“Mother’s meaning is that those” Feng Jinhuang frowned. In her growing environment, the teenager who can stand with her does not exist. Spiritual Fate House is a yin and yang, so that Feng Jinhuang looks down on the men of the same age.

The reason why there is still one most important, that is, Feng Jinhuang’s father is too good, raising her horizons, so that she is not in the eyes of the men around.

Fairy Bai Qing nodded, jokingly asked: “right, Huang’er, do you think you are in the teenagers you met?”

Feng Jinhuang frowned and shook his head after a moment of seriousness.

Fairy Bai Qing almost grinned, daughter’s kind of dull little look is really cute, she said: “Then I might as well choose a question, which is the most impressive thing for you?”

This time, Feng Jinhuang stunned.

In her mind, Fang Yuan’s image was flashed involuntarily.

Fang Yuan, but the man who brought her a terrible defeat, the scene on Soul Shaking Mountain, Feng Jinhuang will never forget.

Moreover, Fang Yuan also saved Feng Jiuge’s life!

Before and after, Feng Jinhuang is very complicated about Fang Yuan’s.

To say hate is not pure hatred.

To be grateful is not simply gratitude.

Fairy Bai Qing Seeing Feng Jinhuang’s hair, suddenly looked bad. She was a little panicked and secretly blamed herself: “Oops! How to forget Fang Yuan.”

Fairy Bai Qing even hurriedly said: “Huang’er, don’t think about it!”

As a mother, Fairy Bai Qing is quite worried. Feng Jinhuang has grown a lot, but for the aspect of feelings. Still very simple, like a piece of white paper.

“Fang Yuan is Demon from Beyond The Heavens. It is reborn with Spring and Autumn Cicada. His real age is probably bigger than her mother!” Fairy Bai Qing’s tone is very solemn.

Yes. He is listed in the Demon Execution List, which is a fierce devil. The slaughter is nothing, and it is extremely dangerous. ”

“But he saved it.” Feng Jinhuang retorted.

Fairy Bai Qing is full of solemn color, staring at Feng Jinhuang’s eyes, extremely serious – ly said: “They must remember, the grievances can not be confused, to be clear. He is a life-saving grace for you. It’s just a coincidence, but we will definitely repay. But he is a person in Demonic Path, he is not evil. After reciprocation, we will meet him again, it is time to eradicate him. Do you understand?”

Feng Jinhuang nodded: “Understand!”

Southern Border, Fang Yuan is in a dream.

“Auntie! Auntie!” Fang Yuan hit two sneezes in a row.

He rubbed his nose and said to the female Gu Master in front of him: “Come back.”

The female Gu Master stood behind the counter and took out three stones: “Please.”

This is already another dream.

The previous Water Dao dream. Because it was too difficult, Fang Yuan gave up. A few days later, the dreams circulated and finally there was a dream suitable for Fang Yuan exploration.

Let Fang Yuan feel very happy. If this dream is explored successfully, he can directly grow his Luck Dao Realm!

Luck Dao Gu Immortal is a small number.

Because Ju Yang Immortal Venerable pioneered Luck Dao, it was not promoted.

and so. The dreams that can harbor the true meaning of Luck Dao are also rare. Fang Yuan can encounter such a dream. The chances are small.

Fang Yuan looks at the three stones in front of him, he already knows. According to the regulation of this dream, he needs to bet three times in a row to find the most valuable one of these stones before he can cross the scene and enter the Second Act.

Gambling stone.

“It has been successful twice before, and if this time fails, it will be abandoned. Just use Dream Interpretation.”

Fang Yuan evokes Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Dream Interpretation.

Fang Yuan waited for a while, but nothing happened.

“What’s the matter?” When he was wondering, he was entertained by his female Gu Master’s eyes and whispered to him, “This younger brother, choose the middle piece, rest assured, the elder sister won’t hang you.”

She said that she also blinked at Fang Yuan, which was very teasing.

Fang Yuan finally got it, it seems that this is the role of Dream Interpretation. He did not hesitate to grasp the middle piece in one hand.

Three stones are continuously opened, and there is no Gu insect inside, but according to the material of the stone itself, the middlemost piece is the highest value.

The First Act slowly dissipated in front of his eyes, and soon he entered the Second Act.

Northern Plains.

Longevity Heaven.

Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Fortune Stealing Altar.

3-Layer round altar, heavy columns, white jade railings, rays of light.

Fortune Stealing Altar is still running, eight Gu Immortals, occupying nine corners of Fortune Stealing Altar, day and night.

In the center of Fortune Stealing Altar, Five Elemental Law Grandmaster is a dignified color. He is surrounded by the 3-Layer five-color ring, and the pressure from the Fortune Stealing Altar is getting bigger and bigger. The Five Elemental Law Grandmaster must also come up with all the skills to compete.

Both sides are silent.

Because they are clear to each other, the other party is not a presence that can be impressed by words.

Just then, suddenly the bell sound of dāng dāng dāng was swayed throughout Longevity Heaven.

Eight Extremity Lords Hearing this bell sound, all the body shocked, and he was in doubt.

“This is the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move alarm, how come?”

“In that year, Ju Yang Immortal Ancestor laid the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move in Longevity Heaven, and once Longevity Heaven suffered a huge crisis, it would trigger a bell.”

“But the Element Elemental Law Grandmaster has been trapped by us.”

The Eight Extremity Lords communicated with each other and felt at a loss.

Heaven Extremity Lord pondered then said: “No, even if the original Elemental Law Grandmaster struck, it didn’t trigger a warning bell. Now the bell sound sounds and proves another crisis.”

The rest of the seven poles are a little panicky.

“So, isn’t the next disaster more serious than the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster sneak attack?”

“Now, I have to wait for everyone to push Fortune Stealing Altar, suppressing the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster, innocent clone. How do you face this Disaster and Tribulation?”

“There is a Fortune Stealing Altar here, Heavenly Disaster and Earthly Tribulation can’t help this ** will terrifying to the extreme.”

The second leader, the Earth Extremity Lord, looked at the Heaven Extremity Lord, said solemnly: “At the moment, it seems that only the Four Desolate Immortals are awakened.”

Heaven Extremity Lord is full of dignified colors. Slowly nodded.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster said with a smile : “Longevity Heaven powerless to defend oneself, I am also curious. What a disaster, can make this alarm ring.”

Heaven Extremity Lord is about to speak. Suddenly a voice came from his ear: “The so-called disasters are actually Fulu good luck. They are all Luck Dao. They are all variables. I am waiting for Gu Immortal to convert bad variables into pairs. Your own favorable variables. The construction concept of Fortune Stealing Altar is like this.”

Heaven Extremity Lord heard this voice, and was surprised and happy.

Five Elemental Law Grandmaster also looked at the mysterious mysterious Gu Immortal, shouting: “Which of you is Four Desolate Immortals?”

“I have seen Southern Desolate adults.” Eight Extremity Lords greeted them in unison and gave the Five Elemental Law Grandmaster a clear answer.

In Longevity Heaven. With Eight Extremities, Four Desolate, and twelve positions.

Four Desolate Immortals are Eastern Desolate, Southern Desolate, Western Desolate, Northern Desolate, and four Rank 8 immortals.

Eight Extremity Lords are Heaven Extremity, Earth Extremity, Profound Extremity, Yellow Extremity, Universe Extremity, Eon Extremity, Grand Extremity, Desolate Extremity, and Eight Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

Of course, Longevity Heaven is Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Immortal Aperture Celestial Grotto, which is vast and vast. In addition to this 12, there are the remaining Gu Immortal. It’s just this 12, the core of the rights in Longevity Heaven, the elite expert in Gu Immortal.

Southern Desolate Immortal is dressed in a blue golden armor. The beard is hanging to the chest, tall and sturdy, and looks old. He continued: “Bell sounds, I wake up. This bell sound is three long and two short. neither fast nor slow, indicating that Passim Immortal Gu will be near Northern Plains. Passion Immortal Gu has defy the power of destiny. The ancestors were also quite taboo. For Passion Immortal Gu, the ancestor and Heavenly Court gamble, but the refine Passion Immortal Gu is not successful for three years. I have to take the opportunity to arrange the supreme Luck Dao on the Passion Immortal Gu. One day, the means will be launched, and Passion Immortal Gu will be Qi Luck towed and came to Northern Plains. This is a good opportunity for me to win the Passion Immortal Gu!”

Ju Yang Immortal Venerable’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is very mysterious. His descendants are able to identify some of the information about Disaster and Tribulation from this bell sound.

Eight Extremity Lords Although I knew the alarm bells, I didn’t know that the bell sound itself was very particular. At this time, I heard the words of Southern Desolate Immortal and I was excited.

As early as many years ago, Ju Yang Immortal Venerable had been arranged.

Heaven Extremity Lord said: “Also ask Southern Desolate to lead, Eight Extremity Lords to wait and dispatch, will be born and died for Longevity Heaven, and win Passion Immortal Gu!”

Southern Border.

“Here is White Phase’s Celestial Grotto!” Hei Loulan stepped into the Immortal Aperture Portal and officially set foot in White Phase’s Celestial Grotto.

Taibai Yunsheng, Ying Wuxie, and Stone Slave follow closely from behind.

“Well? It’s not right.” Ying Wuxie suddenly face changed.

a moment later, the scenery around us changed greatly, and gu formation started to create a special space, including the four immortals.

The silhouette of Bai Ningbing emerges faintly.

Stone Slave both shocked and angry, whispered: “You are Bai Ningbing? You dare to fight against water!”

“hmph. Shadow Sect’s miscellaneous, next year is the day of the day!” Bai Ningbing sneered, the light blue cold eye shot ice-cold cruel light.

Ying Wuxie was surprised. Bai Ningbing actually broke away from his control, beyond his imagination.

He suddenly has a flash of light: “so that’s how it is, you actually use the Everyone Just Like Dragon refining gu method? This method has long been lost, there will be white Phase’s Celestial Grotto?!”

“To tell the truth, I would like to thank you. Accept this thank you.” Bai Ningbing sneered, the image that appeared in front of the Four Immortals, became lighter and weaker, and eventually dissipated.

“Wait a minute, we can talk about it.” Ying Wuxie hasn’t finished talking yet. The gu formation has already started, the snow is flying, and countless Ice Spear punctures from under the feet, so that Sixian rushes to cope.

Righteous Heavenly Mountain ruins, among the Super Gu Formation.

Fang Yuan opened his eyes and came to reality.

The soul is weak, but it doesn’t matter. The Audacity Gu in Fang Yuan’s hand has always been abundant.

“Luck Dao Great Master!” Fang Yuan realized that she found her Luck Dao Realm and rose to the Great Master level.

The previous Luck Dao dream has been thoroughly explored by him.

His Dream Interpretation ultimate move was exhausted, but the gains were even greater. Luck Dao Realm found common to the extreme, and suddenly rose to the Great Master Realm.

He immediately felt a different feeling.

This feeling is very mysterious and difficult to express in words.

“If Luck Dao Realm rises to the Grandmaster level, I can exchange Own Luck True Inheritance in the hands of Langya Earth Spirit, and it will work very well immediately, and the strength will skyrocket.”

“On the present, I feel that I might be able to use the Immortal Gu and Dog Shit Luck to greatly enhance the power of Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Qi Luck Sense!”

Ps: Yesterday’s work until the early morning 3 point, resulting in a bit of a bad state today. Originally there will be 5, but some of the hydrology has been deleted and streamlined. Very painful, there are too many people involved in this battle, and my head needs to be blown up. In this book, I have devoted my feelings to every character. I love them as much as the leading role. In fact, each of them is the leading role of their own life, just as we all live in real life, each of us has its own World. Today, plus more here, there will be more in this month! Thank you very much for your support! I love you! !

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