Qi Luck Sense.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move comes from Hei Fan Celestial Grotto, the inheritance of Gu Immortal Feng Jun.

It is based on Qi Luck Immortal Gu, mortal gu is support, allowing Gu Immortal to perceive people and things that are closely related to their own body Qi Luck.

And, the closer the distance is to each other, the clearer and more complete the effect of perception.

Fang Yuan is able to perceive the position of Ying Wuxie and the others, even across regions and Boundary Wall.

This is because Ying Wuxie and the others have connected Luck with Fang Yuan.

After connecting Luck, the two sides of Qi Luck are in an extremely close relationship, and As the saying goes to have a blessing.

However, because of the various means of Ying Wuxie’s, the effect of Qi Luck Sense was first curbed, although he also avoided the exploration of Qi Luck Sense by hiding in the Immortal Aperture.

Fang Yuan is very jealous of Ying Wuxie and the others. Because the Shadow Sect is broken, but the rotten ship has three pounds of nails, the dead camel is bigger than the horse. Only by collecting the residual resources of Shadow Sect’s, the strength of Ying Wuxie and the others will be strong. It is faster and more stable than Fang Yuan.

“this time, raise Qi Luck Sense, maybe you can explore the position of these people.” Wusie will be removed in advance to solve their problems!”

Fang Yuan decided to add Immortal Gu Solving Riddle to the Qi Luck Sense ultimate move, increasing the core of this ultimate move from one to two.

“Solving Riddle Immortal Gu is Wisdom Dao, um… first add some wisdom to get in.”

“And then, use the point group to plan, and then click on Connecting Luck mortal gu, um, there are also pairs, sorting 蛊.”


Fang Yuan has no calculations at all, but chooses according to his own feelings.

A lot of mortal gu, add it.

These Gu insects, some of which belong to Fang Yuan itself, but most of them need to be acquired through Treasure Yellow Heaven.

There was no twists and turns, and soon he collected all of these Gu insects.

But then, he was not in a hurry to motivate Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, but to experiment step by step.

Because I added so many Gu insects at once. The original Qi Luck Sense has changed dramatically. If it is blindly motivated, it will fail directly, which will cause Fang Yuan to be injured. The more serious situation is the destruction of Gu insect. Mortal gu is also that’s all, if Immortal Gu is ruined, who is Fang Yuan looking for?

After Gu Immortal started an Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, the testing process was also very risky.

Fang Yuan first split the entire new Qi Luck Sense ultimate move into several parts. Start one after another test.

The results of the test were excellent.

No one is unsuccessful.

Fang Yuan then used Wisdom Dao to start the calculation and adjusted and perfected the Qi Luck Sense ultimate move.

After half a day, Fang Yuan calculated that it was the first time to launch the complete Qi Luck Sense ultimate move.

Only half of the urging, there have been some minor problems beyond Fang Yuan’s expectations.

Of course, these problems are not too big and probably do not affect the final success.

But Fang Yuan is still cautious and stops pushing. give up halfway.

Many mortal gus are thus destroyed.

Fang Yuan eyelid doesn’t have to worry about it, as long as Qi Luck Immortal Gu and Solving Riddle Immortal Gu have nothing to do. He is now a big family, rich and imposing, and it costs some mortal gu. For Fang Yuan, it is the loss of one hair from nine oxen.

Mortal gu for support does not require repurchase.

Fang Yuan had already considered this situation before, so the number of acquisitions surpassing by far was needed once.

He began to calculate again and figured out the reason. What exactly is causing unexpected changes in produce.

This time, Fang Yuan calculated for a long time, after adjusting the content of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, cultivated for a while. Start the experiment again.

This time, motivated Immortal Realm Ultimate Move to the second half, and an unexpected situation occurred again.

Immortal Realm Ultimate Move involves too many Gu insects, a long time, even the changes in Fang Yuan Suan Bu Jin.

Although just a little spark inexplicably produces, Fang Yuan still feels that it should be reviewed. Stop urging the ultimate move again.

Whether it is the Living Riddle or the Qi Luck Immortal Gu, they are all started at the last minute, so the loss of the mortal gu is not a minority, but it does not matter.

So many times and five times, constantly experimenting, constantly calculating, and constantly adjusting.

A few days later, Fang Yuan finally received a relatively perfect Qi Luck Sense.

This Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, compared to before, the number of Gu insects has more than tripled, two Immortal Gus Solving Riddle, Qi Luck as the core, as if it is a two-day shine.

Motivate the new Qi Luck Sense!

A mysterious induction quickly filled the heart of Fang Yuan’s.

The first is Ye Fan, Hong Yi, and Han Li. They are in Southern Border, Central Continent, and Western Desert. The specific location is several times clearer than before. Especially Ye Fan, Fang Yuan immediately discovered that he was on Trading Mountain at the moment.

Then there are some fuzzy inductives.

Ying Wuxie and Hei Loulan once again appeared in Fang Yuan’s exploration.

But it is very vague. Compared to Ye Fan, it is many times fuzzy and the location is unknown. Fang Yuan only perceives a rough range.

“Weird, in addition to Ying Wuxie and Hei Loulan, there is another one, which is also in a vague state, similar to them. Could it be that, Ying Wuxie used Connecting Luck Immortal Gu to connect Luck Qi Is it strange to Gu Immortal?”

Fang Yuan immediately guessed the truth.

He frowned.

Connecting Luck Immortal Gu fell into the hands of Ying Wuxie, it is no secret.

This is a weakness of Fang Yuan’s.

Now Fang Yuan, no longer uses Spring and Autumn Cicada, but instead seals it up. And Qi Luck, with the help of Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu, has grown from a weak point to his advantage.

But the existence of Ying Wuxie and the others shares the advantage of Fang Yuan’s.

Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s rises in the early years, and more than half of the credit goes to Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu. But Fang Yuan was not alone, enjoying the benefits that Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu brought to him.

It is shared with Ye Fan, Han Li, Hong Yi, Hei Loulan and the others, that is, that’s all. After all, these four are strong luck people. But Ying Wuxie, and another new addition to Gu Immortal, is completely hang Che Wei, thinning the effect of Dog Shit Luck.

“This position… He He He, I can’t think of them, actually in the Southern Border!”

“Ying Wuxie and the others must be eradicated, killing them, I can be really safe, no one is hanging on the Paragon Immortal Body.”

“At the same time, killing these people and exempting them from the troubles, let me Qi Luck rise, really showing the power of Dog Shit Luck Immortal Gu.”

At this moment, the Fang Yuan killing intent is full and almost can’t wait to leave immediately, and the Ying Wuxie and the others are quickly removed!

Central Continent.

“Yes, we depart!” Rank 8 Gu Immortal Wei Lingyang low roaring sound.

His voice is hoarse, middle-aged, his eyes are deep, and he is listless, giving him the energy to over-excess and the feeling of exhaustion.

But among the three Rank 8 Gu Immortal in this trip, it was the strongest, so he was the leader of the Northern Plains rescue.

Together with him, there are Bi Chentian and Wanhai Longliu.

Both of them are also Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Bi Chentian participated in the Great War of the Righteous Heavenly Mountain and eventually survived.

Wanhai Longliu’s grade is even higher than Bi Chentian, and more recently, the guidance of the received Duke Long, the strength has risen again.

Duke Long is old and hard to fight again, but he co-ordinates the overall situation and immediately shows a different imposing manner.

Alone Rank 8 Gu Immortal, dispatched three consecutive, and are Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, although pregnant Void Orifice, but the battle strength is Rank 10 Gu Immortal far surpasses 8 Great Ancient Sects in.

The group of immortals crashed into three shares and entered the three Immortal Gu Homes.

All three are Immortal Gu Home Feng Man Building Wind and Cloud Residence, the building sub-7-Layer, drapes every now and then; Origin Lotus School of Bird Catching Pavilion, compact, full of vitality; War Immortal Sect of Horned Link Camp, castles Xionggu, the flag is flying.

Every Immortal Gu Home is guarded by a Rank 8 Gu Immortal.

Zhao Lianyun was placed in the middle of the Feng Man Building in Wind and Cloud Residence.

She entered the top and was the safest place in the Immortal Gu Home.

“This time, the lineup is really too strong, we not only have three Rank 8 Gu Immortal, but also three Immortal Gu Home! It is already possible to determine the victory.” Bu Zhen Zi followed Zhao Lianyun.

Zhao Lianyun nodded, the surface is not moving, but the heart is ups and downs: “Fortune, I am coming! You have to hold on.”

The three Immortal Gu Homes are like three meteors that fly high.

Horned Link Camp is at the forefront, opening up the storm. Feng Man Building is located in the middle, scheduling support. The Bird Catching Pavilion is located at the end and is flexible.

Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier is close by.


Horned Link Camp took off, the huge sharp horn light and shadow condensed, just like the essence, suddenly pierced into the Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier, and then the momentum was unabated, forcibly opened a fellow.

Feng Man Building, Bird Catching Pavilion follow closely from behind.


Feng Man Building kept shaking, and Zhao Lianyun shook his body in the top floor and almost fell.

Bu Zhen Zi stunned: “It’s said that Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier is harder and harder than the Five Regions Boundary Wall. It’s true today. Our Feng Man Building is still in the middle, walking in the open passage. The suffocating suffocation on both sides is so unstable. What is the situation of the Horned Link Camp in front of Unimaginable!”

The Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier is made up of countless Heavenly Astral Qi, which opens a path and will soon be flown by the surrounding Heavenly Astral Qi, closing the passage.

Therefore, the three Immortal Gu Homes are very close together, almost with their heads on their feet and their heads on their heads.

After halfway through, the Gu insect in the Horned Link Camp was damaged a lot, and the momentum slowed down a lot and retreated to the second line.

Feng Man Building takes over the position of Horned Link Camp and takes on the burden of driving the road. After a quarter of the journey, the Bird Catching Pavilion rushed to the forefront.

So, a few days later, the three Immortal Gu Home finally broke through Heavenly Astral Qi Barrier and officially entered Black Heaven.

In Gu Master World, Immemorial Nine Heavens is only Black Heaven and White Heaven.

Don’t choose White Heaven | daytime for the simple reason.

It is to prevent exposure to yourself.

Black Heaven has a natural cover camouflage that can partially mask the three Immortal Gu Homes.

As a result, Central Continent Gu Immortal, in order to ensure the advantages of their own assault sneak attack.

Ps: The second is even later. (~^~)

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