The * of this chapter, I have modified it many times, and I have to cut down many of the contributions, and I almost rewritten it.

As a result, I finally wrote some feelings in my heart.

There is no doubt that the central idea of ​​this plot is perseverance.

“Human Ancestor Biography” continues to work as a point.

In the past few days, the book was limited, and readers who subscribed to genuine readers may be browsing the starting book review area, and saw some other new readers’ poor comments on the book.

In fact, these are already good.

Defamation, jealousy, family curse, time after time report. I started writing this book from 4~5 years ago, and there are so many things that I have experienced.

There is such a point of view, the author of such a leading role, must be a metamorphosis.

This view is too funny and somewhat sad.

According to this logic, the author of the Xiaobai text is the nature of Xiaobai? The author of the dark text is dark in nature? Mr. Li Zongwu who wrote thick black pass is thick black? Then I wrote a lot of Ma Wen before, am I a stallion?

Many people don’t understand Fang Yuan, just as they don’t understand the original intention of my book.

Fang Yuan has never let his dreams shrink. I have never forgotten the original intention of creating this book, that is to write a villain.

I know that most people are used to being decent, because it is easy to do, and there is no moral repression. However, real life is never so easy, but mostly ice-cold and cruel. So I recommend many readers and friends, before the book, carefully examine the preface of the book.

I am going to write a villain, write a villain, and I can’t write cruel and ice-cold.

Many readers don’t like Ma Hongyun and Zhao Lianyun.

I understand you, really!

But for me, I love the leading role Fang Yuan, and I also love those supporting roles, such as Bai Ningbing, Ma Hongyun, Hei Loulan, Ying Wuxie and so on.

Because in their bodies, they have their own will, personal excitement, each person’s different opportunities, different ideas.

They are alive, insinuating some of the people in our real life, some aspects.

There are always people who need to work hard. There are always people who are good at Luck Qi. They can reap without sowing. There are always people who can start high-fidelity. There are always people who are high in value…

The society is like this. The novel I wrote creates a World, and it should be like this, including these things.

And I personally tend to personal efforts and the realization of personal self-worth.

Therefore, the leading role is Fang Yuan.

I know that most readers and friends also tend to personal efforts and self-realization, so I love the role of Fang Yuan.

The death of Ma Hongyun seems to be a bit funny, but I think it is a necessity.

Tonight, Weixin Public is doing a special topic with Ma Hongyun to interpret and analyze this character.

I think that each of us lives on this world and we should have an inclusive heart. We love the role of Fang Yuan, so let’s take a look at the highlights of other characters. It’s like in real life, there are always people around us who are more annoying. But if we change the angle, we might find the flash of these people.

Blessed are those who have such vision.

Because his (her) heart will be open, it will not easily make you unhappy because of the outside.

People can live a happy life, is a very beautiful thing isn’t that so?

More importantly, these people are open-minded and will not hinder their own perceptions because of their prejudice.

If you look at it, you will find something interesting in your life. As for the book reviews of the previous few days, they can stand on a height to overlook them.

thanks for your support.

Fang Yuan has been in perseverance.

The author I have also been in perseverance, never give up!

Thank you again for your continued support. Please subscribe to the genuine, so support is never too much. Thank you all!

Please pay attention to my WeChat public account “” and “author”, today is Ma Hongyun this controversial analysis of people, I hope that everyone can express their views.

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