“I finally penetrated the Boundary Wall.” Ying Wuxie spits out one mouthful of impure air, looking at the ocean, looking very tired.

Hei Loulan and Bai Ningbing around him are not much better.

From Northern Plains, Shadow Sect group of people to the Eastern Sea. They are not Paragon Immortal Body, and every time they cross the Boundary Wall, it is a tough test.

Fortunately, they are all good, but the expert elite in Gu Immortal. Even though Immortal Aperture suffered a lot of damage, there was no downsizing.

They did not leave in a hurry.

After entering the Eastern Sea, they chose a sea island at will.

On this nameless little sea island, Ying Wuxie directed Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan and began to decorate a Refining Dao gu formation.

The gu formation was successfully arranged, and Ying Wuxie went to the center of the gu formation, took out the purple stone block in his arms and began to process the immortal materials.

As for Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan, they are located outside the gu formation and are stationed separately to guard against accidents.

Soon after, the purple stone blocks melted again, and the Littleman Gu Immortal Purple Mountain True Monarch awake.

He is Rank 8 Gu Immortal, general speaking, across the Five Regions, going to Black Heaven White Heaven | daytime. But Black Heaven and White Heaven above Northern Plains have been influenced by the Fortune Suppression Heavenly Palace, which is controlled by Longevity Heaven.

Shadow Sect group of people, naturally can’t walk right into a trap. The end of Central Continent Gu Immortal is right in front of them.

The Shadow Sect background is strong, and the Purple Mountain True Monarch is in a deep sleep, with a thin purple gold stone shell on the surface.

He has no breath, and his vitality converges to the extreme, no different from the dead.

Thanks to these wonderful methods, Purple Mountain True Monarch was led by Ying Wuxie and successfully penetrated the Boundary Wall and the arrived Eastern Sea.

The thin layer of Zijin stone shell makes it easy to refine Ying Wuxie, which has mastered the special technique, much easier than when Madame Mo Shou handled the Zijin stone.

“Eastern Sea ……” Purple Mountain True Monarch wakes up and looks at the vast expanse of the island.

Under his leadership, the Shadow Sect group of people first removed the gu formation and erased all traces.

Then four Gu Immortals, just spurred Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions.

After a while, they rushed to the turbulent Sea Territory.

Purple Mountain True Monarch is headed, and wherever it goes, no current can be a hindrance.

Soon, the Shadow Sect group of people was brought to the heart of the Sea Territory.

“Well? What about the tributaries of this film?” The search failed, and Ying Wuxie felt quite strange.

“could it be that, the Time River Branch, has gone to another place, not in the middle, but in the middle of the Adverse Current River, or the periphery?” Hei Loulan guessed.

Continue to investigate, and soon, Purple Mountain True Monarch found some key clues.

“The tributary of the time has been taken away by others.” He sank.

“How can it like this? Who did it? Don’t tell me is Fang Yuan?” Ying Wuxie first thought of Fang Yuan.

But Purple Mountain True Monarch shook his head: “This technique should not be him. It is another person, fine. Since this tributary cannot be borrowed, we will go to the next place, where there is also a Time River Branch.”

Shadow Sect, a group of four, quickly left the turbulent Sea Territory.

On the other side of Eastern Sea’s.

It is a clear sky and a clear sky.

On the sea, a life and death pursuit is taking place.

“Let’s go, I am in his thunder pin, I am always touched by him, I can’t go. I can’t hurt you.” Hua Die female immortal lies in the arms of a male Gu Immortal, very weak and authentic.

She is dressed in a palace dress, her clothes are fluttering, and she is greasy. A pair of beautiful eyes, now with a weak look. The corner of the mouth continued to bleed and the injury was very heavy.

Especially on the surface of her skin, occasionally it also illuminates some small and sharp lightning, which is the sign of the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

“No.” Male Gu Immortal didn’t even think about it, unhesitatingly refused.

He wore a bee waist, a battle armor, although it is also riddled with scars, but still can not cover the fine color.

“How can I leave you alone? If I escape, how can I explain to Miao Mingshen afterwards?” Although he said so in his mouth, he looked at the depths of Hua Die female immortal, but it was hidden and affectionate.

He is Bee General.

Bee General, Hua Die female immortal, Seventh Master Gui, these three Gu Immortals are the Eastern Sea Space Dao expert Miao Mingshen.

Miao Mingshen hopes to find the tributary of the turbulent Sea Territory, so the three Gu Immortals will take turns guarding the Sea Territory every once in a while. Gu Immortal, who meets each other to the turbulent Sea Territory exploration, will talk to them and hope they take action to help find them.

“Then you will do the same for the dead!” There is only one pursuer behind him, but it is the Rank 7 cultivation base.

His surname is Ge Mingwen, blue robe is added, and the skin is dry and hard, like a bark. The eyes are red, the teeth are sharp, and the look is awkward.

This person is not a small person, and has a reputation in the Eastern Sea.

He was the Thunder Dao Grandmaster, but when he played an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, he failed the backlash, which led him to turn into the Immortal Zombie.

Even so, his battle strength is outstanding, with two Immortal Gus, and the Hua Xing female immortal and Bee General of the Rank 6 cultivation base are fleeing around.

“Distribute the annual rings, you two courage is not small, actually dare to grab my immortal materials. If you obediently handed over, you may still be able to give you two a whole body!” We Gen jié jié laugh, fierce Hey, the more you chase.

Hua Die female immortal: “This year is the first thing we discovered. How is your thing?”

“I have been waiting here for most of the month, and I haven’t paid attention to it. I was slammed by you!” We Gen roared.

Hua Die female immortal anger: “This year, Miao Mingshen discovered that three years ago, the gu formation was arranged around. Every few months, I came to the gu formation and cared for it. You If you believe in the mouth, you can’t change the fact.”

Hua Die female immortal broke the facts, We Gen no longer refutes, and his face is gloomy: “hmph, skunk fangs sharp mouth, after catching up with you, I will kill you first!”

“Demonic Path thief, hurry!”

Just then, a loud voice suddenly rang in the ears of three immortals.

“Who?” We Gen’s face changed slightly and immediately broke.

He was barely fell, and the sea suddenly bulged, like a small hill.

Immediately, the “mountain” was smashed by the ferocious beast inside, and the hu hu wind rang and the water splashed.

A huge Blue Scale Sea Dragon appeared in the eyes of three immortals, and the Sea Dragon spit out: “The devil, accept your coming fate !”

Three immortals See you, where you don’t understand, this Blue Scale Sea Dragon is a change from one Gu Immortal.

Hua Die female immortal and Bee General were surprised and happy.

We Gen is angry and angry: “Tell you to do nothing! Eat me an ultimate move.”

Speaking, he took a deep breath and then slammed his right hand.

The natural spit is not saliva, but a group of egg-sized lightning ray.

Lightning ray attached to We Gen’s right hand palm, a bang, a lightning ray giant pillar, spewing out from his right hand.

Blue Scale Sea Dragon does not dodge or evade, seeing the lightning ray giant pillar, it is suddenly open mouth.

Dragon Breath spits!

We Gen saw this scene, can’t help but laughed in the belly: “My trick is to continue the tea, Dragon Breath is a mouthful, how to resist?”

But the Dragon Breath of the Blue Scale Sea Dragon continues!

Dragon Breath is like a water column, directly colliding with the lightning ray giant pillar, and then the powerful and powerful Dragon Breath, destroying the lightning ray giant pillar all the way.

A few breaths of effort went to the eyes of We Gen.

“How is it possible? What is this Dragon Breath?!” We Gen’s face has an incredible expression.

He quickly evaded and avoided.

Blue Scale Sea Dragon slightly turned Dragon Head, Dragon Breath like a column, swept again.

We Gen brows tightly knit , angrily snorted : “I am lucky, I will bypass you this time!”

Subsequently, he directly evacuated and turned into a lightning bolt, which was extremely fast.

The Blue Scale Sea Dragon is also not pursued, and the look at We Gen is far away.

“He is going to go back to gu formation, there are still a lot of annual rings left behind.” Hua Die female immortal In a word, broke the mind of We Gen.

Bee General puts down Hua Die female immortal and slams the Blue Scale Sea Dragon: “Fellow Immortal, take action to defeat the enemy, save the life, don’t forget. Ask Fellow Immortal to name it!”

The Blue Scale Sea Dragon suddenly changed, and appeared in a face-like common Gu Immortal with a smile on his mouth: “Under Chu Ying. Fairy Hua Die, I trust you have been good since we last met?”

Hua Die female immortal suddenly surprised: “I didn’t expect Chu Ying Fellow Immortal!”

Seeing that Bee General turned to look at himself, Hua Die female immortal explained: “It was the blessing of Chu Ying Fellow Immortal that we were able to discover the Time River Branch in the turbulent Sea Territory. Miao Mingshen could The tributary of the time is in the bag.”

Ps: Three days after today and tomorrow are one more, I have to sort out the outline.

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