage: “I have an Eight-Trigram Turtle Shell Immortal Gu of Rank 7. Who wants to make this deal?”

Fang Yuan hearing that, my eyes are bright!

Remarks: Today’s state is extremely poor, still one more, tomorrow two more. (~^~)

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