“If you think that if we fight and look for opportunities, then you will dismiss this idea early. My Xuehu goal today is only one of you. Do you know how much I paid for refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Gu? The price? You are my cultivation major event, the most hateful person in my life. I don’t kill you, it’s hard to kill my heart!” Old Ancestor Xuehu looked at Fang Yuan sinisterly, and it’s like a The cold water of the cold ice is poured into the heart of Fang Yuan’s.

But Fang Yuan is still expressionless.

He is like a stone, a deaf person made of iron, and any words, whether threatening or tempting, have no effect.

As time passed, Fang Yuan continued to move forward.

Unknowingly, the screams of Dog-tailed Eternal life Mink Mao Li Qiu were weak.

This huge purple cicada, the look on his face has changed.

It used a very weird, incredible tone, looking at Fang Yuan whispered started talking: “No…”

“Nothing?” Profound Extremity Lord was surprised.

At this moment, the faces of Old Ancestor Xuehu, Bi Chentian, and Wei Lingyang also changed slightly.

They also sensed something.

Soon, the other Gu Immortal on the scene were also moving, and they exclaimed.


“This is the atmosphere of Gu insect? But it’s plausible!”

“What Gu insect? Impossible, don’t tell me, he also has Rank 9 Immortal Gu?”

“It’s not right. This is not the breath of Immortal Gu, or it’s incomplete, it’s weird!”

Suddenly, Yuyi Yezi’s eyes brightened, he correctedly guessed the truth and blurted out: “This situation, he is refining gu!”

Immediately Gu Immortal sneered: “How is it possible? Refining gu in Adverse Current River?”


Gu insect cannot be used in Adverse Current River unless it is Rank 9 Immortal Gu.

Fang Yuan, although Wisdom Gu, stayed in Langya Blessed Land, he couldn’t use any Gu insect at all, let alone refining gu.

Fang Yuan is also sensed within the body of the mysterious change.

He is expressionless, but his heart is shaking: “It seems… really in refining gu?what’s going on? With my time going forward, the atmosphere of within the body will grow a bit. What happened?”

Although Fang Yuan did not understand the specific reason, he understood that this seems to be his turn!

The situation is already terrible. Anyway, Fang Yuan is willing to continue to try.

He continued to move forward.

Step by step.

His pace is very stable, expressionless, but gives a rather powerful feeling.

“Why is he expressionless?” I don’t know which Gu Immortals suddenly asked.

This is the reaction of the group.


Except for Fang Yuan, other people who are trekking are not distorted, but are extremely painful, not crazy, or crying.

Why is Fang Yuan, he always expressionless?

The group is silent.

They all know that the person who asks this question actually wants to ask another question.

That is

“Why is this Liu Guanyi, can he perseverance for so long? And, he seems to be able to perseverance longer, and even perseverance forever!”

How can this be?

Everyone was eliminated and was washed out by Adverse Current River.

How did he stay here and still have a spare time?

Why is he?

Why is he!

No one can answer this question, so Gu Immortals is silent.

After a while, as Fang Yuan continued to move forward, his breath of in the body Gu insect continued to grow, and it has reached an extreme.

Soon, Fang Yuan’s body, from the inside out, began to emit a white radiance.

“Actually… it really developed like this!” Mao Li Qiu saw this scene, his eyes were rounded, his mouth was open, and he couldn’t believe the sight.

“Mao Daddy, what’s going on?” Profound Extremity Lord couldn’t help but ask.

“oh! Now, even if I say it, it doesn’t matter.” Mao Li Qiu gave a deep sigh and a deep frustration on his face.

“His within the body is brewing one Immortal Gu. The name of this Immortal Gu is called perseverance!” Mao Li Qiu said something startling.

“perseverance Immortal Gu ?!” Profound Extremity Lord was shocked.

Other Gu Immortal is not much better.

“In Human Ancestor Biography, there is a saying that perseverance Immortal Gu is the key Immortal Gu that can conquer the Adverse Current River? Does it not exist?” Yuyi Yezi asked.

“No, it exists.” Bi Chentian said. He is Heavenly Court Gu Immortal and knows countless secrets.

“And once someone was in charge of it, that person is the owner of Heavenly Court, Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable!” Wei Lingyang added.

“What?!” everyone was surprised.

“It’s just the perseverance Immortal Gu’s refining method, we never expected it to be like this. Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable has not revealed it.” Bi Chentian shook his head and sighed.

“Of course he doesn’t want to reveal it. Because this is a scandal in his life, hey hey.” Mao Li Qiu interjected, anything that hits the reputation of Heavenly Court, it is quite interesting.

This statement immediately exchanged Shi Zhenyi’s shouting: “The nonsense, the name of Immortal Venerable, you are smashed?!”

Can face and the Legendary Immemorial Desolate Beast, Shi Zhenyi courage, Central Continent Many Gu Immortal can’t help but squeezed a sweat for him.

Mao Li Qiu is not angry: “Little doll, what do you know? Immortal Venerable Demon Venerable, cultivation base is high, but it is all human. There are people who have feelings, there are flaws, there are weaknesses.”

“Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable broke into the Adverse Current River and was trapped in the river and couldn’t get out. The result was long-term trekking, leading to the body to refine the perseverance Immortal Gu. Since then, he has conquered the Adverse Current River. Became the first generation master of Adverse Current River in history.”

“Adverse Current River’s first generation master?” Even Old Ancestor Xuehu showed a surprising expression. This Adverse Current River has been in his hands for a while, and I didn’t expect this secret.

“So what you said…” All of a sudden, the eyes of the group are shifted to Fang Yuan’s body.

Mao Li Qiu sighed and looked at Fang Yuan, who was bathed in white light. Reluctantly said: “Nothing wrong. According to this situation, he will become a perseverance Immortal Gu and become the second of the Adverse Current River. Generation master!”

The aunts are aphasia, and they look at step at Fang Yuan.

He expressless, no matter how many steps, Adverse Current River will always flow under his feet, as if it is the ridicule of the great fate.

But he is still walking.

He has come from the previous life for five hundred years, I don’t know when to go.

But he knows where he is going.

It seems… no one can stop him.

At least… In today’s countercurrent, there is no one to stop.

Previous life five hundred years ago.

Fang Yuan leaned on the bamboo floor, looked at the village, and looked up at the Silvergrass Mountain behind him.

Hands clenched fists, tender little face, full of hope.

“It’s time to give up.”

“Come here, this is my Good Fortune! Because here, you can achieve Long Life.”

“I want to grasp such a rare opportunity! Otherwise, how can I be worthy of myself and worthy of this opportunity?”

“Of course, at this stage, it is to improve the living environment of me and the younger brother. Hey, that little guy…”

After the opening.

On the Performance Martial Stage, Fang Yuan hangs his head and looks surprised and angry.

“It was concealed!”

“Who is the one who counts me? I don’t want to let me beat my opponent? The answer is self-evident!”

“big brother, give up, you won’t be my opponent. Because of the different talents, we are destined to be different.” The ancient Moon’s Fang Zheng in front of him said with pleasure.

Fang Yuan turned his head and left, his eyes were all firm.

“Since the village does not cultivate me, my aunt and my aunt even deliberately crowded me. What do I mean by staying here?”

“don’t tell me can be stronger here, realize Long Life?”

“Is it better to go out?”

In the caravan.

The bearded Gu Master is dead and Fang Yuan is standing in front of his tomb.

The boy is full of tears, sobbing-ly said: “Beard uncle, you rest in peace.”

“Thank you for the gift before leaving.”

“You said: When you were young, you wanted to be a top-notch character, like the Legendary characters of Righteous Path. When you were a teenager, you felt that being a Patriarch was also right. When you were a teenager, it would feel great to be a Family Elder. After middle age. After being exiled by the family, I found that I can actually raise myself and raise my Gu insect to satisfy myself.”

“I don’t like this, let the dream shrink with age.”

“This world is too big, and we are all unimportant person…but I will keep it up! I will work hard!”


Childhood, teenager, youth.

Silvergrass Mountain, caravan, walking all the way.

In the prime of life and old age, Longevity Gu is finally acquired.

Southern Border, Western Desert, Eastern Sea, Central Continent.

Spring and Autumn Cicada Reborn, Silvergrass Mountain, Three Kings Mountain, Fox Immortal Blessed Land, Royal Court Blessed Land, Righteous Heavenly Mountain, Adverse Current River!

Step by step, all the way wind and rain.

Bi Chentian frowned. He stared at Fang Yuan’s silhouette and whispered in his heart: “What kind of will is this! Why is he perseverance? What makes him so perseverance?”

Old Ancestor Xuehu coldly snorted, the eyes flashed in the solemn color, no longer facing the scorn of the general Rank 7 Gu Immortal: “So, there are Origin Lotus in 300,000 years ago, Liu Guanyi in 300,000… Adverse Current River Lord “”

Mao Li Qiu looked at the glory of Fang Yuan, and he couldn’t help but lick his teeth and claws subconsciously scratching the ground and scratching the deep marks.

Bai Ningbing and Hei Loulan all have wild eyes and look.

Zhao Lianyun woke up at this moment, she looked at Fang Yuan’s other arm, Ma Hongyun’s body, her tears burst out.

She cried in her heart: “Fortune, good luck, how can you leave me. Without you, I am alone in this world. What do you mean by living? Do you know? How many perseverance is there? difficult!”

How hard is it to be a person’s perseverance?

All of the present Gu Immortal can answer this question.

Because among them, some are perseverance because of responsibility, some are perseverance because of hatred, some are because of wonderful and perseverance, some are because of Passion and perseverance…

What did Fang Yuan’s answer?

He is still expressionless and moves forward without any movement.

I used to scream, and gradually I don’t make a sound.

I used to cry, and gradually I no longer shed tears.

I used to be sad, and gradually I can bear everything.

I used to be happy, and gradually I looked down on the world.

And now!

I only have expressionless, my eyes are as hard as a rock, and my heart has perseverance.

This is me, a unimportant person, Fang Yuan’s perseverance!

Rays of light, can not be overlooked.

Perseverance Immortal Gu, at this moment, refining! ! !

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