If the Adverse Current River is left outside, if you stay in the Immortal Aperture for a long time, it will consume a lot of Heaven Qi and Earth Qi. Once Heaven Qi and Earth Qi is lacking, Immortal Aperture will be unstable.

Therefore, Fang Yuan is often located in the Immortal Aperture, swallowing the outside Heaven Qi and Earth Qi and replenishing himself.

After a while, Fang Yuan closed the Immortal Aperture Portal.

Coming to the Adverse Current River, he also carried an Immortal Zombie in his hand.

It was his original flesh.

He threw the Immortal Zombie body directly into the Adverse Current River.

Immortal Zombie’s body immediately went down.

Rely on perseverance Immortal Gu, as well as Adverse Current River, Fang Yuan constantly experimenting, all kinds of imaginable means, taking turns to play.

But it didn’t work.

“Sure enough.”

“Soul Dao’s Dao Marks on Immortal Zombie can’t be destroyed or suppressed with Adverse Current River. After all, it’s just Soul Dao’s Dao Marks, not Immortal Gu.”

“Rank 1 to Rank 8’s Immortal Gu is not available in Adverse Current River. But Dao Marks works. Just like before, when I didn’t conquer Adverse Current River, Dao Marks on Gu Immortal could still be Gu. Immortal is escorting. Rank 8 Gu Immortal is still a strongest in the river.”

Fang Yuan constantly analyzes and finds the cause of failure.

He wanted to use the Adverse Current River to solve the Soul Dao trap on the Immortal Zombie meat, which is impossible.

Fang Yuan is not discouraged. In fact, he had speculation before the test.

He put the body Immortal Zombie back on the Tianfeng Mountain and used the gu formation there to re-seal.

Then he started refining gu.

A murdered konjac’s body was placed in front of his eyes.

Fang Yuan refers to a knife, a wave of light, a golden glow in the air.

The golden glow disappeared into the body of the nightmare konjac. The right front leg of the nightmare konjac was suddenly cut.

No blood.

After the death of these nightmare konjac, Fang Yuan was called the Earth Spirit in Immortal Aperture, and the immortal materials were initially processed. The blood of the nightmare konjac has been pumped out and merged in one place.

Fang Yuan gently lifted the right front leg of the nightmare konjac out of the horse.

Then he spits the flame and begins to process the right front leg.

After three days, the right front leg was finally melted into a purple black liquid.

Fang Yuan continuously invested in many Gu insects and performed refining gu.

A dozen steps, only a quarter of an hour.

The purple-black liquid suddenly appeared, and hundreds of Dream Dao mortal gus flew in the air.

However, Fang Yuan had a thought and they were obediently attached to Fang Yuan’s.

Hundreds of Dream Dao mortal gu!

This is just a dreaming konjac right front leg nothing more.

The time spent processing this immortal materials is the most expensive. This step cost Fang Yuan three days. The rest of the steps add up, but 1~2 clocks.

This efficiency is obviously very high, in stark contrast to Fang Yuan’s refining gu in the dream.

Fang Yuan In the dream, first collect the Dream Dao coffin, and then refining gu. Dreaming is risky, and sometimes Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation is used to break the dream. Refining Dream Dao mortal gu, but Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the cost is quite high.

But now, Fang Yuan has this group of nightmare konjac, refining Dream Dao mortal gu, this is not the same.

“It’s like before, I used the dream dream fruit to refine the Dream Dao mortal gu, and the efficiency is very high.”

“Actually, my refining gu method can be improved. For example, before the cutting method, the Metal Dao method is used. It is not a good match, and some Dream Dao’s Dao Marks will be lost. Processing immortal materials can also test other methods. Is there more efficient?”

During the refining gu, Sixth Hair sent the message again.

Rely on Langya Blessed Land, Sixth Hair has become a middleman between Fang Yuan and Purple Mountain True Monarch.

In the letter, Purple Mountain True Monarch did not let go, and told Fang Yuan bluntly: If you want to really control Manner Gu, you have to work together first. As long as the two sides cooperate, Manner Gu will definitely be sent first. This time, Shadow Sect’s side also mentioned the drawbacks of Paragon Immortal Aperture’s, but as for the specifics, it is not stated.

“Rank 8 Gu Immortal, it really is not good.”

“Drawings? Is this Shadow Sect alarmist, or is it true?”

This letter has had no small impact on Fang Yuan.

But soon, his state of mind was calmed down.

Winds and waves He saw more, this calculation and threat, what is it?

“It seems that I have to work hard.”

Fang Yuan went back to a letter, bargaining, and continued to work with Shadow Sect.

However, he has realized that Shadow Sect will never give Manner Gu directly to him before he cooperates.

Fang Yuan began designing the new Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

He intends to use this Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to refine Manner Gu.

He quickly came across the storm, the fundamental reason is that although there are many Immortal Gu in his hands, it is not suitable in this regard.

It’s not like deriving the Adverse Current Protection Seal.

In Fang Yuan’s hand has Pulling Water Immortal Gu and perseverance Immortal Gu, which is just the right one to use as the core of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Now, Fang Yuan has only other Immortal Gu, and does not specifically refine Manner Gu’s Immortal Gu. He has to play the ball and use the massive mortal gu for support.

“If you can have a chance to change,”

This thought, rising up in the mind of Fang Yuan, was out of control.

Exchange Immortal Gu!

Fang Yuan is now in the hands of Immortal Gu, an amazing number.

But in fact, there is a part of Immortal Gu, which is not suitable for Fang Yuan, or that in a short period of time, there is not too much use value.

Huijian, Years Flow Like Water, although not used for a while, but up to Rank 8, Fang Yuan will never be replaced.

There are not many Sword Dao’s Dao Marks on Fang Yuan. Sword Dao Realm is also very common, but Sword Dao Immortal Gu, such as Sword Eyebrow, Wave Sword, Sword Escape, etc., is part of the cornerstone that supports his battle strength and is temporarily unshakable.

Clearing up, the soul change Immortal Gu may be replaced.

Lady’s Heart Immortal Gu is part of Poison Dao and is used sparingly.

Strength of Flying Bear Immortal Gu, although it is Strength Dao, but Fang Yuan changes Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, this Immortal Gu is not suitable.

There is also Piercing Bone Immortal Gu, which is completely unreachable for Fang Yuan’s existing system.

Dao Suits Dao Immortal Gu can detect Dao Marks and it works wonderfully, but for Fang Yuan, it is not very useful. This Immortal Gu is for review.

To sum up, Lady’s Heart, Strength of Flying Bear, and Piercing Bone are three Immortal Gus. For Fang Yuan, the use is too small. If it can be replaced with other suitable for Fang Yuan’s, then you can’t be better.

But to change, this opportunity is said to say than done?

The Five Regions chaotic war period is very popular. Nowadays, this kind of high-end Gu Immortal trade fair is hard to come by.

In this way, Fang Yuan stopped and went.

It is not that he does not want to move forward, it is really difficult.

Along the way, after dropping Immortal Aperture, he was not refining Dream Dao mortal gu, or the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, in an attempt to truly use Manner Gu for his own use.

This time, Fang Yuan just put away Immortal Aperture, ready to depart again, suddenly expression slightly changed, and noticed the traces of Gu Immortal battle around.

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