Eastern Sea. ≧≯

Sword Flood Dragon waves, swallows word glow.

The white light Dragon Breath, hit on the gu formation, hit the gu formation and sway.

“I always feel a little wrong. Ying Wuxie and the others, not unwise, gu formation, immortal essence loss is much greater than me. Actually, it has been deadlocked, let me attack, don’t tell me Figure?”

Fang Yuan’s offensive was fierce. Although he did not break the gu formation, he firmly took the initiative. His mind was even more ups and downs. He never stopped thinking.

“The other side should also know that I have Superior Heavenly Eagle. They are not afraid of using the Superior Heavenly Eagle to penetrate the space and go directly into the gu formation? Or is this gu formation a trap for my Superior Heavenly Eagle?”

“Or, at the Langya School, Sixth Hair has already passed the Langya Earth Spirit, knowing that my Superior Heavenly Eagle is just more than the bird’s egg, so I’m not afraid?”

“and many more.”

Fang Yuan suddenly stopped the offensive, a fierce, and plunged into the sea.

He was under the sea, watching the reaction of the Ying Wuxie side, while the other side ignited an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move.

Qi Luck Sense.

“It is indeed in the gu formation, one does not leak.” Fang Yuan heart sighed in relief, “It seems that I am more concerned.”

Fang Yuan continued to attack gu formation, but he gradually became ubiquitous, gu formation was passive defense, and there was no silhouette of Ying Wuxie or Bai Ningbing and the others.

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of a move and stopped the attack.

I am taking the initiative now, and the attack is all based on one thought. On the contrary, the other party is defensive, passive, and does not know when Fang Yuan attacks and establishes gu formation. It always consumes immortal essence and maintains the operation of gu formation.

Fang Yuan’s stop offensive, in addition to maintaining the Sword Flood Dragon Transformation, he consumes little immortal essence and consumes less. On the contrary, the other party is still urging gu formation, and it keeps going.

After a quiet confrontation for half an hour, Fang Yuan gradually realized that it’s not looking good.

Gu formation is like a deep lake, but there is no movement inside. The other side actually did not move, and chose to be deadlocked with Fang Yuan.

“Ying Wuxie doesn’t seem to have any plans. It needs gu formation to create a safe environment. Anyway, I can’t let him go smoothly, and I should take action and destroy it. It seems that this trump card can’t be kept. I have to use it in advance!”

Although the Ying Wuxie’s strategy came into effect, the results of Fang Yuan’s Qi Luck Sense were misled.

However, Fang Yuan still has a keen judgment on the situation. He decided to start, resolutely and no longer hide any trump card.

Before the change, Sword Flood Dragon Dragon Breath is already his strongest means, but now it is not.

a moment later, the sound of the dragon whistling, ringing thousands of miles!

Far Ancient Battle Formation Roads Open In All Directions.

Ying Wuxie’s vision has changed suddenly, and I have already reached the Boundary Wall.

This is the Eastern Sea’s Blue Water Boundary Wall, deep blue, like a giant curtain to support the sky, wide and endless. Four Gu Immortals (where Taibai Yunsheng drilled into Hei Loulan’s Immortal Aperture) stood in front of the Boundary Wall, as small as an ant, and Heaven and Earth were so mighty.

If you enter the Boundary Wall, the Far Ancient Battle Formation can’t be used, you can only trek.

Because of the use of Gu insect or Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in the Boundary Wall, the Immortal Aperture oscillates, and the Far Ancient Battle Formation is even more so, and the backlash is great.

Positive look at, Ying Wuxie looks abrupt, Bai Ningbing also subconsciously turned back, eyes in the eyes of cool glow, staring at the direction of coming.

“The gu formation was broken.” Bai Ningbing said solemnly.

“So fast?!” Hei Loulan also moved.

She thought of her previous trapped situation, and Fang Yuan was so fast that she broke the gu formation. Even within an array, an outburst, it also illustrates the combat power of the other terrifying.

“could it be that, he used the Superior Heavenly Eagle?” Hei Loulan quickly thought of a possibility.

“No.” Bai Ningbing shook his head.

Fang Yuan broke open gu formation, and there is no one, and no Gu insect is available. Gu formation is broken, Gu insect will be completely self-destructive, how can Bai Ningbing leave these enemies?

Although the loss was heavy, the scene of Fang Yuan’s hands-on was delivered.

Gu Immortal is fighting, intelligence is a factor and extremely important.

Bai Ningbing, Ying Wuxie and the others will naturally not let go, such a good opportunity to collect intelligence.

“Fang Yuan used a brand new ultimate move, it seems that he has only recently researched success.” Ying Wuxie said.

“This ultimate move, power terrifying.” Bai Ningbing is sinking. “If you don’t have the method of restraint, I am afraid I will join hands and I can’t hold back a few breaths.”

“What?!” Hei Loulan whispered, and even the voiceless Stone Slave was so moved.

Ying Wuxie is not good at heart. He arranges gu formation and designs. It is nothing more than delaying time.

Although the plan was just beginning to succeed, I didn’t expect it to be delayed for such a short time.

It takes a while to shuttle the Boundary Wall.

The key is the speciality of the Paragon Immortal Body, which runs freely in the Boundary Wall and is not suppressed at all. This information, Ying Wuxie has long been mastered.

“The gu formation is forcibly broken, and Fang Yuan is not at all. We will once again urge Qi Luck Sense to conduct the investigation. We will enter the Boundary Wall, even if it is estimated according to the best situation, according to the previous Fang Yuan’s degree, he will certainly be able to We can catch up. We must fight with him in the Boundary Wall. So, this Boundary Wall, I still don’t enter?”

Ying Wuxie sweats on his forehead, and his heart is like a huge stone.

Ying Wuxie judged the situation and knew it well. He clearly knew that he was already on the verge of survival. Don’t look at it now, and then face the crisis of life and death!

And whether or not he can save his life, he depends on his decision.

The heavy pressure is on the shoulder of Ying Wuxie’s. This is not only his own survival, but also about his companion Gu Immortal.

Well, the safety of Gu Immortal’s companions, Ying Wuxie is not in the heart, even he himself is not afraid to perish. But the key is to kill yourself, who can save the Demon Venerable ontology? Now that Shadow Sect is broken, he is the only hope left!

“How can it like this? How long does it take for Fang Yuan to have a pound strength?”

“Wisdom Gu can’t use it. How can he figure it out? Could it be that, he added a powerful Wisdom Dao means?”

Estimating Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is not a one-off event. Fang Yuan casts a trump card, which makes people feel very awkward and makes Ying Wuxie caught off guard.

“If I enter the Boundary Wall, I have used up the enemy once and I will face Fang Yuan in the Boundary Wall. Our disadvantage is great!” Ying Wuxie is very clear, and the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in the Boundary Wall must withstand Backlash, but Fang Yuan does not have this limitation.

The Five Regions Boundary Wall is the perfect place to kill someone! I am afraid even the Rank 8 Gu Immortal is awkward. Because Rank 8 enters the Boundary Wall, it is much more restrictive than Rank 6 and Rank 7.

Of course, Rank 8 Gu Immortal is going to Black Heaven White Heaven | daytime and will not be able to move into the Boundary Wall.

Ying Wuxie’s insistence on entering the Boundary Wall is undoubtedly a huge adventure with great risks. Fang Yuan leaked the trump card, even if it was the Superior Heavenly Eagle. With his trump card alone, Ying Wuxie felt that it was difficult for him to slap his edge.

“No, there is Bai Ningbing.” Ying Wuxie suddenly thought, and tracelessly glanced at Bai Ningbing.

He suddenly felt that the previous alliance was indeed very correct. At the same time, there are some support emotions in my heart. I didn’t expect this time to rely on the power of her Bai Ningbing.

Speaking of it, it’s really thirty years of Hedong’s thirty years of Hexi. The fate of the trajectory is endless. His diignified Ying Wuxie will actually rely on Bai Ningbing, which was previously placed as a chess piece!

“But how much strength does Bai Ningbing have? She just took over White Phase’s Celestial Grotto, and it didn’t take long.” Ying Wuxie got to the bottom and didn’t feel at ease.

He thought again: “But if this time does not enter the Boundary Wall, we only wander in the Eastern Sea, Roads Open In All Directions is not a means of continuous urging, during which time you need to breathe. As a result, sooner or later will be Fang Yuan is looking for it.”

“More critically, here is the Eastern Sea. And we are all exotic Gu Immortal!”

Ying Wuxie’s body is Western Desert Immortal Zombie, Bai Ningbing is Southern Border Gu Immortal, Taibai Yunsheng, Hei Loulan from Northern Plains, Stone Slave from Central Continent, and no Eastern Sea’s Gu Immortal.

Exotic Gu Immortal, resting in the other four domains, will be squeezed out and even chased. Although in the Eastern Sea, this rejection is not very strong. But don’t forget, Fang Yuan is Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.

Paragon Immortal Body !

Can be perfectly integrated into any entire region and become the native Gu Immortal.

At that time, the two sides fought, the Eastern Sea Gu Immortal appeared, and Fang Yuan had the upper hand. Then Eastern Sea Gu Immortal helped Fang Yuan. It is self-evident.

Provide timely help, there are fewer icing on the cake.

“So, staying in Eastern Sea’s, who we are next, is likely to have more than one Fang Yuan, and perhaps other Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.” Ying Wuxie smiled.

I have to say that he has experienced tempering and frustration, compared with the mature countless times, thinking about the future, and conceiving comprehensiveness. This is a situation that was absolutely absent before.

“More specifically, Fang Yuan and Superior Heavenly Eagle.”

“Must have to go to Northern Plains! Great Snow Mountain Blessed Land is the only hope. Use Rank 8 Gu Immortal, and in turn destroy him.”

After thinking about it, Ying Wuxie finally made up his mind, he took the lead and flew into the Boundary Wall.

After a few hours, a Sword Flood Dragon flew from a distance.

“Entering Northern Plains?” This Sword Flood Dragon is the change of Fang Yuan.

Everything, as Ying Wuxie expected, when he broke the gu formation, there was no such thing as Ying Wuxie and the others.

Fang Yuan did not understand where: the other side Jin Yu shelled, fortunately, he did not hesitate to expose the trump card, forcibly destroyed the gu formation, otherwise, he would be kept in the dark.

“It seems that Qi Luck Sense can detect the target, but it is inevitably misled.”

“Then my final wave of objects, will it be fake?”

If it is fake, Fang Yuan has no choice. After all, this is his only goal.

But if it is true…


“Then in the Boundary Wall, all of you are cleaned up. You actually shuttle the Boundary Wall in front of my eyes, this is simply looking for death road!”

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