The waiting time is often long and difficult.

Shi Zhenyi paced in the great hall, he was restless and simply stood up and walked around.

Yuyi Yezi sat on the floor and opened her eyes, discontentedly said: “You can’t take a break, don’t walk around.”

Shi Zhenyi yelled: “I have already rested, oh, when will this wait?”

“Wait until Central Continent Gu Immortal comes over.” Bu Zhen Zi spoke.

“If it doesn’t come, will we wait?” Zhao Lianyun frowned, and she was a little impatient.

When fighting with Fa Ji, the five cents were all invested, and there was no feeling. Now I am waiting here, and every minute and second is a torment.

Zhao Lianyun’s situation is even more serious. It seems that there is a fire that is burning her heart.

Bu Zhen Zi frowned, just about to talk.

But at this time, Zhao Lianyun said with sound transmission: “You must have some thoughts in your heart. The last scene in Uncontained Road, you have not only seen it, but also experienced it personally. You said… the rest of Gu Immortal will fold Lost inside?”

“How is it possible?!” Shi Zhenyi first vetoed, and he changed his face. Look at Zhao Lianyun’s eyes, there are some elegant intents.

Because of his father Shi Ge, it is among these Gu Immortal. Zhao Lianyun This statement, as if cursing his father death.

Zhao Lianyun Regardless of Shi Zhenyi’s attitude, continue to say with sound transmission: “Everyone knows that we are here because of the power of Passion Gu. But the rest of Gu Immortal, they have no such care. At that time, Even Immortal Gu Home will collapse, let alone Gu Immortal personally? If there is no reinforcement at all, what are we waiting for?”

The rest of Gu Immortal heard the words, can’t help but all face changes. In fact, they all have such concerns in their hearts, but they did not take the initiative to say nothing more.

Now Zhao Lianyun took the initiative to uncover this curtain. Bu Zhen Zi thought about it, said solemnly: “The situation you guessed is not impossible. But even if there is no reinforcement, Central Continent’s 10 Great Ancient Sects will send another second batch of Gu Immortal. arrival.”

Zhao Lianyun said: “Can the second batch of reinforcements come here? Before the hardships and obstacles on the road, everyone has experienced it. Can Uncontained Road be used for the second time? Even if it can be used, we can rest assured. Use it for the second time?”

Bu Zhen Zi clung to Zhao Lianyun’s eyes, seriously said: “You have to believe sect, Zhao Lianyun, you are the contemporary fairy of Spiritual Fate House, sect is your cornerstone. If you don’t even believe in sect, you can Who do you believe?”

Zhao Lianyun was keenly aware of the dissatisfaction in Bu Zhen Zi’s heart.

But she insisted on her own way and continued to say: “Even if sect dispatched reinforcements and was able to get here. But time? When can they arrive? What kind of price will it pay? What kind of accident will happen? Here is Northern Plains, not Central Continent.”

Bu Zhen Zi is silent.

He could not refute the words of Zhao Lianyun.

Zhao Lianyun spits out one mouthful of impure air: “In short, I don’t want to wait any longer.”

“You can wait until you can’t wait.” Bu Zhen Zi brows tightly knit, full of angry colors.

He and Zhao Lianyun look at each other, both sides are not retreating, have their own perseverance.

In the eyes of Zhao Lianyun, she quickly rose into a mist. She took the initiative to shift her gaze and squat to one side: “If this is a poisonous hand in this period of time, what should I do? Can you guarantee it?”

In fact, Zhao Lianyun is getting more and more scared while waiting.

What she is afraid of is not her own safety.

But in the case of the reinforcements in the foreseeable future, waiting does not solve the problem.

If during this period, Ma Hongyun was killed by Old Ancestor Xuehu, as a coffin refining Good Luck Equal to Heaven Immortal Gu. Then this will be the regret of Zhao Lianyun’s life.

If she recalls in the future, she will regret it!

Once she was so close to Ma Hongyun, she had already entered Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, and her fate gave her a good chance, but she couldn’t grasp it.

From the ninth snow peak, you can see the blurred scene of the first snow peak. It was such a close distance that she was waiting here and lost her final chance.

Zhao Lianyun does not want to see this happening. This kind of end is more sorrowful and painful than killing her!

Seeing Zhao Lianyun and Bu Zhen Zi quarreling, the other three immortals are not convenient to open, after all, this is inside the Spiritual Fate House.

Bu Zhen Zi retorted: “Even if you don’t want to waited now, can you save Ma Hongyun? Even if you beat other Peak Lord, don’t forget, you must face Old Ancestor Xuehu because Ma Hongyun is in the first place. Above a snowy peak!”

“I know this.” Zhao Lianyun squeezed his fists and his voice was loud. “But you also said that before Old Ancestor Xuehu, we still have a dozen Peak Lords to deal with. We can start with these Peak Lords. Anyway, it is impossible to save time and effort.

Bu Zhen Zi is angry and full of gloomy color: “Then I will tell you the truth. This Super Gu Formation has increased against the enemy and weakened against us. If we leave here, we will be forced to separate by gu formation. , to other snow peaks, single-handedly, will you be the opponents of these people? Before the battle, it was also with me and Mu Linglan Fellow Immortal as the main force, what are your three Rank 6?

Bu Zhen Zi is very rude, but the three Rank 6 Gu Immortal can’t refute because he is talking about the facts of iron.

Zhao Lianyun bowed for a moment, then suddenly looked up and said, “Then I will use Passion Immortal Gu again!”

Bu Zhen Zi 嗤笑: “Who do you think you are? Passion Immortal Gu will be subject to your manipulates, willing to listen to you? That year, even Ju Yang Immortal Venerable can not be refined Passion Immortal Gu.”

“That’s because he didn’t get the approval of Passim Immortal Gu.” Zhao Lianyun said.

“As you said, all the other fairies of my Spiritual Fate House are dry meals? One person has no control over Passion Immortal Gu?” Bu Zhen Zi sneered.

“Don’t try to know?” Zhao Lianyun retorted hard.

Bu Zhen Zi hehe is two, just about to talk. At this time, Zhao Lianyun has already taken action one step earlier. She called in her heart: “Love ****, love ****, beg you to show your divine power, lead us again five Together, break into other snow peaks!”

Love ****motionless, just like death.

Zhao Lianyun is not willing, continue to pray, plead in his heart.

Bu Zhen Zi See Zhao Lianyun without any slight movement, just about to open, then see Zhao Lianyun’s body, rising the breath of Passion Immortal Gu, while the rays of light shrouded Zhao Lianyun.

The other four immortals were shocked, and they all rounded their eyes and stared at the scene.

Mu Linglan couldn’t help but started talking: “This… as if we were leaving Uncontained Road and coming to Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land, it was such a breath and glory.”

“Continue, don’t stop.” Shi Zhenyi urged.

a moment later, Zhao Lianyun’s radiance, seemingly spiritual, spread to the other four Gu Immortals.

“Thus, we can kill other snow peaks together. Oh! Maybe it can be directly off the Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land.” Shi Zhenyi is full of hope.

Bu Zhen Zi’s mouth is slightly open, and at this time, he can’t speak.

The shock in his heart is much stronger than the others.

“Passion Immortal Gu can’t be manipulated, this is the historical iron law! Even Ju Yang Immortal Venerable take action, no matter what. But why? Why!”

“Why is Passion Immortal Gu fell Zhao Lianyun in the hands of this?”

“could it be that, Zhao Lianyun is the strongest fairy since my Spiritual Fate House was opened?!”

“No, it’s more likely that she is her identity. She is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, don’t tell me Demon from Beyond The Heavens and Passion Immortal Gu. Others are not doing the manipulates Passion Immortal Gu, but Demon from Beyond The Is Heavens unlimited?”

Bu Zhen Zi has countless thoughts in my mind, like a storm.

He was thinking, suddenly the space behind him broke open and turned into a fist-sized black hole. In the black hole, Unimaginable’s huge sucking power was thrown into it, and Bu Zhen Zi forcibly broke into the black hole!

Strongly like Bu Zhen Zi, the Gu Immortal of the Rank 7 cultivation base, could not be prepared, was pulled directly in, and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, the same scene happened to other Gu Immortal. In the blink of an eye, this great hall is empty and silent.

“Leave the ninth snow peak!” Bu Zhen Zi was shocked. When he was down to earth, he quickly looked around.

It is also the interior of a great hall. But this great hall is different from before. The former temple was beautiful and delicate, and it seems to have a woman’s fat, but this one is magnificent and full of pride, showing the master style.

“Which snow peak is this?” Bu Zhen Zi came up with this idea.

But immediately, his face changed abruptly and cursed loudly: “Damn!”

It turned out that he found that there was only one person in the entire great hall. The remaining four Gu Immortals are missing.

He just woke up: before the transfer, he completely thought about it. Zhao Lianyun Even though it is Demon from Beyond The Heavens, how can it be controlled by Passion Immortal Gu? Passion Immortal Gu is still unreliable and effective, and I don’t know when it will take the wind.

“I was sent here, then what about other people? Where is it? The best result is that they are all together, so Zhao Lianyun is safer. But if Zhao Lianyun is alone, I am afraid…”

Bu Zhen Zi is a little afraid to think about it.

At this time, an ink-like shadow, close to the ground, sneaked into him.

Bu Zhen Zi’s heart is a warning, and she hurries back and forth, dodge.

But the black shadow is like a poisonous snake, the speed is very fast, like a shadow, a breath can not, but also to the feet of Bu Zhen Zi.

Void Transformation !

At the crucial moment, Bu Zhen Zi sacrificed Void Dao Gu Immortal’s masterpiece, and the whole person Void Transformation opened.

The black shadow fluck him, but he had no choice but to penetrate his silhouette and went behind Bu Zhen Zi. (~^~)

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