“Nothing wrong. This is my strength. In the future cultivation, I will develop my strengths and avoid weaknesses and give full play to my talents in combat.”

“Using this to break the deadlock, add momentum to my cultivation.”

“According to this development, my combat power will become stronger and stronger in the future, and sect will need me more. When I have the strength like Elder Fang Yuan, it will definitely be easier for me to earn sect contribution.”

“keep it up, the days will get better and better, Hair 12 you have to continue to work hard, you will be on the peak of your life!”

Hair 12 has a ups and downs, and the fighting spirit is coming back.

Thinking of Fang Yuan, he subconsciously went to the top of the list of Langya School’s contribution list.

The last big four-nation alliance allowed Fang Yuan to make thousands of sect contributions, and the specific amount was to make the rest of the Hairyman Gu Immortals envious of drooling.

Recently, however, because Fang Yuan has released a large number of refining gu tasks, his sect contribution has continued to decline, and the rate of reduction is still very fast.

Although Fang Yuan’s name dominates the top of the sect contribution, the second place, Hairyman Gu Immortal, is getting smaller and smaller.

Many Hairyman Gu Immortal are looking forward to the name of Fang Yuan’s, the moment of being overtaken.

Fang Yuan is Human Race Gu Immortal, with Rank 8 battle strength, surpassing him on a certain list, and the feeling of bringing other Hairyman Gu Immortal is very different.

This is a huge glory!

But a moment later, the entire body of Hair 12 suddenly stagnated.

He seems to have turned into a stone statue, motionless.

Because of the number after his saw Fang Yuan name.

“How can I contribute more than 15,000 sects?!” Hair 12 almost had an illusion.

Since the establishment of the Langya School, no one has ever received so many sect contributions.

At most, Fang Yuan, sect contributed more than two thousand, and then began to decline rapidly.

Now, Fang Yuan’s sect contribution, even a breakthrough of 10,000, more than five thousand!


This is an unprecedented record!

Hair 12 was shocked, but the next scene made him more shocked.

Fang Yuan’s sect contribution, constantly rising!

15,000, 18,000, 20,000, 30,000… 50,000, 60,000…

The numbers are climbing all the way up!

“Super, more than 80,000!” Hair 12 saw that the whole person was stupid. What makes him even more shocked is that Fang Yuan’s sect has contributed to the increase, and it has not stopped! !

When I had to go to more than 90,000, suddenly Fang Yuan’s contribution to the whole sect was reduced by more than 70,000!

There is only more than 10,000 left.

“how can it like like this?”

“don’t tell me I really refining gu too much, there is an illusion?”

“This, is this a dream?”

“Ah, no!”

Hair 12 suddenly shivered and he reacted.

“The whole sect contribution of more than 70,000 is suddenly gone. This must be Fang Yuan. He used it in exchange for Immortal Gu. Worse, bad, he won’t change my slave Immortal Gu?”

Hair 12 hurriedly took out another Information Dao Gu insect and hurry to bet.

After reviewing, he long spits out one mouthful of impure air: “It turned out that he was not the slave Immortal Gu, but the one of the Rank 7 Immortal Gu. so long as isn’t slave Immortal Gu “”

Just scare the baby!

Hair 12 pats your chest and relaxes.

This relaxation, suddenly let his eyes turn over and fainted on the spot.

It turned out that he was receiving wounds in the process of refining gu. At this time, his mood was ups and downs, and he naturally fell into a coma.

To achieve his goal, Fang Yuan returned to his own Cloud City.

In the secret room, he took out a brand new Immortal Gu.

This is a bunch of pale purple-colored dragon phantom smoke, which has no fixed shape and is uncertain.

Rank 7 Immortal Gu Dragon Breath !

It is because of the collection of Langya School that this immortal Gu, Fang Yuan finally chose Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.

In exchange for this Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan sold all of Gu Immortal’s souls, in addition to the large amount of cultivation content that Soul Search found.

Of course, there is something in it, Fang Yuan is kept in the hands. For example, some Dongfang Changfan’s Wisdom Dao means, critical content in Hei Fan True Inheritance, and so on.

This contributed to the contribution of Fang Yuan’s sect, which rose to a maximum of more than 90,000. In a short time, this number will be Fang Yuan’s peak, which is difficult to surpass.

Then, Fang Yuan used more than 70,000 sect contributions in exchange for the Rank 7 Transformation Dao Immortal Gu Dragon Breath.

All of a sudden, his sect contribution fell to more than 10,000.

However, it still occupies the top spot.

The second Gu Immortal’s contribution is only worth a thousand digits contributed by Fang Yuan sect.

The gap suddenly widened.

The position of the first place is so strong that it is like a giant mountain.

Of course, Fang Yuan does not care about what sect contributes to the list.

He didn’t know that Hair 12 was so up and down because of this incident that he passed out.

If you know it, Fang Yuan will think that he is too worried.

Not all Immortal Gus in Langya Blessed Land can be exchanged. The slave Immortal Gu, although in exchange for the content, is obviously left to the Hair 12 by the Langya Earth Spirit.

Fang Yuan can’t change even if he wants to change.

In addition, Rank 7 Immortal Gu Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus is actually not for sale.

This Immortal Gu originally is Origin Lotus Immortal Venerable’s Immortal Gu, which was later refining by Old Ancestor Long Haired and has been refined to Rank 8, integrated with Rank 8 Immortal Gu Home Refining Furnace.

A long time ago, Shadow Sect raided Langya Blessed Land, destroying Refined Furnace and snatching the core Immortal Gu. Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus, although left behind, suffered from trauma, falling from Rank 8 level by Rank 7 level.

Fang Yuan wants to exchange this Immortal Gu, unless the sale costs more, so that Langya Earth Spirit is tempted.

However, Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus is not very helpful for Fang Yuan’s. He calculated that after upgrading his own cultivation base directly to Rank 7 and the Red Jujube Immortal Essence in Immortal Aperture, it was enough.

For a simple Heavenly Origin Emperor Lotus, it is not worth the price.

Fang Yuan took some time to successfully integrate this Rank 7 Dragon Breath Gu with Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.

Transformation Dao’s Immortal Realm Ultimate Move is basically simple at a glance. Dragon Breath Gu is a natural part of Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.

Not to mention Fang Yuan or Transformation Dao Grandmaster Realm.

With this Rank 7 Immortal Gu Dragon Breath, Fang Yuan doesn’t need any Dragon Breath mortal gu at all.

Just like Hei Fan True Inheritance, Hei Fan wants to succeed Day Gual and Month Gu of Immortal Rank. Because of the fact that Hei Fan uses the Ammortal Realm Ultimate Move, such as A Day Drags Past Like A Year, it does not cost that many common level Day Gu, Month Gu.

It is very convenient to have the corresponding Immortal Gu.

It also saves the difficulty of Gu Immortal manipulates ultimate move.

There are still a lot of improvements!

Take a deep breath and Fang Yuan tries to play Sword Flood Dragon Transformation again!

Silver light 璀璨, rushing.

Looking at these momentums, you know that the fordable power of Sword Flood Dragon Transformation is more than doubled.

In the silver light, a Flood Dragon reveals the figure. Its body size is more than doubled than before, and the entire dragon body is more than four feet long.

The dragon’s eye is still pale and colorless. The Dragon Scale is wider and thicker than before. There are two more Dragon Claws, and there are four Dragon Claws. The forks on the Dragon Horn have increased and the spikes are empty.

Fang Yuan experimented a lot, and the quality of all aspects has been greatly improved.

“After adding the Rank 7 Dragon Breath Immortal Gu, this is the Far Ancient Desolate Beast Sword Flood Dragon.” Fang Yuan knows it.

In this case, the Immortal Realm Ultimate Move, Fang Yuan can take a take action in the bloody battle.

The previous Sword Flood Dragon Transformation didn’t work.

Can only bully some Rank 6 ordinary Gu Immortal.

The current Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon is qualified to compete with Rank 7 Gu Immortal.

Next, it is the most important part.

Fang Yuan is also a little nervous.

He drove the dragon body and flew to a new and complete Wuqing Moss.

Flood Dragon Breath !

Fang Yuan opened the mouth and spit out a Dragon Breath.

In an instant, the pure white sword light is fleeting.

Kā chā A crisp sound, Wuqing ink stone was with no difficulty.

Not only that, but the sword light Yu Wei is even more immersed in the entire secret room.

Fang Yuan’s The Cloud City suddenly vibrated abruptly, making a muffled sound, and a large number of Gu insects forming a secret chamber died in an instant.

“I have already controlled Strength Dao. The Dragon Breath of the greater part has been taken over by Wu Qing Mo Shi. It just blew a little more than nothing.” In the eyes of Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, there is a strong smile.

Fang Yuan was just a small test, and found that the surrounding environment was a bit unbearable.

Cloud City, despite its exquisite structure, has spent countless thoughts on Hairyman Gu Immortals, but it is only Mortal Gu Home, and can’t stand the Breathe out of Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon.

Green Grape Immortal Essence continues to consume and maintains the shape of the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon.

Obviously, the consumption of immortal essence is much faster.

There must be something wrong.

After all, adding a Rank 7 Immortal Gu Dragon Breath, the entire Immortal Realm Ultimate Move Sword Flood Dragon Transformation has improved a grade, immortal essence is inevitable.

“It’s no longer possible to practice in Cloud City. Langya Blessed Land is also a lot of people, out of Langya Blessed Land, and more to be watched by Will of Heaven’s.”

“It seems that I have to drop a special shot of Paragon Immortal Aperture to explore the limits of Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon Transformation.”

“Dragon Breath, which is now vomiting, has reached the Rank 7 battle strength, and the effect is quite good, and the consumption is still small. Then after changing to the Far Ancient Sword Flood Dragon, using Sword Mark Demanding Life, Divergent Dark Murder, Threefold Sword Wave, there will be How much power?”

Fang Yuan can’t help but I am looking forward to it.

He acted resolutely and immediately flew out of Cloud City and transmitted it through Super Gu Formation.

“Fang Yuan is gone. He even exchanged for Dragon Breath Immortal Gu. Why is this?” In the dark, Sixth Hair mobilized the investigative means, cast a focus on attention, until the Super Gu Formation started, Fang Yuan’s silhouette disappeared completely in his Perceived.

After the sect contribution list changes, Sixth Hair is full of uneasiness.

Fang Yuan’s speed of development once again exceeded his estimate. And the direction of development also made him somewhat incomprehensible.

“Fang Yuan is naturally impossible for no reason, in exchange for a useless Immortal Gu. No, I have to tell this information to Sir Ying Wuxie.” Sixth Hair is worried.

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